Trick of the Light

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Authors: Rob Thurman

BOOK: Trick of the Light
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Praise for the Novels of Rob Thurman
Trick of the Light
“Rob Thurman’s new series has all the great elements I’ve come to expect from this writer: an engaging pro tagonist, fast-paced adventure, a touch of sensuality, and a surprise twist that’ll make you blink.”

New York Times
bestselling author Charlaine Harris
“Thurman continues to deliver strong tales of dark urban fantasy. . . . Fans of street-level urban fantasy will enjoy this new novel greatly.”
“I think if you love the Winchester boys of
, there’s a good chance you will love the Leandros brothers of Thurman’s books. . . . One of
’s strengths is Cal’s narrative voice, which is never anything less than sardonic. Another strength is the dialogue, which is just as sharp and, depending on your sense of humor, hysterical.”
—Dear Author . . .
“A fast-paced and exciting novel . . . fans of urban fantasy will love this series.”

Affaire de Coeur
“If you enjoyed the first two wisecracking urban adventures, you won’t be disappointed with this one; it has just enough action, angst, sarcasm, mystery, mayhem, and murder to keep you turning the pages to the very end.”
—BookSpot Central
“[Cal and Niko] are back and better than ever . . . a fast-paced story full of action.”
“A strong second volume . . . Cal continues to be a wonderful narrator, and his perspective on the world is one of the highlights of this book. . . . The plotting is tight and fast-paced, and the world building is top-notch.”

Romantic Times
“A roaring roller coaster of a read . . . [it’ll] take your breath away. Supernatural highs and lows, and a hell of a lean over at the corners. Sharp and sardonic, mischievous and mysterious. . . . The truth is Out There, and it’s not very pretty.”
—Simon R. Green
“A strong first novel.”
“Cal’s a sarcastic, sardonic narrator who pulls the reader into his world, both the good and the bad. Tightly plotted and fast-paced . . . full of twists and turns.”

Romantic Times
“A subtly warped world compellingly built by Thurman. . . . This book has an absolutely marvelous voice in Cal’s first-person narrative. The combination of Chandleresque detective dialogue and a lyrically noir style of description is stunningly original.”
—The Green Man Review
“A damn fine book, and excellent first effort.”
“Gripping, fast-paced fantasy.”
—Fresh Fiction
“Engaging. . . . The characters are well-drawn and memorable.”
“Milk and Cookies”
Wolfsbane and Mistletoe
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First printing, September 2009
eISBN : 978-1-101-13622-5
Copyright © Robyn Thurman, 2009
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To the real Leo.
Thanks for letting me borrow your name.
You will never be forgotten.
I would like to thank my mom—an ass-kicking woman in her own right. No demon would dare cross her path. I would also like to thank my evil twin, Shannon (your ability to not strangle me on a daily basis continues to amaze me); my patient editor, Anne Sowards; my infallible link to the publishing world, Cam Dufty; Brian McKay (the Once and Future King of copy writing); kind and wonderful author Charlaine Harris; Agent Jeff Thurman of the FBI for the usual weapons advice; the incomparable art and design team of Chris Mc-Grath (an art
) and Ray Lundgren; Jennifer Jackson; Tony Lopes for his weak negotiation skills in the matter of one Slimer; great and lasting friends Michael and Sarah-of-the-red-shoes; Mara—keep those books coming; and last but never least, my fans—all of you are what makes this worthwhile. And a special thanks to Marjorie Liu for her inspired assistance with the photo situation.
Chapter 1
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven
. I’d read that in a book once, a fairly famous one. Right now I was going with the time of reaping. Fire had been sown and fire would be reaped. Now. By me, personally. Why?
One: Fire burns. Fire destroys. Fire cleanses.
Two: Fire drives up your insurance rates like crazy.
Three: It was deserved. Oh yes, it was very much deserved.
And how do I know this? A lot of ways, but mainly because I know there are demons in the world. Monsters. Creatures that would steal and eat your soul. Devils that would . . .
Wait. You’ve heard this before, right? Seen the movies. Read the books. You might hide under your covers at night or avoid the deepest shadows of the darkest alleys and pretend all’s right with the world, but you know. I don’t need to tell you. I don’t need to show you the light . . . or the dark.
You know.
Like me, you know. Even if you don’t want to admit it.

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