His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males) (24 page)

BOOK: His Big Reveal: An Interracial BWWM Billionaire Romance (BWWM Alpha Males)
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She stared at him for a long moment thinking how handsome he was. Then she cracked up laughing. “Okay Jase, I can believe that.” He might be the first guy who ever wanted her for her body, but it was a nice feeling.

“So you’ll go out with me?”

Hell yes!
“I will but on one condition.” She took in the expensive cut of his jacket and peeked under the table at his shoes. Tapping her chin she kept her gaze trained on him.

Jase’s stomach fell. He saw the way she took in his expensive clothes and shoes and his hope that she was different, took a nosedive. “Enjoying the view?”

She winced at his sharp tone. “You’re definitely attractive, don’t get me wrong but…,”


“I’ll go out with you but I don’t want to go to some fancy place. You look like a guy who gets fancy on the first date and I’m just a scientist. I don’t do well at those places. Can you do that?”

A slow smile spread across his face at her words. “I can definitely do that Shelly.”

“Then you have yourself a date.”

“Great. Now tell me about this shirt,” he gestured to the black and gold shirt that read
All the good chemistry jokes argon
. She laughed and explained it to him. “I look forward to seeing more of these cute nerd girl shirts.” He couldn’t stop the smile on his face. His words relieved him and made him so happy she wasn’t like his usual girl. “One more thing Shelly, I have a feeling you’re hiding killer legs under those ugly pants so please, wear a skirt for our date.” He winked, paid the bill and left with a smile.




Shelly couldn’t stop smiling the whole drive home, riding high on her unexpected lunch with Jase. She’d gotten a quick confidence boost and a date! She pulled up to her house, happy that Cari had forced her to buy a sexy little dress and more lingerie than she needed given her nonexistent sex life. Now that lingerie may have an audience after all!

She spotted her neighbor Drew in his yard and offered up a wave and a smile. The man was an attractive widower with a sweet disposition but she didn’t know him well. When she stepped from the car Drew was headed her way. “Hi Drew,” she smiled and turned to get her shopping bags.

“Hi Shelly. How are you today?”

She kept a friendly smile. “Pretty good. I went shopping and bought myself lunch. How are you?”

“Not too bad,” he smiled sweetly. “I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me tomorrow?”

Shelly was surprised to say the least. This was the longest conversation they’d ever had and he was asking her out? It didn’t seem normal but she figured he must be really lonely since his wife Sheryl had been dead for about three years. “Sure,” she wavered. Drew was nice and he was probably the type of guy she be aiming for, not a sex god like Jase.

Drew’s face transformed when he smiled. “Great! I’ll pick you up tomorrow around noon, okay?”

She nodded and watched, dumbfounded as he walked away with a new energy in his step.

Inside her house she quickly dialed Cari. “This has been the strangest day and I’m not even talking about you forcing me to buy racy lingerie.” She took a deep breath and explained everything that happened from the moment Jase sat down at the diner to Drew asking her on a date tomorrow.

“Damn Shelly, way to go! Yesterday you were feeling down and out and today you’ve got two dates lined up! But I will tell you to be careful with your neighbor. He’s good looking but he’s not over his dead wife.”

Shelly was quiet. “Maybe but don’t you think he’s more the guy I should be with? He’s good looking but he’s nowhere near as hot as Jase, he’s quiet and stable.”

“You mean Drew is less likely to break your heart, right?”

She sighed, dammit, her best friend knew her so well. “That’s part of it I guess.” She could already feel that Jase would give her passion greater than she had ever known. He would be fun and sweet and caring and sexy as hell. Which meant
had the potential to really hurt her. “Drew is safe.”

“Yeah and that’s why you have absolutely no chemistry with him. But do what you have to do, go and prove me right. I dare you.” Cari laughed on the phone, her evil laugh.

“Yeah well I already said yes so
,” she stuck her tongue out even though her friend couldn’t see it.


Chapter Two


Shelly was putting the finishing touches on her outfit when the doorbell rang. “Shoot,” she grumbled as she searched for her other brown leather boot. “Just a second,” she yelled even though she knew he wouldn’t be able to hear her. Still coming up empty with the boot, she slipped the other one off and went to answer the door. “Hi Drew, I need to find shoes so come in for a minute.”

His smile faltered. “Hi Shelly. You look lovely, but”

“But?” Hands on her hips, she turned and glared at him.

“But that outfit isn’t really appropriate for where we’re going.” He nervously adjusted his red windbreaker under her glare.

“Okay,” she said reigning in her temper. “Where is it we’re going?”

A sly smile crossed his face. “Well it’s a surprise but you should probably wear jeans instead of that skirt.”

“Fine.” She turned on her heels and stomped up the stairs. Inside her bedroom she grabbed a dark grey pair of jeans, shimmied inside them and slid on a pair of knee-high black boots. She was decidedly less excited about this date but she owed him a fair chance. “Alright, I’m ready.”

Drew’s smile brightened. “Great, let’s head out!”

A silent thirty minute drive later they arrived at an expansive orchard. The scenery was beautiful but she felt disappointed that this was what he’d chosen as a first date. “An orchard?”

His smile was bright. “Yep! I thought it’d be fun. Sheryl and I used to do this at least once every fall.”

Cari’s words rang in her head.
He’s not over his dead wife.
She shook off the thought and pasted on a smile. “Let’s go have a look.” She tried to keep an open mind and while she did enjoy seeing the leaves changing and tasting the apple cider and the fresh apple pie. It was fun but it was the type of fun you have with a long term partner or a group of friends. “So Drew tell me a bit about yourself.”

“Well I’m a computer programmer and I love my work. I was married for almost ten years before Sheryl died of cancer and I love to garden.” He gave her a big smile as though he’d revealed some useful information.

“Okay,” she prompted but turned her attention back to the scenery when it became clear he wouldn’t be adding more information. He obviously wasn’t interested in her because he didn’t ask any questions. “I teach high school chemistry,” she said but Drew seemed lost in his own little world. She just continued to walk in silence and waited for him to participate in the date.

At dinner Drew was a bit more talkative, unfortunately his favorite topic of conversation was his wife and her favorite things. She ordered sea bass and a vegetable medley and was promptly told that Sheryl preferred salmon because it wasn’t as fatty. She ordered a pilsner to go with her meal was told that Sheryl preferred wine. After the black forest cake was delivered she learned that Sheryl preferred pie, chocolate mousse pie. “So is this your first date since your wife died?”

Drew’s nose scrunched up in a cute way, reminiscent of a small child. “No. I’ve been on a few but the women weren’t right.”

What an odd way of putting things, she thought as a sinking feeling washed over her. She thought a guy like Drew would be the right type of guy for her, but did that mean she was doomed to this life of boredom and dead wife comparisons? That couldn’t be right, could it? “What does that mean? You didn’t click?”

“We didn’t but they weren’t quite right,” he said again.

“Okay. Tell me
they weren’t right.” Her curiosity was getting the better of her.

“They wouldn’t make good wives.”

And you could tell that after one date?”

He smiled and gestured for the bill. “Yes. The good news is I’d like a second date with you.”

Oh great, lucky me
. The entire drive from the restaurant Shelly thought about her life and what it would be like if Drew was her man. Would they spend weekends acting like an old married couple? Would there be passion or would sex be missionary with the lights off? She couldn’t imagine it and worse, she couldn’t image Drew anywhere in it. But didn’t she owe it to herself to give him a fair shake?

“Thanks for a wonderful night,” Drew said with a halfhearted smile.

Shelly looked around and realized they were in his driveway and he was saying goodbye. In his car. “Yeah thanks.” She stepped out and turned to Drew only to see his back as he walked up the small steps leading to his own house. “I guess I’ll see myself to the door.”




After a bad—really bad—date with Drew Shelly wasn’t quite as excited as she should be about her date with Jase. But when she pulled the teal dress over her body and felt the silky material caress her skin she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and…she smiled. The woman staring back at her with attractive, beautiful some might say, sexy and confident. The color of the dress complimented her brown skin, her shoes were sexy and made her look like she had long legs. And the lingerie Cari forced her to buy, well it made her feel like a sensual woman.

She twirled and laughed at her own transformation until the doorbell interrupted her celebration. “Oh!” She ran down the stairs in her stocking feet, took a moment to calm down and pulled it up. “Damn you clean up well!” Eyes wide with shock, she covered her mouth mortified she’d said that aloud.

Jase laughed at her accidental admission and opened each side of his jacket like a model. “Why thank you Shelly, I wanted to look my best for you,” he batted his eyelashes at her, making her laugh.

“I mean, you look amazing but... I didn’t mean to say that aloud.”

He gave her a heart stopping smile. “I love a woman who isn’t afraid to compliment a man. Plus, I
clean up well.” He winked. “Now let’s talk about this spectacular little number wrapped around your sexy body. Wow.” He gestured for her to twirl around but she held up a finger and disappeared into a closet. She emerged a few seconds later, slightly taller with a more exaggerated sway stopping a few feet from him. And then she turned so give him the full effect. He laughed and stepped closer, whispering in her ear, “You look better than every dream I had about you this week.”

Shelly stumbled at his words and sucked in a much needed breath when his strong arms wrapped around her waist to steady her. “Wow. Thanks,” she murmured. This guy was extra potent, she’d have to be careful before she found herself begging him to take her right here in the foyer.

“I’d be happy to take you right here, right now Shelly. But I’m a gentleman and I require dinner first.” He lifted his nose in a haughty way and they both laughed.

She covered her eyes. “Apparently I’m going to set a record for embarrassing myself tonight so you have my permission to enjoy the show.” She grabbed a sweater and her clutch from the table and locked the door.

With his hand at her back Jase guided her to his car. “I do love the things that come out of your mouth. So far it’s all good.”

“Yeah well good for you, not so much for me.”

She laughed and they chatted and got to know each other on the way to the restaurant. “So where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Hmph,” she said with fake anger.

They parked and walked about a block, stopping at a nondescript building with a red door. He opened it and kept his hand on the small of her back as he pushed her in. “Don’t worry, there are no alligator pits inside,” he whispered in her ear.

“Good because I only eat alligators for breakfast.”

Jase laughed and helped her out of her sweater. “You always make me laugh Shelly.”

“Oh Jase my boy! You’ve finally come back.”

Jase smiled at the loud accented voice and gathered the old man in a hug. “Vincento it has been way too long. How are you?” He listened as the man rambled on in a mixture of English and Italian. “Good, good. And where is that beautiful wife of yours?”

Vincento looked around him at Shelly. “Who is this vision before me looking lovelier than the sea?” He walked forward and took her hands in his, kissing both her cheeks. “You are lovely, what are you doing with this guy?”

She laughed and kissed his cheek. “I’m only with him because he promised me world class Italian food.” She winked and they both laughed.

“I like this one.” He pushed them both forward. “Come, come. Let’s get you seated and my Sofia will come out to say hello.”

They were seated and a very small elderly woman shuffled to them with a bottle of wine and two glasses. “Jase it’s so good to see you again!” She bent to kiss his cheeks. “Now you pour for the pretty lady and I’ll bring you my specials, okay?” She walked away before they could agree or disagree with her.

“Friends of yours?” She smiled at him, a feeling of warmth engulfed her at the way he treated the older couple.

He blushed. “I worked here in college and business school. Vincento and Sofia are like parents to me.”

She tilted her head and smiled. “It shows.”

The rest of dinner continued in the same way. Shelly couldn’t remember ever having such a wonderful date. They laughed and flirted and ate way too much really good food. He paid the check and left a very large tip for the owners. “Okay now we need to go work off some of these calories.” He laughed at the look on her face. “Get your mind out the gutter woman and come on!”

Her entire body shook with laughter. “Now I’m positive I’m reached my limit of embarrassing moments on one date.”

He pulled her up and planted a soft kiss on her lips. “Don’t be. I plan to do that to you
soon. But now I have something else in mind.” He grabbed her hand and practically pulled her several blocks until they stopped outside a craft shop and stepped in.

“Pumpkin carving!”

Jase’s heart skipped a beat at the smiled she gave him and the glow in her eyes. He would spend forever carving pumpkins to be on the receiving end of that stunning smile. “Why not?”

“Exactly! I love pumpkin carving!”

The little hop dance move made her full breasts jiggle and made Jase glad he was wearing a jacket. “Then let’s go. I must warn you, I’m something of an
” he twisted his fake French moustache.

“You’re going down Jase.”

I can’t wait
. He smiled and they were lead to their stations.

Ninety minutes later they were walking out with four large pumpkins and laughing wildly. “That was so much fun Jase! God this is the best date I’ve ever had.”

He laughed when she groaned. “I’m sad that the assholes you’ve dated don’t realize how incredible you are but I can’t say I’m sorry to be the one to give you such a fantastic night.”

“I’m not sorry either. You’re different than I thought, but totally in a good way.”

“I’d kiss you right now but I’m pretty sure we’d end up with pumpkin all over us.” He really wanted to get a proper taste of those kissable pink lips. He’d been wondering all night what the gloss would taste like. Cherry? Strawberry?

“Promises, promises.”




“Oh man Cari it was so amazing!” Shelly gushed for nearly an hour about her date with Jase. She was still high just from the fun they’d had together. “And that goodnight kiss! Let’s just say I have never,
, been kissed like that before.” That kiss was so hot she still felt tingles between her legs. Jase’s lips were soft, capable and addictive.

Cari was clapping excitedly on the other end of the line. “Oh sweetie that is wonderful! I’m glad to hear that. And how about the rest, does he pass muster?”

“I didn’t sleep with him, you hoochie! I just let him kiss the hell out of me.” Not that she wouldn’t have slept with him, she smiled as she stirred the chili on the stove, but he was a gentleman and wanted to wait.

“Are you going to see him again?”

She nodded. “He said he would come over later today to drop off my pumpkins.”

“I still can’t believe he took you pumpkin carving. This guy sounds amazing.” Cari’s sigh was heavy with everything she didn’t say. “Since you haven’t said anything about your date with Drew, I’m assuming you’re not going on a second date?” When she was met with too much silence she huffed impatiently. “Why Shel? Give me one good reason.”

Honestly she didn’t have a
reason. “I already said yes and I’d feel bad breaking the date knowing he’s so lonely.” She explained about their very awkward date and the things he’d said about previous date.

“I’m telling you girl, he’s looking for a replacement for Sheryl and he’s got his sights set on you.”

Shelly shuddered. “Well that isn’t happening but that doesn’t mean I should blow him off.”

“It’s early enough that it isn’t blowing him off. It’s just cancelling.”

“I can’t do it Cari. It’s a few hours of my life. I can spare it.”

“Suit yourself. But you should tell Jase. He’d be pissed if he found out any other way.”

They’d been on one date, she didn’t owe him any explanations at this point. Besides she wasn’t
Drew, they were friends going…somewhere together. “I’ll think about it,” she said, making her way to the front to answer the door. “Cari I’ve got to go, there’s a tall blonde haired hottie at my door.”

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