Read Highlander's Rebellious Love Online

Authors: Donna Fletcher

Tags: #Adult, #Highlanders, #Historical romance

Highlander's Rebellious Love (21 page)

BOOK: Highlander's Rebellious Love
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“You cannot mean to attempt a rescue?” he asked incredulously.

“Anything is possible when it comes to freeing my sister.”

His usual pleasant countenance turned stern along with his tone. “You cannot be that foolish and if you dare try, it is one time you will find me forbidding you to do something.”

Patience looked at him as if he had suddenly turned into a complete stranger and her green eyes brightened with anger. “Fair warning, husband, like the Dark Dragon I do not take well to threats.”

“It is not a threat, but a promise.” And not wanting his temper flaring any further, Hunter rode off, leaving her staring after him.

It took all her willpower to stop herself from going after him and making it clear that not now or ever would she be dictated to by him. Other women might be able to tolerate such nonsense, but she would not.

After a few moments Una rode up beside her, Beast keeping pace next to her until something caught his interest and off he would go.

“He is a good dog,” Patience said while staring at Hunter’s back as he rode beside Edward who he had engaged in a humorous conversation, since both men laughed often. Why that should annoy her, she did not know, which annoyed her all the more.

“Marriage is not an easy lot,” Una said with a pleasant smile.

“Especially a marriage you had not planned on.”

“A planned one is just as much of a challenge, but then how can it not be when two strangers are thrown together and forced to wed?”

“Did you know Hunter’s father before marrying him?” Patience asked, curiosity poking at her.

“I met him the day we exchanged our vows and I cried during the whole ceremony, for I loved another and foolishly believed my father would let me wed him.” Una shook her head. “It was not a pleasant day. I was young and so terribly naïve. When I was finally alone with my new husband, I told him that I would never love him for I loved another, thinking he would not want me and release me from my vows.”

“What happened?”

She smiled, though it was with sadness. “Kevin told me he knew of my love for another, but marriage was not about love for those who must sacrifice for their clan. He told me he would treat me well and always keep me safe and all he asked of me was to be an obedient wife and give him sons and perhaps a daughter.” She wiped a tear from her eye. “He touched my heart with his patience and tenderness that night. Though he had a temper, he never raged against me. He kept his word and treated me well and kept me safe and after many years I realized that I loved him in my own way.” She smiled, this time happily. “I told him one night that I loved him. He wrapped me in his huge thick arms and told me he was happy that I finally did, for he had loved me on first sight. We had a good marriage and I was sad when he died.”

“But your heart always belonged to another?”

“My love for Ewan never faded and I believe his love for me remained just as strong, but we both knew it would never be and so we lived our lives with courage and did the only thing we could... we remained friends.”

“And now that you are both free?” Patience asked.

Una’s smile grew and a faint flush tinged her cheeks. “Who knows?”

Patience could not help but smile along with her. “Perhaps true love will prevail after all.”

Ewan rode up to them then and after a quick nod to Patience he turned to Una. “Beast is off foraging and I thought you would like to join him.”

Una’s face lit with delight. “I would,” she said eagerly and just before she urged her horse to join Ewan, she turned to Patience. “Beast learned his foraging from Saundra and no doubt he misses it and her as well.”

“Hopefully, he will be able to return to her soon,” Patience said.

Una’s face lost its joy. “He is much safer here and Saundra would want him safe.” She rode off with Ewan, her smile returning and his growing stronger.

Patience watched them and hoped that they would finally have their time together.

The day wore on and Patience’s growling stomach made her decide that they would camp early for the evening so that the warriors could hunt. She was surprised when Hunter decided to join them.

It was when she finished speaking with Edward and turned to leave that she stopped and wondered where to take herself. She had grown accustomed to Hunter arranging their sleeping pallet and glancing around the campsite, she saw that everyone was occupied with something. She did not wish to disturb Una and Ewan who appeared engrossed in a private conversation. Beast was stretched out by their fire, sound asleep and her warriors had their tasks to do before settling for the evening.

This was nonsense, she told herself. She did fine before Hunter came along and she would continue to so, then why did she feel so terribly alone? She shook off the empty feeling that pervaded her every thought and got busy fixing her bedding for the night.

With nothing to keep her occupied and her yawns coming much too frequently, she stretched out on the blanket for a nap.

A delicious scent woke her as did her growling stomach. She sat up with a broad stretch and a yawn. Her mouth remained open, actually dropped open, and her arms slowly fell to her side as her wide eyes settled on her husband’s naked back.

He was about an arm’s length away from her, crouched down by the fire, tending the meat on the spit. The scent of roses drifted off his wet hair and his skin glimmered from a fresh scrubbing, and her body tingled, sending a shiver through her.

She startled when he turned, and he reached out, his arm going around her back to stop her from falling. He held her effortlessly and she gazed into his gorgeous blue eyes that seemed to hold her captive, though it was more like she surrendered. The thought startled her even more and tinged her cheeks with heat.

Hunter’s mouth curved slowly into a smile and he lowered his head to whisper, “How much longer will you torture yourself and me? I am as hungry for you as you are for me, why not appease our hunger?”

“Aye, why not appease it and be done with it?” she said, thinking of how many times he must have so easily appeased his lust with a woman.

His smile grew. “Oh,
mo chridhe
, one time with you will only whet my appetite for more.”

She could not stop the shudder that racked her body, but then she also could not stop but think that she felt the same way. She would never get enough of him. She would always hunger for him and that made her wonder once again about love. Was this about appeasing hunger or was this about the feelings growing inside of her?

Chapter Nineteen

Hunter was not surprised to find himself alone when he woke the next morning. Last night had not been easy for either of them. Passion had remained high and fear that once he touched her he would not stop, had him keeping his distance from his wife. He also blamed his lusty state on not having been with a woman in almost a week, but then he was finding that he did not want just any woman... he wanted his wife.

He once again wished that he had never left it up to her to decide when they would consummate their vows. But the deed had been done and he would have to wait—he smiled—though he could help the inevitable along.

He joined his mum and Ewan, sharing the dwindling supply of bread and cheese. He was pleased to see her smiling so often. Life had not been easy for her after his father had died, and he could only imagine the fury his da would have unleashed on Greer for treating their mum so badly. The time would come when he would see his brother pay for it and other evil deeds he had done.

“Will you be leaving us when you reach Gullie Loch and let Noble know it is not yet safe to return home?” Hunter asked Ewan and saw that his mum tensed at the question.

“No, I have sent word to him to stay put. I think it is best I remain with your mum.” Ewan reached out and took her hand, then quickly turned to Hunter. “And you, until you both reach the safe haven of your new home.”

“That is kind of you, Ewan, but not necessary. I have and will continue to protect my mum.”

Hunter waited for the sharp-eyed, annoyed look his mother would turn on him and his brothers whenever she did not approve of something they had said or done. Greer had been a constant recipient of it and as usual it had been lost on him. Not so much Rab and Hunter.

The look came swiftly as did a response to his remark. “Nonsense, Hunter. Ewan has kindly offered his help and we should generously accept it.”

“If you insist, Mum,” Hunter said, smiling and proving to himself that his mum and Ewan did not want to be parted just yet.

Word circulated to break camp and be ready to leave soon.

With everyone busy, Hunter went to find his wife.


Last night crept into Patience’s thoughts far too often and was the reason she had had a restless night. Of course, it had not helped sleeping in such close proximity to Hunter. And damn, damn, damn if she did not think of him bent over the fire half naked and what followed every time she caught the scent of roses, which of course meant every time she washed.

She shook her head and mumbled.

“Talking to yourself, wife?”

Patience rolled her eyes and groaned, though not loud enough for him to hear. She looked up and she felt her stomach catch at the sight of him. His features were much too alluring as was his body, and then there was the way he exuded confidence and charm, as if it came naturally to him.

The thought came so sudden that it shot out of her mouth before she could grab hold of it. “If you ever cheat on me, I will make sure it is the last time you ever enjoy any woman.”

Her angry threat brought him to an abrupt halt and a smile to his face. “You are jealous and that pleases me since it means that you are beginning to care for me, perhaps even more than you realize.”

“I have no time for such nonsense,” she said tersely and went to walk past him.

He grabbed her around the waist and yanked her up against him. “There is always time for such nonsense.” He kissed her and she squirmed in protest, though not for long.

She could not deny his kiss. She craved it, though her body craved much more. It would not be long before she surrendered, not to him, but to her own desires. And the thought sent gooseflesh running over her and a shiver running through her.

Her tingle rippled along his body, teasing his already alert manhood. He wisely ended their kiss and rested his brow against hers. “You are the only woman I want to make love to.”

“You will be satisfied with merely one, when you have had such a variety?”

He drew his head back, his brow scrunching. “Do you worry you will not satisfy me?”

“Can any one woman satisfy you?”

“Aye, my wife.”

“Why me?”

He leaned close and whispered, “Make love with me and find out.”

She patted his cheek, smiled, and before walking away said, “In time.”


“You set a slower pace today,” Hunter said, riding alongside her.

“I am not anxious to leave the Dark Dragon’s land just yet. Besides, it provides us with a modicum of safety from your brother.”

“Do not completely disregard Greer,” Hunter warned.

“I am not that foolish. With the anger that rages in that man, there is no telling what he is capable of doing.”

“He is capable of anything.”

Patience detected a hint of anger in his voice and she could only wonder at the cause.

“I would not be surprised if his men lay in wait for us beyond the Dark Dragon’s border.” “I thought the same myself so I ordered more men to be brought to meet us, hopefully in time, once we leave his land.” She shook her head. “Though, I cannot help but feel your brother will not wait that long. I would not, for it would bring me too close to my enemy’s land.”

“What would you do?” Hunter asked curious, for never had he known a woman with such excellent instinct for people and battle.

“It is not what I would do that matters. Knowing what your enemy would do is what makes the difference. And what little I know of Greer, I believe he would stop at nothing to see you dead.”

“With my marriage to you, he has more of an excuse to see it done now than ever before.”

“He will not take my husband from me,” Patience said adamantly.

Hunter grinned. “You worry over me that much, do you?”

She returned his grin and said, “As much as you do for me.”

Edward rode up then, ending their conversation.


The day wore on and clouds captured the sun. With hours to go before they camped for the night, Patience ordered a respite. Her warriors remained on alert, keeping a keen eye on their surroundings. Edward had informed her that ghost warriors continued to trail them and when she saw that Ewan was nowhere in sight, she wondered if he went to meet with them. Hunter sat with his mother since she was alone, even Beast had deserted her.

She walked over to join them and was sitting only a few minutes with them when Ewan rushed out of the woods, Beast at his side, and hurried over to them.

“We have a problem,” Ewan said and Hunter and Patience got to their feet. “There is a large troop of mercenaries that are about to descend on us from the north. We are greatly outnumbered. It will be a bloodbath.”

“What of the Dark Dragon?” Hunter said. “He wants no blood spilled on his land. Will he not stop it?”

“Word has gone out to the Dark Dragon, but there is not enough time to get more warriors here. I would give him a day or two, at the most, before he could clear the mercenaries from his land,” Ewan explained.

“Edward,” Patience called out and the warrior hurried to her side. “An army of mercenaries are about to attack, we need to divide. Send two warriors in all directions, except north, with instructions to meet in two days’ time at Eddleston Abbey and one to my father to let him know what goes on. You know the orders. If by the next morning—the third day—not all have arrived at the abbey, then those who are there are to leave and head home.”

Edward nodded. “I will see you at the abbey. Keep safe.” He hurried off and within seconds pairs of warriors began mounting their horses and riding off in different directions.

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