Highlander's Rebellious Love (20 page)

Read Highlander's Rebellious Love Online

Authors: Donna Fletcher

Tags: #Adult, #Highlanders, #Historical romance

BOOK: Highlander's Rebellious Love
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He hurried her off his lap and stood, not trusting himself to cart her off into the woods and make love to her. He pointed a finger at her. “Be aware, wife, that you are making it nearly impossible for me to keep my word.” He turned and rushed off, the utter innocent look on her face, making him want her all the more.

Patience stared after him stunned, though not by his remark, but by her disappointment that he had left her. Her body raged with a need for him that had her wanting to go after him and demand he make love to her.

“You will not,” she ordered sternly to herself.

She actually had to fight the feeling, it was so strong.

“The time will come, but not now,” she reminded herself in a soft whisper.

Though her words were true enough, they did not help calm her need. She wanted him now and her body refused to relinquish its ache. She dropped down on the blanket, turning on her side. She forced herself to think of something else and was relieved when thoughts of Heather entered her mind. Soon, she was thinking of various ways that could prove helpful in locating her sister and what could be done once she did. The busy thoughts tired her even more and before she realized it she was sound asleep.

Hunter found her curled on her side and he placed a blanket over her and left her undisturbed. He had thought to wake her so that she could eat, but she needed rest. He would see that she got food in the morning before they started out for the day’s journey.

He did not trust himself to join her, so instead he took himself off to eat with her warriors and to take her watch.


Patience did not know what startled her awake. The camp was quiet, nothing seemed to stir. Then she heard it... her sister Heather’s voice, calling out to her. She sounded frightened and desperate, and Patience’s stomach clenched. In her fear, Heather was reaching out to her. Her sisters had always had a strong bound. When Emma was young and they thought her lost, Heather had heard her in her thoughts and they soon found Emma foraging in the woods.

That Heather should attempt to reach out to Patience now made her realize how desperate Heather must feel, and her heart ached for her sister, while her anger soared. She was about to sit up, too overwrought to sleep when she caught a shadowy movement out of the corner of her eye. She watched the figure creep into the woods and from his shape and size, she realized it was Ewan. She did not hesitate. She got up and followed him.

It was not easy to follow Ewan in the dark, but Patience managed to keep his shadowy figure in sight while keeping a safe distance. She came to a halt when she saw him stop between two trees and look as if he waited. It was only a moment later that a man dropped from one of the trees giving Ewan and herself a start, though she made no sound.

She wanted to creep closer, but feared they would hear her, especially the ghost warrior. Though he wore no paint on his face, he was obviously one of the Dark Dragon’s men and she was curious to know what news he had brought Ewan.

Frustrated that she caught only a word here or there, she took a chance and crept silently as possible, closer to them.

“What do I tell her?” Ewan said, sounding as frustrated as she felt.

“Whatever you must to make certain she returns home,” the warrior advised. “All is set and will be done soon enough, then there will be nothing she can do.”

Ewan laughed. “Underestimating Patience would be a huge mistake.”

“Thinking the Dark Dragon has done so would be an even larger mistake,” the warrior warned. “Do what you must and you will hear from him soon.”

Ewan nodded and the warrior disappeared into the darkness, Patience following after him.

Chapter Eighteen

Sunrise was just peeking over the horizon as Hunter stretched his arms up and out. He had slept beside his wife for a few hours, then woke and went to inform Edward that he would take Patience’s watch. Edward had first denied that his help was needed, but Hunter could be persuasive and with a few well-chosen words, a grin, and a laugh he had Edward finally agreeing. Though, Hunter had noticed that the other warriors on watch had checked on him more than was necessary. Still, he had given his wife another good night’s rest.

Besides, it was time he got to know her warriors and for them to know him. They had to see for themselves that he presented no threat to Patience or to them and that he was pleased and honored to be part of the Macinnes clan. And that he would fight with his life to protect it just as they did.

Once the next warrior on duty arrived, Hunter entered the camp, not surprised to see everyone up and about, preparing for another day’s journey. He looked about for his wife and when he did not spot her, he went and asked his mum and Ewan if they had seen her. After the two of them had informed him that they had not, he went and asked Edward.

“I have not seen her, though I noticed her sleeping pallet was empty when I woke,” Edward said and scrunched his brow.

“What is wrong?” Hunter asked.

“Patience insists that all our whereabouts must be known at all times. It is very odd that she should go off without telling anyone, unless it was unavoidable.”

Hunter did not like what Edward implied. It would mean that Patience had to make a quick decision and had no time to inform anyone of what she was about to do.

“She could have been in the woods and saw something that she felt she had to pursue. Patience is no fool. She would leave tracks for us to follow.”

“And what if others came upon her without her notice and simply snatched her up?” Hunter asked annoyed that the man was not more worried about her.

“If it were not for the ghost warriors, I would find that an unlikely possibility and I still do since they have made no effort to truly hide the fact that they follow us.”

That reminder only worried Hunter more. What could have happened to her? Could she have simply had an accident and was unable to return? Had a band of renegades come across her? Hunter ran his fingers through his hair more frustrated and frightened than ever. She was his wife. It was his duty to protect her whether she wanted him to or not. And Patience was far from invincible, though she did not think so.

Edward suddenly smiled and pointed. “There she is.”

Hunter turned and saw her step out of the woods and head his way. He was never so relieved in his life and that startled him all the more. He truly cared for this woman and his feelings for her were growing stronger by the day.

He was ready to reach out and grab her, when she stepped around him and went to Edward. He held his arms firm at his sides as he turned to face her.

“Warriors will arrive momentarily,” she said and Edward nodded and left her side with haste.

Hunter went to speak and Patience quickly said, “Not now.”

Her dismissal infuriated him and he fisted his hands so tightly that his knuckles turned white.

Beast’s loud bark had Hunter turning to see the dog take a protective stance in front of his mum, and Ewan moved to stand directly at her side. He turned to do the same to his wife, but she was already stepping around him to take a stand several feet in front of him. Her stance was firm and her hand rested on the hilt of her dagger tucked at her waist.

A few of her warriors hurried to spread out behind her while her other warriors formed a half circle to the rear of the camp.

The ghost warriors stepped out of the woods in unison, forming a line directly across from Patience and her warriors.

One warrior stepped forward. “There will be a meeting. You are to go home and the Dark Dragon will send word when and where it will take place.”

“Not good enough,” Patience said her tone strong and confident. “I want my sister brought to me before I leave his land and I will not leave his land until he does. Remind him that he has no right to keep my sister against her will. And remind him again that I will cut out his bloody, evil heart if he harms her in any way.”

“No one commands the Dark Dragon,” the ghost warrior warned.

Patience took several quick steps forward and jabbed her finger in the air at the warrior. “And no one, not even the infamous Dark Dragon himself, abducts my sister and thinks my family will do nothing about it. He is dead, do you hear me,” she shouted. “Dead, if he does not bring my sister to me.”

“I will take your message to him, and you will return home,” the warrior said.

Patience took another step toward him and pointed her finger at him. “I listened to you and your men talk before I let you discover that I was there watching and hearing all you had to say. So, now I know where the Dark Dragon’s land ends and it is there I will wait until he brings me my sister.”

“You are a fool-headed woman,” the warrior said.

“Remember that, for there is nothing I will not do to get my sister back.”

The warrior stared at her a moment, then raised his arm and all the ghost warriors stepped back and disappeared into the woods.

Patience turned to her warriors. “Break camp. We leave soon.” She waved Edward over to her. “Send a warrior ahead to let my father know what goes on here and that my return will be delayed.”

Edward nodded and took himself off to do as she had instructed.

When she finally turned her attention on her husband, Hunter stepped forward with a smile, grabbed her arm, and hurried her along to a more private spot.

“You go off without letting anyone know where you go?” he said, fighting to keep the anger out of his voice.

Patience yanked her arm free. “I do not have to explain myself to you.”

“Aye, you do. You are my wife and your well-being is my concern.”

“It is a duty you need not concern yourself with.”

He shook his head, his smile fading. “You cannot be serious. You think that it is out of duty that I say this and that I would not care what happened to you or if you were in danger or God forbid had an accident and were unable to return home? You think I would not go out of my mind with worry? That I would simply sit idle and wait? Think again, wife, for that will never happen.”

It took a moment for his words to penetrate. Was he saying that he cared for her?

While he had not raised his voice, it did soften as he said, “We are one now,
mo chridhe
. Anything that harms you harms me as well. Any danger to you is danger to me. There is no separating us; we are bound together.”

“Out of duty,” she said and felt a stab of regret.

“Unless we allow otherwise.”

She opened her mouth to respond, but he captured it in a potent kiss. His arm went around her waist and he drew her up against him, squeezing her tightly. She did not mind. It felt good to be in his arms, to feel his lips on her, and to feel as if he truly loved her.

When he ended the kiss, he whispered near her ear, “Do not frighten me like that again,
mo chridhe
, or you will drive me mad with worry.”

She felt a rush through her body and a catch to her heart. How was it that this man could affect her so? She had trained herself to show no emotion, but when he took her in his arms that seemed all but impossible. She felt things like never before. It was as if he had sparked something to life that had been missing. And now she never wanted to let it go.

Could he be right? Could they allow otherwise? Could they possibly fall in love?

Voices distracted her and she sighed, remembering that they were not alone, though wishing they were. She peered beyond the slim trees where they stood to see her warriors busy carrying out her orders. It brought her back to the situation at hand.

She did not want to, but she had no choice but to say, “We need to go”

There was much more that Hunter wanted to say to his wife and questions he wanted to ask, but there was no time for either now. Once on the road for the day, there would be time for both.

He nodded and they both reluctantly returned to camp.

Patience went immediately to the warrior who was readying his horse for the swift journey home to take news to Donald Macinnes. She gave him further instructions, then spoke with Edward again and, shortly after, they were all mounted and ready to leave.

Hunter made certain to ride alongside her. He had questions that needed answers and he did not wait to ask them. “We plod along today. You are no longer eager to return home?”

“Not with my sister in the area, and knowing that the Dark Dragon’s men keep watch over us while on his land I worry less that your brother will attack us, though I do not discount him attempting something.”

A few strands of hair fell loose cupping her face and Hunter recalled how she had looked with her dark hair set free—more beautiful—if that was possible. Its silky softness often tickled his nose at night when she lay snuggled in his arms. He had itched to set the long strands free, thinking perhaps it would also free the woman within.

He reached out and tucked one strand behind her ear as he asked, “And what if the Dark Dragon does not take lightly to your harsh demands and attack?”

“He will not attack,” Patience said with certainty. “If he wished us gone, he could have easily disposed of us by now. And he made it clear he wanted no blood spilled on his land. No, something else is afoot here and has been since Heather was abducted. I only wish I knew what.”

“Do you truly believe he will meet with you and bring Heather with him?”

“One thing I feel certain of,” she said, “and that is that he will not want me camped on his land indefinitely. That means he will need to do something.”

“He could have his ghost warriors chase you away,” Hunter argued.

Patience laughed. “And what do you think I would do?”

Hunter smiled. “Return again and again.”

“You know me well, husband.”

“Nay, your stubbornness is well known.”

“And that is a good thing,” she said proudly, “for the Dark Dragon will know he cannot ignore me.”

“You cannot honestly believe that the Dark Dragon will simply release your sister out of the kindness of his heart.”

“That would depend on why he abducted her to begin with. At least if I get a chance to speak with Heather, I might learn his intentions and discover where exactly he is keeping her.”

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