Highlander's Bride (Heart of the Highlander Series Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Highlander's Bride (Heart of the Highlander Series Book 1)
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Alexander returned her smile and shrugged.
"'Twould be an interesting dowry to be sure. Thank you. I'll seek her
there." He walked out munching on the scone and grinning. The grin soon
vanished as he went through the small village. None there had seen Katherine.
God's wrath. Where could the lass have gone? It would be getting dark in a few

After leaving the village, he rode out around the
nearby countryside. The longer he went with no sign of her, the more concerned
he became. Worry for her safety tightened his chest. He clenched his jaw in
determination. He would find her.

Alexander hesitated at the base of a hill. Would
Katherine have come this far? Riding around the hill would take more time than
he wished to give. No, he could ride to the top faster and it would afford him
a good view of the area. If he didn't find her soon, he'd have no choice but to
return to the castle and gather a group of clansmen to help him search further.

As he reached the summit, his mount came to an
abrupt halt. The stallion held its head erect, and then sniffed the air, as if
it sensed something.

Attuned to his horse's keen senses, Alexander
immediately scanned the hillside for any sign of attack. Naught seemed amiss.
Then he saw her. She lay still and silent among the grass. Fear shot through
him when he spotted her lying unresponsive on the ground. God's blood, what had
happened? Watching for any sign of ambush, he dismounted quietly, his sword
drawn and ready. He strode over swiftly and reached toward her. Then he heard
her slight exhale and saw the even rise and fall of her breasts as she
breathed. Thank God, she merely napped in the warmth of the sunshine.

He expelled a long sigh of relief. An intense rush
of emotion soared through him leaving him light headed. Here, in this high airy
spot, he felt as if he were looking at an angel, innocent and golden.

Without contemplating why he did it, he simply
left Tursachan to crop at the grass, picked a handful of heather, and placed
the flowers beside her face. Although he'd done it in silence, his movements
awakened her. She opened her eyes and smiled up at him as if she were simply
continuing to dream pleasant thoughts, though now awake. Her guileless nature
enchanted him. He sank down to his knees, and then lay beside her, propped up
on an elbow. Wild thoughts raced through his mind as he lay there gazing at

After a few moments Katherine broke the heavy
silence.  "Ah, Alexander, is this not a glorious view? I feel as if I
could stay here forever just looking at all the beauty about me."

He agreed, his eyes never leaving her face.
"Aye, lass, 'tis the most enchanting sight I've ever seen." Lifting
the heather he'd picked, he smiled and handed them to her. He stroked her face
gently and whispered, "These bonnie flowers should be with the others
you've gathered."
Just as I should be with you.

Leaning closer, he felt her breath touch his face
with the gentleness of a butterfly's wings. "Lass, I fear you've put me
under your spell. I want naught but you whenever I'm near you."

Her face turned a bright pink, and she toyed silently
with the flowers in her hands.

For the first time, the thought of wedding
Katherine and sharing his life with her didn't cause him undo distress. A sense
of hope and peace settled over him just being in her company. He frowned
slightly at the necessity of leaving the hilltop paradise and the tranquil
moment, not wanting it to end. But Monique was concerned about her daughter's
whereabouts. Reluctantly, he stood and reached down to help Katherine to her

He pulled her up beside him, gazed into her eyes
and drew a ragged breath in a futile attempt to clear his head. He watched in
fascination as she smiled and closed her eyes, her thick dark lashes fanning
out over her cheeks. 

Hell, Monique could wait.

Alexander wrapped his arms around Katherine,
pulling her close, and then slowly took possession of her lips. They were warm,
soft. With a gentleness he hadn't realized he possessed, he teased her mouth,
ran feather-soft kisses over her closed eyelids, down her face and the side of
her neck. He nuzzled the crook of her shoulder, drinking in her scent. Then he
traced the line of her throat with his tongue, and covered the moist trail with
kisses. She trembled in his arms and murmured a throaty sigh.

That tremulous moan sent his emotions reeling skyward.
He ran a hand through her hair, past her shoulders to the velvet expanse of
skin just above the neck of her gown. The silky softness of her skin felt warm
to his touch.

The shrill cry of a red tailed hawk jolted him out
of his reverie. Startled, he glanced up at the sky.
Och, not yet, you bugger
But the answer of its mate, somewhere in the distance, reminded him of his
responsibilities. Alexander released Katherine reluctantly and his desire
plummeted back to earth. He frowned at the sky. "'Tis late, lass. We'd
best return to the castle now." 

He burned with need for her, but if they didn't
leave soon, he'd not be able to control his emotions. "Your mother is
worried about you. If I don't return with you soon, the whole clan will be out
looking for you."

Taking her hand, he led her over to where Tursachan
stood grazing. God, he wanted her. Just one more kiss. He thrust his fingers
into the golden waves of her hair, leaned closer and bent his head toward hers.
Another shrill screech nearly sent him tumbling on his arse. "Have you
ever tasted roast hawk, lass? I'm told 'tis a delicacy if done
correctly."  With a smile, he lifted her to his saddle and silently swung
up behind her, nudging his stallion toward home.


The castle grounds teemed with continued frenzy in
preparation for the wedding. Fiona crossed the courtyard, meeting Alexander and
Katherine as they dismounted. "Fie, there ye are m'lord. I have been
searchin' everywhere. Elsa sent me to fetch ye. 'Twas somethin' about ye goin'
with me to find some herbs she needs to make a tincture fer one of the
villagers. She said I'd find them in a small cairn ye know of, beyond the

Alexander glanced from his childhood friend to
Katherine. Bemused, he watched her pleasant expression turn wary. The light in
her beautiful blue eyes turned dark as Fiona continued. "I know the herbs
well that Elsa needs. It shouldna take any time at all to fetch them if ye'll
but show me to the spot. I'd grieve to think my delay caused the mon longer

Smiling up at him, she reached out and grasped one
of his hands in her own. "I'm sure Lady Gordon wouldna wish to delay the
healin' even though 'tis only fer a villager."

Katherine's voice seemed to hold a hint of
sadness. "Alexander, can no one else go? I had hoped we—"

Fiona spoke quickly. "Oh. Forgive me, milady.
I didna think ye would mind Alexander doin' this wee thing. The MacGregors have
always cared fer their own." She turned back to him. "I didna know
things were so different now."

Alexander shook his head. "They're no
different, Fiona." He turned his gaze back to Katherine, hoping she would
understand. He was caught between the responsibility of aiding one of his
clansmen and wishing to remain with her. Unfortunately, all he saw was growing
anger. "Lass, I know the spot well. 'Twould save time if I showed it to
Fiona. Since she knows just which plants are needed, it won't take long. Why
don't you let your mother know you are back? I'll take Fiona there and return

Katherine chewed her bottom lip as if trying to
force words from her beautiful mouth. The look on her face confused him. Why
was she so upset?

"Alexander, why don't I go with you two? I
could be of help in finding what Elsa needs."

Fiona answered before he could reply. "Ye're
verra kind, milady, but once there, I'll easily get what I seek I assure
ye." Smiling, she placed her other hand on top of his as well.

The sight of Fiona and Alexander's clasped hands
struck Katherine like an icy winter's blast. It would seem Fiona's claim of
being Alexander's lover was true. Cold bitterness swept through her, freezing
the warmth of trust from her heart and shredding her newfound hopes.

Fie, surely he was not as self-seeking as Daniel
had been.

No, Alexander wouldn't claim to go based on such
an obvious lie. He couldn't do so and truly feel the way he said he did. She
glanced at Fiona's confident smile. Uncertainty gnawed at her. She looked back
at him and waited. Please let him change his mind.

He simply nodded in answer to her silence.
"Ah, that's a good lass. I'll take Fiona to gather the herbs she seeks and
join you when I return."

He might as well have thrown her a bone and patted
her on the head with his uncaring words. Did she mean no more to him than a
hound to be petted and then sent on its way? Fury threatened to choke her and
her voice cracked in answer. "Do as you wish. I won't stop you! 'Tis
obvious you wish to do this more than be with me. Don't trouble yourself to
seek me out when you return. I no longer desire your company."

She spun away from him, afraid he would spot the
tears welling up in her eyes. She didn't look back as she walked away, ashamed
of what she might see.

Katherine sat at the window of her chamber
seething with anger. Her gaze searched the garden and beyond. Well over an hour
had passed and still they hadn't returned.

Then shock and betrayal pierced her heart as she
watched Alexander walk into the garden, carrying Fiona wrapped in his arms. The
black haired vixen clung tightly to him; her head snuggled against his shoulder
like a well-pleasured lover.

Furious, Katherine hurried from her chamber. She
wouldn't stand for it. He would rue the day he flaunted his mistress for all to


Alexander carried Fiona through the garden to the
courtyard. There he helped her to sit on the side of a horse trough near the
stable. "Rest here lass. I'll get one of my men to help you to your

Fiona wound her arms back around his neck.
"Alexander, I want ye to take me there."

Shaking his head, he lifted her arms from his neck,
and stepped back. "Someone else will do it. After our trip to the cairn, I
think 'twould be best that we not be alone together again."

"Fie, Alexander, 'twas only a wee kiss I gave
ye. Dinna fash so."

His jaw clenched. Cornered and uncomfortable, he
remembered how Fiona had twined her arms around his neck, pulled his mouth down
to hers, and kissed him wantonly.

He sighed and shook his head. "Lass, you are
tempting fate. I don't wish to harm our friendship. Stay here while I fetch
someone to take you home." Scanning the courtyard, he spied the same man
he'd assigned earlier to watch the postern gate and motioned to him.
"Robbie, lad, come here. Fiona is nay well. Escort her home and see that
Elsa is told."

The man glanced at the pouting face of the young woman
and grinned. "Och, dinna frown, lass. I will see ye safely to Elsa's
care." Then he lifted her to his chest and headed for the main gate.


Katherine met Alexander at the corner of the
stable. Glaring, she thrust her hands to her hips. "So, you didn't wish to
remain with me because your lover was waiting for you. Do you think me a fool?
Or don't you care that I know the way of it between you and her? I won't stand
for it. Do you hear me? You can't have me and keep your shameless whore,

Shocked at her outraged display, Alexander
growled, "Silence, woman. Dare not my anger with such mad accusations. You
know naught of Fiona and me. I've known her all of her life."

"Aye, you have. So you know she understands
naught of herbs and plants for healing. Did you think me so besotted with you
that I'd believe her lies? Just how did you plan to explain carrying her in
your arms like a lover? You have betrayed me and our betrothal vow."

"Hold your tongue, wench! 'Twas not as you
accuse. I simply carried her back to the castle after she fell and twisted her
leg reaching for one of the plants of which you say she has no understanding.
Even in her pain, she insisted I pick up the plants she dropped."

The sound of their raised voices resounded across
the bailey. Two women chatting together outside a nearby shed ceased talking
and looked at them. Katherine watched as Alexander's angry glower sent them
scurrying for the small building. She took a step back at his fierce
expression. His words struck like a lash. "And as for you, no, I don't
think you a fool. You closer fit the description of a harridan and a shrew!
That is, if I think of you, at all."

He glared at her then stomped off toward the castle,
almost running down a groom who walked out of a side door of the stable.
"Damn it, man, get out of my way!"


Katherine was still awake late into the night when
someone knocked at her chamber door. A cold knot formed in her stomach.
"Who's there?" Staring across the silent room, she watched as a
folded piece of parchment slid beneath the door. Then footsteps faded away down
the corridor.

Dread and anticipation fought for control of her
emotions. She rose from the secure warmth of her bed, crossed the cold wooden
floor and stared down at the missive at her feet. A sudden quiver touched her
spine. The night must be colder than she thought. 'Twas only a note.

Suddenly anxious to be done with the unknown, she
grabbed up the parchment, broke the wax seal and read:

Lass, I have no wish to live in anger. Our course
is set, one with the other. I have vowed to protect and provide for you. In
time, we may yet come to enjoy each other's company. Let us forget this day and
begin anew on the morrow. Alexander

His lack of an explanation or apology wrenched at
Katherine's heart. She touched the note to her lips. Did he intend to forget
their moments of pleasure as well?

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