Highland Vengeance (24 page)

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Authors: Saydee Bennett

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #historical, #ncp, #new concepts publishing, #saydee bennett

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Camden, I love you too and
I am not ashamed. I use to think that love made one weak but now I
know that it has only made me stronger. I stopped fighting these
feelings for you long ago because I found it was useless. I love
every moment with you. I never thought I would be allowed to be my
true self but with you, I feel you make me even better. I do love
you with all my heart Laird Sinclair,” Olivia smiled.

The warrior and his wife continued to
share their feelings of love and desire with one another, each
wanting to make sure the other understood fully how they truly
felt. Camden climbed into the bed and lay next to his wife while he
explained all that had happened since he had been taken captive. He
and Olivia kept their hands laced together and she felt his thumb
gently rubbing the palm of her hand. This soft touch was
unexpectedly intimate and she wanted to stay like this forever. She
soon had another question for her husband.

It is obvious from your
discussion with Broderick that Malcolm still lives. Did he get
away?” She asked.

Do not concern yourself
with Malcolm.”

Camden, I am exhausted and
I do not wish to fight with you after I have just spoken words of
love but I will if you do not answer my question.”

No Olivia, we did not find
him but we will. Now, you will go to sleep and not think of him
again, do you understand?” He ordered.

She smiled slightly at her husband.
“Yes, my laird.”

For the next several days, in order for
her wound to heal, Olivia was not allowed out of her bed unless it
was necessary. Camden helped to change the bandage on the fresh
stitches and the gash was already getting better. With the fever
gone, Olivia’s mind was clear and she insisted on being a part of
the plan against Malcolm. Every time her husband was in the room,
the warrior woman would begin discussing ways to find Malcolm and
destroy him. Each time she brought the subject up, Camden would
smile politely and nod to Olivia in agreement before kissing her
mouth to distract his wife from her insane ideas.

As the days went by, Maggie recovered
quickly and helped Olivia to heal too by keeping her entertained.
The new sisters became friends with ease and Olivia was anxious to
teach Maggie how to defend herself from an attack. Lady Sinclair
especially enjoyed their visits together when Maggie would share
stories about Camden from when he was younger. Olivia began to
realize that her husband was about as stubborn and fearless as she
was as a child. She thought it was interesting that two people so
perfect for one another, grew up worlds apart and then came
together through tragedy.

Olivia was getting restless in her
chamber and she could swear that the walls were closing in around
her. She stood at the window with the tapestry pulled back,
watching the white snowflakes fall in the dark sky. The countess
knew Camden was busy restoring his holding back to order and
repairing the damage that the MacKay’s had done but she was a bit
hurt that her husband had not been to their chamber to see her
today. She took a few deep breaths of fresh cool air and turned as
the door in her room opened. Seeing Camden standing there, she
wondered if he could somehow read her mind.

The laird looked radiant to Olivia and
she decided that he had never looked so wonderful than at that
moment. He was home and he had successfully reclaimed the Sinclair
Castle and saved his clan. Camden’s bronzed skin shimmered in the
firelight and his powerful muscles bulged from his plaid. Olivia
instantly wanted to feel every part of his toned body and she
wanted him to return the touch.

What are you doing out of
bed, wife?” He asked her.

Waiting for you to come to
me so that I may kiss every inch of your body,” she

Camden laughed deeply. “As enticing as
that sounds my love, you will obey my orders and return to

I have my own orders for
you Laird Sinclair, you will join me in this bed and not leave
until I have thoroughly satisfied you,” she said with a husky

Olivia, you are not
completely healed and I will not risk your stitches tearing,” he

It is not so sore my laird,
in fact, I thought it was time for the stitches to come out so I
removed them earlier.”

You what!” He raged and
began to cross the room towards her.


Olivia this not a game, let
me see your wound,” he insisted.

You have to step back from
me my laird, I cannot think when you come close to me.”

Camden moved a step back and continued
to glare at his wife. “On with it, wife.”

Olivia had her husband right where she
wanted him and she slowly began unpinning her long auburn hair. She
leisurely untied the ribbon at the front of her sleeping gown and
then removed the thin slip from her body revealing her beautiful
glowing skin. Olivia only wore her silk stockings that came to her
thighs and she turned a bit to the side to show her husband the
healing wound.

You see husband, it is not
so bad,” she whispered.

My God, he thought, how could she have
gotten even more breathtaking? Her breasts seemed fuller and he
barely noticed the cut on her narrow waist. Her color had returned,
she was healthy again and his wife had come back to him. Camden had
a difficult time trying to think of something to say when he saw
her long hair teasing her nipples into hardened buds. Every
movement she made seemed deliberate and calculated as she taunted
her husband to touch her body.

Olivia I do not want to
hurt you,” he reminded.

We will be careful

Laird Sinclair was already past the
point of no return with his wife. He would take her now but he had
to make certain that they did not open the wound from their
lovemaking. Camden quickly removed his plaid and threw it on a
chair beside the bed. As he stepped towards Olivia, she grabbed
hold of his tunic and pulled it over his head. The moment their
eyes found one another, Olivia felt that all was right in the
world. This is where she always wanted to be and the two let their
mouths explore wildly with each other.

He gently lifted Olivia and laid her on
the bed without breaking their passionate kiss. Their tongues
danced together in an intimate foreplay and Camden let hands roam
to find her large supple breasts. He balanced himself carefully so
that we would not put any weight against her injury and began
moving his mouth down her neck to the valley between her breasts.
Olivia grasped his golden hair in her fingers and moved Camden’s
mouth to find her nipples. The intense sensation ripped through her
and he teased and played with this sensitive area.

Listening to his wife moan in pleasure
was causing Camden to lose control quickly and his need to feel her
warmth was torturing him. His mouth found hers once again and his
tender assault on her senses made Olivia become aggressive. She
grabbed his narrow hips and pulled him down hard between her
thighs. Camden tried to stop her and but Olivia moved to make his
erection feel her heat. That was it, she had won the battle as the
laird lost his power to her and sank deeply inside his wife. The
need to fulfill Olivia’s desire took over and Camden moved in
rhythm while his mouth continued to express his love.

The husband and wife each found their
release with Olivia calling out Camden’s name in the first rush of
ecstasy. They both panted for breath and Laird Sinclair moved off
his wife’s body quickly to examine the wound and made sure nothing
was wrong. Her cut was perfectly sealed and Camden arrogantly
thought his wife looked thoroughly pleased. Olivia lay in the bed
with her body glistening with sweat as she realized that it was
first time since she had married Camden, that they made love
without her fearing anything. She had no worries and felt free of
any cares that she had before.

Camden, may I be honest
with you?” She asked.

You will always be honest
with me.”

I do not wish to prove
myself to you anymore. I no longer feel the need to do so and I am
not afraid if you think I am weak. When you make love to me,
nothing else matters in this world and I want to spend my life
pleasing you. If that means quilting you tapestries by the hearth
every day, then I will do so. I love you Camden.”

Laird Sinclair laughed out loud and
turned Olivia to face him.

Wife, I believe you are far
too late to stop proving yourself. Neither I, nor anyone else could
ever think you are weak my love. I did not fall in love with a
fragile English woman. The woman that I love is feisty and stands
up for herself. She climbs trees barefoot and kills her enemy with
a single arrow. She leads the bravest Highland warriors into battle
and gives her husband sass with every comment. That is the woman I
fell in love with.”

Olivia smiled at Camden and his heart
began to pound. Lord Almighty that woman could stop an army with
that smile, and oh, how he had missed it. Camden chuckled softly as
he stared at his wife.

It is good you love my sass
husband because you will get plenty. That was a beautiful little
speech you gave but may I ask what you thought was so damn funny?”
She insisted.

Just the thought of you
sitting by the hearth making me a tapestry,” he laughed

I will have you know that I
can quilt very well Laird Camden Sinclair!” She boasted.

I am sure you can wife,
there isn’t anything I believe you cannot do but why don’t you save
the knitting for when you are carrying my baby. Then I will not
have to worry about you falling out of a tree.”

Your baby?” She blurted

Yes my love, someday you
will carry my baby. Does that bother you?”

Oh no, it does not bother
me at all. I was just thinking of my sister-in-law Ella. I told her
I would come to England to help when her baby is born.”

When is her

I am not sure but I must
write to her and find out. I will probably need to leave soon and I
will be gone for quite a while,” Olivia explained.

There is no way you will
travel on a horse until you are completely healed.”

Olivia began running her finger along
Camden’s chiseled chest and then batted her long eyelashes at her

But husband, I believe my
horse would be far more gentle of a ride than you were moments
ago,” she coaxed.

You can stop looking at me
like that wife, using your womanly ways on me will not work. You
are not leaving here until you are healed. And, I do not believe I
will ever be as gentle as your horse my love, so get use to

I suppose we should not
argue until I know when Ella needs me. I do miss her awfully and my
brother. You will let me go home won’t you?” She asked.

Wife, this is your home but
I will let you visit your brother’s home only if I accompany you
with my guard.”

Olivia smiled, curled her body close to
her husband’s chest and closed her eyes to sleep.

Camden was curious, his wife always
countered with something. “You have nothing to add?”

Camden I cannot wait for
you to meet my family,” she sighed.

The laird laughed quietly and then fell
asleep holding his perfect treasure in his arms. Olivia could not
stop replaying the words Camden had said to her earlier. He loved
her as much as she loved him. Lady Sinclair slept comfortably
knowing that soon, she would travel with her husband and his guard
safely to England to see her family. As her mind began to wander
deep into the world of fantasy, Olivia found herself in the same
dream she had while she was unconscious with fever.

The countess was on the grand terrace
of her brother’s castle in England and everyone she loved
surrounded her. Her husband was holding Olivia tightly as she
watched the giant Highland warriors trying to fit in the small
English chairs. Her niece and nephew played in the colorful garden
and everything was just as before but without the pain burning in
her side.

As she stared out from the terrace, the
sky began to turn gray and she could no longer see the children
playing in the garden. Olivia frantically looked for them as the
flowers started to freeze over with ice and everything turned dark
and dreary. She had never seen the forest surrounding the land look
eerie and haunted, and she prayed her niece and nephew had not gone
in there. Olivia turned to have Camden and his guard help to find
the children but none of them were there. She could not find
Garrison or his wife, Ella and this dream was turning into a

Then she heard his voice. Olivia would
never forget his evil voice, especially his frightening

My English beauty, did you
think to get away from me so easily?” Malcolm asked.

Olivia tried to respond but found she
had no voice. She tried to yell out but made no sound.

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