Highland Vengeance (23 page)

Read Highland Vengeance Online

Authors: Saydee Bennett

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #historical, #ncp, #new concepts publishing, #saydee bennett

BOOK: Highland Vengeance
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As the early morning hours came,
Broderick was one of the last men to leave the MacKay holding. He
thought it was fitting that the building was in ruins and not a
soul was around to bring it to life. The MacKay clan had done
enough damage to the Sinclair clan and to Camden. Broderick now
prayed to his Maker that Camden’s wife would live. He had been her
protector from the moment the two had met and Broderick felt
helpless now with no way to save her. Olivia had become his friend
and he hoped for Camden’s sake, that the woman would

He took the last of the remaining
soldiers with him and headed for the Sinclair Castle. Broderick
hoped to find peace and order restored there after all that had
happened to the clan. Laird Kincaid set a rapid pace to the
Sinclair land and with each step, he wondered where Malcolm had
fled to. None of the warriors had found the MacKay laird and it was
likely that he had escaped deep into the forest. Broderick knew
that this battle would not be finished until Camden made sure that
the evil man was dead. Once Olivia was healed, they would find
Malcolm and make the man pay for the cruel transgressions he had
caused the Sinclairs.

Chapter Eleven

Everyone was there with Olivia, her
brother Garrison and his wife Ella, her young niece and nephew, the
Sinclair warriors and of course, Camden. She was sure it had to be
a dream having all of the people she loved together with her.
Olivia was watching the children play in the beautiful garden at
Garrison’s castle in England and she had never been happier. The
laird’s wife held back her laughter when she saw the giant men in
Camden’s guard awkwardly trying to sit in the petite English
chairs. Certainly, the men stood out with their Highland attire and
massively sculpted bodies. Olivia loved every moment of the dream
world she lived in, in truth, feeling Camden’s strong arms wrapped
around her made Olivia think this was more like heaven than a
dream. Whatever this place was, the beautiful countess never wanted
to leave.

Standing on the terrace of the
Lansington Castle, Camden continued to hold Olivia tightly while he
nuzzled her neck. She wondered why he clung to her so tightly,
almost too tight, it felt like he was squeezing the life out of
her. Olivia tried to make Camden let go so she could breathe easier
but his grip on her grew stronger and her side was starting to

Please, Camden you are
hurting me,” she said, trying to free herself from his

My love, I am sorry it
hurts but I must do this,” Camden whispered.

Olivia wondered if her husband knew his
own strength for now tears had formed in her eyes and crying was
something she did not want to do. The pain in her side was
excruciating and Olivia could not understand why Camden was trying
to hurt her. Suddenly this dream was turning into a nightmare and
she cried out to everyone around her for help. The beautiful
English castle became dark and dreary and the colorful garden had
only wilted dried blooms. The sky was gray and all those she loved
were standing by, watching her being tormented from Camden’s hold
on her.

As the pain became too much to
tolerate, the feisty woman began to hit her husband to make him
release his hold. Olivia twisted to see her husband and when she
caught a glimpse of his face, it was Malcolm causing her this
anguish. The villain was laughing while he attacked her and now she
was alone with no one there to help her. Olivia cried out to God to
save her and then her dismal world started fading out to

Camden held his wife’s fevered body and
continued to drizzle cool water onto her forehead while he kissed
her rosy cheeks. By the time he had gotten her back to the Sinclair
castle, Olivia had lost a great deal of blood. The laird had ridden
with her lifeless body against his and when he handed her down to
Liam, Camden’s own plaid was soaked through with his wife’s blood.
The Sinclair women had cleaned Olivia thoroughly, including the
wound in her side. Camden was strong as he watched the two elderly
women use clean linens to wipe the infection away from the large
gash. The mood in the Sinclair holding was somber and silent. The
Sinclair laird heard a soft knock at the door and turned to see
Broderick enter the chamber. It was useless for Broderick to try to
hide his reaction to the sight of Olivia’s pale body and no one
blamed the gentle giant for his misty eyes.

Come Broderick, I could use
some support before they dress the wound.”

The new Kincaid laird was astonished to
hear those words come from Camden’s mouth. This was one of the most
feared warriors in all the Highlands and he had just asked for
support from his friend. Whatever was happening with Lady Sinclair,
Broderick knew that is must have been serious. He saw a priest
praying over Olivia and the protective warrior hoped he was not too

They have cleaned the
infection and poured a hot brew of medical herbs over the wound. I
am grateful that my wife stills sleeps for I doubt anyone could
bear the pain of this treatment,” Camden said with a hoarse

Then she has not woken up
yet?” Broderick asked.

She has tossed and turned a
bit and mumbled things that I do not understand but I have yet to
see her emerald eyes.”

Your wife will live Camden.
If there is one thing I know about Lady Sinclair, it is that she is
the most stubborn person in all of Scotland and probably England
too. She will fight this battle and be the victor. Have faith my
brother. Remember that Olivia’s will to live is strong but her
desire to win is even greater.”

Camden smiled at Broderick and he knew
the man was right. His wife was a fighter and they had done all
they possibly could to heal her. Olivia was being held in the hands
of God and Camden prayed to have her sent back to his arms. An
elderly woman began to wrap Olivia’s waist with fresh linen strips
and Camden helped her by lifting his wife’s body gently so that she
was sitting.

The winter chill has proven
a blessing for her illness, m’laird. The infection has not spread
and it prevented the fever from taking her life. Lady Sinclair is
through the worst of it now,” the woman said.

The laird tenderly laid his wife’s body
back against the bed and then leaned close to kiss her forehead.
Camden was stroking her hair when he heard another knock at his
chamber door. Stephan opened the door slightly and then came into
the room with his laird’s permission.

Forgive me laird but your
sister wishes to see you and I am trying to keep her from getting
out of bed. She is still weak and insists on coming to see you and
your wife,” Stephan said.

Maggie! Of course, I must
go see her.”

Go, I will stay with Lady
Sinclair,” Broderick said.

Come get me at once if
there are any changes.”

Of course,

Laird Sinclair hurried to follow
Stephan to Maggie’s chamber and the instant he saw his sister,
Camden felt a glimmer of joy again. Never had his soul been tested
like this before, having the two women he loved balancing on the
edge of death and it was almost too much for the massive warrior to

Camden, I have missed you.
Is Olivia going to be alright?” Maggie asked

I pray to God she will but
look at you Maggie, you are back from the dead,” Camden

I am sorry for all the
troubles Ian has caused you,” she whispered.

You have no reason to be
sorry Maggie, for none of this was your fault. I am the one who
should be asking you for forgiveness. As your laird and brother, I
should have known he was hurting you. It was my duty to protect you
Maggie and I failed in doing so. I am sorry for all you have been

It is over now.”

Ian has paid for his
transgressions with his life and he will continue to give penance
while his soul rots in hell,” Camden said bitterly.

I have already thanked your
wife for getting rid of him.”

Camden smiled at his sister. “So you
know that it was Olivia that killed him. It seems my wife is a
warrior of great measure.”

She is truly unique and I
look forward to getting to know her better. In fact, she promised
to show me some ways to protect myself from a man,” Maggie

Ah, always the

The tired woman could easily see the
change in her brother and she knew for certain that Camden’s heart
had been forever captured by the English woman.

You love her,” Maggie said

More than I ever thought
possible. I wish for her to wake so that I can tell her how I

Patience,” she

Laird Sinclair continued to hold
Maggie’s hand and the brother and sister looked deep into each
other’s eyes, both hoping that Camden’s wish would come true. The
laird left his sister to rest and went back to his chamber to be
with Olivia. He had not been gone long but Camden missed her and
needed to be with his wife. As Camden entered his room, he found
Broderick adding more wood to the hearth to help warm the chilly
room. The two lairds began discussing their plans to find Malcolm.
They both knew he had to be found before the vile man hurt anyone
else. Camden wanted revenge on the man and only Malcolm’s death
would satisfy Laird Sinclair’s desire for punishment. The warrior’s
conversation was interrupted by a sound that almost made Camden cry
out with joy.

You damn well better
include me on hunting down the bastard,” Olivia

The two warriors turned to see Olivia
awake and smiling at them. Camden rushed to her side and began
kissing her mouth as if his own survival depended on it. She raised
her hand and Olivia ran her fingers through her husband’s golden
hair, knowing she had finally come back to reality. Feeling
Camden’s lips against hers, Olivia knew she was safe and home where
she belonged. The countess could not help but remember that
Broderick stood close by and she pulled away from her husband’s

M’laird, we are not alone,”
she reminded him.

Olivia, I almost lost you.
Do you think I give a damn about who sees me kissing you? If you
are embarrassed by my actions, then you will need to quickly get
over it because I will be kissing you like this every time I get
the opportunity,” Camden said passionately.

Olivia smiled and then turned her head
to address Broderick. “I am sorry for my husband’s bawdy display of
love Broderick. You may turn away if it makes you uncomfortable
because I am afraid he is not going to stop,” Olivia

M’lady, I am grateful you
are well. Once you are healed completely though you had better
prepare yourself for a beating from me,” Broderick stated

Camden and Olivia both stared at the
giant man for an answer to his comment.

You are in serious trouble
for not telling me how badly you were injured. You let me believe
your wound was nothing and if you would not have survived, I am
sure Laird Sinclair would have held me responsible. For that, I am
going to have to punish you so hurry and recover m’lady,” Broderick

I feel perhaps I am back in
a dream world again. I have my husband’s kisses and a waiting
battle, what more could a woman want,” Olivia laughed.

Camden watched his wife as her quiet
laughter changed the entire mood of the room. Moments ago, he felt
as though death were creeping around trying to steal away his most
prized possession and now there was a joyous light surrounding her

I am grateful you are well
m’lady. I will let the others know, they are waiting

Thank you for everything
Broderick, you are going to be an amazing laird over your clan,”
Olivia praised.

The giant warrior nodded slightly to
Lady Sinclair and then turned to leave giving the newly reunited
couple privacy. As the door closed behind Broderick, Olivia began
questioning Camden about all that had happened.

Where are Liam, Calum,
Stephan and Keith? Are they safe? What about the other clans? Did
we lose many men in the battle? Please tell me all that happened, I
am afraid I do not remember much except that I saw the MacKay
holding come under attack and after that I am not sure what all
took place. How is your sister Maggie?” She asked

Olivia, all is well.
Moments ago, you said my kisses were a display of love and you were
right. I love you. With all my heart and soul, I will love you
until the very last breath leaves my body. The winds of change have
blown wild through my life and the dark storms have clouded my hope
but you Olivia, have been the only ray of light that has guided me
through this time. My love will surround you always, like a warm
embrace and I promise to never do you wrong. I would do anything to
make you feel the love I have for you. My heart is yours, do with
it what you will,” Camden said trembling.

He began kissing the tips of her
fingers and she quickly pulled her hands away from him. Olivia
could not think when he touched her with his lips and she needed to
tell him every feeling that had been trapped inside for so

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