High Noon (Between the Veils Series, Book Two) (8 page)

BOOK: High Noon (Between the Veils Series, Book Two)
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She grinned at him, reaching under the sleeping bag and wrapping her fingers around his shaft. She gave him a squeeze. “Before or after we made love?”

Words stalled in his chest as she pumped him this time, making the tip tingle with need. He gritted his teeth, trying to focus on her face. “Either. Both.”

“Not well before, but extremely well after.” She pushed up onto her elbow, her hand still encasing his cock. “A lady could get used to falling asleep in your arms.”

“As long as that lady’s you, I’ll take that chance.” He reached down with his other hand and lifted her on top of him. “I’m discovering that you’re an extremely hard habit to break.”

“Do you want to break it?”

“Not for another fifty or sixty years.”

“I can live with that.” She leaned down and licked his mouth. “Now, didn’t you say something about thanking me again this morning?”

He chuckled, taking her mouth in a soul-searing kiss before rolling her over on the bag. He nuzzled her nose, ending with a chaste kiss. “I believe that was your request, sweetheart. And while I’d love nothing more than to give you a repeat performance, I think it might be wise to do a bit of work first. The sun’s already rising and your other cowboy isn’t going to stay away forever.” He groaned as she wiggled beneath him, rubbing her taut nipples across his chest. He stared down at her. “On second thought…”

She laughed but stopped him with a firm hand on his chest. “You’re right. We can play later, once we’ve got a basic idea of what or who is haunting me.”

He leaned down, nipping her bottom lip. “You’re a tease, sweetheart. And I will hear you scream again before we leave this place.”

Payton’s pupils dilated as a sexy grin captured her lips. She rose up enough to give him a kiss before following him upright. The rising sun set off the room in a pale glow, accentuating the creamy tone of her skin and the deep pink of her lips. Blake could only stare as she gathered her clothes, shimmying into her pants before clipping on her bra. Even partially dressed she looked sexier than any woman had a right to, and he vowed not to let the next opportunity go to waste.

Payton glanced over at him, raising her eyebrow in question. “Aren’t you going to get dressed?” Her lips quirked at the sides. “Or do you plan on using your cock as a pointer?”

He tsked, catching the jeans she tossed at him. “Sass like that will get you another spanking, sweetheart. Only this time, I’ll tie you to the bed first.”

He didn’t miss the way her breathing hitched or how a light flush crept up her neck to her cheekbones. Seems his innocent lover had a naughty side to her.

He pulled on his shirt and patted the space beside him, resisting the urge to kiss her as she sat down next to him, her arm resting on his thigh. The simple contact warmed his heart and he smiled as he dug through his pack, removing the two digital recorders he’d used the previous night. He gave them to Payton then retrieved his laptop, placing it on the floor in front of them. Thank god he’d taken the time to charge the computer before leaving. At least it’d have enough battery life to analyze any EVPs he’d recorded.

Payton leaned in closer, her head tilted toward the screen. A subtle splash of floral sweetness tickled his senses as he inhaled, drinking in the pure perfection that seemed to follow her everywhere. He’d have to find out what scent of perfume that was and get her a year’s supply. It smelled almost as delicious as she did.

Blake dragged his mind back to the task at hand as he hooked one of the recorders up to the laptop and downloaded the contents. He repeated the process with the other device then launched his editing software. Finally, something that was in his comfort zone. Recordings and research he could handle. Going toe-to-toe with the ghosts—there was a reason he left that part to Avery. The man was a psychic whiz and a natural investigator. Blake, on the other hand, felt like an awkward beginner, groping his way through every scenario.

He sighed, opening up the first stream of audio. Various sound signatures filled the screen but he centered in on the ones that were buried beneath other voices.

Payton shook her head, pointing at the screen. “How the hell can you tell who’s talking? I mean, it picked up our voices as well.”

“Ghosts have a tendency to talk faster and at higher frequencies than people. Searching for these shorter bursts of sound that show a tighter wavelength is a clue that the noise might be a spirit voice.”

She looked at him, her face beaming. “I always knew you were smart but damn, you’re brilliant.”

“Feel free to tell Avery that the next time you see him. He doesn’t seem to appreciate my unique skills as much as you do.”

“Ah, he’s just more of an onstage guy. I think he likes being in the limelight with these ghosts.”

“More than you know.” Blake clicked on the keys, quickly separating the signals. “Okay. Let’s have a listen.”

He played the first few minutes. It was the one from the restaurant. Dishes clattered in the background and he could hear the server’s boots tapping on the floor. Most of the other samples were more background noises until the server returned with his soup. There was no mistaking the loud growl that he’d heard behind him or a man’s voice whisper across the airways.

Payton’s breath hitched as her hand tightened around his arm. She stared up at him—her eyes wide, her mouth slightly open. “Jesus, Blake. Did that thing just hiss and growl and say,
she’s mine

He winced at the fear in her voice, laying a comforting hand over hers. “Just because our friend says it, doesn’t make it real. He may have certain advantages, but so do I. And it’ll be a cold day in Hell before he claims my woman for himself.”

Payton chuckled. “Your woman, huh? Are you sure that’s not really your voice on the recorder?”

He smirked at her, swatting her hip. “Very funny.”

“I didn’t say it was a bad thing.” She flashed him a stunning smile. “Actually, I really like the sound of it.”

“Nice recovery, sweetheart, but you’re still getting tied to the bed.”

“Buzzkill.” She pointed at the screen. “Anything else?”

He scanned through the rest of the sample. “Most of this other stuff is random spirits. Looks like Virginia City is living up to its claim. Let’s look at the one from your gallery. That should have more relevant information if there’s any to be found.”

Blake flipped to the other recording, punching keys as he separated the different signatures and isolated the voices. He dampened the background noise, hoping the enhanced audio would reveal something—anything about their unwanted guest.

“I started recording when we left and it looks like your gallery is ghost central after all. I only hope one of these spirits is on our side.”

He ran through the first few minutes, but it was mostly residual noises—doors slamming, footsteps echoing through the room. A couple of car horns sounded in the background before a ghostly echo whispered from the speakers.

Help us

The words hung in the air like an omen.

Payton’s grip on him tightened. “What does that mean? How are we supposed to help them? They’re dead for god’s sake.”

“I don’t think they mean it literally, at least not in a physical sense. Sometimes spirits are bound to this plane. I think they’re asking for us to free them.”

“How are we supposed to do that?”

He held her stare, unwilling to lie to her. “We get rid of whatever’s keeping them here. And I have a bad feeling it’s the same ghostly cowboy whose taken a liking to you.”

A shiver trembled through her as she simply nodded, waiting as he readied the next sample. He hit play, listening as their voices sounded in the background.

“This must be where we returned home. This might get interesting.” He tilted his head, trying to listen for any hint of their ghost when a loud hiss sounded in the white noise.

Blake jumped slightly, looking over at Payton, as they listened to an evil voice whisper on the recording.

Get out! Her soul is mine!

There was no mistaking it was the same voice from the gallery, the slight raspy drawl giving it away. Blake kept the recording going. Their voices became clearer as the front door of the gallery creaked open, when another spirit whispered in the white noise.

Hurry. Dalton’s here

The warning was followed by Blake’s grunt as he listened to himself being tossed backward. Static rustled for a moment before they heard the door slam shut, then Payton’s muffled scream. He heard the other spirit tell him to go back before the recording went dead, nothing but the hiss of white noise resonating through the church.

Blake cursed under his breath. This was worse than he’d thought. The ghost wasn’t just bound to her energy, it wanted her soul. And there was only one way it could hope to achieve that.

He pushed to his feet, taking a few heavy steps away. There was no way he was going to lose Payton. Not after finally getting her in his life. He’d find whatever was keeping this bastard earthbound and destroy it, sending the creep back to Hell where he belonged.

With his mind set, he marched over to their small area, packing up some of his stuff as Payton rose to her feet, turning her back to him. He stood up and laid a hand on her shoulder when he realized she was shaking.

He gazed down at her, worry racing his heart. He slipped his arm around her waist, drawing her flush to his chest. “Payton? Sweetheart, are you okay?”

The muscle in her jaw flexed as she pursed her lips together. “God. I had no idea there was so much activity. So many spirits trapped in that place. All this time I’ve been sleeping, alone, upstairs, and they…” Her words were choked off by a harsh sob, her body shaking with the effort to hold it off. She pulled away and turned to face him. “God, Blake. How long has this thing been living there? Does it follow me everywhere?” She sucked in a harsh breath. “Does it watch me sleep?” Tears shimmered in her eyes before she closed them, her pain and fear more than evident.


Blake grabbed her waist, pulling her flush against him. Every tremor, every shuddering breath felt like a knife to his heart, and he knew he couldn’t leave it like this. Her hands snaked around his neck, her head tucked into shoulder. He dropped a kiss on her cheek, cursing at the taste of warm tears.

He moved one hand to the small of her back, cupping the other under her chin, raising her face to his. “I won’t let anything happen to you. And you’re only going to be alone if you kick my ass out.”

He held her chin steady as he leaned in, crushing his mouth to hers. Her hold tightened, her fingers weaving through his hair and she pulled him closer. She hitched one leg around his waist, grinding her groin against his. His shaft stiffened and she moaned.

“Blake. God I need…”

Her voice cracked, but he didn’t need her to finish. He could read her thoughts in the soft press of her lips against his and the way she rubbed every inch of her body across him. He whispered her name, hoisting her up as he carried her across the room, pushing her back into the wall as he rested his weight against her. His hands dropped to her pants as he worked her zipper. She followed suit, opening the fly and pushing his jeans down to his knees. He shoved hers over her thighs, moaning as they fell in a puddle at her feet. Pale flesh shimmered in the morning light, the stained glass windows reflecting colored streaks along her skin. He lifted one of her legs, locking her heel against the small of his back as he cupped her ass, loving how her lean muscles flexed against his palms. She rained kisses along his neck, nipping at his shoulder through his shirt. The pressure felt good, tempering some of his raw need as he moved one hand up her ribs, gently squeezing her breast.

Payton moaned in his ear, angling her hips just enough to slip the crown of his shaft inside her. Her warm, wet flesh encased his cock, and he tilted his head back as fire ignited along his spine. God help him but she was surely going to be his undoing.

Payton took the opportunity to trace her tongue along the column of his neck, ending with a nip to his ear. He grunted, tightening his hold on her ass as he thrust forward, taking her channel in a long steady stroke. Her breath hissed past his ear, the raspy sound only spurring him on. He paused for one frantic heartbeat, his shaft lodged deep, before levering back, leaving just the tip inside her. She squeezed her muscles, clamping down on his shaft as he pushed back in.

“Shit, Payton. I won’t be able to control…”

She repeated the motion, biting his shoulder again. The dual stimulation hit him hard, and he bowed his head in surrender. Payton uttered a husky yes as he pounded into her, his breath panting across her shoulder. She met each thrust, chanting her affirmation, angling her hips to take him deeper. He slammed home, praying the wall didn’t collapse as the boards squeaked in protest. Payton released one hand from his shoulder to palm his jaw, drawing his mouth to hers. Her kiss was desperate, and he knew she was close.

He shifted his hips slightly, holding her steady with his weight as he reached one hand between them, flicking the pad of his finger over her clit. She gasped against his mouth, taking his lips even harder as spasms trembled along his shaft.

He pulled back, snagging her gaze. “Come for me.”

He pinched her nub then powered in, grinding his pelvis against hers. She took one breath and held it, squeezing her eyes shut before tipping her head back and shouting his name. Rhythmic pulses assaulted his shaft, the strong contractions sending him over. Her name echoed his as he thrust deep, his cock flaring inside her. His hips jerked as he emptied himself, spurt after spurt of warm fluid filling her channel. He leaned against her, hoping his legs didn’t give out as the last embers of his release burned through his balls. He steadied his breathing, knowing he’d never find another woman who demanded his soul while giving hers in return.

Her warm lips caressed his cheek and he drew back, smiling at the gleam in her eyes. He chuckled, leaning in for one more kiss before gently lowering her leg to the floor. A whispered moan feathered across his shoulder as he slowly pulled out, immediately missing her heat.

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