High Noon (Between the Veils Series, Book Two) (5 page)

BOOK: High Noon (Between the Veils Series, Book Two)
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“And that’s important because…”

“Because it means it’s still hallowed ground. Regardless of your beliefs, evil can’t cross over holy places, which means your cowboy friend will be on his own tonight.”

“As long as I’m not, I’m okay.”

Blake gave her a wicked smile, grabbing the bag out of the back of the truck before taking her hand and leading her across the short path to the church. The place looked fairly sturdy, with only a few of the wooden boards starting to crack along the sides. The rising moon cast long shadows over the building, the dark patches reminiscent of the misty figure they’d left behind. Payton shivered as Blake swung open the old door and stepped inside, the hinges screeching as the door closed behind them.

She squinted through the darkness, trying to make sense of the shapeless shadows littering the space. “I realize this was a church once, but it must be close to a century since there’s been a sermon in here.”

“Probably over. But it served its purpose long enough we’ll be safe.” He squeezed her hand. “That and I plan on taking some extra precautions.”

Payton stared at him as he released her hand and grabbed another box of salt out of his bag. Then he went around the perimeter, drawing a line along the floorboards. Once he was finished, he went back to the doors and windows, drawing strange patterns on the wooden floor.

Payton walked over to him, watching him make another star. “What are those?”

Blake looked up at her, still kneeling next to the window. “Pentacles. They’re symbols that help ward off evil spirits. Couple that with the line of salt and we have ourselves an impenetrable fortress.”

She chuckled, shaking her head. “I think I like a knight’s idea of impenetrable better than a ghost hunters. Give me a wall and moat any day.”

“Walls can’t stop what can walk through them.”

“Feel free to stop reminding me of that at any time.” She glanced around the place. “So now what?”

He rose beside her, his towering height making her feel slightly more secure. She had no idea what she would have done if he hadn’t agreed to help her out. Hell, she’d most likely be trapped in her bedroom, screaming at the ghosted silhouette of the man who’d kidnapped her. The thought silenced some of the doubts racing through her head. Blake had proven himself and more. If he said they were safe, he meant it.

Blake cupped her elbow, gaining her attention. “Now, we get some rest. There’s no cell signal up here, and nothing will be open until morning. Since we can’t go back to the gallery until we know what we’re facing, we’ll have to wait until tomorrow to do our research.” He pointed at one corner of the open room. “I’ve got some sleeping bags and pads. We should be comfortable enough for one night.”

She sighed, relaxing a bit when he took her hand in his again. “Fine. But no sneaking off anywhere in the night. Hallowed ground or not, this place gives me the creeps.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart.”

Payton followed him over to the other end of the church, watching as he laid out two foam pads and tossed down a couple of sleeping bags. Under different circumstances, she would have considered the gesture romantic, but not tonight.

Blake patted the bag beside him. “Care to join me?”

She grinned and sat down next to him. “Doesn’t anything get to you?”

He shrugged. “It turned out okay, so—”

“So just like that you’re not even a bit scared?”

“Not of the ghost.”

“What then?”

His expression sobered as he leaned in close, his breath rustling the ends of her hair. “That I’ll make a mistake and lose you.”

Payton’s breath hitched as he dropped a kiss on her cheek before pulling back and rummaging through his bag again. She reran his words, not sure if he’d meant them literally, or if they held another meaning. One far deeper and scarier than physical loss.

She glanced over at him, unable to drag her gaze away from the way his muscles moved beneath his shirt. Even with only the dim light of the moon glowing through the windows, there was no mistaking the strength bound in his body.

Blake eased back, placing a single candle on the floor beside her. “I don’t have much that wouldn’t kill a bunch of batteries, but maybe this will help make you feel more secure.” He pulled out a lighter and lit the short wick, waiting until a bright orange flame danced along the white fabric before removing the lighter. “What do you think?”

“It’s perfect.” She leaned in to him and brushed a kiss over his lips. “Thank you.”

A hint of blush touched his cheeks but his smile lit up the room more than the candle did. He swallowed forcefully. “You’re welcome.”

He turned to put the lighter back in the bag when a red line on his neck caught her attention. She reached for his collar, brushing it out of the way. A long scratch gouged his skin, the edges stained a deep red.

She inhaled roughly, staring at him across his shoulder. “What the hell is that?”

He gently took her hand, giving it an affectionate squeeze. “Your ghostly cowboy left me a little reminder in the restaurant.”

“It scratched you?”

He shrugged. “It happens sometimes. It’s no big deal.”

“No big deal? Is that why you threw that salt over your shoulder? To ward it off?”

“Works like a charm.”

He relaxed on the bag, but when she only sat there, staring at the encroaching shadows, he tapped her arm.

“You okay, Payton?”

She nodded, knowing he’d hear the shakiness in her voice if she actually answered him.

He sighed and pushed up onto an elbow. “You know, I’d be a bit more worried about you if you weren’t just a little freaked out.” He held out his hand. “Come here.”

She stared at his hand, so large and strong in the waving candlelight, then wove her fingers through his and followed him down onto his sleeping bag. He wrapped one arm around her shoulders as he snuggled her head into the crook of his shoulder. The steady beat of his heart echoed in her ear, the rhythmic sound soothing her fears. She inhaled, drinking in the scent of cologne and man. Whatever he wore, it made him smell more than edible.


“Much.” She repositioned her head slightly, smiling at the rumbled groan that vibrated through his chest. “Good night, Blake.”

“Good night, sweetheart. Sweet dreams.”

She held back a chuckle. Oh, she’d have dreams all right, but with his body beneath hers, she knew they’d be anything but sweet.






Chapter Four





Blake jumped, the harsh sound of his name jolting him from sleep. He instinctively reached for the knife he’d hidden under his sleeping bag, brandishing it before him as he bolted upright, blinking to see through the gray light. Though he was confident the space was free of ghosts, he couldn’t discount the possibility that someone else had ventured into the hills.

Flickering shadows danced on the floor, the shapes flowing together from the wavering candlelight. He scanned the room, acutely aware of Payton huddled beside him. The room seemed empty, with only the rattle of the wind twirling eddies of dirt against the side of the church discernible in the silence.

He turned to Payton, still holding the knife at the ready. “What happened?”

Her small fingers closed around his arm, the tips heating his skin through his shirt. Her raspy breath sounded next to him as she exhaled. “Something brushed over my leg and I heard scratching noises over by the door.”

He glanced at her, sweeping his gaze down her body. The cotton capris she was wearing had crept up her calves a bit, and he had no doubt she would have felt anything that had moved over her skin.

He nodded, searching the room again when something moved just beyond the ring of light. An amused smile tugged at his mouth as he patted Payton on the hand, then carefully reached over and pushed the candle closer to the door. The pool of light shimmied across the floor, casting distorted shadows along the wood before finally settling. Blake waited, his smile widening when a small nose broke through the shadows, long whiskers twitching in the air.

Payton cursed beside him, slapping his shoulder as she pushed away. “I know what you’re thinking, but…I didn’t realize it was only a mouse. I’m not a total girl, Blake.”

He put the knife away, grunting when she slapped him again.

He held up his hands in defense. “I didn’t say anything.”

“Like I said, I know you were thinking it.”

He resisted winking at her when the mouse darted toward them, scurrying over her foot as it headed for the far wall. Payton gasped and rolled, landing on top of Blake as she twisted to get away from the rodent. Her momentum took him backward onto his bag as she splayed out on top of him, her body pressed into his. Hard points poked his chest and he knew she could feel his cock hardening against her hip.

Blake closed his eyes, trying to will his erection away, but it was useless. Every subtle movement, every brush of her hair across his skin only accentuated the need coiling inside his groin until he was certain his cock would burst free of the zipper.

Payton inhaled. The ragged sound mirrored his own desire. He forced his eyelids open. Her face filled his view, her lips dangerously close. Her pupils dilated with the flickering light, giving him hints of blue from behind the black. Her tongue darted out to moisten her lower lip, and he couldn’t crush the groan that rumbled free. She smiled at the rough rasp, leaning in until her mouth touched his. It was fleeting, like footprints in the sand, but seared a path to his heart just the same.

Blake raised his hand, drawing his fingers back along her jaw until they wove through her hair. The soft length caressed his skin, and he couldn’t resist twirling the mass around his fingers. Payton tilted her chin, exposing the long line of her neck. Instinct took over, and he lifted his head, dropping an open-mouthed kiss on the lean muscle that threaded into her shoulder. Her breath caught and held, her gaze finding his again. He took one last breath then pulled her toward him, molding his mouth to hers.

A contented moan sounded in his ear as she relaxed against him, returning the kiss with more passion than he’d expected. Her tongue poked out and brushed against his, and his control broke.

Maintaining contact, Blake rolled them over onto her sleeping bag, her body snugged beneath his. He liked feeling her small frame under him and was mindful not to crush her into the pad. Payton’s fingers scraped along the nape of his neck, burying into his hair. Shivers raced down his spine, and he fought for breath as he pulled back, staring into her eyes. He searched for any hint of reservations but only saw heat and desire.

She watched him from beneath a veil of lashes as her lips parted slightly. The simple act unhinged him and he moved, claiming her mouth the way he’d dreamed a thousand times since jumping back into her life. She opened willingly, tangling her tongue with his as he tasted a hint of spices from dinner. The unique flavor made his cock spike and he groaned when Payton arched, putting even more pressure on his engorged shaft. He pulled back, gritting his teeth at the tingling sensation arcing down his back. Damn, one kiss and he was ready to come.

Payton smiled at him, all pouty lips and dimples. “Something wrong?”

He shook his head, not sure if he’d said no or only thought of it. God, it was all he could do just to look at her without creaming his jeans. “No. I was just thinking how you’re even more amazing than I’d imagined.”

The words were free before he could take them back, the weight of them having an immediate effect on Payton. Her eyes widened for a moment before her lips curved into a mischievous smile. Dread crawled along his spine, and for the first time in his life, he wished a ghost would materialize next to them and cause a distraction.

She held his unsteady gaze. “Is there something I should know?”

He sighed, knowing he had only two choices. Come clean or lie. He scanned her features, more than aware he couldn’t lie to her, not if he had any hope of proving he was worthy of her attention. “Let’s just say there were more than a few times when we were younger that I wished you weren’t Avery’s girlfriend.”

“And if I hadn’t been…”

He chuckled. “Honestly? I probably would have been too chickenshit to act on my feelings.”

She reached up with her other hand and drew patterns along his jaw. “And now?”

He forced himself to swallow past the lump in his throat, praying he wasn’t making the biggest mistake of his life. “Now? Now I’d jump in and hope you joined me.”

Her lips quirked as she drew him to her with gentle pressure. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Blake couldn’t crush the groan that rumbled free as she pressed her lips to his, repeating the invasion he’d initiated just moments before. Her fingers bit into his scalp, and he relished the small tingle of pain as she tugged on some of the strands of hair.

He followed suit, holding her long tresses in one hand as he deepened the kiss, taking control without overwhelming her. While a part of him longed to conquer her, he was more interested in a mutual response, allowing her as much control as she relinquished to him.

Payton hummed in seeming pleasure, whispering a breathy rasp of his name as they eased apart. The husky sound was like a spark to his nerve endings, igniting each one until he was certain his skin was on fire. He gazed down at her, when a thought hit him hard.

He inhaled roughly, hoping he could talk past the sudden dry feeling in his throat. He didn’t want to ask, but his head kept nagging at him. He forced a smile. “Are you okay with this?”

Payton furrowed her brow, creating a delightful crease across the bridge of her nose. “I’m fairly certain I just said yes.”

“I realize that, but…is this, you know, awkward for you?”

The crease deepened. “Awkward? Why would making love to you be awkward?” A sly smile touched her mouth as her gaze drifted downward. “There isn’t anything—odd about you I should know, is there?”

He cursed, wishing he’d just kept his mouth shut. Why he always dwelled on facts no one else seemed to care about was a mystery to him. “That’s not funny. And I was referring to your past relationship.”

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