Hidden Falls (8 page)

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Authors: Ruthi Kight

BOOK: Hidden Falls
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I shook my head and pulled
us together once again.  I didn’t want the feeling to end.  He made me feel
safe, secure.  Something that I hadn’t felt in too long.  After what felt like
an eternity, we finally pulled apart.  He entwined his fingers with mine and
pulled me down to the couch, our bodies touching as he kept me close.

“What happened?  You
scared the shit out of me Kitty.”

I started from the
beginning.  I told him about my mother’s drinking problem, my father’s
disappearing act, and what had finally broken my silence.  I stayed stoic and
calm as I spoke, but by the end I was a blubbering mess.  It was hard to be
strong for so long.  Sometimes it just felt nice to be vulnerable.

“Oh, Kitty.” He pulled me
close, stroking my hair as I let my body melt into his.  “Why didn’t you tell
anyone?  We...I...something could have been done.”

I looked up into his eyes,
finding his pain mirrored there, as tears threatened to pour down his face.  “I
was so ashamed.  I mean, even you thought my life was perfect.  Could you
imagine the gossip if people found out what was going on around here?”  I shook
my head and closed my eyes.  When I opened them I found his closed as well.  “I
just couldn’t.  I couldn’t handle the stares. The talk.  The backlash.  It just
wasn’t...worth it.”

“Screw everyone else.  Who
gives a shit what the hypocrites in this town think? This is serious Kitty. 
What are you going to do?”

“I called a rehab center
in Columbia.  I talked to them about what would need to be done...but I’m
worried.  I don’t know if Dad would be willing to send her.” I was shaking, my
body no longer my own.  My stomach was in knots as I thought about telling my
dad.  He wouldn’t be happy about paying for something so expensive.

“Well, guess that means we
need to talk to him then, right? Where is he?”

“Out of town.  He’ll be
gone until tomorrow night.”

“So...you’re here...by
yourself? With a mother who drinks herself into a near coma?” He shook his head
as a grimace twisted his mouth.  “Know what that means, right?” I shook my
head, utterly confused.  “It means you’ve got a new roommate until he comes

I stared at him as the
smile split his face, lighting up his features in true Brian fashion.  “You’re
going to stay here?” He kept smiling and nodding his head enthusiastically.  He
was beginning to remind me of one of those Chihuahuas that were so common on
people’s dashboards.  “How will I explain that to Mom when she wakes up
tomorrow?  She’s not going to be happy about it.”

“To be honest, I don’t
give a shit what she thinks.  If her safety wasn’t an issue, I would whisk you
away right now.  But she can’t be left alone.  And you don’t deserve to deal
with this by yourself.  So here I am.”  He stood up and looked around.  “Now,
let’s have some fun.  Want to prank call Roxie and Chase?”

The mischievous grin on
his face set me off, sending me into a spurt of giggles.  His presence was not
only reassuring, but he kept my mind off of reality.  He was just the medicine
that my wounded soul needed.  In that moment, I was
thankful that
my mom couldn’t keep her hands off of the hard liquor.  In the dark recesses of
my mind, where the constant doubt lived, questions began to find their way to
the forefront of my mind.  Where would we stand once this was dealt with? 
Would there be anything left to tether us to each other?




Chapter Fourteen



I was spending the night
at Kitty’s.  Only a short distance from her bedroom.  The only space in her
home that I had never seen.  It was like the forbidden land.  An area that I
had never been privy to, but longed to explore.  I hadn’t thought out the idea
before I opened my big mouth, but afterwards I was sweating.  Could I resist
the temptation to invade her space?  I wanted nothing more than to climb into
her bed and pull her close.

We spent the night
watching movies, neither of us doing much talking.  While we were both on the
couch, there seemed to be a mile wide gap between us.  She was obviously shaken
up and I didn’t want to push her.  She needed me by her side, supporting her,
not pushing her for something that she wasn’t ready for.  I was totally fine
with taking things easy.  I knew I would have to prove to her that we had a
future, and if that took the rest of my life, I was willing to try.

As the final movie credits
rolled across the screen, I noticed her eyes drooping.  She was exhausted, that
much was obvious.  “I think it’s time to call it a night.”  I rose from the
couch slowly, stretching my body as I stood upright.  She gave me a lazy smile
before she leaned her head back against the tattered couch cushions.

“You’re probably right,”
she said.  “Tomorrow is going to be a long day.”

“Don’t worry.  I’ll be
here with you.  If you want me, that is.”

She gave me a
look and giggled before finally standing up.  “Thank you for staying.” She
stepped up in front of me and slowly guided her face closer to mine.  I was
frozen, my body going into shock.  She looked like she was going to kiss me.  I
waited, my lips tingling in anticipation, but they were bypassed at the last
moment.  I felt her lips make contact with my cheek and I could smell her sweet

She pulled back
immediately and our eyes locked.  Words weren’t needed in that moment.  She was
scared, nervous maybe, of the path we were headed down.  I lifted my hand to
her face, cupping her cheek in my hand.  She closed her eyes and let some of
the tension in her body melt away.  I closed the distance between us slowly,
being careful not to startle her.  Her eyes were smoldering, mirroring the
desire I felt. 

“Kitty...”  I inhaled
deeply, my thumb rubbing her delicate skin as we spoke.  “Are you sure?”

“No...but I’m tired of
being sure.” Her lips were on mine before my brain could register her answer. 
The intensity of her kiss was insane.  I could feel her frustration, her pain,
every little secret she had kept hidden, all of them slamming down on me.  She
was releasing it all, knowing that I would take it all away from her.  In that
moment, I wanted nothing more than to protect her from the world. 

When her lips parted, my
tongue began its seductive dance.  Her mouth was soft and sweet, just like I knew
it would be.  I had dreamt of this moment many times, but even my dreams
couldn’t hold a candle to what I was feeling in that moment.  My head was
spinning as I struggled to not collapse under her assault.  When her teeth
nipped at my bottom lip I almost came undone right then.  I released a small
hiss and pulled back.

Her face was flushed, her
lips swollen from our kisses.  She looked more beautiful than she ever had
before.  “Dammit Kitty.  Keep that up and I won’t be sleeping down here
tonight.” I gave her my best devilish smile, the one I usually reserved for
those I was trying to bed.  I hadn’t expected her to smile.  It was
disarming...and so damn sexy. 

“Who said you had to sleep
down here?  I have more than enough room upstairs, if you’d like to...” I
tilted my head at her, desperately trying to assess the situation.  She was
already in pain, probably not thinking too clearly, but how could I say no? 
How could I say yes? No matter which way I answered, things would change
between us. 

“What about your mother?
You said she would wake up...” She grabbed my hand and pulled it to her lips. 
The feeling of her soft and supple lips on my hand was more than I could
handle.  “Shit.  I really want to say yes...more than I’ve ever wanted to...but
are you sure?  We don’t have to-“

She sealed her lips to mine
once again.  In that moment, I knew I would never be able to tell her no.  She
owned me, mind, body, and soul.  It was pure bliss.  Nothing had ever, or would
ever, compare to the taste and feel of her lips.  Her body, crushed to mine,
was torture.  I wanted to touch every inch of her.  Explore her depths.  Adore
the woman who had my heart in a vice grip.

She licked my lips before
pulling back, a wicked smile on her face.  “I’ll race you upstairs.” She took
off and I chased after her.  I would follow her to the ends of the earth if she
asked.  I was in serious trouble.




Chapter Fifteen



I rushed through my
bedroom door, acutely aware of Brian running behind me.  I was giddy with
excitement.  I had no idea what I was doing, but I knew it was right.  It felt
For once, I was going to listen to my heart instead of my head.  My soul was
crying out for him, begging to inhale his essence and make him mine.  In that
moment, he was mine.  Tomorrow might bring feelings of regret, but tonight was
mine.  For one night...I was free.

He closed the door to my
room softly, the click of the lock vibrating in my head.  He turned to look at
me, a look of pure lust covering his face.  As my eyes raked down his body, I
found that his face was not the only giveaway.  He was sporting a distinctive bulge
that would have normally made me blush.  This time I could only quiver with
excitement.  He crossed the room, coming to a stop mere inches from my body.  I
reached out to touch his chest, but he grabbed my hand, stopping me before I
made contact.

“I want to make sure that
you’re ready for this.  I never expected...I mean...this isn’t technically what
I had in mind for tonight.” He was nervous and stammering, which only endeared him
to me even more. 

“I wouldn’t have invited
you if I wasn’t.  I’m tired of being scared. I’m tired of hiding.  I want
this.” I kissed his knuckles before continuing, “I want you.” 

With those words, he
crushed his body to mine.  Our lips met and the electricity was overwhelming. 
There were sparks, definitely, but it was more than just physical.  In that
moment, my heart split open.  He had put a crack in my wall, and now he was
wiggling his way inside.  I wanted him there.  Completely.

We lay down on the bed,
our bodies pressed together.  The smell of his body was heady, intoxicating,
and all encompassing.  I lifted the bottom of his shirt, my fingers seeking out
the hard lines of his chest.  The sparse hair on his chest tickled the pads of
my fingers, begging me to explore more.  His hands found mine and together we
explored every inch, every muscle, both languid in our discovery of his body. 

I wanted to see him; all
of him.  I pulled my hands free and found the buttons on his shirt.  I slowly
undid each one, taking my time as I soaked in the view of his body.  He was
lean, sinewy, and hard.  His body was that of a laborer, and for the first
time, I found my body shaking with want.  I wanted to run my tongue up and down
his skin, tasting, devouring him.  With the buttons finally undone, I slid his
shirt open.  Before I could go further, he sat up.

Pulling his shirt over his
head, he gave me the full view of his torso.  He smirked at me, taking notice
of my jaw hanging wide open.  He grasped the bottom of my shirt and pulled it
up, quickly discarding it on the floor.  One moment I’m fully dressed, and the
next we’re both shirtless.  Shit.  My brain was finally starting to catch up
and a mild panic was settling in.  He must have noticed the look on my face
because he leaned back, giving me space.

“You look scared, Kitty. 
If you’re not ready, I’ll understand.” He was breathing hard and his face was
strained.  I didn’t want to stop.  My body was begging for contact, but my
brain was not as receptive.

“I’ve...umm...I’m a...” I
couldn’t get it out.  It was like glue in the back of my throat. 



“I had a feeling...” My
eyes snapped up to meet his.  He wasn’t upset.  In fact, he was smiling.

“How...?” My face was heated
and I’m sure my cheeks were aflame by now.  I could feel the blood rushing to
every inch of my skin.

“I know you.  I know who
you are.  How you are.  I know you would never just sleep with someone...”

“Until you.” Our gazes
were locked, our eyes telling more than words could ever say.  It was an
intense moment.  One that I should have felt awkward about.  Instead, I felt a
calm settle over my body.  We had found a mutual understanding. 

We hadn’t moved or spoken
in what felt like an eternity, but I noticed right away when his body became
tense.  His eyes narrowed to slits and his nostrils flared.  He stood up
suddenly and ran to the door.  I was frozen.  What had I said?  As soon as he
threw the door open, I smelled what had caught his attention.  Smoke. 

I grabbed my shirt from
the floor and struggled to put it on.  By the time I had it covering my body
once more, Brian was already out of the room.  I ran down the stairs, barely
staying upright as my body fought me with each step.  The smell of smoke
worsened the closer I got to the kitchen.  From across the room, I watched as
Brian opened the kitchen door.  He jumped back, narrowly escaping the flames
licking the door frame. 

“Shit!” He spun around,
his eyes wild.  “Call 911. Now!”

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