Hidden Falls (4 page)

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Authors: Ruthi Kight

BOOK: Hidden Falls
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“Sky said...he said
something last night.  About you.”  I felt my shoulders tense at her words. 
Had he found out about Jenn that quickly? I had the sudden urge to tie that boy
to the back of my truck and drag him through town in only his tightie whities. 

Without turning around I
asked “What was that?” I braced myself, ready for the sound of disappointment
in her voice.

“He has this crazy idea. 
About you and I,” she took a breath, her voice shaky.  “He thinks...I know this
is crazy, but he thinks there’s something going on with us.  Me and you.” I
turned to face her as her last words slipped through her lips. 

“Oh he does, huh? And what
did you say?” I held my breath as I waited for her answer. 

“I told him he was wrong. 
We’re just friends.” I shook my head and turned away from her again.  I had to
walk away before I did something stupid.  Like bare my soul at her feet, ready
to be used as a doormat.  “Brian?” She called after me, but I couldn’t face her
again.  I threw my hand in the air, waving, as I walked away. 

It’s crazy how one
conversation can tear your whole world apart.  She would never feel that way
about me.  That much was obvious now.  Besides, Skylar was in that role now. 
She had already started talking to him on the phone, probably pouring her heart
out to him within five minutes.  I had never wanted to commit murder before
that day, but I had the insatiable urge to drive to his house right then.  I
wouldn’t, of course, ‘cause it would hurt her, but that didn’t stop me from wanting
to anyway.




Chapter Seven



Things with Brian have
gotten even weirder lately.  The other day he acted as if he was hitting on me,
but then turned it off just as quickly as he had started.  I was shocked by his
actions, especially when he wedged himself between my legs.  I had never been
that close to someone before and the feelings that had flooded my body made me anxious. 
Was it normal to feel that way? 

I had never thought of
Brian in that sort of way before, so when my body responded to his, I really freaked
out.  He seemed to have sensed that and backed off, but I felt empty and alone
without him there, invading my personal bubble.  He has avoided me since then. 
Even when I tried to talk to him at the farm, he gave me one word answers and
barely acknowledged me.  It hurt, that’s for sure.  He had never been cold
towards me before. 

He had always been a pain
in my ass, but he has never treated me with indifference.  I felt like I lost a
friend that day, even if we weren’t that close to begin with.  He had been an
integral part of my life since I was a child, so not having him there now
felt...wrong.  I had to fix it, somehow.  I thought about talking to Chase
about it, but he had been so busy with Roxie and her parents lately, that I
rarely saw him anymore. 

As I stood in front of my
full length mirror, checking my outfit for the tenth time, I felt guilty about
going out with Sky tonight.  It was Friday night and I was thankful there was
no work tomorrow, but something about this date felt wrong.  I had felt this
way since my encounter with Brian, but until now I had tried to push the
feeling away.  I had ignored it and now it was ripping through my soul, tearing
me to pieces as I smoothed my hands down my skirt.

I heard the doorbell and
grabbed my purse off of my bed.  I hurriedly put my shoes on and left my room. 
As I made my way down the stairs I heard the doorbell ring again.  “Coming!” I
yelled as I made it to the bottom step.  I reached for the door, pausing to
take a deep breath, and then pulled the door open.  I couldn’t stop my eyes
from bugging out.  There, on my porch, was Brian.  He was dressed up, his long
legs clad in tight denim, and his broad chest encased in a form fitting polo
shirt.  My eyes took him in, soaking up his body as they traveled the length of

The sound of his chuckle
drew my eyes back to his face.  I shook my head, trying to clear the fog from
my brain that had descended as I perused his form.  “What are you doing here?” 
I looked around him, searching for Sky, but it was only Brian there.  Dressed
like sex on a stick.

He smiled at me, causing
my insides to melt instantly.  I could feel my body reacting to him again, but
this time I was ready for it.  As ready as I could get, at least.  “I heard you
were in need of a replacement date tonight.  So here I am.”

Replacement date? “
What are you talking
‘bout?  Sky should be here any minute,” I said as I pulled my phone out of my
purse.  I found three missed calls from his number flashing at me.  I had been
dumped already?  I put my phone back in my purse and looked Brian right in the
eye, avoiding looking at his body again.  “Wanna explain to me how you knew
before I did?”

He hesitated for a minute
before shrugging his shoulders.  “I umm...I saw him earlier.  He was at the
Piggly Wiggly with...a friend.  They looked pretty comfortable.” He gave me a
sad smile as my mind registered what he was telling me. 

“I shouldn’t be shocked. 
I really shouldn’t.  I had a feeling he was the same old Sky,” I replied as I
turned away from him and walked over to the sofa.  I sat down and pulled my
legs underneath me, smoothing my skirt over my knees.  I watched as Brian came
through the door and sat down beside me.  He seemed hesitant and reserved,
something I had never witnessed with him before.

“I’m sorry, Kitty.  But ya
know, it’s probably for the best.  He wasn’t good enough for ya anyway,” he
said with a smile.  I stared at his lips as he spoke, letting my mind wander. 
I wondered how they would feel pressed against mine.  Would he be a biter?
Would he groan into my mouth as our tongues did their seductive dance? 

His voice snapped me out
of my daze and I looked away, positive that my cheeks were flaming red by now. 
“Ugh, sorry. Um...okay, well, it’s okay.  Promise.  I didn’t really feel like
going out tonight, anyway.”  I tried to stand, but his hand shot out, clamping down
on my wrist.  He pulled me back to the couch, my body landing mere inches from

“Just because he’s an
idiot doesn’t mean you should stay home tonight.  Come out with me,” he
suggested.  “As friends, of course.” Friends? This didn’t feel like friends. 
This felt like something more.  I looked at him, taking note of not only how
amazing he looked, but also inhaling the musky scent that wafted from his
body.  I had the sudden urge to bury my nose in his chest. 

“It’s okay, really.  I
just got a great book the other day that I’ve been dying to read.  I’ll just
take a long bath and read.” I saw his eyes darken and I instantly blushed.  I
had an inkling as to where his mind had wandered ‘cause mine was on the same
path.  “But thank you.  I appreciate the offer.”

“Don’t do this to me,
Kitty.  Don’t make me beg.” He was serious.  His hooded eyes were staring holes
into my soul, silently begging me to comply.  I wanted to, but I couldn’t help
but be scared.  After last year’s fiasco with Jackson, I had been leery of all
guys.  Sky was the first one I had agreed to go out with since then, and we see
how well that turned out.

“I don’t know...” I looked
away, desperate for something else to focus on.  If I kept looking at him I
would crumble.  I felt his hand make contact with my bare knee and all rational
thought flew out the window.  The zing of electricity raced through my skin, through
my body, all the way straight to my heart.  It was as if he had touched my soul
with his bare hand.  “Fine. But just as friends,” my voice a little husky.

I looked back at him and
found a sweet smile on his lips.  He hadn’t looked that happy in a long time
which made me feel better about agreeing to go.  “Friends. Got it.”

He stood up and pulled me
along with him, the smile never leaving his face.  I caught a look at his
profile and felt myself smiling as well.  From that angle he looked like the
little boy I used to know.  Not the damaged young man that I had grown to
know.  I shook my head as we left the house, his hand never leaving mine.  God
help me.  Tonight was going to be one for the record books.




Chapter Eight



So much for playing it
cool with Katy.  I couldn’t stop myself from smiling, and each time I looked
over at her, she was smiling as well.  I hadn’t actually concocted a plan for
the night, but I knew that I wanted to spend it with her.  It was just my good
luck that I had run into that tool at the store earlier.  When I had found him,
cuddled up to that girl in the produce aisle, I nearly lost it right there.  It
was yet another moment when the rage I battled with constantly, strained to
break free.

Somehow, I had been able
to hold it in.  It was a miracle, that’s for sure.  I had envisioned Katy’s
face when she found out he was cancelling.  I didn’t know what kind of excuse
he would give, but I knew it would be a lie.  Skylar was one of those guys. 
The ones that all the girls fall over themselves for, only to end up broken
hearted.  Then they end up bitter and damaged for the next unlucky soul to come

“Are you gonna check your
voicemail? Ya know, see what kind of excuse that idiot made?” I glanced over at
Katy, my eyes roaming up and down her body, focusing on her exposed legs.  I
wanted nothing more than to feel them wrapped around my waist, but I knew I had
to control myself.  “Down boy,” I thought to myself.  This girl would be the
death of me if I wasn’t careful.

“No need to torture
myself.  I already know he’s gonna lie.  Just better to delete and move on.”
She glanced over at me, her smile withering with each passing moment.  “I have
a feeling it wouldn’t have gone well anyway.  He’d probably stare at his
reflection all night.”

“Then he’s an idiot,
‘cause you are far nicer to look at,” I replied, turning my attention back to
the road.  I knew she was blushing and that was one thing I couldn’t look at
right now.  Not if I didn’t want to scare her away right then and there.  “Have
you ever been to The Falls?”

“Never heard of it. Where
is that?”

“Right outside of Myrtle
Beach.  We can be there and back within a few hours.”

“Isn’t it a little late
for a road trip?” She was giggling, which was a good sign.  I had thought for
sure that she would flat out refuse.  Guess I don’t know her as well as I

“It’s never too late for a
friendly drive.  Come on, it’ll be fun, I promise.” I winked at her and watched
the blood rush to her cheeks.  She was so damn cute when she looked like that. 
I felt a part of me stir in response, but this time I ignored it.  “You know
me, Kitty.  Don’t you trust me?”

She shook her head with a
laugh, her chest heaving as she took each breath.  “Let’s do it.” She grinned
at me and I nearly lost control of the truck.  The ache in my jeans was
beginning to become unbearable and having her so close was not helping.  But
when she smiled at me like that, it was all worth it.  Yep...I was so screwed.




A pit stop halfway to the
beach was the perfect moment to get some space.  My body felt like it was going
to explode with each passing second being next to Katy.  While she was inside
the store I filled up the tank and cleaned the windshield.  Anything to get my
mind off of her.  If there had been any other place to stop, I would have,
‘cause this gas station looked awfully sketchy.  The pumps were falling apart
and dirty, while the lights overhead blinked on and off. 

When I glanced at the
decrepit building I watched as another car pulled up in front of the store.  It
wasn’t necessarily a beater like mine, but it had definitely seen better days. 
The driver exited the car and walked into the store, his attitude obvious as he
strode in like he owned the place.  At that moment, Katy exited the bathroom. 
Dressed in that skirt of course she would catch his attention.

I replaced the handle and
closed up the tank, barely taking my eyes off of her.  As I strode across the
lot I could hear the loud, male voices coming from the car.  I walked by,
barely glancing in their direction.  When I got to the doors I jerked them open
and walked right up to Katy.  She was paying for something at the register, but
right behind her stood the sleaze-ball.  He was looking her up and down, having
crazy eye sex with her backside. 

“Hey, you okay?” I leaned
down to whisper in her ear.  As I stood back upright, I glanced at him and made
sure he knew that he was caught in the act. 

“Yeah, just getting a
Mountain Dew.  You okay?” she asked, glancing up at me.  Those long lashes
fluttered innocently at me and I pulled her closer.  She seemed to understand
what I was doing as she looked over her shoulder at the guy behind her.  He
shot her a lecherous grin, but she ignored him, turning her attention back to
me.  “Did you want anything baby? I can go grab ya something real quick?”

She had that wicked look
in her eye, reminding me of yet another thing I loved about her.  “I’m good,
sexy.  Let’s get back on the road so we can be alone.” I wiggled my eyebrows at
her and she giggled.  That sound was the sexiest sound in the world at that
moment.  I craved that sound like a parched man craves water. 

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