He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3) (3 page)

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Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3)
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I open my eyes slowly and I’m met with Alex’s beautiful warm brown eyes. He’s sitting on the floor just watching me.


“Hi, yourself. How long have I slept for?” I ask, hoping that I’ve not wasted our night together.

“Only a few hours.” Shit I have wasted our time together. Not how I thought we would spend our first Christmas Eve together.

“So what have you done?”

“Me? I’ve just sat here and watched you.” His words are softly spoken. “Watched your breathing fall into a nice steady pattern and all the stress of the last few weeks leave your body as you slept soundly.”

I love you. I need you here with me. I want you.
Are all thoughts running through my mind in this moment.

“I know,” he tells me in answer to all my unspoken words. I smile at his response and inch my way closer to his face. His hands reach out to me in welcoming comfort as our lips touch in the sweetest of kisses.

I want more from him. I press my tongue slowly inside, not wanting to rush, wanting to savour the taste. I hear a soft moan as our tongues touch and I can’t decide if it came from him or me. His hands hold my face gently in place as we continue to slowly enjoy the other. His light moans of pleasure are encouragement to my ears, telling me he wants me. He scrapes his teeth against my bottom lip and I let out a groan of satisfaction.

“Alex,” I pant as I pull my lips slowly and reluctantly away from his as he continues to place small kisses around my mouth. I turn myself on my side and notice I am still minus my vest.

“Yes, Libby?”

“I need you,” I whisper as I feel tears threatening. I am sure they are happy tears, but nonetheless I don’t want them to fall.

“You have me and always will. I’ve told you I’m not going anywhere unless you’re by my side.” One lonely tear trickles down my face as I pull myself up into a sitting position on the couch, so he can join me. “Hey, what’s this for?” he asks wiping the tear away pulling me into his arms.

“I’m not sad, honest. It’s a tear of happiness. I feel so lucky to have you in my life.”

“I’m the lucky one. You’ve given me hope and direction and brought a whole new meaning to my life. I’ve already told you, I will do everything in my power to protect you and keep you safe. So it’s been hard the last few weeks seeing my beautiful girl that I love, close herself off from me because of her workload at the hotel. I know you said a few days off in bed sounds great after New Year, but let’s think about a few days away? You and me no work, no distractions.”

“That sounds great.”

He leans down and presses a soft kiss on my lips. Such an innocent kiss that leaves me breathless. My heart skips a beat. My heart that has in the past been deeply wounded, has been rebuilt by this man in such a short period of time. My heart belongs to him completely.

“I am sorry I’ve pushed you away. That’s the last thing I wanted to do. But I couldn’t risk anything going wrong at the hotel. My dad’s put all his trust in me to manage it. I don’t want to let him down.”

“Baby, you could never let him down he is so proud of you. He has faith in you to do the job as do I, but you have to learn to take a step back every now and then.”

“Say’s the workaholic beside me.” I let out a soft chuckle that brings a smile to his face.

“Libby, your point has been noted. This workaholic plans on spending more time with you.”

I press another kiss on his lips, because the temptation is there right in front of me to taste him and lose myself in the moment. I want to feel him, every last piece. When I look in his eyes I see his need and desire burning away as deeply as my own. He deepens the kiss bringing the intensity to where we both need it, but he’s in control setting the pace, showing his dominance.

His warm hands slide across my bare breasts; I gasp at the feelings sweeping through me at this slight touch. My nipples harden as his fingers gently tug ensuring my thoughts are on one thing only, what’s about to happen under the soft lights of the Christmas tree.

He pushes me back until I am lying down, our mouths still connected. He breaks our connection and starts teasing me with small kisses on my neck, his teeth nip slightly as he moves on to the next spot. He slowly works his way down my throat and across my shoulders, one at a time kissing and nipping as he goes.

I moan.

“Is that good?”


His mouth leaves my skin only for a moment and I miss the connection, the feel of his lips on my skin, his soft touch. His eyes are filled with emotion as he looks at me.

His lips are back, touching my sensitive skin. Again the kissing and tugging. Working slowly across and then downward. He spends a great deal of time enjoying my breasts. “My beautiful sweet, Libby,” he murmurs. My eyes close and I let the feelings take over. All my emotions from the day are well and truly forgotten with each new sensation that sweeps through my body.

He slowly works his way down my abdomen with a trail of soft feather like kisses, at the same time removing my shorts. This is soft and gentle. This is love of the deepest kind.

“Mm. I need to taste you now.” I open my eyes at his soft words, silently granting him all the permission he needs.

His fingers brush over me, teasing me. I draw in a deep breath and slowly exhale, already wanting more than that single touch. Again his fingers brush over me, but this time they don’t leave. No, this time they slowly part my bare flesh. He slides them back and forth, not once but twice before finding his way inside. My body is so ready for him as he slides in and out at the same time his tongue teases, working me slowly.

Nothing is rushed. Everything is savoured.

He looks up, eyes filled with hunger, the casual smile he flashes has so much meaning behind it. He dips his head lower, this time using his tongue to part me as he sets about the task. Slowly, licking and teasing me, working me up. All senses have left me. I run my fingers through his hair.

I am trying to control my fate because I don’t want this to end. I tug slightly as the sensations build deep within. My hips move of their own accord to meet him. He carries on licking, sucking. My body totally at his mercy. I am lost to him and he knows it. He can feel it, working through my body. I am losing control and feel my body start to tremble as the orgasm starts to pulse through me.

“Alex!” I cry when it comes through full force. There’s no doubt in my mind I am his. My body craves the release when we are together. He’s still there licking softly, with small groans of pleasure as my body slows from the aftershock.

My head is back, eyes closed, as he slowly peels away from me, letting the cool air flow again round me. I don’t open my eyes but I can hear him remove his jogging pants and then he is there, back with me again.

I feel him there, all of him, just waiting. One hand brushes my hair away from my face. “Libby, look at me.” I open my eyes with the softness, but directness of his voice.

The only thoughts going through my mind are how incredibly hot he looks right now and he is all mine. Or is it I am all his to do as he pleases? We each know how lucky we are to have found each other and not take it for granted.

Our eyes lock on the other and without warning, he slowly eases his way inside me. He stills momentarily, allowing me to adjust. He sets the slow pace, but his eyes tell me he wants something altogether different. It’s there—his desire, need and hunger. I am here to take from but he chooses not to, restraining himself.

I am lost to him. Lost to the sight of him moving slowly in and out. Two become one. No words are spoken but our mutual understanding is there. His face lowers to mine and we connect with a single tender kiss. He pulls back slowly; I can fully appreciate the array of emotions sweeping through his features. His love for me is evident along with desire.

A single tear escapes from me as my heart swells with nothing else but love for this man, who in such a short space of time has firmly cemented himself deep within my heart. Where I hope he will stay for eternity.

I lean forward and place a kiss on his lips. I want to deepen it, to make it mean more, but in this moment there is nothing more that can be added to us. He smiles as he moves back from me and in this position he’s in goes a little deeper, my muscles clench tightly round him.

I know he’s struggling to hold onto his restraint, it’s there in his eyes, but he does. Could I do it? No! Moving slowly again, sliding in and not quite all the way out. I keep my eyes on his, wanting to see how long he’s prepared to keep this going for.

Every nerve ending in my body is standing at attention, the perfect care and attention Alex is showing me. I steal a glance at where our bodies are joined, the perfect slow movements are causing me so much pleasure that it’s almost too much to bear.

“I love you so much, Libby.” His voice is low, but there’s no denying the words I hear from his muttered breathe. I smile because I can’t manage anything else; I am too far gone, lost in all the emotions between the two of us.

He brings his lips to mine, and with one last look in his eyes before they close, I know the restraint is gone. He finds my lips hard and pushes his tongue deep inside. I can taste my own arousal on his lips, which only makes me want him more.

He changes the pace only slightly, still holding back, wanting to hold on that little bit longer. But my need is growing yet again, I can no longer concentrate. My hands start roaming his back, scratching, demanding more from him, which he doesn’t give. Still holding back.

The building pressure deep within me is demanding more, lots more that at this moment he’s not prepared to give. My breathing is fast and shallow. I can no longer do anything. He pulls back from my lips and I hear a small chuckle.

I struggle to open my eyes, but I finally do. I look into his. His gaze holds mine steadily. I blink to allow my eyes to adjust. Adjust to take in the sight in front of me. This man is my world. His eyes burn into mine, telling me to give up. He wants me to hand over myself completely. That look that he does so well, rendering me defenseless, has me crumbling deep inside.

He reaches down and pulls my hips toward him, tilting them. I know we are both close to getting what we want from this. I wrap my legs as tight as I can round his waist, leaving nothing between us. Hardly space to breathe.

The pace changes. Harder and faster as he pushes me closer to the edge. This wonderful man has given me his all. Shown me, his heart is mine for the taking. The warmth and depth of his feelings for me are what pushes me over. My body explodes into a million tiny pieces, leaving me without doubt how he feels.

He continues pounding, drawing out my orgasm while searching for his own release. He buries his face into the side of my neck. The cry of my name rolls from his tongue with the last thrust.

Our bodies are tangled together here on the couch. But right now there is no better feeling. He takes me in his arms, pulling me close as he adjusts his position. Cradling me as our joined heart rates come slowly back down to something less thundering.

“I do love you. So much so, I never thought my feelings could grow any more. But they do on a daily basis for you.”

I feel my tears are ready to unleash at his words. I smile softly at him knowing he means every word he says to me. I squeeze my arms tighter round him, leaving no room between us as I ponder his words. He is my other half; the other piece of a puzzle I didn’t know was missing from my life. He completes me. My tears fall but not out of sadness, from happiness and contentment of my life and for this man that I am blessed and fortunate to have met.

I look into his brown eyes and I see the same emotions there in front of me. The same emotions I am feeling and still struggle to come to terms with. This man wants me as much as, if not more than, I want him.

“I love you too, Alex.”

We stay still lying in each other’s arms, staring into the other’s eyes, just enjoying the moment. Both coming slowly back to earth after the high.

“Go and get cleaned up before it’s midnight,” he tells me, kissing me and releasing his hold of me.

the living room; the music that he is playing is beautiful and has a romantic sound to it. Our wine glasses have been replaced and he is lounging on the living room floor, dressed, looking kinda sexy under the soft lights from the tree and the candles.

He holds his hand out to me. “Come. Join me. We have a toast to make.” I take the hand that is offered and he pulls me down onto his lap.

“What are we celebrating?”

He watches the clock on the wall as the hand slowly travels toward midnight only seconds left to go. He hands me a bubble filled glass, no not just wine, we have champagne now. “Us.” His voice is soft and steady as he continues. “Christmas, but most of all my beautiful girl, we are celebrating your birthday. Happy Birthday my gorgeous girl; may all your dreams be happy and all your wishes come true.” From the side of the couch he pulls a cupcake with one lonely candle on it. “Make a wish.”

And his words have burst the dam that has been threatening all night. I close my eyes because I can’t contain them any longer. I take a deep breath and know what I want more than anything, my happiness is here in front of me with all the love he has for me. I make my wish and it’s not for me or Alex because I know deep down we will be fine. No my wish is for my dearest brother, Ethan.

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