He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3) (22 page)

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Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: He's Captured My Soul (Captured Series Book 3)
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I don’t know what I’m worried about. I’m pregnant so she knows what goes on behind closed doors, but still I’m slightly embarrassed. My parents approach us as well and start speaking with Richard and Sarah. Perfect timing. I turn my back to Alex, in an attempt to shut him out, if only so our parents are not privileged to our unspoken conversation.

“Libby.” My name rolls off Alex’s tongue as he wraps his arm protectively around my waist, resting his hands on my tummy. He leans down close to my ear. His breath against my skin, already has me on edge. Fire racing. “Now what did you tease me with? Ah yes. Well I do hope you are ready for, that trip to the office?” He whispers.

I knew I was done for as he approached me, so why is it his words, still manage to surprise and shock me?


“Oh yes,” he tells me before speaking with our parents. “We have a few people we need to speak with, we’ll see you all shortly.” He doesn't wait for a response, taking my hand and leading the way. We make various stops, speaking to various business colleagues, but I get the impression this was only so we weren’t seen leaving the room straight away. A thought I find, slightly amusing.

We do finally leave the room, and I’m sure I hear Alex breathe a sigh of relief, as we walk toward his office. He closes and locks the door behind us. No-one’s getting in and no-one’s getting out. I wander around the room, stopping and running my hand along the desk, nothing much has changed since my last visit. This was decorated and finished a few weeks ago, as Alex needed somewhere to work from. The only thing I notice, that wasn’t here last time, is the picture of the two of us on the desk.

“You looked beautiful that night, even though it didn’t go as planned,” he says as I lift the picture frame. That Saturday night in New York, not a night I want to be reminded of. I frown as I put the picture down. “Don’t look like that. It is a good picture. You look radiant in it. I love that look in your eyes. Knowing it was my words that helped.”

“Maybe, I just hate how that night ended.”

“We’re here together, that’s all that counts.”

He’s right here, standing in front of me, I reach out to him slowly. A slow smile spreads across his face. God I love that smile. He’s watching me closely. But it’s no good I need to feel his lips on mine. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him close to me. My heart is racing. My body is on fire, with desire for my man.

I groan with sweet satisfaction, as our lips collide. He wraps his arms around me, picking me up and sitting me on the desk, all the time our lips are still connected. My body yearns for more.
So much more
. I always want more where Alex is concerned. I’m caught in the moment. He really should come with a health warning, ‘remember to breathe.’ Internally I’m pleading with him to take me hard and fast, because all I’ve had the last day or so, is sweet and slow. Not that I have any objections to that, I just need more.

My eyes close, as our kiss deepens, more demanding. This is more like it. Sweeping his tongue along my lips, I groan, but the noise is lost between us. His tongue invades my mouth and I welcome the sensations sweeping through me.

“I want you now.” I open my eyes and nod. The glare in his eyes, is almost haunting. Or would that be closer to hunting? An animal hunting its prey.

Without effort, he lifts my dress, bunching it around my waist. He nudges my legs open. Why do I feel nervous all of a sudden? I feel his erection through his trousers, as he inches closer to me. There’s a charge of electricity flowing between us, that I don’t think either of us is capable of slowing it down. The need between us is overwhelming.

My hands run through his hair, pulling tightly and closer to me. I can’t stand even a small distance between us. He’s panting just as much as me. The hunger and desire, we’re both incapable of denying, needs to be satisfied. I squirm with anticipation of what’s about to happen between us.

His hands race up and down my back. He’s only adding fuel to the flames. And right now, I’m not ready to put those flames out, we may dampen them, although just a little.




It’s all there brewing and building. Slowly he moves one hand away from the bare skin on my back. Starting a leisurely travel, it starts at my shoulder and moves down slowly. Across my breasts, freeing them from my dress, not lingering, but leaving them aching behind as he continues travelling south. I arch myself back, thrusting my breasts, toward him. He smiles, lowering his mouth and sucking hard on each nipple quickly in turn. His mouth crashes back against mine.

I let out a soft groan, when his hand touches my bare thigh. With ease he moves quickly and pushes my underwear out his way. His breath catches as he watches. With care his fingers glide slowly across my flesh.

“So wet,” he murmurs in my mouth, still not breaking our kiss.

Sliding his fingers back and forth, over and over.

There’s no way I will last long at this pace.

His mouth leaves mine and instantly I miss our contact. But I know it’s because he wants to watch as I fall apart underneath his skilful hands. My eyes remain closed as this onslaught continues. Keeping my hands around him, my head falls back and I can sense him smirking.

Back and forth again and again.

I moan as he inserts one finger, then two plunging deep within.

I was right when he was stalking toward me in the room. I’m done for as the pace picks up. The building deep within is growing. The pressure is almost at breaking point, ready to explode. His mouth finds mine once again, as my orgasm rips through me. Not even his mouth on mine can silence me. He carries on until the after effects are wearing down. I’m in pieces, a thousand tiny pieces scattered on his desk. I’m shaking and panting, unable to control either.

Slowly I open my eyes and I’m met with a wicked grin. He looks mighty pleased with himself. Feather like kisses are showered around my neck, this feels good.

“Happy?” I’m sure it’s a question rather than a statement. I nod unable to bring my breathing under control to speak. “I hope you’re ready?”

He fumbles with the button and zipper on his trousers, freeing himself.

“Brace yourself baby, this could be a bit of a bumpy ride.” He pulls me to the edge of the desk. I laugh at his words, but I put my arms behind me to keep my balance. He moves his hands around and lifts me. Oh shite, I really am done for.

“Ah,” I cry as he catches me off guard, plunging deep inside me. He stills, allowing me to adjust. I feel helpless; I can’t move because if I do, I will slip right off the desk or fall back and bang my head. So I do the only thing I can, I wrap my legs tightly around his waist. Pulling him closer, closing the distance.

He starts to move. Really move.

This is what I’ve missed the last few days since finding out about the babies. I love the loving and tender moments between us, when we make love. But I crave moments like this. Raw and primal. No holding back. Pure Lust.

He pulls back and plunges in again. Panting slowly. I swear the grip I have round his waist is the only thing stopping me sliding across the desk. He holds me in place at my hips. I watch as his face darkens with pleasure.

Over and Over.

We both need this.

Unable to control myself any longer, I thrust myself forward, deepening our connection, wanting more from our connection. Realising I’m not going to fall, or rather Alex wouldn't let me, I match the pace he’s set.

My head is in a spin with my man. He withdraws deliberately; I open my eyes to find him staring. He kisses me slowly before pulling back, and with one quick movement he’s thrust back into me, filling me deeper than before. If that’s even possible.

He thrusts again and again. I struggle to keep up, although I do manage it. Only just. I match him thrust for thrust. He withdraws and enters again and again, each time going a little deeper. He growls as my body accepts a little more of him each time.

I grip onto his shoulders as he picks up pace. His mouth finds mine, silencing my moans again. I’m close, very bloody close. Darkness is descending all around me as the pressure starts to build again deep within.

I feel my muscle walls clenching around him. His grip on me gets a little tighter as I sense he’s close too. Two more thrusts is all it takes to send me screaming over the edge, with Alex right there with me as he cries my name.

Alex pulls me closer to him, resting his head against my neck. He groans against me as he nuzzles at my neck. The moan that escapes my own lips mirrors his satisfied groan. We’re both totally satisfied and spent.

He continues thrusting, but at a much slower pace. Bringing us back down to earth from our dizzying high, my muscles contract around him. I hold onto him, keeping him close.

“We both needed that,” I say, opening my eyes.

“Yes. I think we did.” He plants a kiss on my lips.

I melt. One lonely tear trickles slowly down my face. Alex wipes it away with his thumb. “Hey, what’s this for?”

“I don’t really know,” is my answer, because it’s the truth. I’m so full of emotions right now, I can’t describe any of them. It’s caught me off guard tonight; I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come. My hormones playing tricks on me. “Just hold me.”

He does. Wrapping me in his arms, he lifts me and holds me close. Where I feel safe and at ease. This is where I’m most comfortable, in his arms. This is where I want to stay forever. He strokes my back as he keeps hold of me without saying a word. Understanding this is what I need at the moment. I listen to the rhythmic sound of his breathing returning to normal; it’s both soothing and relaxing. We remain in each other’s arms for what seems an eternity.

“Libby,” he says, breaking the spell. “We should get cleaned up and back to the celebrations before anyone comes looking for us.”

I know he's right, but I’m more than happy to stay here locked in his office. I concede, we do get cleaned up and head back to the party, which is in full swing.

I glance at my watch; it’s after eleven, not long until a new year. Alex has a hold of my hand as we walk toward the function suite. He guides me through the room to the table our family is at. I’m instantly aware that we’ve been gone for a while. Sophie looks how I feel, thoroughly fucked. Her face is glowing, probably the same shade as mine. I inwardly laugh at the thought; well, it means I won't be the only one having to face our parents. Although I don’t fancy being in Sophie’s shoes.

We take our seats. There is a light buffet being served. The band has already started playing some traditional songs. Alex heads to the buffet and brings back two plates with haggis, neeps and tatties. Everyone at the table is tucking into the food; I on the other hand am not sure I can face it. He screws his face at me.

“What?” I ask him.

“Eat something. Please.” He’s almost pleading with me.

“I can’t face it,” I say pushing the plate away from me.

“And so it begins,” Ethan says teasing me. I stare at him. I don’t want to make a big deal out of this. I’m pregnant and I know lots of woman struggle with the first few months, between sickness and not eating. Not sure how I will cope with the not eating part, considering my love for food, but I’m sure I will get through it.

“Alex, I’m going to go for a walk. I could do with some fresh air. The smell of the food is making me queasy.”

“I’ll come with you,” he tells me.

“No. Stay and eat. I will be back as soon as the food is away.” I kiss him on the bridge of his nose.

My mother wants to come with me as well, but I refused to let her. There is nothing wrong with me, I’m not sick, yet. But I’m sure if I stayed in the room much longer, it would’ve only been a matter of time.

I wander through the building, which is all very quiet now except for the function room I have just left. I am heading in the direction of the reception when I hear someone behind me. I turn to find Michael walking toward me.

“Libby shouldn't you be with Alex?”

“Yeah, but I needed some fresh air. The smell of food was turning my stomach.”

“Is there anything I can get you?” he asks with a hint of concern.

“Now I think of it, I could go for a cup of tea.”

“Right I’ll go and get it. You stay inside at reception. I’ll come and sit with you. I must be due a break by now.” Michael smiles as he walks away.

I do as he asks. I stay inside at the reception, where it is much cooler than the rest of the casino and wait on Michael returning.

“Here you go.” Michael’s voice disturbs my thoughts. “Tea for two. I wasn’t sure how much sugar you take so I brought some with me.”

I take a cup from him and as soon as I do, he reaches into his pocket and takes out a handful of sugar sachets. I laugh at the amount he has.

“What? I don’t know what you take, and for all I know you could have a craving for something sweet.”

I shake my head in amusement at him. He really is quite funny at times and this is one of those times. He sits down on the sofa with me, his cup in one hand and the sugar in the other. “I think it will be a few months before, I start craving for anything, and even then I might not. Not all pregnant women have cravings.”

“I didn’t plan this very well.” I frown at his words, wondering what he could possibly mean. “Well you Scots have a love for chocolate biscuits with a cup of tea.”

I laugh because it’s so very true. And now that he’s mentioned it, I could do with some. I take the sugar from him, and start emptying sachets into the cup. I’m almost opening the fourth, when I realise what I’m doing. I stop.

“Libby are you okay?”

“Yeah. I’m fine, maybe a little tired. But I know if I had stayed in the room with all that food, I would probably ended up being sick. This is going to take a bit of getting used to.”

“I’m sure it is.” He puts his cup down on the table in front of us. “Can I ask a question?”

“Of course,” I reply, looking at a rather serious Michael, but there is a different look to his face, maybe sadness.

“Are you happy? I mean really happy.”

“Yes, of course. I’m also a bit scared of this new direction I find myself in. I never saw anyone in my life after Jeff and I split up. And if I’m truthful, kids were always a distant thought. My passion has always been the hotel. I didn’t see anything else in my life. Why do you ask?”

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