Read Hers for the Evening Online

Authors: Jasmine Haynes

Hers for the Evening (9 page)

BOOK: Hers for the Evening
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“Cool, but not too bad. At least it was hot up here today.” She unzipped her cotton caftan, and let it drop to the marble. She was gloriously bare beneath, as if she’d known something like this would be expected, though Courtney had given no hints, not even to Isabel. Long, toned legs, hour-glass figure, and large, firm breasts, Robyn wasn’t thin, she was lushly proportioned, sexy, and feminine.

She stole Seth’s breath. At least that’s how Courtney interpreted the stunned look on his face. Robyn turned, diving in a graceful arc into the pool. She surfaced, shrieking. “Oh my God, it’s cold, but lovely.” She splashed water at them—“Get in, you guys”—then paddled away on her back, her breasts bouncing proudly, nipples dark, large, and taut. 57

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Courtney touched Seth’s arm, and he came out of his trance. “Do you want me to open the champagne, baby?” he asked.

She wanted to glance down to his cock, but was afraid she’d find him bursting his seams. Over Robyn. Which was what he was supposed to do, but ...

“Yes,” she said before she could finish the thought. “I need champagne.” A ripe, juicy strawberry lodged at the bottom of each glass. He popped and poured, handed her a glass, then raised his, tapped her flute gently. “To a wonderful surprise.” The sun behind him, his eyes were dark. Courtney grabbed the camera to snap a photo of him. He was so perfect. They sipped in unison. “Do you really like it?” she whispered, suddenly unsure of herself, of the money she’d spent, of the things she planned for the rest of the night.

“You’re fucking perfect.” He sealed the words with a kiss. “Now take off your clothes.”

A thrill shot through her at the hunger sparking in his eyes. She wriggled her shoulders and let the cardigan fall to the chaise lounge. Turning, she pulled her hair to the side and said, “Unzip me, please.”

Robyn splashed in the water, watching them.

Seth dropped a kiss on her shoulder, then the top of her spine as he slid down the tab. Gliding his fingers beneath the spaghetti straps, he slipped them off her shoulders. Robyn turned onto her belly and kicked to the side of the pool, hanging on the edge. Courtney’s dress fluttered to the marble. She stepped out of it, then slid her feet from her sandals. Seth trailed a finger down her back to the crease of her butt. More than anything, she wanted to tip her head and see if he was looking at Robyn. Whose breasts did he like better? Courtney’s were full, but breast-feeding had taken its toll. Robyn’s belly was smooth. Faint stretch marks lingered on Courtney’s tummy even after all these years. Seth leaned down, bit the soft tendons between her shoulder and neck, and Courtney thrilled to the fact that he concentrated solely on her. Reaching around to cup her breasts, he pinched a nipple. She shivered, closed her eyes, and pushed back against his rock-hard erection. Then he pushed her forward and into the water.

She came up shrieking, the same as Robyn had. “Oh my God.” The cold water choked off her breath for a moment, then she met Robyn’s eye. They both came out with “shrinkage” at exactly the same moment, then dissolved into 58

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peals of laughter.

“I’m not getting in there if I’m going to have shrinkage,” Seth said emphatically.

“Strip,” Courtney ordered.

“Take it off, Mr. O’Brien,” Robyn demanded.

They both paddled to the pool’s marble edge, folded their arms, and stared expectantly.

Truthfully, Courtney couldn’t describe the feeling. The Bacchus pool that thousands of tourists dreamed of swimming in—they had it to themselves. Skinny-dipping. Champagne and strawberries. She shivered with pure delight.

“Come on, don’t be a weenie,” Courtney challenged.

“I’m not a weenie,” Seth declared.

He wanted to put on a show for them. Courtney read it in his stance, the curve of his lips, and the bulge of his shorts. She had her husband right on the edge.


Three’s A Crowd


“TAKE IT OFF, TAKE IT OFF,” ROBYN CHANTED. COURTNEY JOINED IN. Grabbing his shirt by the neck, Seth yanked it over his head. Muscled chest dusted with hair, dusky nipples, flat abdomen, he was a man in his prime. She’d take him any day over some wimp in his thirties.

“Show us the rest, hot stuff,” Robyn catcalled. Flipping off his deck shoes, Seth unbuttoned, unzipped, and shoved his shorts off his hips to kick them aside.

Complete and utter silence reigned on the hill. Courtney saw her husband through Robyn’s eyes, a magnificent male animal, predatory in the aggressive jut of his cock. Long, thick, pulsing. Her mouth watered.

“Shrinkage is certainly not a problem,” Robyn mused, taking in her fill. Courtney should have been jealous at another woman getting the complete eyeful. Yet she was proud. Seth was hers. And he was fucking gorgeous. With a mighty roar, he took off at a run, jumped, pulled his knees to his chest, and hit the water in a tremendous cannonball. The girls shrieked and laughed, wiping the spray from their faces.

He broke the surface, then backstroked across the pool, his cock standing proud.

“He’s quite a sight.” Robyn’s gaze followed his progress.

“He’s quite a man,” Courtney agreed.

“This was a wonderful idea.”

“I wanted something over the top.”

Robyn arched a brow. “We haven’t even gotten to the really fun part yet.”

She dove beneath the water, pushed off from the wall, and glided into the middle, coming up next to Seth as he made his way back across. With a big smile, Robyn dunked him under. He came up sputtering, grabbed her around the waist, and flung her into deep water. They laughed, playing like children. A pang nudged up under Courtney’s rib cage. She’d let herself be left out for the moment. Ducking beneath the surface, she braced her feet on the wall and shot into the middle where she could see their legs working in the water. Tugging on Seth’s hairy calf, she pulled him down with her. Bubbles burbled out of his mouth. Wrapping an arm beneath her breasts, he swam up to the light 60

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shining into the water, lifted her, tossed her.

“Oh my hair, you’ve made it a mess,” she shrieked, pushing it out of her face, water streaming down.

Robyn jumped up to dunk Courtney with a two-handed shove on her head. When she cleared the water again, Seth was dunking Robyn. A moment later, he hauled Courtney against him and took her down, sealing his lips to hers in a searing kiss. Her legs tangled with his, his cock hard against her belly. Oh no, shrinkage definitely was not a problem. With the exertion and the heat of his kiss, the water didn’t even feel cold anymore. Her nipples beaded, and that wasn’t the cold either. He broke the surface once more, wrapping her legs around his waist and swimming with her to the steps. They were both breathing hard, their skin icy, their hearts racing. Robyn’s cold fingers slid down her spine. “Kiss him for me, Courtney.”

Courtney pushed Seth back against the steps, spread her body over his, their torsos bare above the water, and kissed him. Lips, tongues, open-mouthed, seeking, taking.

Seth’s blood roared through his ears and his cock pulsed. They’d gone from laughing and playing to throbbing heat in sixty seconds flat. He wanted to bury his cock in her.

He wanted Robyn to watch. “Take a picture,” he ordered, pointing to the camera Courtney had left by the champagne, then gave himself up to the taste of his wife’s lips.

He was aware, moments later, as Robyn nuzzled up against them on the pool steps, the camera on and lying within reach. Wet, naked female bodies surrounded him. He was nuts with the feel of all that skin. Courtney devoured him like never before. Threading his fingers through her hair, he anchored his mouth on hers and slipped his other hand down between their bodies, pinching her nipple, stroking her abdomen, tunneling between her legs. She opened over him, and he slipped into her moist channel.

Down between Courtney’s legs, he felt the stroke of Robyn’s fingers across the back of his hand and thought he’d shatter into a million pieces. He tore his mouth away for a breath of air.

“Are you sure this is private?”

Courtney nodded, her gaze shell-shocked.

“Then suck me, baby,” he muttered. “Christ, I need your mouth on me.”


Three’s A Crowd

She slithered down his body, sucked his nipple, bit him lightly. Spots danced before his eyes. Robyn’s body heat, so close to theirs, set the water boiling. He shifted to the top step, his cock breaking the surface, and Courtney went down between his legs. Curling her fist around him, she took his shaft deep into her mouth. He closed his eyes, groaning, and when he opened them again, Robyn’s gaze consumed him. Her nostrils flared, her eyes coal dark and hot.

“More pictures, Seth?” she asked.

He could do nothing more than nod. Oh yeah, he wanted documentation, too.

The sex was raw, heated, elemental. Courtney sucked hard on the tip, the way he loved, driving him higher. He had to beat back the orgasm that rose like a tidal wave. Not yet. Too soon.

Robyn reached out to pinch his nipple. Hard. Pleasure-pain flashed down to his balls. He screwed his eyes shut. Christ. Too much. Not enough. God.

“Courtney, stop.” Robyn’s voice, soft yet steel-edged. His eyes flashed open. Courtney stilled with his crown between her lips, the sight so gorgeous, so powerful. Yet he could breathe again, and the climax receded a hairsbreadth.

“We don’t want him to come so soon,” Robyn said gently, as if Courtney were a child.

His wife blinked, came back to herself. She’d been as carried away as he. Robyn was right, though, too much, too soon, too fast.

“Lick him lightly along his shaft.” Robyn’s voice caressed him as Courtney followed her instructions, gliding her tongue down to the base of his cock.

“Now his balls,” Robyn cooed.

He’d shaved smooth this morning, but Courtney had never been a nut girl. Until now.

She licked around, under, over, then sucked one ball into her mouth. Holy mother. He was instantly an inch longer, a stone harder.

“Now motorboat him.”

Courtney popped him free. “Motorboat?”

Robyn nodded. “Yeah. Like this.” She dipped down into the water and blew bubbles out her mouth.

Courtney laughed, then repeated the action against his balls. It was unique, different, hot.


Three’s A Crowd

“Like it?” Robyn asked.

“Fucking fantastic,” he said, fast losing himself in the sensations.

“Now take him slowly into your mouth, Courtney, as deep as you can go.”

Seth held out his hand. “The camera.”

He gazed at her on the view screen. Christ. Gorgeous. Courtney slid her lips over his crown, down, down, down. He documented the intensely erotic sight.

“Relax your throat,” Robyn coaxed.

His shaft disappeared into her mouth, and finally nudged the back of her throat. “Look up at me, baby.” Her eyes were like melted chocolate in the camera’s lens.

“Let him in all the way.” Robyn laid her hand on the back of Courtney’s head with a gentle pressure. “A little bit more.”

Impossibly, she took him. It was sheer heaven. His hips moved on their own, lightly pumping. Courtney pressed her fingers into his ass, urging his cock deeper.

“Holy shit. Fuck.” The words fell from his lips, his eyes closed, and he flexed. She was gone, cool air on his hard cock. He opened his eyes to meet her gaze.

“I want Robyn to do this with me.”

How many times had he heard that? Her fantasy. Christ, he wouldn’t be a red-blooded American male if he hadn’t gotten right into the fantasy, too. The chill of the water seeped into his bones. He set the camera aside on the edge of the pool, away from the water. What would she do or say later if he agreed to this?

“Please,” she whispered.

Robyn soothed a hand down his arm as if she understood the thoughts knocking like billiard balls inside his head. “It’ll be together, not just me.”

The water swished around his legs as Courtney moved to his side and Robyn settled down next to him.

His wife held his cock, dipping her head to run her tongue from base to tip. Robyn angled her head the opposite direction, and tongued him from crown to balls.

Two mouths, two tongues, two feminine bodies pressed against him. Shit, fuck, he was going to hell. He closed his eyes so he couldn’t see who was doing what and the sensations intensified. He slid deep down a throat. A hand teased 63

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his balls. Slurping, sucking, Jesus, even the sounds drove him wild.

“Watch,” Courtney demanded.

He was their tool. He did what she wanted. Eyes open, he drank in the sight as Robyn held his cock in her fist and guided Courtney down on him, her lips engulfing him, taking him deep, deeper, deepest. They switched, Courtney holding, Robyn’s mouth sliding down. His wife’s eyes glowed, swallowing the sight whole as if she relished the finest of her sweet wines. Finally, both mouths at once, as if they were kissing each other as well as his cock. The heat, the excitement, two heads bobbing over him, worshiping his cock. He snapped a picture, wanting Courtney to see it for herself later. Then everything became pure sensation.

“Jesus, I’m gonna come.” The cry was almost torn from his throat. He was on the hairy edge, Courtney sucked, Robyn palmed his nuts, touched that sensitive spot by his ass. He pulsed, rocked, pumped, then at the last moment, he yanked on Courtney’s arms. “I need to come on your breasts.”

BOOK: Hers for the Evening
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