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Authors: Jasmine Haynes

Hers for the Evening (6 page)

BOOK: Hers for the Evening
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Devon had told her that courtesans often had other careers, that they were educated. They weren’t people Isabel picked up off a street corner. “Where did you go to school?”

“Brown University. However, I wanted to move out to the West Coast.”

An Ivy Leaguer. No wonder she sounded cultured. “Who wouldn’t want to live out here, especially the Bay Area?” Courtney enthused. “I’m born and bred myself.” At Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto. Seth was from Chicago. They’d met in college. “Don’t you worry that someone you work with might find out?”

“Isabel does very careful screening and discretion is paramount.” Robyn 38

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tipped her head. “You needn’t fear that anyone will find out about this weekend.”

She zipped her lip.

“I don’t.” Courtney hadn’t thought about it. It wasn’t like she was cheating on Seth. Her parents were gone. Good Lord if the girls found out though.

“As for me,” Robyn went on, glancing out the side window, “I was a casualty of the economic downturn.” She turned back with a smile. “Now I am a full-time courtesan.” She laughed, a pretty sound. “We have our own system for paying income taxes. Isabel has figured out everything.” Her eyes sparkled with whatever ingenuity Isabel had devised to make sure the government didn’t get stiffed. So to speak. “The stress is a lot less,” Robyn went on. “You can’t imagine what it was like trying to explain a forty percent loss in someone’s portfolio. Or the guilt. Then the difficulty in convincing them when the time is right to get back in . . .” She put a hand to her chest. “In the current economic climate, pleasuring men and women sexually is a lot more fun than managing their investments.”

Women? Courtney glanced at Seth. His eyes were on the road, hands comfortably guiding the wheel, cruise control set at a sedate seventy miles per hour. Despite his relaxed pose, there was a distinctive bulge in his shorts. Oh God. Courtney couldn’t help a little blip of her heart. He didn’t expect that, did he? “So you pleasure women, too?”

Robyn’s lips trembled, then she chuckled. “You’d be surprised at the number of men who like to see their wives find the ultimate pleasure from a woman’s caress and a woman’s lips.”

Oh my Lord. Seth shot her a shit-eating grin. There was no other term for it.

“Well, that wasn’t exactly what Seth and I were looking for.” She emphasized by pinching his arm lightly.

“I’m glad.” Robyn leaned forward to pat Courtney’s hand. “I do prefer men.”


Three’s A Crowd


SETH DIDN’T KNOW WHETHER TO LAUGH OR STOP THE CAR AND run away screaming. His cock had taken on a life of its own picturing the . . . topic of conversation, as it were. Robyn was gorgeous, intelligent, and soft-spoken. She concentrated on Courtney, not him. The discussion wasn’t foreplay; it was designed to put Courtney at ease. Somehow, instead of making it all about him and his needs, Robyn turned it into Courtney’s party. That was exactly what he wanted. He’d barely had a free minute in the last two weeks, which had irked Courtney to no end. He’d sworn to himself this weekend would be all about her, about what she needed. It wasn’t just him fucking some other woman. This was about him and Courtney. Robyn was a mechanism to bring them closer together. As long as it didn’t blow up in his face.

“So tell me your favorite position, Seth.” Robyn added a little hmm. Holy hell. He’d been ruminating too much and missed that somehow the two women had finally decided to include him.

“Don’t say missionary,” Robyn warned, laughter lacing the stern tone.

“I like missionary,” Courtney said, a pout on her lips.

“Fibber,” he scolded. “You like being on top.” He tipped his head to catch Robyn in the mirror. “She loves to be in control.”

“I do not. It’s merely that when I’m on top, I can—” Courtney stopped. Laughed. Then covered her mouth.

“Come on, Courtney,” Robyn chided, “tell us what you like doing when you’re on top.”

“I can’t say it aloud.” She pretended to be the prude, which she was definitely not. Then again, this was a situation unlike any she’d ever encountered.

Seth smirked. “I’ll tell you what she likes to do.”

Courtney shot over the console and put her hand over his lips. “You keep that to yourself.”

In the backseat, Robyn laughed at their antics. “I bet you love to masturbate. Rub your clit. Frig yourself.”

The words said aloud in that soft, genteel voice strummed his cock. He pulled Courtney’s hand away and shoved her palm down on his cock. Christ, he was 40

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hard. He could do Courtney in the backseat on the side of the highway, he was that turned on. He scented her as if she were a bitch in heat, the sweet, musky aroma of arousal he was so damn familiar with. He could taste her pussy on his tongue. Courtney had the sweetest pussy. He loved going down on her. The fact that they had an audience gave him a high he’d never experienced.

“Have you ever done a more exotic position? How about all fours, reverse cowgirl, standing up, or South Slav?”

“What’s South Slav?” Courtney concentrated on Robyn, yet all the while rubbing Seth’s cock with the bump and sway of the car along the freeway, a subtle pressure that drove him nuts.

“South Slav is when your man lays you on your back in bed, pulls you to the edge. He lifts your legs up straight and crosses your ankles before sliding his cock slowly, deeply inside you. As he moves, he kisses your feet. It’s very erotic.”

Robyn waited expectantly, brows raised.

A throb started in his cock, spreading out.

Courtney harrumphed. “I’m not that limber.”

“Hah.” He adjusted the mirror slightly so Robyn would realize he spoke to her. “She walks four miles a day over the hills around our house. She’s limber enough for anything.”

Courtney wrinkled her nose. “Maybe I’ll need a demonstration.”

Robyn stared pointedly at him in the mirror. “We can certainly make sure you get all the demonstration you need.”

Seth’s blood hammered though his veins. Courtney leaned over and breathed in his ear, warm, wet. “Yeah, sweetie,” she whispered, then licked his earlobe,

“we’re going to need a long, deep demonstration.”

He shuddered deep in his bones picturing the night to come. He wanted to say he didn’t need this, wanted to believe he was above it. Yet surrounded by the scent of so much aroused femininity, he was in danger of doing anything his wife asked.

“Courtney, are you by any chance stroking Seth’s cock?”

Courtney laughed and nodded.

“Is Seth getting hard?”

She squeezed him, then reached between his legs to cup his balls, and answered Robyn with, “Uh-huh.”

“Mmm.” Combined with Courtney’s touch, Robyn’s sound of approval vibrated 41

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through his cockhead.

Oh man, he was in trouble. Big trouble.

“May I see how large he is?”

“Seth?” Courtney murmured, asking permission. He’d had same-room sex with another couple in college, before he’d started dating Courtney. It had been new, exciting. This was . . . different. Better. Hotter. More erotic. His breath seemed harsh in his throat. His heart beat in time with the pulse of his cock. It was all he could do to manage the SUV. Because of Courtney. He thought he knew her inside and out, yet this was a facet of her he’d never even contemplated. The naughty smile gracing her lips. The lascivious sparkle in her eyes. The playfulness in her touch. It was so far beyond the fantasizing they’d done. Was it possible that she wasn’t jealous?

He put his hand over hers, turned long enough to capture her gaze. “It’s your cock this weekend, baby, do what you want with it.”

The rasp of his zipper drowned out the road noise. Robyn leaned forward, her fingers brushing his shoulder as she peered over the seat. Her scent of almonds and vanilla drifted over him, a nice smell, yet he preferred Courtney’s citrus lotions.

She moved to the other seat, behind Courtney. “The view is so much better over here.”

In his peripheral vision, he got an impression of their heads together, their eyes devouring him.

Courtney reached inside his shorts. Her fingers were cool from the airconditioning while her gaze was totally hot. She chuckled. “Oh, you dirty man, you’re not wearing underwear.”

Seth gave her his best shit-eating grin. “Two can play at this game, baby.”

He’d gone commando, not with this in mind, but because it put him in a nastier frame of mind.

Gliding deeper into his shorts, down his shaft, making his forehead break out in a sweat, she reached for his balls.

And gasped, turning to Robyn. “He shaved,” she whispered with awe. Satisfaction ran rampant through him. She thought she had everything mapped out, in her control. He’d decided to throw his wife a few curve balls. Pun intended.

“Show me the prize.” Robyn seduced them both with a whisper. 42

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A car passed them in the fast lane. Thank God the SUV rode higher or they’d be seen. The idea shot through his cock, turning him unbearably hard and aching.

“He likes that,” Courtney said, as if he were a toy they were playing with. She pulled his cock from his shorts, the crown plum-colored with need.

“Oh my,” Robyn murmured with reverence.

He was a guy like any other, and the admiration in her tone kicked him a notch higher. Pre-come beaded on his tip.

Courtney captured it on her finger and raised her hand to her mouth. Her brown eyes darkened to the color of whiskey, her lips slick and beckoning with his come. The car hit the road dots, bumping over them until he corrected. Je-sus. She liked to suck, loved to swallow, but the carnal heat in her eyes was beyond anything they’d shared. For the first damn time, Seth started to see how good this could be for them. A whole new phase of their sex life.

“Suck him, Courtney. Enough to make him crazy but not to let him come.”

The seductive pitch of Robyn’s voice mesmerized him. One quick glance at her, the scorching blaze in her gaze, and he was in danger of losing total control of the vehicle.

Courtney took him in her mouth. “Christ,” hissed through his teeth. She’d never done it like that before, hard, sucking him deep, until her throat flexed and rippled around him. He could come right this minute, shoot off in her mouth. Instead, she was gone again, and his mind whirled in some altered state.

“That’s enough for now,” Robyn whispered. “We have all day to tease him.”

“You’re right,” Courtney agreed. “He’ll be pleading for mercy before we’re done with him.” She zipped him up and patted the aching bulge in his shorts. The weekend had only just begun. The two of them would be the death of him. What a way to go.

COURTNEY COULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT SHE’D DONE IN THE FRONT seat of the family SUV. Holy Christmas, it was hot.

Punch-drunk on all the flirting and naughty talk, they’d made it down to Templeton before she knew it. She was dying to get Seth alone and hear what he was thinking. Then again, she was the tiniest bit afraid to learn. Coward that she was, she simply went along with the wine tasting.

“I like chardonnays and sweet dessert wines better than reds,” Courtney said 43

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as they leaned on the long wooden bar.

“I’m a red girl myself,” Robyn said, perusing the list of wines available for tasting.

The second winery on her list, it was smaller than the first, with only one tasting bar and no gift shop. Thankfully, it was less crowded, too. The crush at the last place made it difficult to get a taste of everything. The floors were lacquered concrete, but the wood of the bar appeared to be real oak. Three bartenders served the five groups of tasters. Robyn pointed to a merlot at the bottom of the wine list. The bartender poured without taking his eyes off her. Robyn’s elegant mannerisms had been a hit at both wineries. In fact, while the four other groups had to share the two bartenders, this guy was devoting himself to their threesome. Young, certainly under the age of thirty, he was pretty-boy handsome, dark haired, and smitten with Robyn’s smile.

Lifting the glass, Robyn sniffed the bouquet, swirled the wine, then sipped. Holding it in her mouth a long moment, she swallowed. “A little bitter for me.”

Their bartender pulled another bottle from the wine cabinet behind him. “Let me recommend this one instead, ma’am.”

Robyn repeated the procedure with the second merlot. Sniff, swirl, sip, then she closed her eyes and gave a soft moan of pure pleasure, as if she were close to orgasm. That sound, which she made every time a particularly delicious jot of wine overcame her taste buds, was what really made her the big hit. Their bartenders couldn’t get enough of her, couldn’t pour the best fast enough to make sure her palate was tantalized. She had every man practically on his knees, even the other tasters.

Yeah, Seth liked it, too, watching every move Robyn made. Yet there was a distance to his gaze, as if he were assessing and analyzing a new product, taking its measure, examining its performance.

Standing next to Courtney, he flipped over the wine list. “Try this one, baby,”

he said close to her ear. His breath, sweet with a fruity merlot, sent tingles to her breasts.

BOOK: Hers for the Evening
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