Heroes, Rogues, & Lovers: Testosterone and Behavior (75 page)

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Authors: James McBride Dabbs,Mary Godwin Dabbs

Tags: #test

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21. "Athletes and Sexual Crimes Against Women," comm. Frank Deford,
Morning Edition
(Washington, D.C.: National Public Radio, 24 March 1994).
22. Peggy Reeves Sanday,
Fraternity Gang Rapes: Sex, Brotherhood, and Privilege on Campus
(New York: New York University Press, 1990).
23. James M. Dabbs, Jr., Charles H. Hopper, and Gregory J. Jurkovic, "Testosterone and Personality among College Students and Military Veterans,"
Personality and Individual Differences
, Vol. 11 (1990), pp.12631269.
24. James T. Winslow, James Ellingboe, and Klaus A. Miczek, "Effects of Alcohol on Aggressive Behavior in Squirrel Monkeys: Influence of Testosterone and Social Context," Psychopharmacology, Vol. 95 (1988), pp.356363.
Page 245
25. Susan E. Chance, Ronald T. Brown, James M. Dabbs, Jr., and Robert Casey, "Testosterone, Intelligence, and Behavior Disorders in Young Boys,"
Personality and Individual Differences
, Vol. 28 (2000), pp.437445.
26. Roy S. Dickens, Jr., "Ceramic Patterning and Social Structure at Two Late Upper Creek Sites in Alabama," delivered at the 33rd Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Tuscaloosa, AL, November 6, 1976.
27. An extensive discussion of the relation between sex ratios and power is provided by Marcia Guttentag and Paul F. Secord,
Too Many Women? The Sex Ratio Question
(Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1983).
28. Muriel Spark, "Personal History: Venture into Africa,"
The New Yorker
, 2 March 1992, p.75.
29. David T. Courtwright,
Violent Land: Single Men and Social Disorder from the Frontier to the Inner City
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1996).
30. Peggy Reeves Sanday, "The Socio-Cultural Context of Rape: A Cross-Cultural Study,"
Journal of Social Issues
, Vol. 37 (1981), pp.527.
31. Todd W. Crosset, Jeffrey R. Benedict, and Mark A. McDonald, "Male Student-Athletes Reported for Sexual Assault: A Survey of Campus Police Departments and Judicial Affairs Offices,"
Journal of Sport and Social Issues
, Vol. 19 (1995), pp.126140.
32. Jeff Nesmith, "China's Surplus of Bachelors Could Breed Chaos,"
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
, 27 January 1995, p. A12; Shripad Tuljapurkar, Nan Li, and Marcus W. Feldman, "High Sex Ratios in China Future,"
, Vol. 267 (1995), pp.874876.
33. Patrick Henry, from a speech in Virginia Convention on March 23, 1775, in
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations
34. Thomas Henry Huxley, from "On the Educational Value of the Natural History Sciences" (1854), in
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations
35. "Violent Crime Report Update," host Alex Chadwick,
Morning Edition
(Washington, D.C.: National Public Radio, 10 December 1999).
36. Edward Zigler, Cara Taussig, and Kathryn Black, "Early Childhood Intervention: A Promising Prevention for Juvenile Delinquency,"
American Psychologist
, Vol. 47 (1992), pp.9961006.

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