Heroes, Rogues, & Lovers: Testosterone and Behavior (71 page)

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Authors: James McBride Dabbs,Mary Godwin Dabbs

Tags: #test

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20. John C. Wingfield, Robert E. Hegner, Alfred M. Dufty, Jr., and Gregory F. Ball, "The 'Challenge Hypothesis': Theoretical Implications for Patterns of Testosterone Secretion, Mating Systems, and Breeding Strategies,"
American Naturalist
, Vol. 136 (1990), pp. 829846. Also, Ellen D. Ketterson and Van
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Nolan, Jr., "Hormones and Life Histories: An Integrative Approach,"
The American Naturalist
, Vol. 140 (1992), pp.S33S62.
21. Allan Mazur and Joel Michalek, "Marriage, Divorce, and Male Testosterone,"
Social Forces
, Vol. 77 (1998), pp.315330.
22. David J. Gubernick, Carol M., and Joy F. Stallings, "Hormonal Correlates of Fatherhood in Men: A Preliminary Report," paper presented at the meeting of the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, Newport Beach, 1992. The results are also reported in Carol M. Worthman, Joy F. Stallings, and David J. Gubernick, "Measurement of Hormones in Blood Spots: A Non-isotopic Assay for Prolactin,"
American Journal of Physical Anthropology [Supplement No. 12]
, (1991), pp. 186187. Similar results are reported by Anne E. Storey, Carolyn J. Walsh, Roma L. Quinton, and Katherine E. Wynne-Edwards, "Hormonal Correlates of Paternal Responsiveness in New and Expectant Fathers,''
Hormones and Behavior
, in press. There are also indications of higher prolactin in new fathers than in expectant fathers among mice, reported by D. J. Gubernick and R. J. Nelson, "Prolactin and Paternal Behavior in the Biparental California Mouse, Peromyscus Californicus,"
Hormones and Behavior
, Vol. 23 (1989), pp. 203210; and of higher prolactin and lower testosterone levels among male gerbils who are living with a mate and pups than among those who are not, reported by R. E. Brown, T. Murdoch, P. R. Murphy, and W. H. Moger, "Hormonal Responses of Male Gerbils to Stimuli from their Mate and Pups,"
Hormones and Behavior
. Vol. 29 (1995), pp.474491.
23. Randy J. Nelson,
An Introduction to Behavioral Endocrinology
(Sunderland, MA: Sinauer, 1995), p. 86. Also see A. J. Fivizzani, and L. W. Oring, "Plasma Steroid Hormones in Relation to Behavioral Sex Role Reversal in the Spotted Sandpiper,
Actitis macularia," Biological Reproduction
, Vol. 35 (1986), pp.11951201.
24. This conclusion comes from a reanalysis of the data reported by James M. Dabbs, Jr., and Robin Morris, "Testosterone, Social Class, and Antisocial Behavior in a Sample of 4,662 Men,"
Psychological Science
, Vol. 1 (1990), pp.209211.
25. A. Steiger, U. von Bardeleben, K. Wiedemann, and F. Holsboer, "Sleep EEG and Nocturnal Secretion of Testosterone and Cortisol in Patients with Major Endogenous Depression During Acute Phase and after Remission,"
Journal of Psychiatric Research
, Vol. 25 (1991), pp.169177.
26. Robert T. Rubin, Russell E. Poland, and Ira M. Lesser, "Neuroendocrine Aspects of Primary Endogenous Depression VIII. Pituitary-Gonadal Axis Activity in Male Patients and Matched Control Subjects,"
, Vol. 14 (1989), pp.217229.
27. D. C. Cumming, M. E. Quigley, and S.S.C. Yen, "Acute suppression of circulating testosterone levels by cortisol in men,"
Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
, Vol. 57 (1983), pp.671673.
28. Very little is known about the relation between testosterone and corti-
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sol levels in normal women. The study by Banks and Dabbs (1996) indicated a positive correlation between levels of the two hormones.
29. Julia Ross, "Clues Sought in Brain's Physiology,"
U. S. Medicine
, May 1995, pp.3 ff.
30. William W. Morgan and Damon C. Herbert, "Elevation of Serum Prolactin Levels after the Inhibition of Serotonin Uptake,"
, Vol. 103 (1978), pp.10161022.
31. D. S. Charney, G. R. Henninger, J. F. Reinhard, D. E. Sternberg, and K. M. Hafstead, "The Effect of IV L-Tryptophan on Prolactin, Growth Hormones and Mood in Healthy Subjects,"
, Vol. 78 (1982), pp. 3845. This study is cited in Eric R. Braverman with Carl C. Pfeiffer,
The Healing Nutrients Within: Facts, Findings and New Research on Amino Acids
(New Canaan, CT:Keats Publishing, 1987), p.74.
32. Paul C. Bernhardt, "Influence of Serotonin and Testosterone in Aggression and Dominance: Convergence with Social Psychology,"
Current Directions in Psychological Science
, Vol. 6 (1997), pp.4448.
33. Michael J. Raleigh and Michael T. McGuire, "Social Influences on Endocrine Function in Male Vervet Monkeys," in Toni E. Ziegler and Fred B. Bercovitch, eds.,
Socioendocrinology of Primate Reproduction
(New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990), pp.95111.
34. Roger Short, now at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, studied Claymore's milk production, milk composition, and testosterone levels throughout an entire year. He suspects Claymore's disorder arose from a single gene defect involving aromatization of testosterone to estrogen in the mammary tissue, as has been described among men with gynecomastia.
35. Anne Campbell, "Staying Alive: Evolution, Culture, and Women's Intrasexual Aggression,"
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
, Vol. 22 (1999), pp.203252.
36. Bernard Rimland, "The Altruism Paradox,"
Psychological Reports
, Vol. 51 (1982), pp.551552.
37. Julie A. Harris, J. Philippe Rushton, Elizabeth Hampson, and Douglas N. Jackson, "Salivary Testosterone and Self-report Aggressive and Pro-social Personality Characteristics in Men and Women,"
Aggressive Behavior
, Vol. 22 (1996), 321331.
38. Carol Kaesuk Yoon, "Study Exposes Craven Motive of the Brave Meerkat Sentry,"
New York Times on the Web
, 8 June 1999.
Chapter 8
Heroic Altruism
1. Jack Markowitz,
A Walk on the Crust of Hell
(Brattleboro, VT:Stephen Greene Press, 1973).

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