Here All Along (5 page)

Read Here All Along Online

Authors: Crista McHugh

Tags: #contemporary romance, #movie star romance, #new adult romance, #friends to lovers

BOOK: Here All Along
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Sarah suppressed a smile. It was the same argument she’d given him years ago when she was trying to convince him to give yoga a try. It was the one thing she credited for her recovery from the accident.

Much to her surprise, Gabe actually seemed to contemplate the reasons. “Interesting. Might have to give it a try.”

She did a subtle appraisal of his physique. Gabe looked like the type who preferred to lift weights in the gym. Well-muscled, but a little stiff in his shoulders and hips. Yoga would do him some good, but she could practically see Gideon blowing a gasket if she invited him to join them in the morning.

She put away her phone so she could focus on keeping the two boys apart for the rest of the meal. “I understand you’re from New York,” she said to Gabe, hoping to divert some of the tension. “What made you want to come to Hollywood?”

“Why not?” He tried to sound blasé about it, but there was a hint of something more to his response.

“Well, there are plenty of acting opportunities back there.”

“Especially as well connected as your family is,” Gideon added.

Gabe gripped his wine glass so tightly, Sarah feared it would snap in his hand. Thankfully, he had enough class not to toss out a similar jab to Gideon. Both men came from well-to-do families. Both of them could quit acting whenever they wanted and still live a lavish lifestyle.

Gabe took another sip of wine, and his temper seemed to cool. “I’d love to do a stint on Broadway one day, but I came out to LA to attend USC, and here is where my career took off. It just worked out that way.”

Of course, it helped that Gabe was easy on the eyes. He was tall with dark brown hair, warm brown eyes, and a perfect bronze glow to his skin that spoke of hours in the sun. Plus, there was a certain
je ne sais quoi
about him, an air of worldliness that intrigued her. She’d seen enough pretty boys in the biz, but Gabe was more than just a hot bod.

Too bad he suffered from the same plight as Gideon—getting cast as the eye candy instead of getting the juicy roles that serious actors craved.

The roles she’d once been offered before she destroyed her career.

“What about you, Sarah? Are you an aspiring actress?”

Gideon choked on his wine across the table.

Sarah would’ve done the same if she’d been drinking when Gabe asked his question. Instead, her mouth went dry, and her stomach suddenly felt like she’d eaten an entire cow instead of a few bites of steak.

“What?” Gabe asked, both brows raised in mock innocence. “She’s obviously very attractive, and it’s not unheard of for young actors to take odd jobs until they get their big break.”

Oh, if he only knew…

Thankfully, Gideon answered before she was forced to reveal her tragic back story. “Sarah actually has aspirations in fashion and costume design. She made this, for example.”

Gabe studied the blazer and nodded. “Very nice. And very refreshing. So many people in LA think they can sleep their way to the top.”

Unfortunately, he said the last sentence as she was sipping her water, and her reaction was similar to Gideon’s. Gabe had impeccable timing when it came to certain subjects.

“Sarah’s my assistant, Gabe, nothing more.” Gideon spoke with such solid firmness, one would’ve never guessed he’d ever wanted more from her than just his latte and instructions on where he had to go next.

“Of course. But I wasn’t talking about her.” He gestured toward the loud, anorexic-appearing woman with unnaturally large cleavage making her way toward them.

Mackinzie Donavan.

Sarah silently cursed and bunched up her napkin. Now her appetite was definitely ruined.

“Talk about my lucky day.” The actress wobbled in her six-inch heels and fell into the chair next to Gideon. “Both of my co-stars together for dinner, and I get to join them.”

Gideon sent a silent plea for help as Mackinzie wrapped her arms around his neck.

“That looks delicious, Gideon. Care to share a bite?”

Why? She’d probably go to the bathroom and purge it all later.
Several more vicious thoughts swirled through Sarah’s mind, but none of them surfaced on her tongue.

Ever the gentleman, Gideon tried to hide his grimace as he offered a piece of steak to the woman who looked like she hadn’t had a real meal in months.

Mackinzie closed her eyes and made a series of moans that were more appropriate for the bedroom than a restaurant. “That is so yummy.”

I’m going to be sick
. Sarah wanted to blame her disgust on the woman who’d interrupted their dinner, but every time Mackinzie touched Gideon, a new wave of loathing rolled through her.

The actress stopped pawing Gideon long enough to wave to Gabe. “Hi, cutie. I was so bummed to learn I wouldn’t have any steamy scenes with you, but the ones I have with Gideon will make up for it.”

Gideon cringed and sent another
help me

Sarah set her napkin on the table and slid out of the booth. “As much as we hate to leave, Gideon and I have a few more things to go over.”

Mackinzie narrowed her eyes, going from airheaded bimbo to vicious vixen in a matter of seconds. “And who are you?”

“I’m his assistant.”

“Well, you’re interrupting our dinner, so go do what you’re paid to do and leave us alone.”

“Sarah was the one invited to dine with us, not you,” Gideon replied with clenched teeth.

“But you don’t really need her any more, do you?” She shooed Sarah away and turned her attention back to Gideon. “I’d love to get to know you better before we have to start filming our scenes. Maybe clear away some of the awkwardness beforehand.”

Sarah had read the script and knew exactly what those scenes entailed. Gideon was playing an undercover agent, and part of the sting operation involved him seducing the drug lord’s mistress played by Mackinzie to gain information.

She made a note not to be on the set during those scenes.

“That sounds like a wonderful idea, Mackinzie.” Gabe came around after tossing some bills on the table and placed his hand on the small of Sarah’s back. “Why don’t we leave these two serious method actors alone for the evening?”

Before Sarah could protest, he was pushing her toward the front of the restaurant.

“Maybe we should go back and rescue Gideon?”

“He’s a big boy. He can take care of himself. Besides, you’re way too sophisticated to act on those thoughts going through your mind.”

She stopped short of the hostess stand and turned around. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Look me in the eye and tell me you were not seconds away from ripping her hands off of him.”

The back of her neck blazed with embarrassment, and she looked away.

“I thought as much. Let me walk you back to your room, and then I’ll come back and rescue Gideon.” Gabe gestured toward the door. “Ladies first.”

The crowd from earlier had dispersed, but extra members of the casino’s security team lingered nearby. Sarah sent a text message to Raul to come down and assist as needed while she waited for Gabe to fall into step beside her.

“Calling for reinforcements?”

“I’d be a bad assistant if I didn’t.” She tucked her phone back into her small handbag. “By the way, thank you.”

“Of course. Up until Mackinzie arrived, it was a very pleasant dinner.”

“I’m still trying to figure out why they cast her.”

Gabe laughed. “That makes two of us. And judging by the expression on Gideon’s face, he feels the same way.”

“The Kid’s a professional. He’ll act his way through those scenes.”

“The Kid?”

An embarrassed laugh slipped out. “Yeah.”

“There’s a story there, I assume.”

“Of course.” She nodded to the security guards by the elevator and used her room key to call for the elevator.

“I look forward to hearing it.” Gabe waited until the elevator doors were almost closed before adding, “Sage.”

Her heart skipped several beats. She pressed the open button a dozen times, but the elevator was already in motion. By the time she reached her floor, she was ready to lose her dinner.

Gabe Harrison knew who she was.

And she had the sneaking suspicion he was going to use that information to his advantage.


Gideon pried Mackinzie’s arms off of him long enough to see Gabe leading Sarah out of the restaurant with a possessive hand on her back.

So that’s how he wants to play, huh?

What made it all the more painful was the fact Sarah seemed to enjoy Gabe’s company. He’d felt like a third wheel intruding on their “date” all evening.

“I was heading over to the nightclub,” Mackinzie murmured in his ear, “and I’d love to have you join me.”

He cast one more glance toward the entrance of the restaurant, hoping to see Red coming to the rescue, but only saw Gabe’s head lowered as he said something to her. She’d abandoned him, but that didn’t mean he had to let it ruin the evening.

After all, she was the one who said he needed to get laid, and if Mackinzie’s reputation held true, he’d have an easy time convincing her to hook up with him.

But as soon as the thought entered his mind, a flood of guilt followed. No, he couldn’t stomach the idea of revenge sex, especially with the half-drunk woman practically sitting in his lap.

Especially when he was already in love with Sarah.

But that didn’t mean he couldn’t use tonight’s turn of events in his favor. “I’d love to check out Omnia, but let me finish dinner.”

He scarfed down the rest of the steak while his co-star drummed her fingers on the table and sent him seductive glances from under the fringe of her fake eyelashes. He could see why so many men lost their heads around her. Mackinzie Donavan was very attractive, and she knew how to use her body to her advantage. But there was no substance to her.

He paid for dinner and checked his phone to see if Red had left him a message.


The image of her in Gabe Harrison’s arms hijacked his thoughts, and he curled his hands into fists.

“Come on, sexy.” Mackinzie tugged on his arm and offered him a generous view of her impressive cleavage. “I want to dance.”

He looked at his phone one more time before shoving it into his pocket.

As he left the restaurant, he noticed a muscular man trailing behind them.


Maybe Red hadn’t forgotten all about him.

But right now, he needed a bit of fun.

Chapter Five


Gideon stumbled into the villa with the taste of tequila and cinnamon-flavored lip gloss still on his tongue. He’d had fun with Mackinzie. Probably more fun than he should’ve had, based on the number of shots he’d downed. But when the actress straddled his lap and stuck her tongue down his throat, he sobered up in a heartbeat.

He’d kissed plenty of women, both on screen and off, and kissing Mackinzie Donavan was like kissing a three-day-old dead fish.

He wiped his hand over his face and dreaded the love scenes he’d have to film with her.

At least he confirmed one thing. He had absolutely no desire to sleep with her.

Raul came in behind him and locked the door. “You okay, boss?”

“I will be in the morning.” Even though his stomach was already threatening to empty its contents.

The bodyguard ducked into the kitchen and returned with a box of coconut water. “Drink some of this before crashing.”


Clutching the coconut water, he held on to the wall as he made his way down the hallway, taking a detour to one of the sitting rooms when everything started spinning around him. He fell back on the couch and waited for it to stop.

A half-eaten bag of peanut M&Ms caught his attention. He poured out the contents and confirmed his suspicion.

All the yellow ones were gone.

Something must’ve upset Red.

A feeling of satisfaction formed in the center of his chest. Maybe his night out with Mackinzie had worked to his advantage.

He crawled into bed, feeling much better than he had when he’d first come home.


The alarm clock read 5:25 a.m. when the buzzing started. Gideon slapped the snooze button, but it did little to ease the pounding in his head.

Sarah must’ve snuck into his room last night and set the alarm, because there was no way he would’ve done it. He was beginning to doze off when he remembered why she was waking him up more than half an hour early.

He’d agreed to join her for yoga.

He fell out of bed, still dressed in his clothes from the night before. The stench of smoke and booze clung to the jacket she’d made for him, and he prayed the dry cleaners would be able to get it out.

Once he turned on the bedside lamp, he found a set of workout clothes had already been laid out on the dresser for him. A quick peek in the closet revealed that Sarah had unpacked his suitcase and hung up his clothes.

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