Here All Along (4 page)

Read Here All Along Online

Authors: Crista McHugh

Tags: #contemporary romance, #movie star romance, #new adult romance, #friends to lovers

BOOK: Here All Along
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She looked up to find him watching with a worried line furrowed between his brows.

“I’m fine, Kid. Just…thinking.”

“About what?”


The line between his brows deepened, but he let it go. “By the way, the stylists loved the blazer.”

“Glad I didn’t embarrass you.”

“You could never do that.”

Flashbacks of the days leading up to her accident played through her mind and sobered what could’ve been a sincere moment. “Don’t speak too soon. You know what I’m capable of doing.”

“You’ve moved past that. Besides, I know all the good things you’re capable of doing, too.” He ran his hands over the rust-colored blazer. “Take this, for example. Think I could model a few more Red Sage creations in the future?”


“Awesome.” He reached into his backpack and pulled out a binder. “Care to run lines with me?”

A hint of joy fluttered in her chest. She’d always loved the acting part of show business, the challenge of bringing a complex character to life. It was the only thing she missed from her old life. She was glad to give up the paparazzi and the never-ending demands to be “perfect.” Hair, figure, makeup, partners, social events—if she’d dared to stray from what was expected of her, the media had a field day. But once she slipped into character, she could escape it all.

She smiled and flipped to the scene they would be shooting tomorrow. “You’re the boss.”


Vegas! God, how he loved the town. Even though he’d been there over a dozen times, Gideon still marveled at the lavish and exotic casinos along the Strip. They were so far removed from the solid, modest buildings his father had built throughout Chicago that a trip to Sin City felt like even more of an indulgence.

Across the limo, Sarah scrolled through something on her tablet, completely lost in work mode.

“Hey, Red, did you get me any tickets for a show or two?”

“You’re here for work, Gideon, not play,” she replied without looking up.

He groaned and turned his attention back to the window. “Remember the first time we came here?”

That got her attention. Her icy blue eyes took on a sharp edge. “Vaguely.”

That was during her party years, when Sarah would go out and drink until the sun came up. And that wicked night at Tao…

He closed his eyes and allowed the memory to wrap around him. It was the night when he realized that Sarah was more than just a prima donna. She was real. And she was fun. It was the night that cemented their friendship for years to come. “I remember it. That trip will always hold special meaning to me.”

He turned back to find a wistful smile on her lips. “Yeah. Me, too.”

The urge to end the silence dragging on between them grew more powerful with each solid thud of his heart. Now was his chance to bring up his desire to take things to the next level again, to use an escapade in Las Vegas as an opportunity to see where their relationship went. The problem was, he was too chicken shit to do it. The last time he’d mentioned it, she’d run away and purposely avoided him for an entire month. He didn’t want to risk spending three weeks in Vegas without her.

Or worse, losing her completely.

The limo pulled into the VIP entrance of Caesar’s Palace, and he lost his opportunity.

Sarah grabbed the folder that had been waiting for them in the limo. “I have our room keys, so there’s no need to swing by the front desk. The bellman will bring our bags up.”

“Thanks for arranging all this, Red.”

“It’s what you pay me for.”

Her reply grated on the already raw part of his psyche. There were times when he swore Sarah stayed on as his assistant because she genuinely cared about him. She did things for him that most other assistants would never think of doing, like ensuring his favorite hair gel was on the set or arranging for a specific caterer on location. Stuff that would get him labeled as high-strung and demanding if he asked for it, but when Sarah asked for it, it got done without damaging his reputation.

Then she’d go and remind him that it was all just a job.

Raul and Jason flanked them as they cut through the lobby and went directly to the guarded elevator in the Octavius Tower that would take them to the villa. Once they got to their floor, Sarah went ahead and unlocked the door.

His bodyguards would never be so uncouth as to say “Wow,” but the size of their eyes probably matched his own when they walked inside. The entire villa was a study in tasteful extravagance. Polished marquetry floors, inlaid marble, lush plants, gurgling fountains—it all provided a serene escape from the gaudy excess Vegas was famous for. “Not bad.”

“Yes, I have to agree.” She set her laptop bag down on one of the sofas and motioned for him to follow her.

Jason and Raul split off to scout out the place and make sure everything was secure, leaving him alone with Sarah. She led him down a hallway flanked by white columns and opened a door. “This is the master bedroom.”

King-size bed, luxury linens, distant trickle of a fountain. All and all, very tranquil and relaxing.

But it was the bathroom that blew him away.

As soon as he saw the carved pink onyx bathtub with golden fixtures, the first thought that entered his mind was how he’d love to relax in there with Sarah. He’d even endure a bubble bath if it meant he could experience her wet, silky skin against his. The fantasy grew from a touch to a kiss to passionate sex until his dick ached from frustration.

God, he wanted her.

But until she came to the same conclusion, he was left with just his fantasies and a raging hard-on.


He nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of her voice. Too bad an invitation to get naked didn’t follow. “Yes?”

“You probably don’t need to change for dinner, but I’m going to slip into something more appropriate.”

He resisted the urge to tell her what he wanted. Instead, he cast a longing glance at the empty bathtub. “No worries. I’ll wait.”

“It’s almost seven. One of the guys can escort you to the restaurant, and I’ll meet you there.”

He emerged from the bathroom to find her still standing in the hallway. “I don’t need a babysitter twenty-four hours a day, you know.”

“True, but you’ll still have to pass through the casino to get there, and I don’t want you to get attacked by any rabid fan girls.”

He closed the gap between them until his face was inches from her. “And what if I want to pick up some rabid fan girl for the night? After all, you’re the one who said I needed to get laid.”

Much to his delight, her eyes flashed with the unmistakable fire of jealousy. “Well, if you’re just looking for some bimbo to screw—”

“I’m not looking for a bimbo.” He was so close to her, so perfectly in place to pull her in his arms and kiss her like he wanted. But he refrained from giving into his desires, just like he always did. “You know me better than that.”

The steepled slant of her brows offered a wordless apology, and she stepped aside. “Please, for your own safety…”

“Fine. I’ll take Jason, but I’m making him walk a good six feet behind me.”

“Thank you.”

By the time he made his way to the foyer, the bodyguard was already waiting for him. “You psychic or something?”

“Nope,” the Midwest farm boy answered with a grin. “Just doing what the boss lady tells me to do.”

“Me, too.”

Chapter Four


If anyone recognized Gideon as he passed through the crowded casino, they didn’t approach him. Part of it could be due to the corn-fed hulking mass of muscle trailing behind him, but at least it made for an uneventful trip to the steakhouse.

The real action didn’t start until the next patron walked in. A chorus of high-pitched, feminine squeals accompanied the dark-haired man, but it wasn’t until he turned around that Gideon understood why.

Gabe Harrison. A-list actor. Perennial member of
’s annual Sexiest Men list. And his future adversary on the silver screen.

A flash of recognition appeared in his dark eyes, and he extended his hand with a smile. “Gideon. So glad to finally meet you in person.”

“Likewise.” He peered over Gabe’s shoulder just in time to see Jason herding back what Sarah referred to as a pack of rabid fan girls. “You’re brave to travel without protection.”

Gabe waved it off with a shrug. “It’s only because I forgot to take my usual precautions. So, are you here for dinner?”

“No, I’m here to smell the beef.”

Gabe’s smile slipped for a moment, but then he laughed and wagged his finger. “Becca warned me about your sense of humor.”

“Just like she warned me about your practical jokes.” A wave of heat crawled up his spine. If he didn’t know better, he could have sworn his co-star was trying to initiate a game of one-upmanship. But thankfully, his brother Ethan’s girlfriend had also warned him about Gabe’s competitive streak. Becca was best friends with Gabe’s sister, and the concept of six degrees of separation had become much smaller.

“So there’s no chance of my pulling one over on you, eh?”

He ignored Gabe’s taunt and pushed toward the hostess stand. “I have a reservation for two.”

She fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Of course, Mr. Kelly.”

“Expecting company?” Gabe asked.

“Just my assistant.” He spotted a woman with red hair squeezing past the gathering crowd. “There she is now.”

As soon as he pointed Sarah out to Gabe, he knew he’d made a mistake. Not because of the way Sarah looked. No, to call her
wouldn’t even do her justice. The simple black dress hugged her yoga-toned body in all the right places, and her straight hair shimmered under the lights like ruby-colored silk. She was simple, elegant, classy.

And the absolute object of Gabe Harrison’s attention.

Now it was Gideon’s turn to experience the unpleasant surge of jealousy he’d witnessed in her earlier.

Her expression immediately turned wary when she saw Gabe. “Did I miss the memo about the cast party?”

Gabe pressed his finger to his lips. “Shh! We don’t want Mackinzie to find out where we are.”

Her lips twitched, and a new jolt of jealousy rushed through Gideon. “Precisely, and now that Sarah’s arrived—”

“Sarah?” Gabe oozed playboy charm as he took her hand. “You’re Gideon’s assistant? I would’ve mistaken you for his girlfriend.”

She covered a hoarse cough, and her cheeks turned pink.

Gideon’s fingers curled into his palm. If he wasn’t careful, Gabe would sweep her off her feet, and he’d never even have a chance to win her heart. He moved between them, breaking his rival’s hold on Sarah’s hand. “If you’ll excuse us, I think the hostess is waiting to take us to our table.”

“How about I join you?”

He was about to tell Gabe to piss off, but Sarah placed a calm hand on his chest and diffused his rage.

“I think it might be wise if we all moved away from the entrance before Jason gets trampled.” She nodded toward the bodyguard, who looked like he wished he wasn’t tackling this assignment solo.

“Then a table for three it is.” Gabe grinned at the hostess and tucked Sarah’s hand into the crook of his arm. “I’m looking forward to getting to know both of you. I mean, with your brother dating my little sister’s best friend, we’re practically family.”

Gideon gritted his teeth and ran to catch up with them. If his co-star didn’t turn off the charm soon, he might feel obliged to give him a black eye.


For all his initial flirting, Gabe Harrison managed to be an entertaining dinner guest.

At least, as far as Sarah was concerned. Gideon still looked like he wanted to punch him. Thankfully, there was space separating the two men. When they reached the table, Gabe slid into the booth next to her. Gideon rolled his eyes and took the chair across from her.

The waiter appeared to refill the men’s wine glasses shortly after the steaks arrived.

“Are you sure I can’t talk you into having a sip?” Gabe asked.

Sarah shook her head. She was three years sober, and she refused to go back to that dark place.

“She’s already said no,” Gideon growled.

“Too bad.” Gabe watched her over the rim of his glass for a moment before taking a sip. “It’s really good.”

“I’ll take your word for it.” She pulled her phone out of her purse and scanned tomorrow’s schedule. “Gideon, will you be up for yoga in the morning before reporting to the set?”


She entered that into her schedule. “Perfect. I’ll make sure you get up in time for that.”

“Yoga?” Gabe raised one brow. “You really have been living on the West Coast too long.”

“It’s actually very beneficial.” Gideon cut into the wagyu filet topped with truffle butter. “It keeps you strong, flexible, and relaxed, more in tune with your body.”

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