Her Unexpected Affair (The Robinsons) (7 page)

BOOK: Her Unexpected Affair (The Robinsons)
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Chapter 5


“Why are we driving across the Bay today?” Birdie groaned from the passenger seat as they crossed the Bay Bridge. “I just have to go back tomorrow.”

“It’s the plan. We have to help get ready for the party next weekend.” He’d packed his suitcase for the coming week and started setting aside what he needed to move into the dorm with the other immersion students.

Only staying overnight before going back for her finals, Birdie would have preferred to stay in their apartment and sleep. Seemed she still suffered from her hangover despite his efforts to help minimize it.

“Why do you have to move out?”

“It’s part of the learning experience. I need to be near the other Mandarin students so as to stay in the language as much as possible.” But he could get away from time to time. Depended on how stagnating the company might be.

“Not that I’ll mind having our apartment to myself. At least then I can do what I want, have friends over or hang out in my pajamas all day without you nagging me.”

Drew laughed to himself. Sure, living alone left one a lot of personal freedom but for all her bluster he knew they both liked having the other around. Raised without siblings all their lives, having one now, sharing an apartment, made up for the loneliness back then. Sort of. It went a long way toward helping him feel more and more comfortable in California. It was a lifestyle he’d quickly grown to like.

“You’ll miss me, brat.”

“Not when you’re being an overprotective, bossy, know-it-all Neanderthal,” she mumbled. “And don’t call me brat.”

“Don’t act like one.”

Birdie sighed as she leaned against the window of the sedan they shared. Because parking was at a premium almost everywhere they went, the two of them had decided to share the vehicle rather than each have their own. Not that Drew had ever enjoyed the luxury when he’d been at school in London, another place where parking came at a cost. For getting around and across the Stanford campus they each had a bicycle.

Still, the sedan was a bit old-fashioned. They could upgrade to something sportier. However, the car had belonged to the man who’d raised Birdie as his own and she wasn’t ready to let go, so no one pushed. Much. Well, he didn’t push much. The parents left it alone entirely.

“Okay, so tonight we spend with the parents, then I hike it back to campus in the morning, and suffer through my finals. On Thursday I return home.”

“Right. We have a day to finalize all the party plans, and then we all go back to Palo Alto for my graduation Saturday.”

“After which we turn right around, back to San Ramon, have a quick renewal of vows, then on with the graduation party and wedding reception. All at the house. How the hell do they think we’re going to fit a hundred people there?”

He had to agree with his sister. The house Birdie had been raised in was a decent size, but not that big. Forty, perhaps fifty people max. Then again, not everyone who’d been invited would show. Randi was probably counting on that. And most of them would be neighbors such as the lawyer who lived across the street on the straight stretch leading into the circle of the cul-de-sac they lived on.

“I’m sure all the details have been planned for. Mum is good at this stuff, and Martin surely has it in hand.” Lord forbid they hold an event without the butler to oversee everything. John Martin, his father’s domestic right hand man, would be a mess of nerves and precise control. If he didn’t fall over his own feet at the sight of Birdie.

A glance sideways showed Birdie smiling for the first time all day. It brightened up her face, and he could see her fighting her way out from under the effects of last night’s binge.

“I like hearing you call her mum.”

“I like having her as my mum. Love that you allow me to share her.”

“She adores you too.”

“I make a pretty awesome son. Any woman would be happy to have me as hers.” He ducked to the side before Birdie’s fist could connect with any sort of strength against his shoulder. “No violence now.”

She laughed and something tense unwound inside him. His sunny sister was back. “So what was that with you and Jack last night?”

“What was with you and Meilin last night? That’s her name, right?” Birdie rubbed her temples as if her head still hurt.

“Yes, Meilin.”

“Pretty name even if it sounds a little Pokémon-ish. Meilinchu.”

Drew winced. “Don’t ever say that. Don’t ever let it be a possibility she might overhear it. Besides, Pokémon is Japanese, not Chinese.”

“She’s too pretty, too classy to be a Pokémon. What’s she do, again? Didn’t Jack say something about it?”

Drew merged into traffic headed for the Caldecott tunnel, then glanced at her. “Is your memory so bad? Or were you too busy checking out the talent?”

“It was loud. I didn’t catch even half of what anyone said.”

“She’s an interior designer. I’d like to look up her business and see what she does. Mum might know more about her.”

“Probably. Mom has an interest in all things Bay Area, and with her tea set collection, she’s very interested in Asian items.”

True, Randi had an extensive, impressive, collection of tea pots and tea services from around the world. Nearly every country who revered tea was represented in some way. Dad teased her about it often. And since the family business had begun as tea importation nearly two centuries before, it all tied together.

“Why take this route?” Birdie asked. “The other way is faster.”

“This is prettier.”

“Did you invite Jack to the party?”

Surprised by the swift topic change, he took a moment to switch gears. “I did, but like us, he has a family who wants to celebrate their way. I’m sure we’ll bump into him sometime over the summer. He’ll be working from some relative’s law office in the lower peninsula area. I’m sure he’ll want to torture me with more bad Chinese phrases.”

“What did you actually say to her last night? The look on her face was pretty funny.”

“I’m not sure. Something to do with wanting something in her purse instead of a polite hello.”

Birdie laughed again. Her good humor was definitely coming back.

“Bet she loved that. What other phrases did Jack teach you?”

“I have no idea, and I’m not about to try them on anyone until I know for sure. So what was with you snuggling up to him last night? Especially in that dress that fit like a rubber band.”

Birdie shrugged. “I’d had a few to drink, and I was just having fun. Don’t worry, I won’t fall for him. I know what he is, and he doesn’t fit in my plan.”

“Ah, the plan. Still set on the London office?”

“Absolutely. I have one more full year to go, even if I start my thesis work this summer. Have to add some international business courses. Then Dad won’t be able to put me off any longer.”

Drew snorted. “Who knew I’d have to compete with you for the ultimate job when he’s ready to retire.”

“Which won’t be soon, will it? I mean, he could at almost any time, now that he has Mom back in his life. Of course, they want more time off, but there’s such a thing as retiring too early, isn’t there?” A small pinch creased between her eyes. “I know I’m not prepared to step up now. Neither are you.”

“No, we both have some years to put in first. I’ve got at least two, maybe three years to spend in the Far East office. Besides, if we fail, there’s always Oswald to step in. But again, not for some time to come. Even if Dad does retire early, he’ll wait at least ten years. Maybe fifteen. Long way to go.”

Other than a snort at the mention of Larry Attenborough’s nephew, a rising exec in the Lynford London office, Birdie ignored the implication there was a third in line for the top job. “You looking forward to China? I can’t believe you’ll be there in only six or seven weeks.”

He had been. Yeah, he still was. But meeting Meilin last night had cast a shadow on his long-term plan. He hadn’t expected to get slapped upside the head with such a strong attraction. Then again, it probably had just been the moment. Maybe if he saw her another time the pull wouldn’t be there. And then there was that whole engagement thing for her. Even if he did fall hard, timing was off in a bad way. The woman already had her career established, and he was just starting down that path.

“Yeah, of course I am. Been planning it for years. I’ve been studying the economy, the culture, the traditions.”

“Is that why you spent so much time dancing with Meilin? Is she your ideal Chinese princess?”

Drew forced himself to laugh. “I’m pretty sure she doesn’t have time for me. Never mind there’s ten years between us, ya know? And she’s getting engaged tonight. So no, I don’t see her figuring in my future plans.” Which was a bloody shame, even if there was time for an all-out wooing.

“Yeah, I can see where that would be a problem. But it didn’t seem to bother her so much last night. The age difference or the fiancé in the wings.”

“Last night was not real life. It was a moment out of time. Not enough to make big changes in carefully laid out plans.”

“But you’re thinking about those changes, aren’t you?”

Birdie was a shrewd one for sure. If anything, her insight painfully reminded him of her Robinson genetics. Although Randi had said more than once Birdie’s brains came from her father’s side of the family, Drew knew her mother’s side had their fair share. Birdie had been raised by people who worked within their own family business. RJ Dailey had a successful business selling vintner’s supplies to many of the vineyards up and down the west coast. Her mother did the accounting for the business and the man who’d raised Birdie had run the sales department. She’d been around for much of it and already had a head trained for business. Transferring those smarts to Lynford would be a snap for her. Which is where her attention should focus, not on his supposed love life.

“When have I had time?” They’d made it through the tunnel and to the other side of the golden brown hills. Dark green oak trees broke up the expanse of dried grasses as they headed for the next freeway junction that would run them past Walnut Creek and south to San Ramon.

“True. But you know they’ll see something in your face if you let those thoughts occupy you tonight.”

Very true. Randi was a little too observant. At least his dad would be more focused on her than him, but she’d eventually clue him in. There were times when being on his own was a good thing. Tonight would have been a good time to be very much alone with his thoughts.

* * * *

“What’s up with you?” From the chair beside her, the elegant and still beautiful woman who had given birth to her shattered the nap Meilin had been trying to take.

Meilin kept her eyes closed as the technician massaged her legs. The pedicure was the last step before getting her hair done for the evening. If she didn’t open her eyes, maybe her mother would think she’d fallen asleep and hadn’t heard the question.

“Meilin, I know when you’re faking sleep.”

Mentally she heaved a big sigh. Mother was like that. Far too observant.

The peaceful moment gone like mist burned away by the sun, Meilin opened her eyes and glanced at her mother. “Nothing’s up with me. I’m just trying to get into my zone, find my Zen, for tonight.”

Perched like a queen in the large, vibrating pedicure chair, her mother waved her hand. As if that wave could dispel all of Meilin’s concerns. “You like Shan well enough. This is not a horrible thing happening tonight.”

“Shan’s okay.” Well, he was. From their limited working relationship months ago, she hadn’t seen anything to indicate otherwise. If he’d been anything other than okay, there would have been whispers long ago. One had to trust the community grapevine.

“In time he’ll be more than okay to you. He’s a good man. Successful. Polished. Kind. He’ll be good to you.” As mentally sharp as her mother was, Meilin knew there was a kernel of truth there. Everyone who knew Lin Shan said he was a good man.

“I know. But as much as I want to know why he picked me, I also want to know if he will be exciting. Will he be comforting? Or too focused on business to notice anything more than how perfect a hostess I am?” Like anyone would believe that of her. She rarely had a hand in any sort of party planning, unless it was to decorate for a wedding or corporate event, and her assistant usually handled those details. Did Shan’s housekeeper or secretary currently handle those details for him, just as they’d handled many of the details of his condo remodel?

Her mother softly scoffed. “Of course he’ll be most attentive. He knows how to cherish a wife.”

“He’s never had a wife, so how can you know that? Will I ever be more to him than another accessory in his perfect life? Will he tolerate my imperfections?” Not that she’d tried to hide them, but she did have some. She grew impatient from time to time. Liked to leave her shoes by the front door of her apartment. Didn’t always make her bed and sometimes ate ice cream for dinner. When she actually ate at home. She also loved to spend Saturdays in her pajamas with her nose in a book or watching a drippy, sappy movie on Netflix. When she had a Saturday at home. Something that happened only about twice a year.

“All beauty has some imperfection, you know this. You plan for it in your designs. He knows this as well.”

Surely dear old Mom was making some of this up as she went along. Or did she know about the cuckoo clock her latest clients insisted on including? “How do you know he knows this? Do you know him personally?”

“I know what his parents have told us, and they know him better than anyone. Same with you. We have not misrepresented you during the marriage negotiations.”

Oh goodie. She could just imagine. “What have you told him?” Hopefully not about her sloppy Saturdays. Just one more thing that would probably disappear forever now.

“About what? We told him you were raised to respect your heritage. You honor your ancestors and respect the old ways. But he can also see you’re a modern woman. As he is a modern man. As we all have to be to thrive in this world. We’ve chosen this life away from China. We’ve adapted. As have all who emigrated when our ancestors did. We adapted without forgetting our roots.”

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