Her Forbidden Rockstar: A Forbidden Rockers Novel

BOOK: Her Forbidden Rockstar: A Forbidden Rockers Novel
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Her Forbidden Rockstar

Forbidden Rockers, Book 2
(formerly titled Sand & Clay)



Sarah Robinson

Her Forbidden Rockstar © Sarah Robinson


Editing & Formatting by Michael R. Burhans

Balaat Professional Services

Find Michael on
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Email Michael at [email protected]


Cover Design by
Author Violet Duke


Copyright © 2014 by Sarah Robinson

All rights reserved. This document may not be reproduced in any way without the expressed written consent of the author. The ideas, characters, and situations presented in this story are strictly fictional and any unintentional likeness to real people or real situations is completely coincidental. Any mention of trademarked brands are not meant as copyright infringement. 


This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please delete and support the author by purchasing the book from one of its many distributors. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


This book is dedicated to my husband, Justin Robinson. I met Justin a little less than two years ago online at a time in my life where I no longer believed in love. From that moment on, we became inseparable, we moved in together a week and a half later, and eloped last fall.

He brought with him a piece of my heart I had been searching for in vain for years. He is the air I breathe, the ground I stand on, and my heart beats in tune with his. Never had a single regret, never will.

Each and every heart sings its own song and I found my perfect harmony.












The Photographer Trilogy –
(Romantic Suspense)
Tainted Bodies
Purchase on Amazon here
Tainted Pictures
Purchase on Amazon here

Purchase on Amazon here
The Photographer Trilogy Boxset
including all 3 books and a deleted bonus scene
Purchase the discounted boxset on Amazon here


Forbidden Rockers Series –
(Rockstar Romance)
Logan’s Story: A Prequel Novella
Purchase on Amazon here
Her Forbidden Rockstar
Purchase on Amazon here

Rocker Christmas: A Logan & Caroline Holiday Novella
Purchase on Amazon here

Her Dangerous Drummer
(tentatively coming 2017)


Kavanagh Legends Series –
(MMA Fighter Romance)
Breaking a Legend
Purchase on Amazon here
Saving a Legend
(coming June 2016,
Preorder on Amazon here

Becoming a Legend
(coming 2016,
Preorder on Amazon here

and more...

More books and series by Sarah Robinson are coming soon, check her
for the latest news and releases!
Signed paperbacks are also available on the
Author’s Website


Sarah Robinson
is the Top 10 Barnes & Noble and Amazon Bestselling Author of multiple series, including
The Photographer Trilogy
Kavanagh Legends
, and the
Forbidden Rockers
series. A native of Washington, D.C., Robinson has both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in criminal psychology. She is married to a local police officer who is just as much of an animal rescue enthusiast as she is. She spends the majority of her days trying to decide if it’s too late for coffee, or too early for wine.






Everyone dreads Mondays and the start of the work week, wishing they could go back to Friday night when the weekend was just unfolding. Everyone but Caroline Sanders. She bounced out of bed in a flurry of energy, readying herself for work and thinking excitedly about the week laid out before her. 

She rustled through her closet, trying to decide between four different shades of brown pencil skirts. She finally settled on a beige-brown version, yanking it off the hanger, then grabbing a blouse to match it. For a final approval, she held them up in front of her body in the floor length mirror, over her nude bra and panties. She sighed and rolled her eyes as she tossed the clothes onto her bed and went to pick out something different.

Tossing a few other ideas out of the closet, she stood before her bed with her arms crossed and her foot tapping.  Every outfit she owned looked the same and none of them were calling her name today. She pushed her chocolate brown, wavy hair over her shoulder, letting it run down her back in decadent waves. Sliding her fingers through her silky hair boosted her spirits since her hair was one of the very few things she actually loved about her body.  

She patted on a bit of powder and bronzer over her naturally fair skin that she kept well disguised with weekly spray tans. She dabbed a bit of dark brown mascara on her eye lashes, complimenting her hazel eyes, and a slight bit of rosy gloss on her pink lips. She smiled at herself in the mirror, feeling satisfied. She went in search for some shoes, preferably heels, to boost her short, thin frame and found a nude colored pair on a shelf in her closet that would do the job.

She hurried to pull on her skirt, blouse, and matching heels, exiting her bedroom and flying around her apartment, grabbing her purse and keys. Caroline was a woman of routine and was never late to work, so she immediately dashed out her front door the moment she was dressed and ready to go. She stepped into the elevator and impatiently waited as it took her down to the lobby. The doors opened with a pleasant ding, and the doorman smiled at her, greeting her immediately.

“Ms. Caroline, how are we feeling this morning?” Jeremy, the doorman, nodded toward her as she stepped off the elevator.

“Just fine, Jeremy, how's the weather?” she responded brightly.

“It’s a little breezy for July, but it’s still warm! Really brightens up a Monday for you,” he said.

Caroline laughed, heading out the door as he held it open for her. She stepped onto the gray sidewalk and hopped into the waiting cab that Jeremy had already called for her, knowing her schedule after years of working for her building.

“4634 Lexington Avenue, please,” Caroline told the driver.

He nodded in response and pulled away from the curb. Caroline sat back and melted into the once-black, imitation leather seats, drifting into a daydream. She always dreamed of the same thing when she had time to herself, standing in a bookstore beaming at the rows of shiny covers staring back at her, all designed by her. Book covers of all genres and picture books with her illustrations bringing smiles to children’s faces.

Maybe it was all just a silly fantasy, at least that’s what her father kept telling her, but she couldn’t help dreaming about it anyway. Caroline loved to draw and paint, spending her weekends sitting in the park sketching the scenes around her. It made her feel less alone in overcrowded New York City to create worlds, scenes, and people with her pencil that she could just get lost in. Images she could erase and reshape to become perfect.

“Ma’am, we're here. That will be $15.85,” the cab driver said to her, snapping her out of her thoughts.

Caroline rustled around in her purse and pulled out a twenty dollar bill, handing it to him through the opening in the plastic partition between them.

Caroline scooted out of the taxi. “Keep the change, thanks!”

She hopped out on the sidewalk in front of the Java Jolt, her favorite coffee shop, that was just down the block from her law office. She wasn’t a lawyer, despite her law school degree.  Her father had gotten her a job as a paralegal at a famous New York City law firm that his friend was one of the partners at. She was currently studying to take the New York Bar Exam, or at least that’s what she told her father. She was in no rush to become a lawyer like him.

Her father did almost everything for her, including purchasing her Upper East side condo for her. Caroline Sanders came from a long line of country club, old money, upper class lawyers. She went to the finest prep schools in the city, ivy league for college and law school, and still spent every summer at their family house in the Hamptons where her parents now lived year round. Her wardrobe consisted of polo t-shirts, pencil skirts, and ridiculously oversized hats.

Even though it wasn’t what she really wanted to do, she loved her job and her coworkers so her morning commute was always cheerful. Most of all she loved her morning coffee and muffin. The Java Jolt wasn’t a franchise brand, although it did have another location in Washington, DC, but it also wasn’t a hipster joint overrun with kids in baggy hats and skinny jeans.

It was becoming harder and harder to find a coffee shop that wasn’t one of the two, which made this her favorite place for her early morning caffeine. Her breakfast here every morning consisted mostly of lattes and warm blueberry muffins.

She pulled open the front door to the shop as the aroma of coffee swirled around her nose, bringing a smile to her face. She nearly pranced up to the register, greeting the baristas who knew her all by name.

“Caroline! Have a good weekend?” George, the manager, asked her as he started ringing up her usual order.

“Same old, same old, George. Just spent some time in the park. What about you?” Caroline handed over a few dollar bills.

“The wife and I actually got a chance to go to that bed and breakfast you suggested. It was wonderful, so nice to get out of the city for a couple days and just relax.”

“That’s wonderful, tell Marcy that I said hi!” Caroline collected her warm blueberry muffin and headed away from the counter.

She looked around for an open seat to start enjoying her breakfast while she waited for her coffee, but every couch and table was occupied. She finally spotted a couch in the far corner that only had one man sitting on it. Even though he had spread his things across the open seat, half the couch was technically open.

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