Her Big Bad Mistake (3 page)

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Authors: Hazel Gower

BOOK: Her Big Bad Mistake
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After showering, she got dressed and went down to the main desk and asked where the best jazz club was. Tonight she was going to dance. The jazz club was only a couple of streets down from her hotel. As soon as Becky walked in the atmosphere surrounded her and the music flowed through her bones.


Damon closed his eyes and rested his head back against the hotel room wall. He was in fucking hell. No matter how many women he had sex with, he couldn’t stop his raging hard-on for Becky. When he thought he had it sedated Damon would see Becky in a bloody bikini, showing her large breasts and wide curvy body, or she’d be dressed to go out for dinner and he became rock hard. Fuck, he got a hard-on anytime he saw her—she could probably wear a paper bag and Damon wouldn’t care.

He wished she was a money-grabbing whore or a just another woman eager to sleep with Daman Chet the hockey star, but Becky had no idea who he or his friends were, and she didn’t seem keen to find out. They had dropped hints, and last night Jacob had told her what they did was pretty big in America.

Becky had smiled and shrugged. “I’ll have to come and watch you at some stage.”

His agent called him, yelling about being photographed with three women hanging off him at a night club he Jacob, Caleb, and Becky had gone to. The photos had been of him fucking them in a corner while Becky laughed and danced with his friends. Jealousy was eating at him and driving him to become bolder in his needs to get her out of his system and focus on someone else. The owner of the club had loved the publicity. Damon told his agent that the owner was the one who probably leaked the photos.

Damon opened his eyes and looked up as Jacob knocked, opened the door, and came in. “What did he say about the photos?”

Damon shrugged. “I have to rein it all in. The NHL is trying to have a family image. They want to get the next generation hooked.”

Jacob ran his fingers through his brown hair. “I’m sorry. This was supposed to be a guys’ trip to keep you out of trouble. Look, we’ll do our own thing from now on. I can see you have a problem with Becky. I can see her when we finish our trip.” He grinned. “You’ll never believe where she is going to live.”

“I don’t fucking care.” He did, but Damon knew it wouldn’t be good if he knew where Becky would be living. Shit, he had it bad. He glared at Jacob. Damon didn’t want him being with her alone. Damon at least knew now that with him and Caleb, Jacob couldn’t really do anything—well, not with a sweet girl like Becky. And he was right, she was sweet. She was nice to everyone. They’d been places where she’d given up her seat to the elderly, and she was patient when children became loud or ran around while they’d toured paces. He sighed. She was a saint and nothing fazed her. “No, we will stay with Becky until she leaves us in Vegas. Just promise me you won’t pick up any more strays?”

Jacob’s face lit up and Damon felt like a bastard for lusting after a woman his friend was so keen on. “No more strays. Look, Damon, can you be nicer to Becky? I know you don’t like her and she’s not the type of woman you hang out with, but I’m sure if you stop being an ass to her you may even enjoy yourself. Becky is great, she’s easy to talk to and it’s nice to meet someone who isn’t interested in our money or fame.”

Yeah, it was nice to have someone who knew nothing about them. “Sure, Jacob, I’m sorry for being a douche.”

“Nah, you had a right to be. It was supposed to be a guys’ vacation. We only have another week and a half with Becky.”

Shit. Damon didn’t know if he could last a couple of days without doing his very best to seduce and fuck her. Every time he closed his eyes an image of her rose, and Damon was scared because he didn’t know if, once he had sex with her, he’d give her up.

He got off the bed, grabbed his wallet, and strolled by Jacob. “I’m going for a walk. I’ll catch up with you later.”

“Call if you need us.”

Damon nodded and headed out of his room and down to the lobby. He, Jacob, and Caleb had booked the Presidential Suite. Strolling down the sidewalk, he went to the best jazz club he knew. He needed a beer and wanted to sit down and relax.

He saw her as soon as he walked into the club. Becky was dancing to the jazz beats, not caring how she looked. He loved that about her, that she was carefree and didn’t worry what others thought.

Men hovered around her and Damon growled the closer they got. Damon told himself to stay away from her, but when Becky turned to face a dark-headed man who’d approached her with a smile Damon stood up and went to her, pushing the guy out of the way.

“No way. I’m sick of fighting this.” He leaned down and captured her lips to his own. For a moment Becky was stiff in his arms. Deepening the kiss, she relaxed against him and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer to her. Damon needed to have her. They needed to get out of here. He wanted to sink into her heat so bad his whole body was shaking with need. Tearing his mouth from hers, he cupped her face. “Let’s get out of here. I need you so bad.”

Damon watched the uncertainty flash in Becky eyes. He leaned down and brushed his lips over hears, trailing his fingers down her neck. “I should say no, but there is something about you, Damon Chet, that I find hard to resist.” She took his hands in her own and turned. “Let’s go.”

His body tingled in anticipation. Becky tugged on his hand and he followed her out of the club. Damon watched her ass as she weaved them in and out of people on the busy sidewalk.

They walked into their hotel and, as they waited for an elevator, Damon gathered Becky to him, his patience close to its end. “Fuck, you’re gorgeous. You’re way too good for me. A princess, and I am the pauper.”

She laughed and wrapped her arms around his waist and stood on her tiptoes. “I have no idea why you think I’m too good for you. I’m just me, nothing special. And didn’t you say you do rather well with your job, and you’re far from a pauper?”

He leaned down and brushed his lips over hers, lingering to whisper, “You are special. I’ve never met a woman like you. You don’t care about my money, do you?” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Her smile was bright and shone from her face.

“No. It’s your money. Why would I care about it?”

He ravaged her mouth, showing her that he wanted her more than anything. He craved her. The elevator dinged and he reluctantly pulled away. “Wow, I know what it is about you that I like now. You’re addictive no won—”

“Damon, Becky, is everything okay? We were just going to come to your room, Becky.” Jacob’s voice from the elevator had him coming back to reality as Becky’s arm’s dropped and she stepped away from him. Grinding his teeth, Damon groaned and fought to calm his raging need and rising temper.

“Hi, Jacob. Damon and I were just going up to m—”

“Our room to see if you were there.” Damon didn’t want Jacob to know about him and Becky just yet—well, not that anything had really happened. He scrubbed his hand over his face. Damon knew Jacob was interested in Becky and he was being a dick stepping in on a woman a friend was interested in.

Becky’s back stiffened and her whole demeanor changed. She shot a glare at him then turned to Jacob. “Um, yeah, we were just going to find you and Caleb. Now I think of it, though, I’m feeling off tonight. I might just spend the night in the big bath I have with a good book.” She got into the elevator Caleb and Jacob had just left and pressed the buttons.

Damon stood with his friends staring at the elevator doors.

“What the hell, Damon? What the fuck did you say to her?” Jacob was pissed as he snarled at him. “I’ve never seen her act like that. Becky is the happiest and easiest going person I’ve ever met. What did you do to her?” Jacob pushed his chest and Damon knew Jacob was raring for a fight.

Damon stiffened at Jacob’s words. He’d been told that before. He changed people. His father had told him over and over that before he was born his mother had been a happy and carefree type of woman. His brother was the one who made people smile in his family. All Damon ever did was disappoint and bring people down. Shaking his head as memories he’d buried long ago resurfaced, he grunted, “I didn’t say a fucking thing, Jacob.” He pushed his friends aside and stormed off. Damon wasn’t in the mood to argue with Jacob and he didn’t want to fight his friend. He’d just let Becky go and thought of things that he’d rather left forgotten.


They all got a flight together for Vegas. Becky was bouncing in her seat, she was so excited. She was staying at Caesars Palace. The guys were staying at The Palazzo. Becky was glad they weren’t staying at the same hotel, she needed space. She also hoped that with the space she started to give herself from the guys, the easier it would be to separate when she had to leave. As much as they annoyed her lately with their overprotecting her and blocking any action she hoped to get, Becky had grown to love them. They each had appealing qualities—even Damon, who frustrated her with unfulfilled desire.

Damon hadn’t come near her again, and he also hadn’t been with other women, not that Becky saw. He spent the rest of New Orleans and Dallas brooding. He and Jacob ignored each other and Becky was starting to get angry. This was her holiday and they were ruining her fun. Tonight she was going to talk to them. She didn’t have much left on her holiday and she wasn’t going to spend it being uncomfortable. She was going to leave and not see them again if something didn’t change.

Becky called the boys to meet her for dinner. As she sat waiting she winked at a table filled with young hot men. Becky was eager to satisfy her needs. Willy, her vibrator, hadn’t satisfied her since Damon got her worked up in New Orleans. Jacob and Caleb blocked any action she tried to get, but this week before she went home she was getting laid.

One of the guys stood and strolled over to her. He was cute with dark short hair and not too tall, with an okay body from what she could see of it in his fitted suit. “You’re not eating alone, are you? That’s a shame for a pretty lady like you.”

“Would you sit with me if I was?” Becky grinned as he puffed up his chest and nodded.

“Sure, we can’t have a pretty lady like you eating alone. My name is Jeff Browning.” He sat in the seat across from her and held his hand out.

“Hi, Jeff, I’m—”

“Not interested. Fuck off.” Becky’s gaze shot up as Damon stood behind her, glaring at Jeff. She glanced around and frowned when she couldn’t see Caleb and Jacob anywhere.

Jeff got up and stared at Damon like a little boy who’d just found his favorite toy. “Oh my God, man. You’re Damon Chet.”

Becky sighed. This had happened a couple of times, but usually when Caleb and Jacob were with them. “Where are Caleb and Jacob?” she asked.

“No way. Are Caleb Blackbe and Jacob Stevens with you?” Jeff looked around the restaurant.

Becky’s heartbeat picked up as she felt Damon’s fingers trail over her exposed shoulder and hooked a lock of her hair around his finger. “They will be here a little later. If you let us eat we’ll sign whatever the fuck you want. Just leave my girlfriend alone.” Becky stiffened in her chair and she took a deep breath and held it in.

“Sure, man, but she came onto me, though.”

Becky let her breath out and snorted a laugh.

“We had a little fight before she came here. I’m sure she was trying to get a rise out of me.” Damon pulled the chair out beside her and sat. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to have dinner. I’ll sign your things when I’m done.”

Jeff nodded and practically ran back to his friends. Becky turned to glare at Damon—she’d had it. She couldn’t hold it in any longer. “I told you guys to meet me here tonight because you’re driving me nuts. Since New Orleans you’re always brooding, and something is up with you and Jacob. And why the hell did you tell him I was your girlfriend? You are blocking any chances I have of getting laid. It’s okay for you to fuck anything with a vagina, but me, I’m getting cock-blocked at every turn. Willy isn’t cutting it anymore and I’m not getting off. I need more.” Becky knew she was rambling but she couldn’t stop. “I have slept with one man—well, more like one boy in my whole life. This holiday was going to be an adventure. I was going to finally have sex with someone else, maybe a couple of someone elses.” She pointed over to the table of guys who were probably trying to listen. “I was going to see if Jeff wanted to meet up later, but you just stuffed that up for me. And where the hell are the other cock-blockers?”

Damon leaned forward and Becky’s eyes widened at the intense look he gave her. It spoke of possession, lust, and anger. “No more, Becky. Jacob and Caleb are on the phone with their agents. They have been asked to do some social events and promo stuff while we’re here in Vegas. And before you ask, I was asked but I told them to fuck off. I’m on vacation. Secondly, Jacob and I are fine. We may not be after I do what I want to with you, but right now I don’t care what he thinks. Thirdly, I called you my girlfriend because that is what you are, or will be. Lastly, I’m glad you haven’t gotten any. I’m a selfish bastard like that—I want you all to myself. I‘ve done everything I can think of to get you off my mind and nothing works. So I’m giving in and…” Damon picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles. “If you’ll have me, I want you to be mine.”

Her breathing picked up and she took deep gulps of air in as she gazed into his dark green eyes. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Damon smiled and Becky knew then that she was a goner. She could fall in love with Damon way too easily.


Damon wanted so badly to take Becky up to her room and fuck her, but he wanted her to know she was special, different. He wanted her to get to know him, the real him. “You don’t know how much I want to leave here right now and go up to your room and make love to you. But I want you to get to know me. I want you and me together.”

“Really, now you want to do all this?”

He tucked a strand of hair that had fallen over her eyes behind her ear. “I haven’t been with anyone since New Orleans. I want you. I want us to spend time together while Jacob and Caleb do promo shit and work.”

Becky closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. “Okay. Let’s give it a try. We have a couple of days before I leave.”

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