Her Big Bad Mistake (2 page)

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Authors: Hazel Gower

BOOK: Her Big Bad Mistake
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Becky didn’t even look around to see if Damon was alone or Jacob and Caleb were with him, she turned and ran over to Belle. She caught up with Belle, huffing and puffing, but glad she hadn’t lost her.

“Princess Belle, you’re a hard one to find. I hope I haven’t missed my opportunity to have a photo with you? I have come all the way from Australia.”

Belle smiled and her Disney assistant went to talk but Belle spoke before him. “Of course not. I’d love to have a photo with you.”

“Thanks, you’re my favorite princess. I have a thing for women who love massive libraries and fall in love with beasts and turn them good.”

“You are in luck. My Beast has come to join us.”

Becky almost jumped up and down with her excitement—she was having a photo with Beauty and the Beast. She handed her camera to Belle’s escort and stood beside her favorite characters.

As she looked at the camera Becky saw Damon with his phone taking a photo of her. Becky had a photo with just the Beast and then a couple with Belle.

“Would your boyfriend or husband like to get in the photo?” Belle’s escort asked her.

“Oh… he’s not… I’m not ma—”

“We’d love that, thanks,” Damon said as he gathered her into his hold. They stood between Beauty and the Beast. Damon wrapped his arms around her waist and gathered her close to him. Damon leaned down and she held her breath as he brushed his lips across her cheek. “You’re so gorgeous. That smile of yours is going to get me in trouble.” His whispered words had her quivering and forgetting he was an arse.

The camera flashed and Becky gazed up into Damon’s dark green eyes. “You’re confusing.” Becky didn’t know what to expect. One minute Damon was ignoring her, the next he was accusing her of trying to entice him and his friends, and now he was holding her against his hard body. Becky wondered where his friends where, but she wasn’t going to ask. She didn’t want him to get snarky again. Shaking her head, she sighed. Damon was a puzzle and the more time she spent the more she wanted to find out about him.


Damon had needed some alone time. He wasn’t the type to be with people all the time. He liked to be alone. No one asked him for anything and he got to relax. From a young age he’d learned that everyone wanted something from someone. Usually in his family it was money. Damon had learned the hard way over the years that his money and fame left him little privacy. But today, even though he was in a crowded theme park, people were so busy they didn’t notice him and he felt blissfully alone.

When Jacob and Caleb had said they were going to ring Becky and spend the day with her, Damon thought it best to explore by himself. Becky was a temptation he didn’t need. The fates didn’t seem to be on his side, though. He was wandering through the Magic Kingdom and what does he come across—Becky, alone and looking stunning with a bright smile on her face and her hair and makeup all done. All she needed was a princess dress.

Damon had never felt the consuming lust he felt for Becky before. He’d dreamed about her last night and woke up and jacked off twice. Becky was lethal to him. He was angry with her for making him feel the way he did about her, and he worried about what it could mean. Was he ready to settle down? Was he bored of his lifestyle? He’d stormed over to her and let his anger out, and she’d set him straight.

Becky didn’t act like he wanted her to. She didn’t slap him or argue. She told him off and walked away without looking back. He’d followed Becky and found her beaming like a child at a Disney Princess. For a moment Damon just stared, captured by the pure happiness on Becky’s face. In that moment he realized she was different. She was the first person in years who hadn’t asked him for anything, the first woman who hadn’t thrown herself at him, and the first woman that had him smiling and thinking about a future with her. Lust burned in him for Becky. He shouldn’t be thinking about her or waiting her Damon knew he wasn’t good enough for her, but as she laughed when another character joined her and her face lit up he knew he was a goner. He took his phone out and snapped a couple of pictures just for himself.

The woman dressed as Belle looked over at him and asked if he’d like to get into the photos. Damon didn’t correct her when she called him Becky’s husband. He joined the group and wrapped his arms around Becky. She felt right against him, and she smelled good, like strawberries and vanilla.

With her against him his body became hard and she looked up at him. “You’re confusing,” she muttered. Damon knew he was giving mixed singles, but right now he didn’t care. When the characters left them Becky moved from his hold. “You can go back to your own business now. I have two more princesses to stalk and get a photo from, Cinderella and my favorite redhead Merida.”

Damon wasn’t going to miss her joy for the world. “Lead the way. I’d like to meet these princesses, too.”

He grinned as Becky rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah, I just bet you’re busting to meet Cinderella. I can tell you’re a real Disney Princess fan.”

Becky walked off, not even waiting for him, and he couldn’t stop the smile that spread over his face as he followed. He felt happy and light for the first time in years.


After Becky and Damon had found her princesses, they met up with Jacob and Caleb. She was surprised when no one said anything about her arriving with Damon.

Damon changed as soon as he was with his friends. He stayed far away from her and his brooding manner came back into full swing. Jacob took over entertaining her, not that she needed it.

As they reached closer to dinnertime they stared walking toward somewhere they could get food when Becky saw a little boy standing in the middle of the walkway crying. Looking around for his parents, she slowly walked up to him. “Hello, buddy. Do you need help to find your parents?”

The little boy sobbed and nodded. “Yes. I can’t find my mommy.”

Becky turned to Jacob, Caleb, and Damon. “Could one of you please go find a Disney employee? I’ll stay here with him.” Caleb and Jacob both walked off. “How long have you been here? A long time or not very long?”

“A longest times. I was holding Mommy’s hand and someone bumped me.”

Becky frowned as she noticed no one else stopped to help the child. “I’m sure your mum is really worried about you. My name is Becky. I’ll stay with you until we find your mummy.”

“Fank you. I’m Gavin. No one would helps me.”

Moving to the curb, she sat, not caring that her clothes would get dirty. “I’m helping, you know. How old are you? I’m twenty -four.”

Gavin sat next to her. “I’m four.”

“Wow, you’re a big boy.”

Gavin’s eyes brightened. “That’s what my mommy says.”

“I bet she does.” Becky smiled at the boy, happy he was calming.

Damon sighed and sat next to her. “You’re really good with him. He’s stopped crying,” Damon whispered in her ear.

Becky shrugged. “He is scared. I’m just surprised no one else helped him.” Her gaze got caught in Damon’s and Becky closed her eyes and turned her head away before her body burned too hot at his proximity. She turned to Gavin and talked some more to him, ignoring the man she could feel staring a hole into her.

“I found this guy. He said there is a meeting area for lost children.” Jacob’s voice had her snapping her gaze up to him. A man stood dressed in Disney employee clothes and holding a phone to his ear as he looked at Gavin smiled, and nodded at her.

Becky stood and brushed herself off, then held her hand out to Gavin. “Did you hear that, Gavin? There is a place we can go that will help you.”

Gavin held her out reached hand and got up. “Let’s go. I want my mommy.”

“Miss, I can take the child if you’d like to continue on and enjoy the last couple of hours of the park,” the employee Jacob had brought said.

“No, she cants go.” Gavin squeezed her hand.

“I’ll follow you. I’d rather know Gavin got home to his mother.”

The man nodded. “That’s fine. Come this way.”

“If you guys want to keep going on you can. I’m fine by myself. I can catch up with you later?” Becky smiled and her heart filled with love when Jacob, Caleb, and Damon waved her off.

“No way, we’re coming with you.” Jacob held her other hand and she caught Damon’s gaze to see him incline his head and follow.


Damon sat with a beer in hand as he listened to Jacob talk about Becky.

“I can’t believe she spent the rest of her night with the little boy. The mother was so grateful and Becky even calmed her down. I’ll admit I was ready to run when the woman came in and rushed to Gavin in tears. Becky took it all in stride. She calmed the woman and even the boy who got worked up again. Becky’s special. I’m going to see where this could go, me and her. She’s a keeper.”

Damon’s grip on the bottle tightened as he listened to Jacob until he thought he’d smash the bottle. He put the bottle on the table and got up. He couldn’t have Becky. Jacob was interested in her, had been from the start. Fuck, what had he been thinking? “I’m going to get laid. All this talk is boring me.”

Both Caleb and Jacob stood. “We’ll come with you and keep you out of trouble.” Damon knew Caleb meant well, but Damon didn’t want a fucking babysitter right now.

“No, stay. I’ll be on my best behavior. I’ll find the first woman willing to fuck. No fights.” He didn’t wait for them, Damon just walked out of the lounge area and to the front to wait for a taxi to take him straight to a night club.

He knew what to say and what to do. He’d been doing this for years. He loved playing hockey but the fame had sucked any part of Damon that once cared what people thought of him. He didn’t give a fuck what anyone thought about him. He was known for his ravenous appetite for sex. If women were willing to throw themselves at him he would take it.

He walked into a bar and ordered a Scotch. Within minutes a busty blonde came over and basically climbed over him. “I know who you are. I knew as soon as you walked in who you were, Damon Chet.”

The woman’s fake breasts spilled out of her tight clothes. Her smile was coy and her eyes flashed with desire. For the first time in his life his cock didn’t respond. All Damon could think of was Becky’s sweet smiles and her all-natural body. His dick grew and he stood up, not caring the woman almost fell off him. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”


The woman took his hand and followed him up to his room. He was going to fuck Becky out of his system even if he had to fuck every woman that came onto him. Damon was too jaded to settle down with a good woman like Becky anyway. He’d leave her for Jacob.

Becky wasn’t for him. Damon needed to keep the fuck away from her. She was the type of woman who’d want to work, a house with a white picket fence, a dog and children. Damon wasn’t father material. He hadn’t had a good example to go by. Damon didn’t want another kid brought into the world with an asshole for a father because that was what he was. Damon knew this as he threw his clothes off, reached over to the drawer, and grabbed some condoms. The blonde stripped seductively in front of him but he wasn’t interested. To keep his dick up he had to keep picturing Becky. Thinking of Becky, he grabbed the blonde and helped her strip.

He used the blonde in front of him and knew if he was going to stay away from Becky, he would be using a lot more women.

Chapter Two

Becky shouldn’t have said yes that first day at Disney World. That day with Jacob, Caleb, and Damon had turned into two days, then three, then a week. She’d told them when she was leaving Orlando and that her next destination was Miami for five days. They went with her, seeing the famous beaches and other sights. Once there Becky listened to music all about Miami and sang the songs as she went to all the places in the lyrics—she was a dork like that. Jacob and Caleb had happily joined her, laughing at her bad singing and attitude over not caring about looking silly. They’d had a ball, going on tours and swimming, except Damon, he looked miserable.

Becky was enjoying herself with Jacob and Caleb. They were becoming the brothers she never had. Damon, though, he was the dark horse in the group. He didn’t seem happy and sat brooding all the time. Becky felt his gaze on her all the time, as though criticizing her. She didn’t care, Damon was an arrogant arse. She’d noticed he didn’t spend his evenings with her and his friends, and when he did women hung off him in droves like he was the big celebrity he claimed to be. Damon always left with one or more women, and for some reason every time he did she felt sick to her core. Becky wanted to be the woman he was with—she hated the other women. It felt strange, because Becky had never felt that for anyone before.

Becky rolled her eyes heavenward as she told herself that Damon wasn’t anything to her, and that she didn’t care if every time the dirty blonde fringe fell over his eyes she wanted to brush it over so she could see his dark green eyes. Or that when he took his shirt off she didn’t want to rub her hands up and down his tight, toned abs, and trace every one of his tats with her tongue. Becky groaned as her body heated at just the thought of doing all that. Crap. She needed to get some courage and sleep with him. Surely he’d be willing, since he seemed to sleep with anything in a skirt. Although she had noticed he liked skinny blondes, she wasn’t blonde and she wasn’t skinny. Becky sighed. She couldn’t go on like this if Damon wasn’t willing. She needed to find someone else to help get him out of her system.

Becky had agreed to stay with the guys until she left Vegas to start her job. Well, she had a while before she started her job in Chicago, but she needed to find a place to live and she wanted to get settled.

They were off to New Orleans now. Becky had always wanted to go there. She loved the idea of staying in the French Quarter, going on ghost tours, the restaurants, and the amazing jazz music. The men booked their flights but they all couldn’t get on the same flight as she’d booked her months ago. Becky had told them she was staying in the French Quarter at the Sheraton. They had her mobile number and could contact her when they were ready to join her.

Becky was glad she had time to herself. She’d booked five nights in New Orleans, then she was moving on to Dallas before spending a full five nights in amazing Las Vegas.

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