Hell's Phoenix (9 page)

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Authors: Gracen Miller

Tags: #Book Two of the Road To Hell Series

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Once Micah had custody of Amos and Madison, Hell would be unstoppable. Together they’d rule Heaven and earth. She’d be able to assist in balancing Hell’s stability, and he’d reward the Sherlock with a seat of power.

Caught up in the feeling of victory, he kissed Phoenix and grew hard at the Ark’s reception. “You’re turning me the fuck on, Sherlock.”

A smile twisted Phoenix’s lips. “Save your lust for when we have Mads.”

Micah groaned at the visual of them both pleasuring her together. “Let’s speak to Elias promptly.”



Chapter Eleven



Moonbeams sparkled on the pond. Midnight had come and gone. Madison should be sleeping. God knew she needed to rest, but her mind moved too fast for her to relax. After leaving Amos’s bedroom, she’d gone straight to her bathroom and studied her reflection in the mirror. She’d freed her demon, horrified by the way her eyes altered like Micah’s. Like Amos’s had as a child. Worse, as her altered DNA exposed itself, her aura had burst into existence in shades of pink, deep red, and twinkling gold dots. Not her normal aura of pink and gold. The certainty she could wield power had come with the release of her demon. And her demon hadn’t reached full-capacity.

Trembling, she’d curled into a ball on her bed. Tears hadn’t come, but the overwhelming sense of doom had presided. She would go into Hell to save Nix as she’d planned, but now more than ever, she failed to believe she’d come out.

“Is the ice cream helping?” Petra plopped into the seat beside her.

Madison shrugged, but didn’t look at her, wishing her step-daughter would leave her to her ponderings. “I can’t tell.”

The wind tugged at her hair and set the silver pattern of the moon on the pond rippling. Homesick for Alabama, Madison conceded she wouldn’t be visiting anytime soon. Micah would predict that move and surely already had demons watching their home just in case.

“You’d feel a little more peaceful if it was working.” Petra kicked off her shoes and wiggled her toes in the grass.

Madison scooped a spoonful of Decadent Chocolate out of the bucket of ice cream, stuck it in her mouth, and groaned in bliss as the sweet chocolaty taste hit her tongue. The demonic change disturbed her earlier, but knowing she would go to Hell soon—with the likelihood of never returning—made other things like ‘demonic life changes’ trivial.

“I’ll feel plenty peaceful once Nix is out of Hell.”
A vicious lie
, Pandora chided. Ignoring the entity, she shoved her hair out of her face and wedged straying strands behind her ears. The starry sky twinkled like diamonds against a velvet-black landscape. Beautiful. “Nix’s powers were strong, Petra. I’ve never felt anything like it.” She shoved another spoonful of the frozen treat in her mouth, her belly quivering at the memory of her reaction to Nix’s mojo. She’d grown so aroused, she’d almost climaxed.
Like I did when Micah fed me his blood

Petra snorted a sound of disgust. “He’s as powerful as Jesus, Madison. All of his heirs have been. Daddy played his game better than I expected. With those pink eyes, I’m guessing your DNA is more than a basic succubus and Amos….” She shook her head. “Madison, you need to watch him. He’s experimenting with his powers and he’s much stronger than I ever expected.”

“I know.” But she got the feeling she didn’t know half of what he would become.
Can’t worry about that now. That’s for later, after Hell
. “He and I chatted today. He promised to can the experiments unless he’s with either me or Zen. Care to tell me why you gave him those Azura stones?”

“I’ve had them since he was born. Every demon child has a set. Daddy’s probably got yours. They help foresee the future whenever you’re in doubt.”

Madison stabbed her spoon into the ice cream and rolled her head to look at her step-daughter. “You should’ve consulted me first.”

“Yes, I should’ve.”

Surprised by Petra’s agreement, Madison examined her a long moment. “Care to share what Micah’s plans are for us?”

“He’ll kill me if I do.”

“He’ll kill you anyway if he catches you.”

Petra winced. “True.”

“I’ve never been able to put my finger on why you’re helping us, Petra.” Carried on the gentle breeze, the scent of chocolate wafted from the tub. She swore her nose twitched from the orgasmic smell.

“Don’t trust me yet, Madison?”

“No more than I can throw you.”

“If you tapped into your demonic power, you could throw me a long way, Mommy Dearest.”

“Then let’s just stick with, no, I don’t trust you.”

“Fair enough. I guess. I don’t like it. I really fucking don’t like it. But I suppose you can’t be expected to trust every demon regardless how much I’ve done to help.” Petra ground her teeth together. “I even helped the Birmingham wonder twins and I get no appreciation for it.”

Rolling her eyes at Petra’s melodrama, she consumed another glob of ice cream. “It strikes me as odd that a demon would forfeit her place in Hell to aid mortals.”

“You won’t be mortal once you claim your demon.”

Not ready to deal with that revelation, Madison ignored that tidbit of information. “And I have to assume your position was pretty damn high since Micah is your father.” Another plop of the treat hit her tongue and her entire body quivered in delight. This stuff ranked right up there with orgasms given by Nix. “It’s hard for me to believe you’d do anything out of the goodness of your black heart. Certainly you can understand why I wouldn’t be surprised to learn you’re a spy for the other side.”

Petra shifted in her seat and said nothing, but she seemed to mull over Madison’s words.

“If I find out you’re a spy, I’ll gut you myself. That’s a promise, Petra.”

“Righty-o, love you, too, Mommy Dearest.”

Silence lapsed. Madison returned to staring at the stars. It’d probably be one of the last times she enjoyed them before dying or worse…going demon. She shuddered at the likelihood.

Frogs bellowed and cicadas chirped.

Even after consuming almost a tub of ice cream, the demon shook with need inside her. This hurt worse than the belly grumbles of hunger.

“Madison, I want to make really clear to you that even if the sugar alleviates the urge a little, your succubus will demand other nourishment.”

Madison grunted, understanding what ‘other nourishment’ Petra spoke of.

“You know I’m talking about fucking, right? The messy stuff you refuse to engage in?”

She dropped the spoon in the bucked and focused on the starry sky. “I don’t engage in it because I don’t like it. Kind of like why
don’t read books!”

Petra laughed her ass off over that. “You are the biggest succubus freak I’ve ever met.”

“I’m a freak all right.”
In more ways than one

“Tidbit of advice: you’ll either indulge in sex willingly or your succubus will take over and force you to imbibe. I’d recommend going the willing way.”

“No thanks. I have a bullet with my name on it first.”

Petra made a sound of disgust. “Your only other option is to get a heavy dose of angel seraph and the only way you’re going to get that is from Daddy or one of the other Kings.”

“I don’t like the taste of his blood.”

“Bullshit.” Petra called her bluff. “A King’s blood is an aphrodisiac to us succubi. It probably made you come when he fed it to you in the hotel room four months ago and you’re too embarrassed to admit it. But….” she held up her hand when Madison opened her mouth to comment. “I’m not talking about his blood. I’m talking about his seraph. Angel power, Madison.”

If it tasted half as good as Nix’s power, she’d be an addict with one feeding.

“Micah kissed me today, Petra.” Madison jabbed the spoon into the ice cream. “And I liked it.”

“I’m guessing you never liked it before?”


“Hmm…” Petra mused. “The only answer is your succubus recognized the need for nourishment.”

Yeah, kind of what Madison suspected. Although, that likelihood worried her.

Petra nodded at the bucket in her hand. “You going to share any of that with me?”

Madison assessed the contents of the gallon tub, but still didn’t feel much like sharing.

“I hadn’t planned on it,” she said around a mouthful.

Petra chuckled. “Your step-mother sharing skills suck. You know that?”

She grinned. “This stuff is orgasmic. And as your mother figure, I shouldn’t encourage you to have orgasms out of wedlock.”

The demon snorted, but smiled. “Would you fuck Nix if he promised to give you an honest-to-god real orgasm?”

He already did
, Pandora needled her.

“Here.” Madison handed over her spoon with a dollop of ice cream. “We can share the same spoon. It’s not like I can catch diseases from you.”

“Actually you could if I were a
demon.” Petra licked the spoon. “Mmm….You’re right, this stuff is orgasmic.”

“Told ya.” Madison accepted the spoon when Petra handed it back. She dug out another glob. “What does your mother think about you joining forces with us?”

“Don’t know. I’ve never met her. Daddy wanted my bond with him to be unshakable.”

A slow grin curled Madison’s lips.

“What?” Petra asked at the emergence of Madison’s smile.

“I guess that one backfired on him.” She handed the bucket to Petra. “You and Amos definitely bonded. Score one for the half-breed.”

“It’s like I was born to serve Amos. All I want to do is make him happy.” She shrugged. “It’s most unsettling. I feel like a failure as a demon.”

With Micah’s apocalyptic plans—whatever they truly were—maybe Petra
been born to serve Amos. “What does Micah want with us? What are his real plans, Petra?”

The demon shook her head. “Madison—”

“I could command it.” Petra’s gaze shot to Madison’s and she swallowed hard. Her fear told Madison a lot. Micah was a heartless son-of-a-bitch if he could put that look on his daughter’s face when they’d spent many years as a cozy family. It showed how horrific his tendencies were and how easily he could maim and mutilate those he ‘cared’ about.

planned a coup into Hell? Bigger fools than she definitely had not been born.

“I’d rather I didn’t have to command you.” Madison rested her head against the chair and dug more ‘orgasms’ out of the gallon tub. “You want me to trust you. Trust me enough to tell me his plans.”

Petra licked her lips, swallowed hard, and focused on the moon. If a demon could go as pale as the ghostly white orb, Petra came pretty damn close.



Chapter Twelve



“You found her?” Elias asked seconds after Micah’s and Phoenix’s arrival.

“Of course. Did you doubt me?” Phoenix leaned against the cave wall, his stance relaxed, but his gaze tense.

“We want you to retrieve her.” Micah could barely contain his excitement at his bride’s imminent homecoming. By his side. In Hell. With Phoenix’s help, they would deal with her reluctance. And succeed. She’d been resistant to his cause since learning her true nature. Once she came home, she wouldn’t be able to withstand the sway. He knew just how to lure her demon out…orgasms. Combine that with feeding her his angelic essence—seraph—and she didn’t stand a chance of denying her destiny.

“She’ll just love seeing my face.” His brother grinned, a slow, smirking affection that detailed Elias’s anticipation. “Do you desire I retrieve Amos, too?”

“Not yet.” His son
to come to him willingly. An odd little piece of prophecy that nagged at his soul. He’d prefer they both came to him of their own free will, but his wife proved that wouldn’t be an option on her part. And he didn’t need her free will since she’d freely given it when they married.

“Zen normally meditates at dawn and Mads is an early riser.” Phoenix crossed his arms over his chest. “They’re most sedate in the evenings.”

“Aw…Madison’s former lover gives me details of her life.” Micah ground his molars together at Elias’s sarcasm.

“Just trying to help. And I was never her lover.”

“Details.” His brother glanced between them. “She won’t come willingly, you know?”

“That’s why I’m granting you permission to control her.” He alone held the power over her because she’d gifted him with her human soul on their marriage.

Elias whistled. “You mean I get to use the ‘I’ word on her?” He chuckled at Micah’s nod. “I’m going to fucking love bringing the spoiled rotten princess down a notch.”

Phoenix came away from the door with his hands dropping to his sides and balling into fists. Micah spoke before Messiah’s heir could issue a threat. “You’re only allowed to use the command to ensure her cooperation in returning with you into Hell. It’s rescinded the moment she arrives in Hell.”

“Please, like I would harm her. She’s my family, too.”

“You’d enjoy humiliating her, though.” Phoenix glared at Elias.

“Humiliating her isn’t allowed,” Micah clarified.

“She’s your weakness,

“She’s my bride and my future.”

future,” Phoenix said. “You’re just jealous she’s ours and not yours, Elias.”

Elias snorted. “I’ve watched them copulate.” He motioned to Micah. “She fucks like a pampered princess, boring and stiff. I am not jealous of the cold bed either of you will suffer.”

Micah should’ve never allowed Elias to watch that one occasion. Not that Madison knew he’d been present. But Elias had pleaded since their marriage. They’d shared so many women in the past; he understood Elias’s curiosity. On a defeated whim, Micah had allowed the voyeurism. On that particular occasion, she’d lain impassive beneath him, her eyes clamped tightly shut with her fingers curled in the sheets as if the marital act disgusted her. He’d tried coaxing her into enjoying the act, but she’d cringed as he touched her and remained dry as he fingered her. Having grown angry by her lack of desire—he’d wanted her to perform for Elias, not that she’d ever performed for him—he drove his cock so deep with the first thrust she’d whimpered in pain.

She’d bled afterward from his brutality. Another regret he lived with. But he had an eternity to make up for his errors.

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