Hell's Phoenix (5 page)

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Authors: Gracen Miller

Tags: #Book Two of the Road To Hell Series

BOOK: Hell's Phoenix
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She whipped around in time to witness Alessa launching herself against Nix with a squeal. Her excitement died as the devastation to his aura registered. Once gold and green-flecked, it was now interlaced with black zigzags. The stain of Hell couldn’t be dismissed.

He kissed the horsewoman and lifted her off the floor with a growly hug. “Good to see you, Lucky.”

She’d forgotten Nix called Alessa ‘Lucky’ because she’d been his lucky charm. Proof, Alessa could be the woman Georgie spoke about all those years ago, the woman Nix would one day claim as his girl. And watching them together, their affection came easy. The possibility unsettled her, but she’d seek Nix’s future happiness before her own.

“How’d you get out of Hell?” Alessa wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled against him.

“Walked out.” Nix watched Madison as she slipped off the barstool. “Look who’s risen from the grave. You look pretty damn good for a corpse, Mads.”

“Never died.” She scanned the room and realized the Sherlocks weren’t exactly standing down. A few approached. She guessed they were eager to get their hands on her. Why’d Nix trick them into coming to one of the few places she wasn’t welcomed? To give himself the advantage? These folks recognized Nix as friend and her as foe. “Where’s Micah?”

“Not happy to see me, Mads?” He pulled Alessa closer with an arm around her shoulders.

“I’d be a whole lot happier to see you if your aura wasn’t screwed up.”

“What makes you think Micah’s with me?” Nix brushed his lips against Alessa’s temple. She wished she didn’t envy their close relationship.

“You might have walked out of Hell, Nix, but its vileness has infected you. You’re not alone.”

They stared at one another a long time. Disappointed in Nix’s obvious changes, she kicked herself for being a moron. Only fools hoped. Crow had said he’d bow to Hell’s wickedness, and she’d still believed him strong enough to resist her husband’s charm.

“This isn’t how I imagined our reunion.” Nix’s thumb swiped across his jaw.

“Ditto.” A prickle of warning tripped down her spine. Hellish kin approached.

“I thought you’d be happy to see me.”

“And I figured it’d be more along the lines of rescuing you from your covenant.”

“Who says I need rescuing?”

Madison laughed. No doubt he wanted liberation as much as a heroin addict desired forced rehab.

“Holy smokes!” Alessa gaped toward the door. “That’s the best looking Sherlock I’ve ever seen.”

Madison closed her eyes and shook her head, certain that ‘best looking Sherlock’ would be Micah. Definitely no Sherlock. She took a deep breath to prepare herself for her husband’s likely presence, and glanced over her shoulder to make the confirmation.

Micah sauntered into the bar, his sight missile locked on her. She wouldn’t escape his target. Not this time. A smile hit his mouth and the corners of his eyes softened, shimmered with tears. He was overcome by emotion. His reaction made her uneasy.

Trouble, trouble, trouble
! She screamed telepathically, but winced when it rebounded into her head like an echo. For whatever reason, her thoughts weren’t getting out. Big trouble!

She moved to Alessa’s side and knocked Nix’s hand aside when he attempted to make contact with her shoulder. “Don’t touch me, Nix. And get your hands off her.” She grabbed Alessa’s shoulders and tugged her a couple of steps away from Nix.

“What’s wrong with you?” Alessa squinted at her. “This is Nix. We’d planned to save him and—”

“That ‘holy smokes’ guy,” she interrupted with a furious whisper, “is Micah.”

Alessa’s mouth dropped open and then snapped shut. “Micah, as in your King of Hell husband?”

Madison nodded and shoved the car keys into her hands. “I can’t get through to Zen. Get out of here and—”

“She’s not going anywhere, kitten.”

Madison stiffened. Micah’s breath hit her neck. He gripped her shoulders and turned her to face him. Their gazes clashed. Micah smiled. Wary, Madison watched him, uncertain what to expect after their last volatile meeting.

“Kitten.” He breathed the endearment and cupped her face between his hands. He smoothed his thumb along her jaw and bottom lip. She didn’t blink, didn’t so much as dare inhale, until she figured out his next move.

Micah crushed her in an unexpected hug. Confused, she endured his affection, her arms dangling by her sides. Reacting to his violence was easy, predictable even, but his relief disturbed her.

“I believed you died.” Micah kissed her hair and placed several more across her forehead. “I believed you died.” His unexpected affection unsettled her.

We need his blood. Ask him
, Pandora encouraged.
You know he’ll give us more

Madison ignored the wicked voice.

Someone touched the back of her head, tangled fingers in her hair, and tugged her head back. Green eyes she’d once adored stared at her, full of smug satisfaction. This wasn’t the Nix she knew or ever wanted to know.

“I told you she lived, Micah.” As he held her by the hair, Nix trailed the back of his knuckles across her cheekbone. “Micah doubted me, but I tasted your presence on the tsunami you smashed against mine, baby.”

That was
, Pandora sulked.

Dear God, to save others, they’d exposed her. Given a choice, she wouldn’t change their actions. People would’ve died without their interference.

A gun cocked and Alessa reminded, “Madison told you not to touch her, Nix.”

More clicking reverberated throughout the room…Sherlocks priming their weapons to defend Nix. An unidentified Sherlock said, “You’ll kindly lower your weapon, miss.”

“Allies.” Nix winked. “I got a lot of them here, Lucky. Stand down, I got this covered.”

“Are they aware you consort with a King of Hell, Nix?” Madison wanted to scream at the injustice of Nix’s fall from grace. She couldn’t blame Micah this time. Nix would have to claim culpability for his decline.

“Mads…” Nix warned with a narrow-eyed stare. “They’re also aware you’re his wife.”

Surely, he didn’t expect her to make this easy on them. “
Hta Noaal iw Taqq yuqqj wikht hta Relv iw Taqq’j hkoa gejuva.” The Queen of Hell calls forth the King of Hell’s true visage.

, shook his head, and released his hold on her as he took a step backward. “Wrong move, Mads.”

As Micah began to transform, Madison pulled from his embrace, surprised he allowed her to move away. Realizing Alessa still held her gun trained on Nix, she placed her hand over the gun’s barrel and nudged her to lower the weapon. No way she would actually shoot Nix. Someone else would end up harmed first.

Sherlocks cursed as Micah altered. Wings arched over his shoulders, as blue as clear summer skies. Not feathery or fuzzy, they reminded her of phosphorescent jellyfish—long, wispy, corkscrews of fiber-optic beauty. The grandeur of his wings belonged on depictions of fairies and other ethereal beings intended for good, not on a King of Hell.

His skin tainted into a luminescent shade of blue.

“My God, he’s beautiful.” Alessa’s awe deepened her voice.

The fallen angel’s appearance was so stellar, she’d believe in God if she didn’t already know He existed.

Someone fired, but Micah threw his hand up as casually as if he waved to a bystander. The offender flattened against the wall. His weapon discharged again as it hit the floor, plugging a fellow hunter. Mayhem ensued for about thirty seconds. Another Sherlock fired and another, but Micah handled them as efficiently as the first.

Nix pointed his finger like a gun and fired blasts that Madison saw as golden, liquid-like orbs. Shocked by his power
his calm ease at firing on his fellow compatriots, she stared as his magical bullets struck their victims and blood spurted from the impact. Cries erupted from the wounded and the remaining Sherlocks went into action. This time Micah subdued them all at once, their weapons clattering as they were lifted and flung against walls and tables. Nix continued to randomly fire his finger shots.

“Enough, Nix!” Madison grabbed his other arm. He faced her, and she stumbled away from the homicidal rage that glazed his visage. Demons were easy to handle, but how did she compel a determined Nix to do her bidding?

“I’m not nearly finished.” His voice sounded off, hatred a mask of fury on his face. “They fired on you and Lucky.”

“Nix, you’re acting crazy!” Alessa yelled, hands below her chin in prayer fashion, tears tumbling down her cheeks.

Madison clasped his face between her palms. His arm remained elevated and pointed toward a demonically restrained Sherlock. “Nix, they’re defeated. Stop.”

“Shoot them all, Phoenix. Show Madison how amazing you’ve become.” Micah stepped beside them and snatched her away from Nix.

He’s so amazing
, Pandora cooed, worshipping him inappropriately with vivid snapshots of sexual desire that would’ve made Madison blush at any other time.
The succubus whore inside you would eat up his energy, too

“You shut up!” Madison screamed at both Pandora and Micah. She glared at her husband’s smug expression and shoved him in the chest. He offered up a miniscule grunt.

Micah and Pandora laughed in unison.
You’re so out of control, hot for Nix, and hot for your husband’s blood. Let one fuck you while the other feeds you and together we’ll rule the world

“Having trouble controlling our friend, kitten?”

“Not for long.” She glared at Micah and said to Pandora,
I do not desire to rule the world.
Madison slammed hard restraints around the entity to control her. Pandora struggled, but for the time being Madison claimed control.

Unfortunately, the Sherlocks grew vocal and bold.

“When this is over, Nix, you’re a dead man.”


“We’ll hunt you down like the fucking Hell-spawn you’ve become.”

“Kill the goddamn Wescott bitch along with you.”

Nix’s stare hardened on Madison’s upturned face. Without looking toward the hunters, a burst of golden light exited his fingertip and silenced one of the Sherlocks.

“No!” She scrambled away from Micah, grabbed Nix’s wrist and jerked it downward as he fired another round. Pain struck her thigh and her mouth fell open in a silent gasp.

He shot me with his weird mojo!

Didn’t expect that
, Pandora remarked.

Their gazes connected, shock igniting his expression, but at least he’d ceased shooting the hunters.

Objective neutralized. For now.

“Fuck, Mads!” Nix grabbed her and lowered her to the floor.

Alessa punched Nix in the shoulder and scrambled to kneel beside Madison. “What the hell’s gotten into you, Nix? I swear, I agree with these Sherlocks, we should skin your ass for your bad behavior.”

Bad behavior? Seriously? A chuckle rippled upward and died as soon as it caused her to jerk and reminded her of the wound in her leg.

“You’ll heal her promptly,” Micah growled, shifting back into his human persona as he offered his legs as a pillow for her head. She’d have pushed him away if she could’ve managed to contort her body to that angle.

Madison gaped at the blood darkening her jeans and spreading down her thigh. “That hurts way worse than I thought being shot would.”

“I need to get your pants off, Mads, to heal you.” Nix fingers went to the snap of her jeans.

She knocked his hands away. “You’ll heal the others first.”

“He shot the main artery in your thigh, Madison. You’ll bleed out before he finishes with them.” Micah compressed his lips together and spoke as if he ground his teeth together. “I’ve lost you twice. I will
lose you again.”

“Death would at least grant me freedom from

Micah’s mouth flattened in displeasure. “Phoenix, I would ask you to do as she requests.”

“God damn it, Mads, I swear I’ll heal them immediately after I take care of you.”

Madison glared at Nix. “
E kawoja ciok tauqelv.” I refuse your healing
. Nix spewed curses in Xapil. “Impressive, you’ve learned how to curse in demon.”

Nix scowled. “Stubborn.”

Madison clenched her teeth in silent mutiny. Nix cupped the back of her head, tugged slightly and kissed her hard on the lips. Excitement zinged through her system. Her attraction to him always presented itself at the most inappropriate moments.

“I find that stubborn trait sexy, baby.”

“Flattery gets you nowhere, Nix.” She winced at the tug against her wounded flesh as he rested her against Micah’s thighs.

“What does?” Nix jerked the hem of one pant leg up and tugged the blade strapped to her ankle out of its harness.

“Good deeds.”

He brandished the knife he’d given her for her thirtieth birthday and grinned. “Does healing them count?”


Nix rolled to his feet and leveled her with his stare. “You’re a hard woman to please.”

“Cease the flirtations with
wife.” Micah’s grip on her shoulders intensified. “Heal those bottom-feeders, and then heal her.”

Madison knocked his hands off her shoulders. “Your touch sickens me.”

“If I believed that, it would anger me.”

“If you believed that?
?” She would punch him in the nose for his arrogance if the movement wouldn’t hurt her leg. “I assure you—”

Micah dragged her upward against his body, squelching her rant with the sting of movement. His hand delved into her hair, and slanted her head back to kiss her. Breathing through the pain, she didn’t think to stop his embrace. She jerked when his tongue flicked across hers, the contact snapping her out of the pocket of agony and straight into ecstasy.

“Oh!” Alessa gasped. Was her friend shocked or horrified? Madison claimed both emotions.

She dug her nails into his thighs to keep from pulling him closer. Confused by her reaction, she whimpered.

knew you weren’t immune to him. Pandora’s smug accent filtered through her mind.

He terminated their kiss. Peering into her eyes, he grazed her bottom lip with his thumb. “I could feel how sickened you are.”

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