Hell's Gift (9 page)

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Authors: K. S. Haigwood

BOOK: Hell's Gift
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She wanted to rush to him, mount him with her own throbbing sex, but there was an invisible barrier that he had wedged between them, keeping her from moving at all.

She glanced up at his face in confusion. She wanted to feel his skin on her flesh. She needed to feel his strong, hard sex within her core. Lust consumed her and she wanted to cry out her frustration.

She had never needed anything so much in her life. The pulse at the height of her thighs only grew stronger and faster. With every beat of her heart the need to have him within her was driving her slowly insane.

She placed a shaking hand on the leather between her legs and made eye contact with the rugged fallen angel. She could tell he wanted her. The impressive bulge behind his trousers, straining against the zipper, begging to be released, wasn’t just a conversational piece. He was going to put it to good use. Soon, she hoped.

Her hand moved at his will to the snap on her pants, relieving them, momentarily, of their duties.

Her fingers, each one attached to invisible puppet strings, reached behind her back to tug and release the red satin bow-tie that was holding her corset in place, then they made quick work with the crisscross of ribbon that bound the material to her lean torso.

Her starving eyes connected with his as she let the garment fall to the floor, but still she could not move forward and Lucifer did not say a word.

He only growled at the sight of her curves and supple bare breasts just ten yards out of his reach.

He would give her what she needed soon, she thought. He had never been able to resist her for very long.

She smiled and ran her tongue over her top lip, then sucked the corner of her bottom lip between her teeth, biting down on the flesh until it hurt to do so. The pain excited her even more and she could feel an orgasm building deep within her body just from having his eyes on her. She loved it when he watched her please herself, mentally or physically. She knew he liked it, too.

The puppet master moved her hands to the waist band of her leathers. Her thumbs casually slipped behind the band and pushed them to her ankles. He allowed her to step out of them on her own.

Lucifer’s breathing was calm and steady, never once rising to show how anxious he was to touch her, but she knew he had to be; there was so much desire in his eyes. So he wanted to tease her, she thought, and smiled playfully.

She let her eyes mentally undress him. She knew what every square inch of his sculpted body looked like, and she hungered to see it now. His midnight black hair was long and pulled back into a sleek low ponytail. His tanned broad shoulders, chest and abdomen were rippled in rows of hard muscles. She craved to run her fingers over the indentions at his hips. The thick shaft behind that strained zipper was sin in itself. There was a fine line between pain and pleasure when he was inside her.

What was this game he was playing, she thought? His suit jacket, tailored to fit him perfectly, was still hung on its hook by the door where he’d placed it upon entering the room for the meeting. But since Thoros had shut the door, Lucifer hadn’t so much as loosened his tie. He was still fully dressed. And that displeased her.

She moaned softly when the minion’s perfect body and face briefly replaced Lucifer’s. She would imagine his and not Lucifer’s hands on her body, taking what he wished.

She risked speaking. “Why do you make me wait, master? Do you not wish to feel my sex surrounding your cock?”

Lucifer was instantly before her, fire in his eyes and breathing heavily. His tall frame towered over her, making her own breathing escalate to a much quicker pace. She looked up into the dark pits of his eyes, but could see nothing except…well, nothing.

There had been
deep within the bright blue of the stranger’s eyes.
she wanted to know more about.

The instant hard blow across her cheek knocked her off her feet and over the stone conference table. She didn’t have time to wonder if half her face was missing; Lucifer had already snatched her up from the floor and planted her back on her stilettos.

He was in her face and shouting before she could even catch her first breath. “You disgrace and defy me in front of the others by fantasizing about a petty minion?”

“No…I’m sorry—I didn’t mean…”

She saw his fist coming toward her face this time, but knew better than to protect her fragile body from the blow. A small whimper escaped her trembling, already swelling lips before the back of his hand made contact with her other cheek, knocking her to the floor this time.

“You tried to mentally convince Baddon to lie to me! Are you too stupid to think I wouldn’t hear your thoughts?”

Abigail covered her face, knowing the punishment would only be worse if she did so, but that wasn’t where he was aiming anyway. The massive foot caught her in the stomach, rolling her helpless body several times across the stone floor. She was positive she had at least two broken ribs.

He grabbed her hair, jerking her back to her feet in one great pull.

Abigail couldn’t help the violent screams that escaped her throat. The hits were too brutal to stay silent.

“And you even fantasize that I am the new minion as I fuck you now, huh? Who is he?” Lucifer roared, and Abigail recoiled, then forced her swollen eyes open to focus on him.

She saw him blurry through the blood and tears obstructing her vision, but she could tell that his clothes had since disappeared and he was as nude as she was, with his massive erection jutting out from his body like a bad nightmare. She could have sworn it was bigger than it had been the last time he summoned her to him.

He’s going to kill me with that thing, she thought.

She shook her head and winced as a sharp pain shot through her neck. “I don’t…know,” she said, and swallowed hard.

His features softened a bit and he ran the back of his fingers over the dark bruises on her face. He pulled her to him and she wept in his gentle embrace.

His lips touched hers lightly and she hungrily took to the kiss. Sex would be better than being pelted again. She could handle sex. She could not, however, handle being used as a punching bag anymore. Crazy would be her new normal.

Lucifer broke from her mouth and kissed over her chin, jaw line and neck. He sucked her earlobe between his teeth and played with the soft flesh with his tongue.

Abigail moaned in fake pleasure.

He stopped tempting her and spoke in a whisper by her ear, “Well, then maybe I need to give you a little incentive to find out who he is, so your answer will be sufficient the next time I ask you something about…” the word twisted in his mouth like he had eaten something rotten or spoiled, “…him.”

Abigail stopped in mid-sigh and opened her eyes to him. She’d not missed the warning in his voice. He still wasn’t happy with her in the least.

Abigail’s eyes widened. She barely had time to gasp before he lifted her body and threw her legs around his hips. In one swift move he shoved her down the entire length of his erection. It tore through her vaginal canal, ripping the tender tissue with the intensity of the thrust. Her next breath wouldn’t come until he had lifted her and pounded into her five more times.

She wanted to beg for him to have mercy on her. She felt she was near passing out from the pain, but she also knew he would never let that happen. He would make her suffer and would force her mind to stay conscious throughout every miserable moment of it.

She endured the torture. She cried out because there was no possible way not to. It was the most intense, horrible pain she had ever felt in her long existence.

Lucifer growled out his pleasure. She could tell he was almost ready to climax and it was the first happy thought she’d had since before she entered the room. It meant he would stop raping her, at least for a while anyway. She had to tell herself that she was okay with that. She could keep her sanity as long as he would stop for just a little while. Maybe her mind could prepare for the next round.

His thrusts got faster, harder. He inhaled as he pulled her body up his massive member and exhaled as he shoved her down it again. He grabbed one of her breasts, testing his own strength through his hard, vice-like grip. When her screams grew louder he took her nipple in his mouth and bit down until she felt the skin break and blood flow from the open wounds made by his teeth.

She was becoming numb. She could only assume he was allowing her to go into shock. The fogginess of her mind made it easier to suffer through the pain.

Just when she thought he was ready to orgasm, he stopped. He took several heavy breaths. “Open your eyes and look at me, Abigail,” he demanded.

She didn’t hesitate, but her every movement was slow. Her eyelids drifted open and, through her tears, her gaze locked on his frown.

“Remember who you belong to.”

Abigail took a shaky breath. “I belong to you, Lucifer.”

He smiled. “I’m glad we agree that no one else is to touch you…ever again.” His smile only broadened when her breath hitched. “I know of your pets and love slaves. You will come to me when your sexual desires need to be fulfilled. Do you understand? Murry is relieved of your services and will be given one last chance to prove himself. He’s taking Baddon’s place, effective immediately.”

Abigail nodded. There was no arguing or negotiating with Lucifer. “Yes, master.”

He pulled her to his hard body and inhaled the scent on her skin. He didn’t seem happy with the fragrance. Actually it was as if the smell burned as it traveled through his nostrils. His next words were low, threatening and vengeful as they left his lips, “He smells…holy. You will find out who he is and why he is here. And you will find that out quickly, least you want to experience this again.”

Abigail shook her head. “I will obey you without fail, master.”

He stared at her a moment, then seemed to accept her reply. He nodded. “Make sure you do, sweetheart.” He lifted her off his erection and set her on her feet. She could feel the warm blood flowing down her legs from her internal tears and lacerations. But she was alive and he had stopped. She could live with this.

She didn’t even have time to give a sigh of relief before he turned her around, bent her at the waist, parted the cheeks of her ass and took her from behind.

Chapter 12


“Back so soon?” Malcolm’s voice broke through my consciousness and I fought to concentrate and open my eyes. My brief visits to Heaven were important. It was obvious Malcolm knew more about my situation than I did. I needed to find out how to find this Abigail girl and then get us the hell out of Hell. I didn’t have to love her to talk her into leaving Hell and going to Heaven. I’m sure she’d had her fill and was ready and willing to do anything necessary to get out.

I propped myself up on my elbow and winced, my wounds still very much irritated and bleeding. What the crap? I was in Heaven. I was not supposed to be suffering.

Right. I was a demon now. Forgot.

My hand was instantly drawn to my breast where Death had shoved a dagger through my heart. I was confused. There was nothing there. The memory had been vivid. I knew I hadn’t just dreamed it.

“Lie back down, Rhyan. It’s difficult for me to heal you when you’re moving around so much,” Josselyn said, and I glanced over my shoulder to find two beautiful brown eyes staring down at me, full to the brim with concern and tears. Why was she always sad around me? I thought.

I obeyed her and eased my tattered body back to the spotless floor. It was obvious I had more than one life in Hell. A person could die a miserable, agonizing death, then wake up and play the game all over again. There was never really a GAME OVER. Perfect!

“Thank you,” I said, and focused on Josselyn, but only managed to get a slight nod out of her before she went back to tending to my injuries again.

I watched as a single tear slipped from her eye and cascaded down her cheek. The shimmery drop intrigued me, puzzled me even, practically stopping my beating heart in its tracks. I reached up to brush it away, but she quickly wiped it away without looking at me. Had my shouts toward her earlier hurt her feelings so much that she hated me now? Had she not accepted my sincere apologies?

I sat up, the panic quickly rising within my bones at the fear of losing something important to me, a friend. I needed her to forgive me. It was vital that she forgave me.

I froze as she flinched away from my touch. I took in a few steady breaths and watched in horror and disbelief as she cringed under my stare.

Oh, God, what had I done to her?

“Jossel,” I said, and she jumped to her feet, like she’d been shot at, and ran from the room with her hand over her nose and mouth. I barely caught a glimpse of the new tears flooding her tear ducts before she slammed the door behind her.

I was speechless.

Malcolm cleared his throat, but I didn’t look up at him. I knew he was only going to go on and on about what an ass I’d been to Josselyn the last time I was there, and I wasn’t looking forward to him shoving my mistakes in my face.

What I saw instead surprised me, to say the least. Malcolm’s hand was outstretched by my head, and the angel was waiting to help me to my feet.

“C’mon. She will be alright.”

I glanced at the closed door, then up to Malcolm’s face. He nodded in encouragement for me to take his hand. I did and he pulled me swiftly to my feet. I noticed then that all my lacerations from the beating I’d taken, as well as the hole in my chest from the knife, were gone. I was completely healed. There was no sign of any damage ever having been done to my body. Josselyn was a lot faster at healing than I was. Then again, there had been no telling how long I’d been unconscious either.

Malcolm handed me a clean shirt and a pair of jeans to change into. I took them, then fleetingly began to change. I didn’t want to be pulled back to Princess Gluttony mid-way through dressing. It was going to be impossible to explain how I healed so quickly and where the fresh clothes had come from. But I was certain she would get the wrong idea if I was naked the next time she came to visit my lifeless remains.

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