Heavenly Angel (25 page)

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Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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Joaquin whispered in a deep tone, “That’s right, sugar. You’re almost there aren’t you? I can feel you clenching. That’s right, baby. Take what you need.” His hair tickled the backs of her thighs as he dipped his head again and tongued her clitoris firmly, over and over. She threw her head back, and her breath became high-pitched, rapid panting.

“Let go for him. Come for us,” Angel whispered as he caressed her upper arms. Her orgasm crested and broke over her with his words. Her long, wavering moan was muffled against his taut abdomen as her pussy rocked against Joaquin’s hand and lips. He didn’t withdraw until she’d ridden every pulse and was thoroughly finished. Finally he released her, and she lay down exactly where she was on top of Angel. Angel brushed her hair from her flaming cheeks and stroked her shoulders as she recovered.

“Was it good, sweetheart?” Angel asked, crooning to her when she crawled into the crook of his arm, drawing Joaquin alongside her.

“Yes, I need a minute. I seem to have lost all my bones,” she whispered and shivered.

“Honey, come here,” Joaquin murmured as he and Angel both turned to her and snuggled her between them, covering her with the blanket. She floated in a blissful haze as they plied her with lingering kisses. When the last tremor had left her and the orgasm had passed, she’d felt sure she was done in for the night. But their kisses and whispered words of love as they stroked her face and her body, combined with their masculine scent and nearness, served to stoke the embers that burned inside her. She wanted more. She wanted them.


Chapter Twenty

Angel pulled the blanket down and allowed his fingertips to slide in a slow caress between Teresa’s beautiful, blushing breasts. She shuddered and panted as his fingers continued straight down to her mound, and her skin felt like velvet under his fingertips. He slid them through the wispy curls that covered her mound, and she moaned and caught her breath. Her eyelids were half open, watching him, and she sighed blissfully as he slipped a finger into her hot, wet slit. Her moan was musical as he slid a fingertip over her clit. She kicked the cover away and arched her back as he stroked her and slipped a fingertip into her pussy. Joaquin kissed her throat, making her shudder delicately. Her pussy clenched on his fingertip, inviting him in further.

“I like that little sensitive spot very much, sugar,” Joaquin murmured as teased her nipple with a fingertip before suckling it. “It’s going to be so much fun spending time finding all those little hot spots on you.”

Angel agreed wholeheartedly with that sentiment. He was currently exploring his favorite hot spot at the moment. Angel slid his fingers farther into her silken cunt, and a whimper escaped her lips as he stroked into her drenched heat. His cock twitched at her responsiveness. Using two fingers, he found her G-spot and stroked her there lightly.

“Oh, Angel. Oh, please, please.” Her body undulated, and more moisture coated his fingers. As she took her pleasure, he couldn’t suppress the growl that rumbled from his chest, which only seemed to increase her arousal.

“I love it when you do that, honey,” she whispered.

“Do what?” Angel asked.

“Growl. It makes me feel…”

“Desired? Wanted?”

“Yes! Oh yes! Angel, all those things!” She clutched at his shoulders. “I want more, please,” she whispered.

Her pussy rippled around his fingers as her body begged for his. He wanted to fill her with his cock and give her what she craved.

“I’m going to make love to you, sweetheart. Is that what you want?” Angel smiled sympathetically when she moaned in disappointment as his fingers retreated from her slippery cunt. He kissed her, teasing her tongue with his, and she moaned.

“Yes, Angel, please.”

He reached for a foil package from the bedside table drawer, opened it, and rolled the condom onto his cock while Joaquin nuzzled her cheekbone and kissed her, stroking her torso. Teresa caressed Joaquin’s face while she watched what Angel was doing.

“Beautiful, you’re not afraid are you?” Angel asked as he coated the condom with a generous application of personal lubricant, stroking his cock to warm the gel to his temperature before touching her. His cock tingled and stung with the need to slide into her.

She shook her head minutely. “No, Angel. I’m not afraid of either one of you. How could I be afraid of the two gentlest men I’ve ever known?”

She shuddered and panted when Joaquin applied a little of the gel to her entrance for him. “This is lubricant, sugar. It’ll make it easier for Angel’s cock to slide in. We don’t want you to be sore later,” Joaquin murmured as he stroked her swollen, wet little lips.

She smiled at him and said, “Grace told me you would remember that. Thank you.” As he continued to stroke her ripe, wet flesh, she murmured and flexed her hips against his fingers. Angel gritted his teeth as his cock threatened to explode if he didn’t get the show on the road. He needed to get a hold of himself.

Caressing her hip, Angel looked into her eyes seriously. “Promise me you’ll tell me if you get scared, or if it doesn’t feel good?”

“I promise, Angel.” She looked up at him from trust-filled eyes and stroked his arm as if she were consoling

Joaquin moved up higher on the bed, closer to her head, so he could nuzzle in her hair, kiss her, and whisper to her but more importantly to help Angel watch for signs she might be frightened or agitated but trying to hide it.

Joaquin stroked her cheekbone with the backs of his knuckles and said, “Angel is going to make this first time so good for you, sugar. He’s going to slide real slow into your little pussy. You’ll feel him moving inside you and stroking your clit.”

Angel could tell Joaquin’s words enflamed her because her eyes glittered with desire as she listened. Angel knelt between her thighs and spread them so he could see all of her in the muted glow of the firelight. Her body blushed for him, and the perfume of her arousal filled his nostrils. Her juices flooded her entrance joining the lubrication Joaquin had applied. Angel spread her outer lips, which made her inner lips open as well.

Another low growl stirred within him at the sight. “You have such a beautiful pussy, Teresa, so pink and delicate. Your little lips are parted for me, ready to take my cock.” She moaned and arched her back slightly, and another droplet seeped from her opening. His mouth watered, and his cock twitched eagerly.

He knelt closer to her, lifting her calves so they rested over his hips, which brought his cock into prime position to enter her. He ignored the flames of wild lust that urged him to plunder her and sink into her receptive warmth. He’d walk to the ends of the Earth for her, and his entire body was filled with desire for her as he savored the first time he entered this woman he loved so completely.

He stroked her thighs and her abdomen, and the feel of her firm, full breast in his hand was nearly his undoing as his breathing became harsh and shallow. He positioned the throbbing head at her hot entrance, gritting his teeth, disciplining the urge to plunge inside in one smooth stroke. Later he would, but he’d hurt her if he did that now. His need for her was so great that hot shivers raced up and down his spine, but he proceeded slowly.

She gasped when the wide head of his dick pressed for entrance, and he could feel her tremble. Her breathing turning into rapid panting, and she bit her lip adorably as her eyelids slid closed. “Yes, please, please, Angel, fill me.” She lifted her hips in his hands and flexed, offering herself to him. Sexy woman.

His cock slid in a minute, and he hissed as her satiny heat kissed his cock. In a deep, gravelly voice he barely recognized as his own, he said, “Now that is a pretty sight.” He growled again and felt her body tremble in response. Her pussy flooded with juicy arousal inspired by his growl. He shuddered, knowing it was only going to get better.

Joaquin sat up and murmured. “Oh, fuck me. That is beautiful, sugar. The way you welcome him inside you.”

The muscles in her pussy clamped down tightly and quivered around him, begging to be filled. A tortured-sounding moan escaped her lips, and he groaned loudly, holding back by a thin thread.

“Oh fuck!” Angel growled. “She clenched on me just now. Mmm, look at that. She’s flooded. Damn, this is going to be a pleasant ride.”

His beautiful Teresa whimpered incoherently, and Joaquin murmured as he looked at where they were joined, “That is amazing. She wants you awful bad, Angel.” Then he returned and spoke softly to her, “Your soft little pussy is going to feel like heaven to him and to me later. I can’t wait to feel your pussy gloving my cock.”

She touched Angel’s cheek and reached the other hand out to stroke his hand and whispered, “Please.” Her hips trembled and flexed her juicy little pussy against the throbbing head of his cock.

Angel smiled down at her tenderly. His hands pressed her thighs open a bit more and began the slow, sweet glide into utter bliss.

“Oh, fuck.
.” He ground out, fighting for control to slide in only that first inch. His heart pounded in his chest, and a whimpering moan slipped from her lips. He experienced utterly delicious heat and silkiness as her lips stretched to receive the head and he breached those muscles that clenched for him earlier. Her pussy gloved his cock tightly as her body sang with more moisture. He slid another inch deeper and felt little rippling spasms begin along the length that was buried in her.

“Oh fuck, she’s so close already, Joaquin. I can feel it. She’s tight like a vise on my cock. How are you doing, sweetheart?” He studied her face for a moment, searching for a trace of fear or pain. Her eyes flashed open, and she looked straight into his so he could see the truth.

She licked her lips and smiled at him. “Angel, it’s
. Please, more. I’m going to come soon. I know it. Oh, honey, yes,” she whispered as he slid in another inch, then retreated smoothly, then pressed in again, gaining a little more ground. “Oh, yes, that’s beautiful!” she whimpered and tried to move under him, but he stilled her hips.

Joaquin stroked her cheek. “Sugar, try to hold your climax off until he’s all the way inside you.”

“I don’t know if I can,” she whimpered, and Angel knew that only made her want it more, now that Joaquin asked her to wait. She fought his hold slightly, still trying to undulate on his cock.

“Listen to me,” he said as Angel continued his slow thrusting and retreating, gaining a little ground with each wet stroke. Joaquin made eye contact with Angel, and Angel mouthed
oh fuck
and rolled his eyes, smiling a tortured smile at them both.

“If you can hold off and let him fully inside you, your orgasm will be like nothing you’ve experienced so far.” Her eyes got big, and she smiled in wonder. “
, that good. Sugar, he’s loving your pussy so much right now. Damn, that is a beautiful sight, the way his cock disappears inside you. You’re doing great. Does it feel good?”

Her voice was shaky. “It’s amazing. I feel how hot he is inside me. He fills me so tight. Is he all the way in yet?” she asked as she arched her back, trying to take more.

Joaquin chuckled and stroked her nipple. “Oh, no, sugar, he’s only halfway slid inside you right now.”

A look of disbelief appeared on her face, and she whimpered, “Oh Angel. It’s so good. I’ll never last.” He wanted to be careful with her. He wanted her to stay still and relax for him, but she was so close to the edge. Thankfully, she took a few slow breaths and allowed him to hold her hips still. As he moved against her, her pussy felt as though she had liquefied around him, going completely slick. Never, ever had sex been this fulfilling, this satisfying, and he hadn’t even come yet.

“I don’t want to hurt you. You need time to adjust,” he said in a strained whisper.

“It doesn’t hurt, Angel. You feel so good,” she whispered, as he slid out and thrust against her. He groaned in ecstasy as more of him was engulfed in her molten heat.

Angel thrust a few more times and then stopped, stroking her abdomen, cupping her breasts, his hands a little shaky. “I just need to feel you for a second,” he murmured as he came to her and braced his elbows at her sides. His hands slid under her shoulder blades and pressed her incredibly soft torso to his. Shivers like small electrical shocks skittered up and down his spine as he controlled the urge to move. To
. He kissed her tenderly and rolled his hips one more time and groaned as he slid into her to the last thickest inch. “You have all of me now, sweetheart. It’s utter heaven loving you.”

Her blissful smile lit up every dark corner of his formerly lonely heart and made him happy beyond belief. She now occupied every part of his heart.

“You were right. You
fit, and it’s so
,” she whispered then flexed her hips experimentally, and they both growled at the motion. The thin thread of control he maintained unraveled. Now free of his hands stilling them, her hips undulated against him, and he could feel every inch of her satiny heat sliding over him, engulfing him. “Angel, please love me. I can feel it coming. I can’t stop it this time!” She moaned, her voice gradually picking up volume and intensity as she moved against him. She parted her lips on a moan as her pussy rippled and grasped on his cock.

“You don’t have to hold it back any longer, sugar,” Joaquin said to her. “He’s going to fuck you now. Don’t hold back.”

Angel rose on his forearms and pulled out a little and thrust back in then repeated the reverse motion, pulling out farther and thrusting back in again. He breathed harshly as her pussy rippled around him. He repeated the motion over and over again, pulling out a little more each time, his speed increasing with each stroke until he was pistoning into and out of her with his full length as her hips flexed and rolled against his.

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