Heavenly Angel (24 page)

Read Heavenly Angel Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Erotica, #General, #Adult

BOOK: Heavenly Angel
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“It’s unromantic, but I need to ask. Are you on birth control pills?”

“No, but I plan to get on them,” she replied, thinking she probably should have already done that.

“We’d need to use condoms until you’ve been on the pill a month or so. Would you mind that?”

“Not at all. I want to wait a while before we start adding on to our family. Plus, we’re a little limited on space right now.”

Joaquin chuckled. “You’re right about that. Angel has mentioned the possibility of building a new house for us once he turns the duties of ranch foreman over to Ash.”

Teresa raised her eyebrows in happy surprise. “So that’s working out? He seems capable and levelheaded.”

“In most things, yeah.” He chuckled and said, “Right now a certain redhead has got him tied up in knots.”

“He has a girlfriend? Who is it?”

“Well, I wouldn’t call her his girlfriend yet, but he met your friend, Juliana Meyer, at the party the other night, and she must have made an impression on him. That’s what he wanted to talk to me about earlier. Plus, we needed to plan the details for our ride tonight.”

“They met at the party? I never even saw them talking together. Juliana is…such a city girl. I can’t imagine her with a cowboy. And Ash is
one hundred percent

“Not to change the subject, but—“

Teresa grinned. “Right. I’ll make an appointment with Dr. Guthrie and get on the pill. Do you by chance have condoms we could use?” she asked, proud of herself for being so direct about the subject.

“Yes. We had a feeling you weren’t on the pill and decided it would be better to be prepared. You didn’t ask, sugar, but I always use condoms.” She hugged him and nodded silently, appreciating his fastidiousness.

A light breeze kicked up a few minutes later, and Joaquin turned Deseo back toward home. “Let’s get you home. I want to make love to you.” Her core quivered at the prospect.

* * * *

By the time Joaquin got Teresa in the house, she was chilled. He took Deseo back to the barn to care for him while Angel helped Teresa get her extra layers off and started a hot shower for her. She was grateful because parts of her did feel a little frozen. She took her time washing her hair, exfoliating, shaving, and scrubbing nice and smooth. She thought about her conversation with Joaquin a few days before, about making love. They put her in control of when that finally happened, and she’d made her wishes known. Now ultimately, it felt like Angel was the one in control of how much happened tonight.

She heard a light tap at the door and called out a welcome as she dried off in the tub and blotted the water from her dripping hair. One of her men came in and closed the door behind him. She peeked around the curtain and smiled at Angel, figuring it would be him coming to talk with her.

“Are you feeling warmer now?”

“Yes, the hot water felt wonderful.” She wrapped the towel around her and stepped from the tub onto the mat. Angel stood there gazing at her with a far-off look in his hypnotic eyes. His expression was hard to interpret. “Did I do something wrong?”

He tilted his head, and his features softened immediately. “No. You haven’t done anything wrong. Why would you think that?”

“I couldn’t tell from the way you were looking at me.”

“I’m sorry. I was thinking. Soon I’ll get to see you stepping from my tub fresh from your bath everyday for the rest of my life. It floored me.”

That thought filled her with happiness. She smiled and felt like her heart was stretching from all the love for him it held. “Well, that’s a good thing.”

Angel glanced down at the new ring she wore on her left hand, “So, he asked, and you said yes. Did you like the ride?”

“Very much. I want to do things like that with you, too, Angel. It was so romantic out there.”

“Joaquin said the same thing. He told me you’re ready for us to make love to you.”

She nodded, water droplets sliding along her cheek. “I am.”

“You’re sure you don’t want to wait for the wedding night?” She wondered if he might be teasing her, judging by the hint of mischief she saw in his eyes.

She shook her head slowly. “No. Nerves, remember? I want you both to make love to me tonight.”

“And Michael?”

“I’ll do my best to keep my screaming at a minimum.” Her cheeks tingled with heat as she giggled.

Angel gave her a lop-sided smile. “But we like it when you scream. That’s how we know we’re doing it right.”

“Everything I’ve experienced at your hands has been done right, Angel.”

“Mmmm, now you’re just flattering us. Why don’t you let me help you dry off?” He reached for the corner of the towel that was tucked in at her chest.

There was a knock at the door, and a deep voice from the other side said, “You better not be starting without me.”

Angel opened the door a bit. “She finished her shower, but she’s not dried off yet. We don’t want her to get chilled if she comes out wet, so I offered to help her dry off.” He gave her a crooked little grin. “Come in and help if you want to, or better yet, why don’t we light a fire in the bedroom fireplace?”

“Oh goody!” Teresa chirped. She’d always been intrigued by the small fireplace in Angel’s bedroom. A night like this would be perfect for lighting it.

Joaquin stuck his head in the doorway and eyed her hungrily. He even growled a little as he looked her up and down. “She sounds like she likes that idea. I’ll get firewood and kindling, and we’ll have things warmed up in no time,” he said with a playful wink and closed the door.

Angel reached for the towel, and she let it fall from under her arms. A smile spread across his lips as he lifted it and began drying her off. She reached for another towel and started drying her hair.

* * * *

Angel admired the full, sexy sway of her breasts as she dried her hair. She had
idea how tempting she was. All she saw were the things she thought were imperfections, like her shapely, rounded thighs and derriere, and the flesh of her upper arms. She didn’t see herself the way he and Joaquin did.

Those very things made her attractive to them and a tremendously hot turn-on to be pressed against.

He loved nuzzling into Teresa’s fragrant flesh and that was a big part of what he was looking forward to tonight, being hip to hip, buried deep in her hot, wet silkiness.

She sighed as he rubbed her dry, seeming to enjoy his touch. Finally she put the towel down and ran her fingers through her wildly tangled locks to tidy them. He loved her fresh from the shower like this, her skin glowing and her cheeks rosy.

He looked up when she giggled. “You keep drying me, Angel, and I just get wetter and wetter.”

He had finished drying her and was now just using it as an excuse to keep touching her. They heard Joaquin out in the bedroom starting the fire. Angel swept down his hand down her back and gently patted her lush ass, feeling the sexy shudder that passed through her at his touch.

* * * *

After Angel slipped out of the bathroom, Joaquin entered to take his shower. Teresa noticed that he had stripped down to his boxers and his snug, long-sleeved thermal shirt and socks. He gave her a funny pose and said, “Sexy huh?” to her in the mirror, making her snicker and cough on toothpaste. “Angel is already in the bed warming it up for you. When you’re finished, why don’t you join him, and I’ll be along as soon as I’m done. I smell like horse.” He nuzzled her cheek, and she shuddered with anticipation when his callused hand glided down her naked waist and caressed her hipbone.

In the mirror, she watched him as he undressed. His cock was rigid and standing at attention against his abdomen. She’d stopped brushing her teeth and stood there ogling his reflection. She caught his twinkling eyes watching her. “Huh? Oh, all right.” She rinsed quickly and left the bathroom as he stepped into the shower.

The bedroom was lit only by the light of the crackling log in the fireplace and candles on the bedside tables. Angel lay back against all the pillows piled at the headboard, his head propped up on his forearms. He looked over at her and smiled tenderly then reached to pull back the covers so she could join him. As she climbed up into the bed, she felt the warmth emanating from the fire on her backside and the slickness of her lips as the heat licked at them.

She went into his arms and climbed in alongside his naked body. His strong arms encompassed her, and his hand moved in a slow glide over the small of her back as he tucked her to him. He slid his other hand down her ribs, over her ass, and drew her thigh across his until it rested over his erection. He hissed and shuddered a little.

“You looked lost in thought when I came out. What were you thinking about?” She sifted her fingers through the light layer of hair on his chest.

His fingertips stroked her as he said, “I want tonight to be the beginning of something wonderful for you.” The emotion of his words was reflected in his shiny eyes, and she had to close her eyes and press her cheek to his chest. His heart beat comfortingly under her ear as he spoke again. “I want to make love to a woman who loves
and wants me as much as I want her.”

She remembered that she wasn’t the only one with painful memories. He needed this as much as she did and not just physically but emotionally, as well. Patricia had wounded him deeply, more than just the gunshot wound. That was a void in his life Teresa was happy to fill. Because he was so often the sexy, confident man she admired, she’d forgotten that he’d been hurt by Patricia, whether he would admit to it or not.

She whimpered a little when his hand slid up her thigh to the underside of her ass. He slid his fingers into her cleft and stroked her drenched lips. She cried out when he slid a finger slowly over her clitoris. “Angel!”

His touch lingered there another minute, drawing an assortment of increasingly erotic, needy sounds from her until she finally rose up and straddled his thighs, gazing admiringly at his hardened cock. Feeling daring and a little brazen, she reached down, encircled his tremendous girth and lifted his cock as she licked her lips. She saw his mouth fall open when he realized what she was going to do.

“Sweetheart? Oh,
! Mmmm, you do that so nice.” She slid her lips down his long shaft again as the head touched the back of her throat. “Baby!” he moaned, and his back arched in a way she found incredibly sexy.

She lowered herself onto her shins as she continued stroking him with her mouth, teasing the underside with lapping strokes of her tongue before sliding her lips over him again. He moaned long and low as she slowly suckled his cock in long, leisurely strokes. She heard movement from the bathroom as the door opened. Having an audience turned her on in a way that surprised her. Her arousal was skyrocketing, and she felt very wet and ready.

Joaquin strode into the bedroom, climbing onto the bed to watch. “Does it feel as good as I told you it would, Angel? She’s amazing with that hot little mouth of hers and the way she takes her time.” She glanced over at him and batted her eyelashes flirtatiously then turned to watch Angel as she dipped down and took as much of his length as she could comfortably and increased her suction. He moaned again and again until she finally released him, lapping her way down to his balls.

“Oh, now you’re in for a real treat, Angel.” Joaquin chuckled, and Teresa smiled cheekily at him as she took her time reaching her destination. “You know, one of the things I love about our little sweetheart is that she really enjoys what she’s doing to us. So she wants to take her time.” Teresa softly hummed her agreement with that statement.

She inched down Angel’s legs and shuddered when her lips opened a little as they engorged, so ready to be taken. Gently licking his balls, she smiled at his moaned compliments. Joaquin got off the bed and came around behind her and her heart pounded as she wondered what he was up to back there. He didn’t keep her guessing long.

She moaned loudly as she sucked one testicle between her lips, matching Angel’s own cry as Joaquin’s lips descended on hers. Joaquin nibbled at her flesh as she suckled his brother’s, zeroing in on her clitoris, ruthless with his focus. Teresa moaned again when his tongue slid into her engorged flesh, and the vibration in her mouth made Angel respond loudly, as well.

Finally, Angel reached out and stroked her cheek. “You’ve got to stop. I don’t want to finish before we’ve even started,” he said as he stroked her shoulders. She released him, rested her forehead at his hip and panted as Joaquin continued tonguing her clit. “Is Joaquin teasing you?”

“Yes,” she whimpered, stroking the head of Angel’s cock with her tongue.

Angel chuckled as she playfully licked his cock again. “Mmmm, does it feel good?”

“Yes!” She flexed her hips which pressed her pussy against Joaquin’s mouth. Angel stroked her hair from her face as Joaquin slipped one finger, then two, into her entrance and began stroking her sweet spot. She recognized the foreign sensation of pressure and felt the tendrils of insanity-inducing pleasure swirl through her. His fingers were a tight fit in her pussy, and the sensation communicated itself to her clit, which throbbed with her heartbeat.

“Oh, please Joaquin. Just a little more, please, please, don’t stop,” she whispered against Angel’s abdomen, gazing up at him as he tenderly stroked her face. He smiled at her as she took her pleasure. The muscles in her pussy drew up tightly, her back arched, and her body went rigid as Joaquin relentlessly stroked her.

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