Heart's Design: A Contemporary Christian Romance (27 page)

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Authors: Joann Durgin

Tags: #Christian Books & Bibles, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Religious & Inspirational Fiction, #Religion & Spirituality, #Christian Fiction

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Duncan’s eyes pinned him down so that Seth couldn’t move if he’d wanted. “I’m glad your father was acquitted. As I said before, he was a good man. I did the job I was hired to do to the best of my ability, but in that particular case, it wasn’t good enough. But, because of my failure, your father was allowed to spend his life with you and your mother instead of behind bars.”

“Sir, as I said last night—and I’m not sure you remember—I apologize for blaming you for all those years. I’m sorry.”

“You’re forgiven and I’m sorry, too, for what you believe I put your family through. Remember, what I said about your father’s trial stays only between us.”

Seth chuckled and raised one hand. “Scout’s honor. You’re okay, Mr. Prescott.”

“Call me Duncan. If you’re going to be my son-in-law soon enough, you might as well start using it now so I can get used to the name. And then remind me when I forget.”

Emotion clogged Seth’s throat. “Yes, sir. I love Caroline more than anything. You have my word I will always treat her with the utmost respect.”

“I know. Like your father, you’re a good man, too. A man of faith and a faithful man. I mean that in more ways than one. You’ll make a good husband for her. I’m proud of Caroline for making her own way in the world, and establishing herself as a jewelry designer.” He smiled. “Who better to help her than a mineralogist?”

Seth offered his hand to Duncan. With no hesitation, the older man grasped it firmly in his. When they shook, Duncan pulled Seth into a quick hug and then slapped him heartily on the back. “You’re all right, Seth Barnes.”



Chapter 33

The Next Night


Caroline sat on the sofa in the living room at Landon’s with Seth beside her. She’d been ordered to stay put and enjoy being pampered, and she couldn’t complain.

Her parents, Bryce and Tiffany, Beverly, Liesel and Bella, Paul, Clara, Marijane, and Marla had all enjoyed a sumptuous feast prepared by the ladies. Her mother had even pitched in to help and now she could hear them in the kitchen laughing together as they washed the dishes.

“The change in my mom is nothing short of a minor miracle,” Caroline whispered to Seth. “They say things come in threes,” she said. “Wonder what the next one might be?”

Seth laughed. “Maybe we should be content with what we have. The Lord has blessed.”

“Amen,” she agreed.

“Hey, you two lovebirds.” Toby stepped inside the front door, closing it behind him. “Miss Caroline, I have that necklace finished, and I’m fixing to drive it up to Boston tomorrow. I wanted you to see it. I’ve taken photos of it for our records and sent them to you via email.”

She sat up straighter on the sofa and beckoned Toby closer. “I can’t wait to see it.” He handed the black square box to Seth. He put it on Caroline’s lap and opened the lid. Caroline gasped and moved one hand over her mouth. “Oh, it’s exquisite!”

“It’s your best work yet,” Toby said.

“A beauty.” Seth kissed her cheek. “Designed by a beauty.”

“May I see it, dear?” Caroline glanced up in surprise to find her mother standing beside the sofa.

“Sure.” Seth took the box and held it up for Eleanor to see. The pink amethysts caught the light.

Eleanor ran her finger over it. “It’s as beautiful as I knew it would be.” Her mother’s expression was one of wonder.

Seth squeezed Caroline’s hand and raised a brow, angling his head toward Eleanor.

“Mom, are you my mystery client?” Caroline could hardly breathe as she waited. In her heart, she knew how her mother would answer. Finally, Eleanor nodded slowly as she wiped tears from under one eye and then the other.

“Yes, my darling daughter. I am your mystery client.”

“Why not just ask me to make a necklace for you?” Caroline laughed a little and wiped away a few tears of her own. “I would have given you a family discount.”

Beside her, Seth chuckled. “I am so proud of you and your mother,” he whispered in her ear. For his part, Toby beamed. Somehow, she had a feeling that man knew more than he’d ever say. If he didn’t know, he might have suspected. And he wouldn’t be making a trip to Boston tomorrow, after all.

“I suppose I wasn’t sure if you’d make it for me if you knew I was the one who requested it.” Still holding the box, Eleanor sat in the chair next to where Caroline sat on the sofa. “I’ll admit when I first commissioned the necklace, I did it for what you’d probably consider a rather morbid reason.”

“What was that?” Caroline couldn’t begin to imagine. Maybe she didn’t want to know but she knew she was about to hear it anyway.

“At first, I wanted something you’d made so that I’d have a part of my little girl with me always.” Eleanor paused and looked at her as though willing her to understand her meaning.

“You mean…” Caroline couldn’t even croak out the question.

“I wanted to be buried with the necklace.” Eleanor grabbed her hand and held on tight. “But now I want to wear it to celebrate
and the wonderful talent of my beautiful daughter.”



Later That Same Night


Seth sat beside Caroline, snuggling with her on the sofa in her own home. “Caroline, what’s your middle name?”

“Ellison. It’s an old family name.”

“I like it. Sounds distinctive and elegant.”

She laughed. “I’m glad you approve.”

“You see, I needed it because I want to ask you a very important question. I was going to ask you with your friends and family in attendance, but they all know, anyway.”

Caroline stared at him and he loved the dawn of realization lighting her eyes. “Seth, are you asking what I think you’re asking?”

“Yes, I believe I am.” Sliding down to one knee in front of his beloved, Seth pulled out the beautiful diamond he’d picked out with Liesel’s assistance and some detective work. “Caroline Ellison Prescott, I love you with everything in me. If you’ll do me the honor of agreeing to be my wife, I’ll spend the rest of my life loving you. I want to raise lots of children together who will hopefully all grow to love Jesus, minerals, and gemstones, in that order. I want to give our parents the best years of their lives while we still can, and that’s why I want to marry you as soon as you say the word, whether that’s tomorrow, next week, next month or next year.”

“Are you done, my darling Dr. Barnes?”

“I’ll never be done extolling the—” Caroline quieted him in the best way when she put both her hands on either side of his face and pulled him close. How he loved her. Her kisses were full of passion and desire, her eyes full of love. He’d spend the rest of his days keeping this woman happy.

“Yes, Seth Cameron Barnes, I can’t wait to play domestic with you.”

Chapter 34


Valentine’s Day


Caroline had never seen her father or her brothers look so handsome. She’d had a long heart-to-heart with Sidney and Bryce about future plans as their father’s condition grew progressively worse. Day by day, they’d get through it together as a family.

“We are so happy for you, Caroline!” Kat and Paulina crowded around her and helped fix her train and veil. They’d met her in New York for a fun day of shopping right after she and Seth had become engaged to help her select her off-the-shoulder scooped neck white satin gown. A straight sheath, it was simple and elegant with seed pearls and tiny sequins that glistened in the soft candlelight illuminating their church nestled in the mountains of their cherished Evergreen, Maine.

Truly a place to call home for the rest of their lives.

Caroline kissed each of their cheeks. “Seth and I are so glad you could be here with us today. The day wouldn’t have been the same without you.”

“Are you ready, Pumpkin?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be, and I’m so thankful you’re here with me, Dad.”

Duncan kissed her cheek sweetly. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Placing her hand on her father’s arm, Caroline smiled as Canon in D Major played and she began the walk down the aisle of Evergreen Community Church. Outside the church, the landscape was blanketed with a beautiful, fresh snowfall. Liesel waited at the front as her matron of honor. Tiffany, newly engaged to Bryce, stood beside her as well as Ana, her lovely friend from the Cambridge Bible study, and the woman who’d led her to the Lord. Her attendants all wore soft red, floor length gowns and carried small bouquets of white and red roses with baby’s breath that matched her larger bouquet.

As Caroline started down the middle aisle with her father, she locked gazes with Seth. Eyes full of the love a girl can only dream to earn one day from a man who was kind, generous, and giving. Beside him stood Paul as his best man, as well as Bryce and Sidney.

Reaching the front, Caroline’s heart was full to the point of bursting.

“Hello, Mountain Man,” she whispered.

“Welcome to the rest of our lives, City Girl.”

They linked hands and hearts and faced Pastor Hawkins together.




“Look.” Caroline nudged Seth’s shoulder as they greeted their friends and neighbors during their reception.

Following to where she pointed, Seth’s breath caught in his throat. Duncan and his father were shaking hands and then they heartily embraced one another. Eleanor sat beside Seth’s mother, Marian, keeping her company.

“That’s something I thought I’d never see,” Caroline whispered.
“Miracle number four.”

Joy filled Seth’s heart with the abundant blessings of God in evidence all around him today. “‘Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things,” he quoted. “Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.’”

“Miracle number five is forgiveness. And here’s miracle number six.” Reaching for her handbag, Caroline pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to him.

“I’m losing track of the miracles,” Seth said, taking it from her. “What’s this? What have you done now, my beautiful bride?”

Giggling in the way he loved and couldn’t resist, Caroline hooked her arm with his and glanced at him through adoring eyes. “You were right. Old Harry left a gift, a legacy of sorts, somewhere in the house. I think it’s very fitting that you’ll be living in the house.”

His eyes grew wide. In his hands, Seth held a handwritten note signed by Harry Munford—he knew the signature to be authentic since he’d seen it several times—stating that he’d hidden a large cache of purple amethysts somewhere in the house. The house where they planned to live until their family started outgrowing the cozy cottage.

“I guess we’ll need to plan some renovations and see if we can find that cache someday,” he said.

Caroline leaned in close. “Or if we don’t, it’ll be a fun story to tell the children.”

“God has blessed us, my love,” he said. “We’ve come full circle, haven’t we?”

“Yes, we have. Most definitely.” Caroline slipped her hand into his. “We’re going to have such a wonderful life together.”

“Yes, we will. First things first.” He nuzzled his wife’s neck and then kissed her cheek, feeling Caroline’s shiver of anticipation when he whispered in her ear. “How soon is it respectable to leave the reception? I have some very personal business to attend to with my bride.”

At least they didn’t need to go far. He’d reserved a mountain chalet in New Hampshire for a week of nothing but living, loving, and learning about one another. They’d planned a tropical island vacation for August to celebrate the anniversary of when they’d first met.

Lifting Caroline’s chin, Seth kissed his wife, ready to begin their life’s journey together. With Jesus at the helm of their union, he was rich in far more than the finest gems or minerals.

He was indeed





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