Heart's Design: A Contemporary Christian Romance (2 page)

Read Heart's Design: A Contemporary Christian Romance Online

Authors: Joann Durgin

Tags: #Christian Books & Bibles, #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Religious & Inspirational Fiction, #Religion & Spirituality, #Christian Fiction

BOOK: Heart's Design: A Contemporary Christian Romance
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“Who cares? I care more about where he’s going.” Kat adjusted her backpack and gestured for them to follow as she took off again.

“That’s profound.” Caroline trailed behind her two man-crazy friends. She needed to push her sarcasm aside and give them credit for going three days without male companionship other than their hired guide, Roberto. Perhaps she should expect this kind of reaction after attending a predominantly female college. Not that Kat and Paulina had ever been deprived of male companionship. Not at all. They’d each gone on more dates in a month than Caroline had during her entire four years at Wellesley.

Hiker Guy halted in his tracks and Caroline laughed under her breath as Paulina and Kat stopped short, almost bumping into one another. When he dropped to one knee to retie the laces of one boot, Caroline barely disguised her groan as her two friends stared at him with unabashed fascination. His position afforded a good glimpse of his face without going out of her way to stare at the man. Ruggedly handsome, he appeared to be in his mid-to-late twenties, maybe a few years older. High cheekbones and a square jaw were lightly shadowed by stubble. The sun’s rays brought out the lighter strands in his chestnut brown hair. With one hand, he swept his long bangs to one side of his forehead.

“Do you think he’s from the city or lives around here?” Kat absently twirled the bottom of her ponytail around one finger. “He looks like he stepped out of an adventure catalog.”

“My guess is he’s a native of the area,” Caroline said. “He seems too comfortable in his surroundings to be a full-time city dweller.”

Paulina laughed. “Also known as a bottom-dweller, right?”

“I have nothing against the city.” Caroline frowned. “Please don’t put words in my mouth.”

Grabbing a water bottle from his backpack, the hiker downed a long swig. He lowered his head and a slow, easy smile teased the corners of his mouth as he swiped his hand over his lips. Whether or not his smile was aimed at them was debatable. With no one else around, it was the most logical reason. Once they caught sight of Kat, most men made idiots of themselves over her. Caroline was surprised Hiker Guy hadn’t immediately marched across the road and offered to escort them to the nearest town. Which wouldn’t be a bad thing, really, but they were more than capable of figuring out the geography.

“You’re pragmatic, but you’re probably right, as usual.” Paulina crossed her arms. “Considering you rarely date, you’re uncommonly astute when it comes to human nature.”

“It has nothing to do with dating,” Caroline mumbled. “I’ve studied tapes of my dad in the courtroom. He taught me to look for all the little quirks, the body movements, the facial tics of defendants. They’re all clues as to a person’s innocence or guilt.”

“You are a class case yourself, Caroline.” Of course, spoken in her best stage voice, Kat’s words were loud enough for the man to hear. Wonderful. “You need to get your head out of books and studying tapes or whatever and sample the real world for a change. Here’s a suggestion: start with this weekend.”

Sure enough, Hiker Guy turned his head in their direction and gave them a nod of acknowledgment. Caroline averted her gaze. She wouldn’t be a party to gawking. At the same time, she tried to tamp down her irritation. No matter how accurate, her friend’s words stung.

Paulina inched closer to Kat. “Is that a dimple? You know I’m a sucker for those. One dimple, two dimples. Doesn’t really matter.”

“Sure looks like one. Left side,” Kat said. At least she’d lowered her voice. “Nice stubble and. . .everything else. If all mountain men look like him, Evergreen might not be so bad for a night or two. The scenery might be nice and a fun distraction.”

“The mountains
gorgeous, aren’t they?” In spite of her comment, Caroline couldn’t help stealing another glance. The hiker returned the water bottle to a pocket in the backpack and rose to his feet. He must be close to six feet tall. Still, no matter how distracting, Caroline didn’t have the time to entertain pointless romantic thoughts about a man, so she’d let her friends drool over him. Story of her life, but it was time to get on with their adventure and find the promised land of Evergreen, Maine.

“So, do we stand here like gaping idiots because we haven’t seen a handsome man in a few days, or do we keep moving?” Paulina’s words were said from between clenched lips frozen in a smile.

Caroline nodded. “You read my mind, but our friend Roberto would take offense at that statement.”

“I’m sure he wouldn’t. Roberto’s twice our age and has like ten kids. I vote we march over there and make this guy’s acquaintance. Come on, girls. Follow me. I’ll show you how it’s done.” Hiking her backpack higher on her shoulder, Kat started off again.

Granted, being somewhat of sound mind and not completely crazy, they’d hired Roberto as their hiking and camping guide. A native of the area, Roberto was familiar with the terrain and helped them find campgrounds and pitch a tent. Since they’d departed the train and started their journey into the mountains, Roberto had called Caroline on her cell phone twice a day to determine their location. Periodically throughout the day, he’d check in with them and then meet up with them well before nightfall to pitch their tent. Who knew pork and beans straight from the can and fresh fish grilled over an open fire could taste so delicious? Of course, they hadn’t been the ones to actually
the fish. Roberto had also provided the “grub” and demonstrated how to prepare it. Pitiful perhaps, but roughing it on their own terms.

After trailing behind him for a few minutes, it was clear Hiker Guy kept an almost impossible pace.

“He must have a woman,” Kat said a few minutes later, slowing her pace.

“Yeah.” Paulina’s pout mirrored Kat’s. “No man walks that fast unless he’s got a woman waiting for him at the other end of the road.” She elbowed Caroline. “Anything to add? You seem to have all the answers.”

“Hardly, but maybe he’s on a schedule. The apple quenched my thirst, but now I’m getting more famished by the minute. A shower and a home-cooked meal sound perfect.”

“You are definitely the Queen of Avoidance,” Kat teased.

“Okay, fine.” Caroline halted her steps. “You want my assessment of the hiker?” Both girls bobbed their heads. “He looks…content.”

“Content?” Kat shook her head and stared at her like she’d left more than a few intelligence genes back in the mountains. “Let me get this straight. We see a gorgeous guy in the middle of nowhere—as if God planted him here as a feast for our man-deprived eyes—and all you can say is he looks
? Maybe you need a reality check more than I thought, Prescott.”

“My reality is fine, thank you very much. Contentment is a very attractive quality in a man.” Most of the men Caroline knew never seemed content with their lives and always pushed for more money, power, prestige or women. Those were the big four.

“Good to know at least one of us has her priorities in line although contentment sure isn’t tops on my list of qualities I look for in a man.” Paulina’s grin was wry as she gave Caroline a wink. “You’ve always had a more mature, sensible outlook.” It didn’t sound like a compliment.

Ten minutes later, doubled-over, leaning her hands on her knees again, Kat’s shoulders heaved as she panted. “I hope we’re almost there. I’m not sure how much farther I can go. Seriously this time.”

“Be quiet, Kat.” Paulina smirked. “You don’t have a leg to stand on and you know it. Giddy up and shut up already.”

Caroline checked her compass. “We should only be a quarter mile away from Evergreen now.” They stopped and snapped photos at the
Evergreen City Limits: Population 18,562
sign a short distance farther down the road. Kat perked up as they drew closer to the town.

Once more, the sense of coming home wrapped itself around Caroline as they reached the edge of the town. She wouldn’t be able to explain it if she tried, but she sensed this town would somehow make a difference in her life.

Evergreen, Maine, here we come.


Chapter 2



The trio stopped at Mahoney’s, a medium-sized Mom & Pop type store, once they reached what appeared to be the center of Evergreen. The wooden floorboards creaked beneath her hiking boots as Caroline stepped inside. Ceiling fans rhythmically hummed above them and the air held the scents of cedar and peppermint as the girls moved farther into the store. Shelves in the middle of the store were stacked high with nonperishable items and lighted freezer cases lined the left wall. An overhead sign read
with the drawing of a hand pointing its index finger to the left. To the right was a similar sign with a hand pointing to the right that read

“Welcome, girls!” a friendly female voice called from somewhere nearby.

Two older gentlemen played checkers at a table made from a barrel by the back wall. A radio played country music—the classic, twangy kind—from a small transistor radio on the windowsill. In the left corner sat a small white table with four chairs. Coloring books and crayons were piled on top. The wall closest to the kids’ table was plastered with pictures boasting the names and handprints of children. Charming touch.

“Can I help you find something?”

Turning, Caroline moved toward the voice and spotted a middle-aged woman with graying hair behind the counter on the opposite side of the store. Her smile was friendly, and her plump arms were crossed on the top of a glass case filled with fudge and other baked goods. Farther down on top of the case was an oversized jar of dill pickles and behind her was a shelf filled with row upon row of containers with penny candy. Various jars and baskets adorned every available space with all kinds of goods, some which looked locally made.

“Hi there.” Caroline approached the counter. The woman’s appraising glance clearly conveyed her assessment that they weren’t your everyday, average hikers. Could be her top-of-the-line backpack. The automatic assumption of the
poor little rich girl
mentality made her want to scream sometimes. Wealth had its own unique set of problems that most people couldn’t understand. However, this woman’s expression held no prejudgment, only curiosity.

“We’re looking for a place to stay the night. Is there a place in town you could recommend?”

“The Evergreen Inn is our fanciest hotel,” the woman said. “But it’s another three miles north and, being tourist season, they might be full up. Are you on foot or driving?”


“Well, we usually have a taxi service that could take you over to the inn.” The woman shook her head. “Earl’s down with the flu and his grandson is the one doing the driving today. Trust me, that’s not something you want. That kid drives like he’s training for the Indy 500.”

Caroline smiled. “We’ve been hiking and only have the clothes on our backs and what we can fit in our backpacks. We don’t need anything fancy.”

“Tell you what. Landon’s Bed & Breakfast is your best bet if they have room. Nicest place in town and it’s not far from here either.”

“That sounds lovely,” Caroline said. She’d stayed in a bed and breakfast during her trip to Wales the summer after her junior year of high school and loved it. “How far is it from here?”

Kat came to stand beside Caroline, giving her a nudge in the ribs. “That sounds great.”

“Landon’s is six blocks from here, but they’re real short blocks. Go out our front door—but watch out so you don’t trip over Humphrey the cat if he’s sitting at the bottom of the steps—and then turn left right here on Elm Street. That’s our Main Street in town. As the story goes, the town’s founders thought ‘Main Street’ sounded too generic so they came up with ‘Elm Street’ thinking it was somehow more original. Go figure. Anyway, walk straight on Elm until you see the intersection with Evergreen Street. Look to your right and you’ll see Landon’s. You can’t miss it. It sits on the corner. Big white, three-story Victorian-style home. I don’t know if they’ll have any vacancies this weekend either”—a frown creased the woman’s face—“since the owners’ daughter is getting married tomorrow and they probably have a few relatives from out of town staying with them. Biggest wedding in town this year.” A warm smile quickly replaced her frown. “It’s certainly worth a try. I wish you the best, and please tell Bev that Clara over at Mahoney’s sent you.”

The girls browsed for a few minutes, admiring some of the quaint, locally made items. Not long after, Kat and Paulina purchased small sundry items and then ventured outside to sit on the park bench in front of the big picture window.

Caroline purchased a few bars of scented soaps and butterscotch candy sticks. As she stood at the counter, she spied a rack of quilts nearby and moved closer to examine them. “Are these quilts stitched by hand?” How amazing that someone devoted so much time and effort whether machine stitched or crafted by hand. One design in particular—off-white background with multi-colored, bright interlocking rings—caught her eye. The colors were strikingly beautiful and blended well in various shades of turquoise and lavender, as well as a hint of pale coral for accent.

“Yes, they are.” Clara walked to stand on the other side of the rack. “One of our local ladies, Francie Todd, makes them. Her work is well-known across the region and she’s been written up in magazine articles all over the country.” She pointed to a framed article hanging on the wall behind the display. “Francie’s teaching her daughter, Hilary, to make them now. Passing the torch, if you will. From what I’ve seen, Hilary inherited Francie’s talent. That makes a lot of the townspeople happy, believe you me.”

“This one is gorgeous. What’s the design called?” Caroline traced her hand lightly over the design before thinking better of it and withdrawing her hand. This was a work of art, to be treasured, and she could have oils on her hands. Even more than the one-of-a-kind sculptures and expensive comforter on her bed at home, this quilt represented countless hours of love and dedication. How could you put a price on something like this? Caroline didn’t bother glancing at the price tag. Whatever the price, it would be well worth the cost.

“You can touch it if you want, dear,” Clara said with an understanding smile. “I only worry about the youngsters who come running in here with ice cream cones from Barron’s down the street. Then I watch over them like a hawk. Sometimes parents don’t always watch over their little ones the way they should. The design in this quilt is the double wedding ring. The girl getting married this weekend—the daughter of the Landons—has had her eye on it for a while now. I’d love to buy it for Liesel myself, but I just can’t spend that kind of money no matter how much I love that girl. I’m thinking of getting some people rounded up to pitch in and give it to Liesel and Paul for their first wedding anniversary.”

For a few seconds, Caroline considered purchasing the quilt for the so-called “hope” chest her mother started for her years ago. She hadn’t looked inside that chest in forever and couldn’t remember what was stored there. Knowing her mother’s high-priced and impractical choices, they were probably pretty things she’d never use. She wondered if Eleanor would appreciate the value in one of the handmade quilts.

After talking with Clara for a few minutes, Caroline turned to leave. “I’d better join my friends so we can go find out if Landon’s has a vacancy.”

Clara nodded to where Paulina and Kat still occupied the park bench. “Looks like they’ve made friends with Humphrey. Have a great time in Evergreen, honey. Real nice to meet you. Stop in and see me again if you have time.”

“I’d like that. Thanks again.”

“You enjoy getting to know Clara?” Kat asked as Caroline stepped outside the store. “You looked like you fit right in.”

“She’s a nice woman.” She’d learned that Clara was a recent widow with five children, two girls and three boys, all scattered in New England but they visited often. Eight grandchildren with two more on the way. Two-year-old Lacey woke up with the croup this morning and Ben was a star player on his Little League team.

As they walked farther down the street, they passed Barron’s—the ice cream shop Clara had mentioned—a couple of outdoor cafés, and a number of specialty boutiques for ladies and children’s apparel. For the men, there was a sporting goods store, but it looked like most of their customers were sitting in lawn chairs lined up along the front window.

The sun had risen higher in the sky and the townspeople called out greetings to one another while tourists leisurely strolled up and down the streets. The tantalizing aromas from a small candy store lured the girls inside where Caroline indulged in a sample and then bought a small brick of maple fudge. “Made from pure Vermont maple,” the owner told her as he rang up the sale. “Doesn’t get much better, or richer, than that.”

“This place is just too cute for words,” Kat observed as a young couple jogged by pushing a stroller with boy and girl twins. A small white dog was on a leash attached to the man’s hand.

“I think we’ve landed in the middle of an honest-to-goodness Norman Rockwell town,” Paulina said as they walked past a square with an old, restored Town Hall. A park with a white gazebo sat adjacent to the building and the post office came next.

“Stockbridge, Massachusetts. That’s Rockwell’s hometown,” Kat said.

“I know that.” Paulina shook her head. “You know what I mean. Lots of New England towns are quaint, but this place is—”

“Special,” Caroline said under her breath. Reaching the intersection of Elm and Evergreen Streets, she paused on the sidewalk when she spied Landon’s Bed & Breakfast. Paulina and Kat stopped beside her.

“What a great house,” Paulina said and Kat echoed her sentiment. By far, it was the grandest home in sight. Several much smaller houses lined both sides of the street. Older homes for the most part but obviously well-loved and maintained. Pretty cottages with different architectural styles, and a number of them featured a white picket fence.

“I hope there’s room at the inn tonight. Come on, girls! Let’s check it out.” Darting across the street, Kat led the way and motioned for them to follow. Caroline lagged behind, drinking in the rich details of the Queen Anne style Victorian home.

A covered porch ran the length of the house, supported by white columns, some wrapped with trailing ivy. The landscaping in the front and side yard was lush and lovely with neatly trimmed bushes—including rose bushes with bright, colorful blooms—and large, towering shade trees. The wraparound porch turned at a ninety-degree angle running congruently with the intersecting streets.

White lattice work graced the overhang at the juncture, lending the corner of the house a gazebo-like effect all its own with turrets rising above it on the second and third floors. Another covered balcony jutted out from a second floor bedroom at the front of the house, and a lovely stained glass design—a pink tulip and green leaves from the looks of it—adorned the windows of the third floor. Two red brick chimneys rose above the roof with pointed gold finials on the peaks of each section of the rooftop.

Caroline stopped outside the front door to admire the potted petunias, marigolds, and other hardy flowers gracing small white tables on the covered porch. White wicker chairs sat in small groupings to encourage cozy conversations, no doubt. A hanging pot of lush, poppy-colored geraniums spilling over its sides swayed in the breeze and wind chimes added to the serenity of the scene.

How wonderful it would be to sink into the plump cushions of one of the chairs and sip a tall, frosty glass of lemonade or iced tea. Read a book. Take a nap. Ponder life’s direction. Nothing sounded better in this place where time truly seemed to stand still. If only that could become reality for a day or two.

“This place reminds me of a neighbor’s house back home in Georgia. Old and rambling but full of character. Keep moving. That hot shower sounds better by the second.” Kat walked around her and gave Caroline a firm but gentle push from behind.

“I hope they have a vacancy.” Caroline smiled as she spied a two-person swing covered with a floral cushion suspended from the corner of the porch.

“Yeah. I’d hate to hear there’s no room at the inn.” Pulling open the front door, Paulina stood aside and gestured for them to enter first. “After you.”

A hand-painted W
elcome One and All
sign to one side of the door with
beneath it greeted the girls. The large front room was equally warm and cozy as they stepped inside.

A shiver ran through Caroline as she removed her sunglasses and paused for her eyes to adjust to the lighting inside. Ceiling fans rotated above them and candles burned, releasing a light, citrusy scent. Loveseats, sofas, and overstuffed armchairs covered in a pretty, multicolored floral pattern were positioned in a pleasing arrangement, and the coffee table and end tables were constructed from sturdy pine. From what she could tell at first glance, all the pieces boasted high quality craftsmanship. Delicate brass as well as glass decorative accents and fixtures complemented the highly-polished hardwood floors. A large, brightly-colored woven rug covered the middle of the room. An inviting bookcase overflowing with books lined one entire wall.

This place was nothing like the cold, impersonal marble-tiled front foyer in her Boston home that boasted one-of-a-kind, priceless works of fine art. Money could buy things of exquisite taste and design but couldn’t touch this room for pure appeal and charm. Here, she could have run and played like a normal child instead of being forced to wear fancy dresses and enduring reprimands by stern-faced staff admonishing her not to sit on
chair or touch
sculpture. Heaven forbid she’d ever slide down the banister or roller skate on those shiny, smooth floors. The one time she and Bryce dared to rollerblade in the front marble foyer resulted in her being grounded for a week—not the punishment her mother intended since it meant she missed functions she’d never wanted to attend in the first place.

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