Heartfire (27 page)

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Authors: Karen Rose Smith

BOOK: Heartfire
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Emma Henderson felt her throat tighten and she found swallowing difficult.  She hated the glare of the television lights and found her gaze swinging away from the camera to offstage where Linc Granger stood.  The successful TV producer, who garnered high ratings with his specials, had convinced her this interview might help find Paige.  That was the only reason she'd agreed to do it.

"I don't know what happened to Paige, Ms. Kahill.  She left one afternoon to drive to San Francisco for the weekend and I haven't seen her since."  Emma's voice cracked.

She almost felt Linc Granger take a step forward.  To do what?  Stop the interview with journalist, Tessa Kahill?  To comfort her?  To tell her everything was going to be okay when she knew it wasn't?

"Her car was found on the shoulder of the highway and she was missing.  Can you tell me what your thoughts were when you found out?" the world-renown journalist asked.

"I was stunned.  I couldn't believe it.  At first we all thought she might have been kidnapped.  But there was no call...no note for ransom...nothing."

"You were on the police list of persons of interest for a while, weren't you?"

"Tessa!"  Linc Granger's deep voice rent the air with authority.  He told the technicians to cut and take five.  Then he strode up beside the interviewer.

His gaze connected to Emma's for a heart-stopping moment.

She tore her eyes from his and took a deep breath.  She shouldn't have this reaction to him.  He'd been compassionate toward her, protective even, and she was grateful.  That's all there was to it.

But as Linc and the beautiful, curly-haired interviewer argued over the questions for the remainder of the interview to be aired later in the week, Emma knew she felt a spark of something with Linc Granger she'd never felt with her late husband Barrett.

After another minute or two of discussion, Linc crossed over to her chair and towered over her.  He raked his hand through his dark brown hair, his green eyes turbulent.  "Tessa insists she has to go this route.  She thinks it's better if everything is out there in the public's face.  I don't necessarily agree.  I know you lost your husband a year ago and this is hard.  If you'd rather Tessa go in a different direction—"

As Emma shook her head, her honey-blond hair fell over her shoulder.  "The family is always questioned.  The family is always of interest.  It's okay, Mr. Granger."

"It's Linc," he said gently.  As cutting as his voice had been a few moments before, it was so different now. 

Ever since their first meeting, she'd felt strangely out of breath.  She was a mother with a four-year-old, and her sister was missing.  She couldn't think about anything else.

Squaring her shoulders, she assured him, "I can handle Ms. Kahill's questions."

As Linc Granger studied her, she felt almost all of the air get sucked out of the room.  What was it about him that made her so flustered?  He was older, between thirty-five and forty she guessed, and she felt young at twenty-six for the first time in years.  She'd taken on a lot of responsibility early.

After a few moments, he reassured her again.  "If anything makes you too uncomfortable, you can say so.  I'm sorry I wasn't here when the interview started.  I would have laid down some ground rules."  He glared at Tessa as she was studying her notes.

"When you offered me the opportunity to publicize Paige's disappearance again, you said Tessa Kahill was the best.  Maybe you should let her do her job.  Before we started, she told me she has to be on a plane out of L.A. tonight to Afghanistan."

"You like her," Linc noted with a wry smile.

"We talked before the interview.  Yes, I do.  And I respect her."

"Good."  He sounded relieved.  "Then I'll let her continue and I won't interfere again.  But I would like to discuss something with you when this is over.  Do you have time?"

What could he want to discuss with her?  They'd spoken at length about what had happened to Paige, the little bit she knew, and Emma's desire to stay out of the spotlight for her daughter's sake.  But he seemed to have something important to say and she did want to hear it.

"My next door neighbor is watching Becky.  I'll have some time."

He was quiet for a few moments, but the intensity of his expression suddenly gave her the knowledge that Linc Granger was a very different man than Barrett Henderson had been.

It shouldn't matter.

But she found herself wanting to listen to Linc, even though she suspected that simple conversation with him could unsettle her life even more.


What a stupid thing to do!

Linc never interrupted the flow of an interview.  When he'd asked Tessa to do this, she'd told him she could fit it in during a layover in L.A.  She'd been in Mexico interviewing some diplomat, and then she was gone again for Afghanistan to tape a special report.

So why had he jumped in?

Because Emma Trent Henderson fascinated him.  She and her four-year-old daughter had been through the cable newsringer when her sister had disappeared three months ago.  Yet she'd somehow retained her dignity and poise.  Still, the lost look in her expressive brown eyes when she spoke about her sister, Paige, haunted him.

From her first press conference, he'd been intrigued by her and her story.  Maybe because he knew someone who could help her if she wanted to be helped.  Unorthodox means weren't for everyone, but he had the feeling Emma had exhausted the usual channels.

The cameras were rolling again and Tessa was asking more questions.  As he listened to the rest of the interview, he became more sure about the information he wanted to give Emma.  When he heard Tessa end her questions with, "Tell me how you feel as a widow, with a four-year-old to raise and no idea where your sister is," he listened hard.

Emma didn't hesitate to say softly, "Sometimes I feel as if I'm in limbo.  I'm searching for answers and I don't know if I'll ever find them."

Linc knew he had to tell Emma about Gillian Bradley and her special gift.


When Emma finished the interview, she felt wrung out.  Not a new feeling these days.  But after she thanked Tessa, she turned to find Linc waiting for her.  It was easy for her to think of using his first name and she wasn't sure exactly why.

She'd worn a flowered sundress for the interview, a dress she often wore when taking sales orders in her gift basket shop,
Occasional Baskets
.  But now she wished she'd worn something a little more sophisticated...because Linc Granger in his custom-tailored suit, tie and expensive shirt shouted sophistication.

Who was she kidding?

She'd never been sophisticated.  Hard working and tasteful, maybe, but never sophisticated.

After the camera lights shut down and she stood, Linc took her elbow.  She felt the heat from his fingers through her whole body.  It was an odd, wake-up feeling that she'd never experienced with Barrett.

Barrett.  He'd only been gone a year.  How could she even be attracted to someone else? 

Okay, so that's what this feeling was toward Linc Granger...attraction.  So much for that.  He certainly didn't drive his car in her neighborhood.

Linc glanced around the set where techs were bustling by and men in suits strode purposefully here and there.  He frowned.

Even frowning, his face was ruggedly handsome with character lines around his eyes that cut deep.  From laughter?  Or worry?

Turning his focus back to her, he asked, "My car service picked you up, right?"

"Yes, thank you.  It was nice to relax for a change driving into the city."

He smiled, and then the smile slipped away.  He actually looked uncertain for a moment, but only for a very fleeting moment.  "We're not going to find privacy here," he explained.  "Even in my office I'm constantly interrupted.  Would you consider taking a drive?  I have a place on the beach—"

At her surprised expression he held up his hand in a "stop" gesture.  "This is not a proposition," he assured her, his voice lowering.  "I can even provide you numbers of a few good friends if you want to check me out.  I just believe we need privacy for this discussion."

And just what discussion was it?  "I checked you out before I agreed to do this interview," she admitted.  "At least as much as I could."

He looked mildly amused.  "So, what did you find when you checked me out?"

"I found out that everything you do pretty much turns to gold.  You went to Cal State for a degree in Cinema and TV Arts.  You directed a couple of small films, afterward turning that money over into investments.  Then you started gathering professionals around you who wanted to make the same films and then TV shows that you did.  You've produced cable documentaries as well as network hits.  But that all involves business, not your character or your personal life."

"My personal life is off limits to reporters."  That was said without any amusement at all.

"I did find a couple of Google images with you escorting celebrities or models to charity functions and social galas.  But that really didn't tell me much."

His eyebrows arched, thick eyebrows over deep green eyes that made her feel a little fluttery inside.  Okay, maybe a lot fluttery inside.

"So why did you decide to do the interview?" he asked.

"Because I found transcripts of other interviews you produced.  They were honest and considerate of whomever was being interviewed.  I also liked your..."  She hesitated.  "Your point of view when we talked.  I didn't feel you were going to sensationalize what had happened to me.  You proved it just now when you stepped in."

The nerve in his almost-square jaw worked for a moment.  Then that small giveaway of tension was gone.  "I want to discuss something other than letting the police direct the investigation to find your sister."

That's all she needed to hear.  "Let's go for that drive."

A half-hour later they were in Linc's sporty silver luxury sedan, heading toward the ocean.  Up until now they'd made small talk about the interview, about Tessa, about Emma's daughter who was learning so fast and growing so much.  She'd called Becky's sitter before they'd left to make sure Maris and her daughter could find something for supper if she wasn't back in time.

At a lull in the conversation, Emma watched Linc's large hands on the steering wheel.  He'd discarded his suit jacket and tie and opened the top two buttons on his shirt before he'd climbed into the car.  Sitting beside him like this, the atmosphere seemed oddly intimate as the day started winding down and the sun sank lower on the horizon.

"Not much longer," he told her.

She sent him a small smile.  "Am I looking impatient?"

"No, just a little nervous.  Are you sure you don't want to call my best friend?"

That probably would have been wise.  But Linc seemed straightforward.  "Tell me about your best friend."

After Linc cut her a glance, he focused on the highway again.  "His name is Nathan Bradley.  He's a family man with two daughters from his first marriage he sees a lot, and a little boy, Matthew, from his second marriage.  He's an internet security expert who flies all over the country, taking care of important people's networks."

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