HeartBeat (Saranghaeyo Book 2) (7 page)

Read HeartBeat (Saranghaeyo Book 2) Online

Authors: Sarah G.

Tags: #Saranghaeyo

BOOK: HeartBeat (Saranghaeyo Book 2)
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"Why am I more excited about this than you are?" Leila released a breath. "I don't know. I just have this horrible idea that it's going to end badly. I mean, what if it goes sour? How weird would that be? I mean, I work for him."

Marcia gave her a look. "Leila don't do this...Look, you like this guy, right?"

"I do. He's so sweet and nice. He's an amazing singer and dancer, and damn can he

Marcia's smile grew even bigger. "Then what's the problem? Wait, did you just tell me he can
? When the hell did

Leila swallowed. "Yesterday. The first time was the night before that..."                "Exactly how many times have you two swapped spit?"

Leila’s face twisted in distaste "Eww, must you say swapping spit? That's so gross."

Marcia said nothing only continued to stare at her with a wide-eyed expression. Leila sighed knowing that her friend would not let the issue go, and she gave in.

"We've kissed twice."


A dreamy smile crossed Leila's face as she thought of G.K. "Yes, when we kissed, I felt like I was floating. He’s normally pretty shy and reserved, but when we kiss…he becomes this different person. It’s hard to explain. I've never liked being manhandled, but he's just forceful enough and yet so gentle at the same time."

Marcia's elation grew as her usually indifferent friend struggled with her dreamy thoughts. Since they'd begun rooming together, Leila had only dated one other man and the relationship had been short lived. She certainly didn't have the glazed-eyed expression that this new guy engendered.

"Well alrighty then," the bouncy Latina stood and headed toward Leila's closet. "We've got to find something that will knock his socks off. Something that says I'm a lady, but I'm still hot, so you should still make a move."

Leila didn't budge. She looked uncertain. "You think it's a good idea to date my boss?"

"Actually, wouldn't the old guy, the manager be your boss," Marcia reasoned. "After all, don't the guys work for him?"


"And I know you, chica. You're not like a lot of dancers who'd screw the choreographers for a part or something. This guy obviously likes you, so go for it!"



G.K. gazed at his reflection in the bathroom mirror as he dressed for his first--and hopefully not last--date with Leila.

He had no idea what had come over him yesterday; who that guy was who'd been so forceful, but he wanted to keep him around. Unlike his normally shy and quiet self, this guy knew what he wanted.

The guys had been floored when he told them he'd finally gotten the nerve to ask Leila out. As usual, they wanted details, save for his cousin who just gave him an encouraging grin.

G.K. tugged at the black cardigan.
Hmm, maybe I should dress up more
, he thought. He pondered whether he should wear a blazer instead.

Kai had insisted that he try and stay a little casual, that way he would remain relaxed. However, his attire was the only part of him that
relaxed. The rest of G.K. was filled with nervous energy.

Inhaling deeply, G.K. stepped out of the bathroom.

"What the hell happened to you hair?" Kwan shouted at him from where he sat on Kai’s bed.

Young felt the need to add, "You look like Mr. Bean," he smirked.

G.K.’s hands unconsciously flew to his head, “What’s wrong with my hair?"

Boom and Kai just laughed at him, and G.K.'s face fell.

He had wanted to look more presentable, which had led to his decision to brush down his normally unruly hair. From his groups reaction however, it may have been a bad call.

"Maybe I should change..."

Kai shook his head. "Don't listen to these delinquents. You look fine. Besides, you don't have enough time to change. You don't want to be late."

As his cousin ushered him out the door, G.K. peppered him with last-minute questions.

"Are you sure this isn't too casual? Maybe I should put on a button down or something. Do you think she likes seafood? Do I
look like Mr. Bean." He groaned.

Kai tossed him the keys and firmly shoved him out the door.

"Have a good time." Kai yelled before shutting the door in his face.


G.K. arrived promptly in front of her loft at seven. Taking his cell from the pocket of his brand new Rock and Republic jeans he dialed the number she'd given him.

She picked up on the fourth ring. "Hello?"

G.K. paused before speaking. "Uh, Leila? It's G.K."

"Hey! Give me like five minutes. My roommate kinda attacked me earlier, and won't leave me alone," she said with a light laugh. The sound in his ear caused all the tension in his body to melt away. "Okay, that's fine, take your time.

He didn't have long to wait. He got out of the driver’s seat and walked around to her side of the car when she came through her building’s door. He couldn't see what she was wearing since her light mid-length coat hid whatever it was, but he got a flash of purple when she walked forward. Her feet were encased in low heels that brought her exactly eye to eye with him. G.K. smiled, chivalrously opening the passenger-side car door for her.

Leila eyed his outfit with hungry eyes. She had never found cardigans to be sexy before; however G.K. managed to make her see the light. His upper body was covered in a black and white pinstriped shirt with tie beneath the cardigan. He wore dark blue jeans, designer obviously and black converse, a fashionable hipster kind of look without being fake. Her eyes went back to his face.

He wore glasses too!

The black rectangular frames added something completely different to his face.

He was really adorable.

"My lady." He bowed formally. Leila chuckled as she slid into the van's front seat. G.K. quickly ran around back to the driver’s side. He started up the vehicle and pulled away from the curb.

 There was a brief silence before he said, "Sorry about the car. I know it's not a limo or anything."

“Trust me its fine, I don't even have a car. Who am I to judge?"

G.K. ran a nervous hand over his hair, drawing Leila's gaze.

 What in the world?

His normally messy bed-hair had been parted on one side, and brushed down with what looked like gel. Leila tried and failed to stifle a laugh, biting her lip in the process. Unfortunately he chose that moment to glance at her, he caught her expression, and guessed correctly what it was in regards to.

"Go ahead, and say it."

Leila wanted to resist but couldn’t help herself from asking, “What did you do to your hair?"

"I brushed it. I wanted to...you know, look nice."

Leila's heart fluttered in sympathy; he's trying so hard, she thought. She reached over and placed a hand on his thigh. "I didn't say it looked bad, it’s just a different look for you, that's all."

He looked at her skeptically, before his eyes went back to the road. "It’s okay, I know it’s terrible. My group said I looked like Mr. Bean."

She shook her head. "Trust me, I've never thought Mr. Bean looked so attractive."

G.K. seemed to let out the breath he'd been holding. He encased his hand in hers.

"So, where are we going?"

. It’s a restaurant in Soho. Kai suggested it. Have you been there before?" He asked throwing an anxious glance her way.

"No, but I’m sure it will be great.” She replied.


When they arrived at the restaurant, they were quickly escorted to their table. G.K. sensed the curious looks they received, but he was sure few actually recognized him. Most held a hint of confusion and curiosity.

The table ended up being a somewhat secluded area that sat near a large potted plant, giving them a measure of privacy. Leila shrugged off her coat as G.K. held out her chair.

When finally graced with the full view of Leila's dress, G.K's eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. The fitted purple frock had a demure front, coming up high toward her neck. The back however, was damn near nonexistent, the fabric beginning just above the curve of her lower back.

It was suddenly too hot in the restaurant.

G.K.'s eyes roamed lustily over the large expanse of bare, dark skin that glowed in the soft light of the restaurant.

He had clearly been staring like a fool as Leila tossed him a secret smile over her shoulder. "Is everything okay?"

He blinked a few times, tongue running over his bottom lip. "Uh, yeah, everything’s fine."

"I'm going to run to the ladies room. I'll be right back."

G.K. only nodded. Leila walked off, laughing inwardly.
Good choice Marcia, I definitely owe you one!

G.K. placed his elbows on the table, running a hand over his forehead. He was mentally warning himself to not screw the evening up, when their waiter appeared.

"Hello, my name is Kyle and I'll be your server today." He placed two elaborate menus on the table.

G.K. looked at the tall blonde man who looked more like a fashion model.                             "May I start you with anything to drink?"

G.K. hesitated, not knowing if Leila drank alcohol. "Just water for now, please."

The young man nodded. "Tonight's special appetizer is Maryland Blue Crab Cakes with a drizzle of garlic aioli served on a bed of steamed spinach."

That sounded like something Leila would probably like. "Yes please, let's start with that, thank you."

The waiter noted the order and strode briskly away. G.K. took a sip of water to wet his parched throat as he pretended to glance at the menu. He thought, what I really want for dinner isn't on
menu. And when Leila sashayed from the ladies room with her natural dancer's grace, his jeans felt quite constricting.

She sat down elegantly and gave G.K. a smile, glad that she couldn't read the desire in his eyes.

"I ordered an appetizer for the two of us, I hope that's okay."

"That's fine." A small silence filled the air as muted conversations swirled around them. "So what's Korea like," she asked.

"Seoul is big, busy and noisy like many cities. And within all that noise are beautiful, tranquil places."

"You know G.K., I'd never been to a big city before I moved here. Believe me, it was quite the culture shock."

"Tell me about your home."

 "Well, where I'm from in Georgia everybody knows everybody. And heck even if they don't know you, everyone speaks. Here, the people are always in a hurry, too busy to stop for much of anything. It took some getting used to."

G.K. was about to say something when Kyle came returned with the appetizer, which he placed with flourish in front of them. He deftly plated one crab cake, topped it with the steamed spinach and placed it in front of Leila, then repeated the process.

''I'll return in a moment to take your order," he said.

G.K. picked up his fork and was about to eat when he noticed the odd look on Leila's face. "Is there anything wrong?"

Leila looked at him regretfully. "Guess I should have mentioned that I'm allergic to shellfish."

You almost killed her with the appetizer
…He stifled a groan. "Damn I'm sorry. I didn't know."

She lightly patted him on the hand. "It's alright G.K. To be honest they smell heavenly, I wish I could eat them. Don't worry," she said brightly, "You can have my share."

Kyle reappeared, professional smile on his face. "And how are the crab cakes? They're a customer favorite."

"Unfortunately the lady is allergic to them."

"Oh I'm very sorry. Is there something I can get for you instead?"

Leila opened and quickly scanned the menu. "I'd like to try the Asian citrus salad please?"

"And for your main course?"

"The salmon fettuccini."

Kyle turned to G.K. "And for you, sir?"

"I'll have the fresh sea scallops with bok choy."

"Excellent choice, and might I suggest a carafe of our house white which pairs well with the scallops?"

G.K. looked at Leila. "Is that okay?"

"Of course."

Despite the initial shellfish hiccup, the rest of the meal progressed pleasantly. Once both were over their shyness, they chatted amiably about Michael, whom G.K. learned the dancers had nicknamed 'Drill Sergeant' due to his habit of working them, as well as himself, to perfection.

"So do you have any family?" Leila asked, idly twirling the pasta around her fork. The salmon was smoky and flavorful, combined with a sinfully rich alfredo sauce that had to be freshly made, topped with fragrant basil.

"Kai is my cousin.”

Leila smiled, “No wonder you two are so close."

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