HeartBeat (Saranghaeyo Book 2) (6 page)

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Authors: Sarah G.

Tags: #Saranghaeyo

BOOK: HeartBeat (Saranghaeyo Book 2)
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Jin Yung cleared his throat. "Everyone, I have an announcement to make." All eyes turned to him. "Each of you has performed admirably this week and we greatly appreciate the hard work and dedication you have shown. Regrettably, my partner and I have decided to pare down the number of dancers for this part of the tour."

Leila's jaw dropped. Worried murmurs arose from her fellow dancers. Jin Yung raised a hand to silence them. “After seeing you dance with the group, we realized that we may have chosen a slightly overwhelming number for the small stages we will be performing
You'll still be paid for all of the rehearsals you have attended this week, and those who are not chosen this time will receive a little extra plus be kept on file for the larger venues T4L will perform in."

"How many of us will you be keeping," someone behind Leila asked.

"For now, there will be only eight of you to remain."

That was only half of them, Leila thought, her heart sinking even faster.

Jin Yung continued somberly. "It may be of little consolation to you but Michael, the group and I had a very difficult decision to make in regards as to which of you will continue to the next stage.  You are all incredibly talented and highly dedicated professionals whom it was a pleasure to work with."

Michael stepped in.  "I know this sucks y'all and trust me it was no picnic to figure out which of you we'd have to let go for now. But as Jin Yung said, y'all all pros and I know you won't be out of a job for long." 

More worried murmurs washed over Leila, and lost in thought at the possibility of losing another chance, she barely heard the word "partners" until one of the dancers repeated it.

"Partners?" Leila's eyes widened in shock and surprise.

Her reaction drew Jin Yung's amused stare. "Yes, Miss Dumas. Several of the routines require female partners as well you know. The male dancers will be utilized for the up-tempo routines only."

Oh crap. She spared a glance at G.K.

He was


G.K. tried and failed to keep a noncommittal expression on his face despite Leila's deer-in-headlights expression.

Jin Yung had informed them of the change that morning at breakfast, after a conference call with his partner in Seoul. Both felt that the number of dancers was disproportionate to the size of the smaller venues T4L would be appearing on the first leg of the group's world tour. After conferring later with Michael, they came up with the list of dancers who would stay.

Leila was number one on the list, with Michael an enthusiastic supporter.

"She's got great timing, knows the routines and has really great stage presence," he'd said. "She and G.K. seem to work well together."

When told of the decision, G.K. nearly burst out in song. This was better than he'd ever planned. After last night he wanted more of Leila's kisses, and Kai's method of 'slow seduction' was far too slow. Now he would do things

"As before, I will read the names of the dancers to remain as well as who they will be partnered with," Jin Yung announced as they stood nervously in line.

Leila's heart raced as she crossed her fingers behind her back. As much as she'd wanted this job, she also knew being paired with G.K. could only spell disaster, no matter how amazing that kiss had been. How could she possibly remain professional when the attraction between them was so strong?

Once more lost in whirling thoughts she did not hear her name called until another dancer nudged her with a grin.

Jin Yung also grinned. "Are you with us today Miss Dumas? You'll be partnered with G.K., Michael tells me you two work very well together."

She trudged woodenly over to where a smiling G.K. stood waiting, torn between nervousness and wanting to slap that grin off his cute face. Leila tried to leave a few inches of space between them, but the man wasn't having it and moved closer so that their hands lightly touched.

The contact made her shiver as each breath she took filled her lungs with a heady mixture of sandalwood and something uniquely his.

Does he always smell this good?

"What was that?"

Realizing she'd spoken aloud Leila felt a blush work its way up her face. Instead she tried to focus on the other dancers who would remain. Terrence hadn't been called, but from the look on his face, he didn't appear too upset. Others gathered their things in an angry rustle and stalked off.

Once the studio had cleared, Michael clapped his hands for attention.

"Well that was a bummer, but we've got a practice to run. So y'all get into position for
Back to You

It was as if the dance fates were mocking her or something.
Back to You
was the song that had led to last night's kiss. G.K. gave her a knowing smile, like he remembered the exact same thing.

Michael counted off as the music began, and then leaned against the mirrored wall to watch them before he loudly called a halt.

"Seriously folks, I've seen steel bridges with more movement. This routine is supposed to bring sexy back!" A few dancers tittered at that. “Take a few minutes, guys then we'll take it from the top."

Leila sighed. The stiffness was back. She knew she was thinking too much about G.K. and when he removed his sweatshirt, her mouth went dry.

This is not what I needed,
she thought as her eyes ran down his body.

He wore that damn black tank top again. It fit his lean torso like a second skin. His long sinewy arms flexed as he stretched them above his head, causing the fitted tank to rise slightly at the bottom, flashing a stretch of tan skin.

How am I gonna get through this?


G.K. felt Leila's eyes on him and fought back a smile.

He wanted to make her feel the way he did, watching her body in those spandex pants she often wore to practice. Even though she looked slightly more disheveled than usual for some reason, Leila was still the most beautiful woman he'd known. She licked her bottom lip nervously, and he strongly resisted the urge to lean in and kiss her again.

Michael halted his lusty thoughts. "Okay, we'll do this another way. Each couple will perform the routine separately. That way we can fix individual problems faster. G.K.? You and Leila are up first."

The music began and once his hand rested on her hip, everyone and everything around them disappeared. They danced close together before moving into their synchronized steps. This time they seemed to flow in harmony together as he stood even closer behind her. She pivoted until they were face to face, practically nose to nose. His hand slid sensuously down her upraised arm, as hers lightly trailed down his chest.

G.K.'s stomach muscles jumped at the contact. It froze and burned and he hoped the feeling never ended. His hand tenderly cupped her face, glided down her neck and around to run his fingers through her short hair. The routine had somehow turned into a bump and grind and G.K. completely forgot everything save for how amazing Leila felt against his body.

Michael's enthusiastic clapping as well as hoots and whoops from the rest of the group snapped both of them out of their haze.

"That was
He looked at the other dancers. "That's what I want to see from y'all. Fake it til ya make it, a'ight?"


Stupid Leila!

She tried to ignore G.K. by watching the other partnered dancers who seemed positively affected by their performance. Normally she would've been impressed with T4L's professionalism, but her thoughts were all over the place.

might have well just announced to the whole room you wanted to sex him up.
As much as she tried to convince herself that it was all about performing, she knew it was more than that.

She wanted G.K. and everything within her told her she shouldn't, but their bodies didn't lie.

Thankfully Michael called a halt to practice and Leila made a quick dash from the studio. She walked swiftly down the hallway toward the ladies room, and she had almost reached her goal when a strong hand on her wrist stopped her in her tracks.









Chapter Five


She turned sharply, facing G.K. "What?" She snapped, irritated with her lack of control.

"Are you okay?"

Leila gave an unladylike snort. "No I'm not okay."

"Why? What's wrong?”

"Why are men so stupid?"

G.K. managed to look offended. "Excuse me?"

"We were practically dry humping earlier G.K.," she said in a fierce whisper. "What is everyone going to think?"

"That we're compatible as dancers?"

His answer, had she been in a calmer frame of mind, would have sounded reasonable, but ever since she'd met G.K. nothing made much sense anymore, so the response just annoyed her further.

"That I'm sleeping with you! That I used my body to get this job! And they'll be even more convinced now after that little display!"

Her heart hammered inside her chest as G.K. opened his mouth to speak.

"I like you G.K. I know I shouldn't, but I do. But we can't be anything more than friends. We'll work together then after this is over..."

His expression fell. "A friend. What about the kiss last night?"

Leila lowered her gaze. "It was just a friendly kiss. A thank you for helping me yesterday." She said, practically choking on the humongous lie.

Suddenly G.K. grabbed her hand, pulling her to a more secluded section in the hallway. Once they were safely away from prying eyes he moved closer to her until her back pressed against the cool concrete of the wall, their bodies so close that she could breathe in his breath. "So what you’re telling me is that you kiss all of your friends like that”, he asked sarcastically. "Next you'll be saying it was a onetime thing, or a mistake."              

a mistake," she whispered. "One that should never happen again. Not if we're to work together."


G.K. knew Leila had a point, however; knowing that made no difference. He wanted to be with Leila, that's all he understood. However; he’d never stopped to think that Leila may not have enjoyed the kiss as much as he.

He eased away from her slightly. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. I don't have a lot experience with things like this…" he stammered, his face reddening.

Leila's heart constricted at his apology. He had thoroughly rocked her world with that kiss, and here he stood apologizing because he thought she hadn’t liked it.             

G.K. it’s not that," she reassured him placing a hand on his arm "The kiss, was spectacular. Beyond spectacular, in fact it kept me up most of the night..." she paused; she hadn't meant to tell him all of that. She continued "But I don't think now is the right time to jump into a relationship.” She was unable to say anything else as his lips came down on hers. His hands moved from her arms to slide around down the small of her back.

Their bodies seemed to have minds of their own as G.K. instinctively thrust against the incredible softness of Leila's slender frame. His lips moved to her neck, licking, and suckling gently. She tasted so sweet and there was no way in hell he could give that up, no matter what anyone thought.

Leila let out a soft moan that did wonderful things to parts down south. Her kisses made him soar, made him fearless. Made him reckless.

And he finally understood the magic that had driven his cousin into the arms of a former Las Vegas waitress; the reason that he'd been willing to give everything up.

G.K. broke off the kiss abruptly as he lifted his head and smiled down at her seductively. "I'm going to take you out tomorrow night and we'll talk about this then."

Leila opened her mouth to object and he latched his mouth on her ear lobe. Leila's eyes fluttered closed.

"Do you agree?"

Leila gasped. "Was that a yes?"  

She nodded, eyes glazed and dazed.

G.K. unwillingly released her, placing another light kiss on her lips before she slowly walked away from him.


Marcia let out a shout when something black nearly hit her in the face. A red top followed and she ducked.

"What are you doing?"

Leila's flushed face turned from her clothes to her friend.

"I have
a date
and I have nothing to

Marcia squealed. "A date? With who? And why is this the first time I'm hearing about this?"

Leila moved away from her wardrobe and flounced upon her bed, suddenly shy. "You remember that guy? The one I told you about?" Marcia nodded her head.  "Well he asked me out."

Marcia gave her a huge grin. "That's great girl," then paused at her roommate's less than enthusiastic expression. 

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