Heart of Thunder (38 page)

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Authors: Johanna Lindsey

Tags: #Fiction, #Historical, #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Heart of Thunder
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“Stop it! Don’t think I don’t know what you’re up to. You’re just using me so you can get Jaime. You said yourself that we could never have a normal marriage.”

“I was angry when I said that.”

“Yes, angry because you were about to marry me but you didn’t want to. You never wanted to. You may want me—but you hate me.”


“Just leave me alone!”

Samantha kicked him squarely on the shin, and he released her. She walked quickly to her brother’s side, wanting desperately to leave. But it was too early. Hank left Samantha alone for the rest of the evening. She told herself to feel relieved. After all, it was what she wanted—wasn’t it?

Chapter 45

ANK woke with a start, grabbing the clock on the bedside table. He couldn’t make out the time and reached for matches but couldn’t find them in the dark. What had awakened him?

He got up and opened the door cautiously, but the hall was dark and quiet. He closed the door, wide awake. He was surprised that he had slept at all, troubled as he was. Was she sleeping?

Absently, he moved to the window, leaning against the ledge. What was he going to do about Samantha? She wouldn’t listen to him. She wouldn’t let down her guard for even a moment. She was so damned obstinate, so damned infuriating. Things could be different between them, if only she would let them.

The Blackstone carriage pulling out onto the street drew Hank’s attention. He frowned, watching it drive away at a fast pace. Where would Sheldon be going in the middle of the night? Hank straightened suddenly. If Sheldon was away, he couldn’t come to his sister’s rescue when Hank entered her room. Would she really shoot him? Not if she was sleeping and he entered quietly. What had Bradford told him tonight?

“If you love her, you’ll find a way,” Bradford had said. “Swallow your pride if you have to, but speak from the heart.”

He would do just that. He would make her listen to him. He would admit to her that he had never hated her, that anger and hurt because she had used him had
made him pretend. Yes, he would admit that her rejection of him was what hurt the most.

Hank wasted no time crossing the hall to Samantha’s door. But when he opened it, he found an empty room. Had she moved to another room because he had warned her he might come? But that wasn’t like Samantha. She would have preferred holding him off at gunpoint in order to have the upper hand.

Hank swore. What did she hope to accomplish by hiding from him? Was she with Jaime?

But the child’s room was empty, too, and Hank’s blood chilled at the sight of the empty crib. Remembering the carriage moving away from the house, Hank dashed into Sheldon’s room.

He did not hesitate to enter. It didn’t lessen his growing alarm to find Sheldon asleep. Hank quickly nudged him awake.

“Your sister, where has she gone?”


“Samantha has left the house with Jaime and her servant. Where would she go in the middle of the night?”

“For God’s sake, man. How should I know?”

“She did not tell you she was leaving?”

“No.” Sheldon got up and quickly pulled on his trousers. “Are you certain she left the house?”

Hank nodded curtly. “The rooms are empty, and one of your carriages left a little while ago.”

“Did you look for a note? Or see if she took any clothes?”


Sheldon lit a lamp and carried it as they went to Samantha’s room. A note was on the bedside table.

“She says she won’t be back, that she has to get away from you.” Sheldon’s face was tense with bewilderment.

She sneaks off in the middle of the night! I do not believe it. This is the coward’s way, and she is not a coward.”

“I admit this is foolish, but the fact is she’s gone. She’s probably at the docks by now.”

“The carriage did not drive toward the docks.”


“It went the other way.”

“Lord, what is she thinking of?” Sheldon murmured. “The country roads are not safe at night. Some aren’t even safe by day.”

“Do you have any idea where she could be going?”


“Perhaps your country estate?”

Sheldon shook his head. “She hates Blackstone. Always has.”

Hank ran his hands through his hair, his frustration growing. How long had Samantha planned this? Or had it been planned? The open wardrobe caught his eyes. It was full of gowns. But of course she would want to travel light. She had probably taken only a few things. Her vanity table was cluttered with powders, combs, pins, and fragrance bottles. A small chest was there, as well, and Hank moved to it.

“What are you doing?” Sheldon asked.

Hank opened the chest and frowned. “She has left her jewels behind.”

“All of them?”

“This chest is full.”

Hank moved to the bureau and opened drawers urgently. He stopped when Samantha’s gun stared up at him and her words echoed in his mind. “
It goes wherever I go…wherever I go

Chapter 46

T was pitch black in the carriage. What little moonlight there had been was gone because of all the overhanging trees. Samantha couldn’t begin to guess what road they were on.

Froilana was crouched on the seat next to her, holding Jaime to her breast. Jean Merimée sat across from the two women. They had no idea who was driving.

There had been nothing she could do when Froilana woke her and she saw Jean holding a gun to Jaime’s head, the baby cradled in his left arm. He had ordered Samantha to gather a few clothes. She ought to have gone to the bureau first. She had a gun there. But as soon as she had grabbed a few dresses, Jean had ordered her and Froilana from the room. She couldn’t argue. He was extremely nervous as it was, nervous and angry because Froilana had surprised him by sleeping in Jaime’s room. He was forced to bring Froilana along, which he hadn’t counted on.

They had moved through the silent house without alerting anyone, Samantha praying every moment that someone would awaken. But no one had heard them, and soon they had reached the carriage house to find a tall, pathetically thin man waiting for them and the carriage ready to go.

Jean would answer no questions. He was a different man then, curt, perhaps frightened. He kept watching the road behind them until they had left London behind. The horses slowed to a moderate pace because of the
darkened road. How the driver could see at all was a mystery to Samantha.

She pulled her robe tighter over her nightgown. Jean hadn’t let her change. How embarrassing it would be if, come morning, they arrived someplace with her and Froilana both in their robes and nightgowns! And what on earth was she doing worrying about that when she didn’t even know why Jean had kidnapped them?

A kidnapping—again. But this time she didn’t have only herself to worry about. She tried to see Froilana’s face, but couldn’t. Miraculously, Jaime had slept through it all. Her little angel, looking so like Hank except for the vivid green eyes. Their baby.

She wished desperately that Jean had not brought Jaime. He could have demanded ransom for her alone from either Sheldon or her father. But maybe Jean wanted some of Hank’s money, as well. Hank might not ransom her, but he would give all he had for Jaime. Damn Jean! How could he be so despicable? And how long before this would be over and she could go home?

As if in response to her silent question, Jean rapped on the side of the carriage with his cane, and they slowed to a halt. “Get out,” he ordered tersely.

“Where are we?”

“Just do as you’re told, Samantha.”

His tone didn’t leave room for argument. It was a little lighter outside the carriage, but not much. They were in a forest, and a quick look in all directions revealed nothing else. No houses, just more trees. Where were they?

“Sam, there is nothing here,” Froilana whispered to her, standing nervously by her side, holding the baby.

The terror in her voice was catching, and Samantha steeled herself. “I know, Lana. Don’t worry.” She tried to soothe her, but her heart was beginning to race. Suddenly their clothes were tossed at them.

“Put something on,” Jean said curtly. “You can’t be found in your night clothes.”

“Why have we stopped here, Jean?”

“This is as far as we need to go.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Of course you don’t. But soon you will.” Then he shouted to the driver. “Peters! Hurry up before someone comes this way!”

Peters was climbing down from the carriage, and Samantha began shaking as a deeper fear took hold of her.

“Jean, for God’s sake! What is this about?” she cried, moving closer to Froilana and Jaime.

“It really is quite a shame, Samantha,” Jean sighed, sounding genuinely regretful. “I don’t want to do this, but I really must.”

“Must do what?” Samantha cried.

“No need to get hysterical. Peters has promised to do it quickly and painlessly.”


“Kill you, of course.”

Madre de Dios!
” Froilana shrieked.

“You can’t be serious, Jean,” Samantha said, suddenly calm. She had passed the point of fear. “For what reason?”

“Money,” he stated evenly.

“But I don’t…” She stopped, understanding dawning. “You mean the money coming to Jaime? You would kill us just to get Teresa half the money from the Blackstone estate?”

“Not half, my dear, though we could have lived comfortably on half, I suppose.”


“Now don’t pretend you haven’t guessed, Samantha,” he said with a degree of impatience. “Sheldon is too naive to be suspicious, but you’re not.”

“You and Teresa?”


“But where do you fit in, Jean?” Samantha asked.
“She is to marry my brother. Will you be content to be just her paid lover?”

“Teresa was right. You are a bitch. But, no, your dear brother will meet with an accident later on. That was our plan all along. It’s too bad you and the boy got in our way. This wouldn’t have been necessary if not for your grandfather’s will. If we had known about the will sooner, we never would have picked Sheldon for Teresa’s husband. Peters—”

“No, wait!” Samantha cut him off frantically. “Jean, there’s another way. My husband is rich. So is my father. You don’t need to kill anyone.”

“Come now, my dear, you know it’s too late for that. You know our plans now. Besides, the Blackstone estate is worth a great deal, and Teresa is a greedy woman. She is used to wealth. When her family lost their fortune she became quite desperate.”

Samantha well understood desperation. She was on the verge of panic, for Peters was just standing there, waiting for Jean to give the order.

“Jean, please. Jaime is just a baby. Give him to another family. No one will
know. You don’t have to kill him, too!”

“It won’t work. The money will be held up somehow unless he is reported dead.”

“You can’t kill my baby!”

“Do you think I like this any more than you do?” he shouted back. “I have no choice now. It has gone too far. So no more…”

He fell silent as they heard the sound of hoof beats.

Jean swore. “We have wasted time, and now someone is coming. Peters, go over by the horses—quickly! If someone asks, pretend one is lame. I’ll take the women into the woods until the rider is gone.”

But Peters didn’t move. “Let me kill ’em now, Gov. There’s time.”

“No, you fool!” Jean snapped. “We can’t take the
chance of there being any witnesses. This must look like simple robbery and murder.”

“But I’m quick,” Peters protested nervously, his eyes darting to the road. “I don’t want to be talkin’ to no bloke who might be a robber himself. We can be gone before he gets here.”

Samantha backed up, nudging Froilana to move with her while the men argued. Then she shouted. “Run, Lana!”

She threw the clothes she was holding at the men and pulled Froilana into the woods. The two ran for dear life as they heard Jean cursing again. Peters shouted foolishly for them to stop.

“Go after them, Peters!” Jean ordered frantically. “I’ll stay with the carriage. Find them, damn it, or you won’t get paid a farthing!”

Samantha broke into a clearing, but it was too bright, so she pulled Froilana back into the dark of the forest. They ran to their left for several yards, and then she yanked Lana down behind a bush. Her heart was pounding painfully, her breath coming in gasps.

“I don’t hear him following,” Samantha whispered.

“I…I am frightened, Sam.”

“I know. Hush. And please, Lana, don’t let Jaime cry. If they hear him—” A shot rang out, stunning them both. “My God! Jean shot whoever that was!”

Madre de Dios
, now they will both look for us.” Froilana’s voice rose fearfully.

“Don’t get hysterical,” Samantha whispered sharply. “Stay calm. They won’t find us. It’s too dark.”

“But should we not run? Leave these woods?”

“No, they’ll hear us no matter how quiet we try to be. Right now they’ve lost us. Stop talking now. Stay quiet.”

They squatted on the damp ground, listening fearfully for every little sound. The foliage was thick, and it was a good hiding place as long as no one came near. The minutes ticked by agonizingly. There was a shout
from a distance. Samantha’s name was called, but the women kept still. How absurd to think she might answer!

Jaime began to coo softly. Froilana rocked him, and Samantha prayed continuously that he wouldn’t cry.

Suddenly twigs cracked nearby, and Samantha held her breath. There was the sound of footsteps approaching, and they soon grew louder.

“Oh, God, he’s coming closer to us,” Samantha whispered. “Lana, I’ll hold him off while you run with Jaime.”

“No!” the girl gasped in horror.

“Do as I say.”


“Damn it, Lana, I can stop him better than you can. Now get out of here and save my baby. Go!”

Put that way, Froilana had to agree. With a quick hug for Samantha, she disappeared into the brush toward her left. It was none too soon, either, for a few minutes later a man appeared from the right. Samantha didn’t know whether it was Jean or Peters, but it didn’t matter. She leaped for his legs in the way she had been taught to bring down a calf. He crashed down on his back with an oath, and she pummeled him before he rolled over, taking her with him. She went for his eyes, her only hope was to blind him, but he caught her wrists and slammed her arms to the ground.

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