Heart of the Warrior (9 page)

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Authors: Donya Lynne

Tags: #Romance, #Vampires

BOOK: Heart of the Warrior
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They both moaned and sighed against each other.

It was suddenly clear Ari couldn't be without Severin. He
would have to find a way for them to be together so that no one found out,
because he had to have Sev in his life as more than somebody he worked with. He
wanted him too badly. Trying to deny his attraction to Sev felt akin to asking
water not to be wet. It just didn’t make sense and wasn’t possible. Doing so
would be living a lie. An even greater lie than the one he had been living

Sev’s fingers dove deeper, spreading the cheeks of his ass
to graze the tight opening that no one but he had ever played with, and he
shuddered violently and sucked in his breath as his knees almost gave out.

"Okay, I’ve got you." Sev gripped him securely
around the waist with his other arm, holding him up as Ari latched onto his

"Don’t stop. Please." Ari couldn’t believe this
was happening. He had only ever wanted to feel normal and to have a sexual
experience where he didn’t have to force fantasies through his mind of men
touching him like this so he could get off. Now that it was actually happening,
he had a feeling he would go into major meltdown if Sev stopped.

Sev abruptly lifted him and his back slapped against the
wall. "Wrap your legs around me."

Ari did as he was told and locked his ankles above the curve
of Sev’s bottom.

Sev’s hand gripped his ass cheek and his fingers crept into
the previously unexplored crevice once more. Arion arched away from the wall,
grinding their cocks together as Sev leaned forward and closed his mouth over
his nipple.

"Oh, God," he said softly.

This was better than he had ever imagined. He reached down
and started stroking himself as he watched Sev’s tongue flick up and down over
his nipple before his lips closed over it again and sucked. For the first time,
he didn’t have to close his eyes to find something to sexually excite him. Sev's
masculine face and his hard cock gave him an arousing visual feast that kicked
his libido into a dimension it had never known, and no way was he about to
close his eyes. Nothing his mind could conjure would turn him on more than the
very real, very sensual male holding him against the wall.

Sev's fingers dug into the fleshy cheek of his ass, so close
to his tenderfoot trail, and the anticipation was almost enough to send him
over. God! When had he ever been this turned on? Sure, he had toys and dildos
he used on himself when he masturbated, but this was different. This was Sev,
whose fingers were so close to going where no man had gone before. It was
enough to make his cock weep with anticipation.

Suddenly, the sound of another shower cranked on and Sev pulled
his mouth off his chest and looked up at him.

Ari’s lungs pumped as hard as his hand and he must have
looked desperate because Sev nodded once and pressed forward to claim his
mouth. He whimpered softly against Sev’s lips, cranking his shaft harder. His
orgasm was close and he couldn’t stop, not when he had waited for this moment

"I need this. Please." He said the words so softly
against Sev’s mouth that he worried Sev didn’t hear him.

"Then take it." Sev spoke just as softly, but his
words held an edge of desire that nearly blew Ari’s toes off.

It was then that Ari realized Sev was pounding his own cock,
their hands in perfect unison with each other. He looked down at their pair of
ruddy heads glistening with water and pre-cum just as Severin poked his finger
inside his ass. He nearly blacked out from the pleasure, jerking and
stiffening. Shit, he didn’t even have time to think. He came instantly, biting
back a grunt as his entire body spasmed and his legs stiffened and clamped
around Sev’s waist as his release flew out of his cock.

Ari undulated against the wall, levering himself up with his
legs, which were locked hard around Sev's waist. And still he continued to come
as Sev's finger probed deeper, staying with him as he slid up the tiles and tried
like hell not to cry out as wave after wave pounded through him and out his
cock. Finally, his body relaxed in post-orgasmic reverie, and he slipped back
down and into Sev's waiting hold.

Shocked, he lifted his dumbfounded gaze to Sev’s as beads of
semen continued to flow out of him and over his hand.

When their eyes met again, Sev stiffened and sucked in his

"I’m coming, Ari. Look. Watch me." Quiet, Sev was
so quiet.

How could he not watch? They both dropped their gazes and
Ari held his breath in a dazed stupor as Sev’s cock erupted and shot his
release over Ari’s stomach to mix with his own. Air rushed out of him as the
creamy fluid splattered his skin, and he raised his hand to smear it over his
torso with a sense of wonder, as if he needed to touch it to know it was real.

Sev shook and convulsed. "Fuck, but that’s sexy.
Watching you rub my cum over you."

It felt sexy, too. Ari couldn't stop rubbing the viscous
fluid over his body. He wanted to wear Sev's scent like a badge of honor. He
couldn't explain it. It just felt right to want Sev's smell on him, and to want
everyone to know Sev was his.

But he couldn't let that happen, could he? If everyone knew,
then it was only a matter of time before his parents and Io found out. And then
all hell would unleash. So, he was at odds with himself. His heart and every
instinctive urge inside him wanted to layer Sev's scent over him, but his
conscious mind protested and shot his subconscious down, telling him he was
being irrational.

The other shower shut off and whoever was there flung their
curtain open, probably to grab their towel. Ari wondered if whoever it was
could smell them and what they had just done. It wouldn’t be the first time the
showers had been used for sexual recreation. More than one gay couple worked at
AKM and sometimes a guy had to do what a guy had to do. Or a couple of guys, as
the case may be.

Still, Ari didn’t want anyone to know it was him doing the
rainbow dance in the shower this time.

They waited, holding each other with Sev’s finger still
probed up his ass and their hands still ringed around their cocks, almost as if
they both feared moving would make their time together disappear. Ari didn’t
want it to disappear. He slammed his eyes closed against the sting of tears and
swallowed his emotions as Sev kissed the side of his neck.

This had been the most wonderful sexual experience of his
entire life and he wanted to hold onto Sev forever. Forever! He liked Sev. A
lot. As in, he wanted to see him again, date him, and spend time with him that
went beyond just hanging out and catching a beer. He wanted to
and learn about his life.

Why? Because he wanted to have a relationship with him.
There. He admitted it. Maybe he hadn't declared his intentions out loud to the
world, but confessing them to himself was a start. He was happy – happier than
he could recall in a long time. And the day had started out so bleak, too. Who
could have known this would happen?

When the water started to cool, Sev finally stood back and
quickly splashed them both to rinse away the residue of their orgasms. Ari
unlocked his legs from around Sev’s waist and stepped down. The moment was over
too soon.

"I’ll go first," he said, sounding sad.

Sev quickly grabbed him and yanked him back, kissing him

They looked at each other, and Ari knew he probably appeared
like a deer in the headlights. A happy deer, but in the headlights nonetheless.

He grinned secretly at Sev then stepped into the outer
curtained area to retrieve his clothes before darting to his locker. He quickly
unlocked it, grabbed his towel, and dried off before pulling his clothes over
his still-damp skin.

Severin joined him a couple of minutes later and did

They were silent for a minute.

"So…" Ari said, the magical tension blossoming
between them again like a blooming rose.

Everything had just changed between them. Their shower
encounter hadn't been a repeat of six weeks ago – a clumsy, spontaneous
outburst of sexual discovery in Ari's kitchen. What had just happened had been
something else, premeditated, and not spontaneous. They both knew what they
were doing this time around. They both wanted it in the shower, and it was
clear they both wanted it again. For Ari, the time of holding back and
restraining himself from following through on his feelings was gone. There
would be no going back from where he and Sev were with each other now.

Sev turned and sat down beside him, straddling the bench.

They stared at each other. Ari felt himself losing control
of his emotions again, his heart splitting wide and yearning to be back in
Sev’s arms. He took several shorts breaths then swung toward Sev as if he'd
been pushed. In one fluid motion, their lips locked together again and Sev’s
hand cupped the back of his head.

He needed him. Oh God, but he needed him. Not just sexually,
but as in Sev was the other half of his life and he didn’t think he would
survive if Sev wasn’t there. He didn't know how he knew this. He just did.

The door to the locker room clanked on the other side of the
locker bay and the two jerked apart. Ari leaned into his locker as if he was
looking for something.

"Hey." Bauer, one of the day walkers from
Stryker’s team, shuffled into view. "I thought you guys were off

"Yeah. We are," Sev said. "But you know how
it is. Can’t get away from the place even on a day off, know what I mean?"

Bauer nodded. "Fuck, yeah. I know what you mean."
He rolled his eyes. "Well, have a good one. I’ve got to get ready for my

Bauer disappeared into the showers, and Ari quietly shut his
locker before glancing at Sev. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing. Why?" Sev playfully bumped his knee
against Ari’s.

Because I need you.
"Want to come over and watch
the game?" He nudged his foot against Sev’s.

"Who’s playing?"

Who cares?
"The Bulls."

"Want me to bring anything?"

Just you.
"Only if you want."

"I can bring beer."

Can I pour it over you and lick it off?
fine. I was going to order a pizza."

"What time you want me there?" Sev scooted closer
on the bench and surreptitiously stroked his fingers against the side of Ari's

How quickly things had changed between them. Not even an
hour ago, they were at each other's throats, and now they acted like two men
who were in love and never said a harsh word between them. Clearly, both of
them had been holding in a lot of repressed emotion from their first encounter
in his kitchen last month. Ari knew that was true for him.

He suddenly realized the ache he had suffered in his chest
off and on for weeks was gone, and he knew it was because he had finally
acknowledged his feelings for the male next to him.

Ari glanced down at Sev’s hand. The back of one strong,
masculine finger stroked the nylon fabric that covered his thigh, creeping
lower until it dipped under the seam of his shorts and grazed bare skin. He
swallowed and took a shivering breath as he lifted his gaze to Sev’s.

"Right after sundown would be good. I can’t go home
until then."

Sev leaned toward him. "I could stay here with
you." The timbre of his voice was suggestive, seductive in a way that
nearly broke Ari’s will. Sev’s fingers crept higher on his thigh and his body

"Too many eyes here. It’s too risky. Let’s wait until

Their eyes met again and Ari’s heart backflipped.

"Tonight then." Sev nodded but his hand stayed
under Ari’s shorts.

They were only inches apart, drifting closer to one another
until their lips drew together again like magnets. Ari couldn’t get enough of
Severin. It was like the proverbial dam had burst and he was overflowing with
his need to be in constant contact with the guy, especially mouth-to-mouth.

Sev held him like a cherished treasure, their lips sliding
easily against one another in long, languid caresses as his hand slipped to the
inside of his thigh and squeezed. Ari’s fingers wove into the long, damp
tresses that hung around Sev’s face and his mind carried him back to the shower
and Sev's gift to him: His first real experience with a male. The rushed
encounter in his kitchen didn't count, because Ari hadn't known what he was
doing then. Now, he did. Now, he knew what he wanted.

Warmth filled him, and the feeling was pure joy. Always
until now, sexual experiences had been cold and unfulfilling, even miserable,
because he had been forcing himself to be something he wasn’t. Not anymore.
Severin had shown him who he was and what he wanted to be, and right here in
Sev’s arms was where he belonged.

The shower shut off and Ari jerked back, remembering where
they were.

Sev gently pulled his hand out of Ari’s shorts and smiled at
him as if he thought Ari was the most adorable creature he had ever seen.

"Okay, so, yeah." Ari cleared his throat and took
a deep breath before adjusting the semi in his shorts and standing up.
"I’ll see you tonight then?"

"Count on it."

Ari nodded and looked over his shoulder then at the floor
then back at Sev. "Good." As he started to walk away, he held his
hand ever-so-slightly away from his body, his palm facing Sev, who glanced at
it before looking away and lifting his own hand just enough so their palms slid
one over the other. Their fingers lingered together for just a moment and
curled around each other before Ari broke the connection and headed toward the

Don’t turn around, don’t turn around.
He knew if he
did, he would never be able to walk away.



Severin watched Arion until he disappeared behind the bay of
lockers then grinned. When he had decided to come to AKM for a workout today,
he hadn’t counted on the heavens breaking open and raining down a whole lot of good
fortune on him. Hell, he hadn't even known Ari was here. If he had, he wouldn’t
have come, and what a mistake that would have been in light of what had
occurred in the past hour.

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