Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens) (9 page)

BOOK: Heart of the Galaxy (Paranormal Romance Aliens)
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“We should go. They are expecting us,” he murmured.

They proceeded over the drawbridge. Jess couldn’t help wondering if they thought they would be attacked at any given moment. The parting of the bridge would certainly send the enemies into the murky moat. When they arrived at the majestic double doors they opened without Troy having to rap the brass knocker. A tall, robust man and a petite, slender woman stood in the center of the enormous foyer. The woman smiled radiantly as she moved forward with outstretched arms.

“Jessica!” she exclaimed.

The woman was the exact replica of Jess with her shocking mane of silver hair and deeply rich complexion. Jess was disconcerted by the woman’s similarity to her own. She took a step back. The woman saw her reaction and stopped her progress. Pain flooded her features. The man moved to stand beside her and embrace her waist.

“Sovereign Tah. Boshar. This is Jessica Leyman. Your daughter,” Troy said.

“Hello Troy,” Tah greeted. His tone was deep and pleasant. “We are happy that you and Jessica are here. Please come in.”

Troy grasped Jess’s cold hand and drew her inside. Tah and Boshar turned to lead the way. Jess felt dwarfed by the sheer vastness of the entryway. She looked upward at the gold crown molding on the ceiling contrasting with the cream color of the walls. The heels of Jess’s boot clicked on the sparkling cream colored marble streaked with gold veins. There was so much to take in, Jess had no time to absorb it all before she was led into a cozy, comfortable room with a fire roaring in the fireplace.

“Please sit. Can we offer you something to eat and drink?” Boshar asked softly.

Jess noticed that she sounded so much like herself. She wondered what other traits they shared. Jess clasped her hands in her lap; one palm resting in the other. She looked at Boshar and saw that her hands were in the same posed. Jess knew she was just as nervous as she. Jess felt her stomach churn. It was eerie to come face to face with yourself.

“No. We are fine. Thank you,” Troy answered for them.

They sat on a red deep cushioned sofa while Tah and Boshar sat in two chairs opposite them. Jess stared into the fire at her right, wishing she were anywhere but where she was.

“There’s so much to be said. I’m not sure where to begin,” Boshar said gently.

“The beginning is always a god place to start,” Jess said bluntly.

The words were out of her mouth before she realized she was speaking. She had not meant to be rude. Jess saw Boshar jump at her tone. She was sorry for her tone but could not bring herself to apologize. Troy covered her hands with his own to calm her.

“You are correct,” Boshar said softly. “When I discovered that I was pregnant with you I was elated. I was delirious to have a baby girl. We already had a son, so having—

“I have a brother?” Jess cut her off.

“Yes. You have an older brother and a younger sister,” Tah said quietly.

Jess was shocked. She had always longed for siblings to play with. It was very lonely being an only child. Now she was being told that she had a brother and sister. All of those wretched days and nights of loneliness to could been eradicated had she been raised with her family. Jess became livid.

“Do you realize how often I wished that I had siblings to play with as a child? I spent countless hours playing alone and pretending to have a sister to play with our dolls and tell secrets to,” Jess exclaimed angrily. “But that dream would never happen for me because you threw me out like damaged goods. What could I have done as an infant to make you hate me so much?”

Jess’s grey eyes were dark and turbulent in her anguish. Tah and Boshar empathy turned to shock as they stared at Jess. Troy immediately realized the cause of their reaction. Jess’s Galaxia Star was vibrating. They had never seen it before and were naturally stunned. Jess finally saw their dazed expression and felt her star pulsating.

“It’s because of this,” Jess said as she laid her fingers on her star. “You knew what I was from the moment of my birth and wanted no part of me.”

“No!” Tah and Boshar said simultaneously.

“We wanted to keep you more than you could possibly know. I begged to be able to have you remain with us,” Boshar cried.

“Then why didn’t you?” Jess whimpered. The anger seemed to have seeped out of Jess and all that was left was sorrow.

Troy put his arm around her and held her close. Boshar wanted to be the one to hold Jess in her arms and comfort her. She felt Jess’s pain as if it were her own.

“They wouldn’t let us,” Boshar said miserably.

“They? Who are they?” Jess asked irritably.

“The Ruling Intelligence
Counsel. The board of men who rule and govern Topal.  It is made up of five men. I am one of them,” Tah said.

“And you decided to toss me out like garbage?” Jess snapped.

“I didn’t want to. I fought against it but eventually I agreed.  I had to. Sending you to Earth was the only way to keep you safe,” Tah said.

“There was no other way?” Jess asked tearfully.

“No, my darling, there wasn’t,” Boshar whispered. There were tears in her eyes as well. “We had to keep you safe and sending you away seemed the best solution. But it wasn’t what we wanted to do. It broke our hearts to do so.”

“All because of this?” Jess fingered her star.

“Yes. Your Galaxia Star has been bestowed on you by the Universe itself. Our world has always known that it would happen to one of our citizens,” Tah answered. “It was written in the stars eons ago that the Universe would select a being to watch over space and all that is in it. This person would be born with the Galaxia Star on the base of their throat. We knew from your first breath that you had been chosen.”

“It didn’t take long for word to spread even though we tried to keep your existence quiet,” Boshar said. “Several kidnappings were attempted when you were little more than four months old.”

“But why? I was only a baby. I couldn’t tell them anything,” Jess said in bewilderment. “And I wasn’t old enough to perform magic.”

Troy tensed. He knew what was coming. Tah and Boshar looked at him questioningly. Troy knew they wondered why he hadn’t explained the significance of the star in its entirety to her.

“But you could tell them exactly what they wanted to know,” Tah countered. “The star holds extraordinary power now but it also is a map to portal that houses the ultimate dominion over life. Once you walk through that portal you will consume that supremacy.”

Jess bright grey eyes grew to the size of the moon. She looked at Troy in speechless disbelief. She carried a map on her throat and that was what those horrific looking aliens were after. The only thing she could think was that he had known and hadn’t told her. How could he keep something so crucial from her?

Chapter 8: Broken Trust


“Why didn’t you tell me? How could you not?” Jess confronted Troy.

“I didn’t want to apply more pressure than you were already bearing. Knowing this information would only have caused you additional stress. I thought it best to wait,” Troy said earnestly.

“Until when?” Jess snapped.

“Until you could better handle it. Maybe I should have told you but you were so overwhelmed when I told you about the star. I wanted to wait until you had grown accustomed to who you are before telling you about the map,” Troy explained.  

“He was only trying to protect you, dear,” Boshar said gently. “Never would he intentionally deceive you.”

Jess breathed deeply. She wanted to believe Troy. They had grown so close. It would break her heart and spirit to think that Troy would mislead her. She looked into his intense blue eyes and saw the honesty in them.

“I understand,” Jess said. Her voice was barely audible.

Troy kissed the top of her head. Her parents smiled at his gesture.

“After those attacks we knew that it was imperative that we move you to a safe place. Earth was the ideal place,” Tah said. It is off our radar and a distance that most aggressive enemies would not travel.”

“And it worked for many years. They couldn’t find you and you were safe. Especially with Troy there as well,” Boshar said.

“He’s been my sentinel and friend,” Jess said.

“Yes. And we are so grateful to him. He has been a Godsend to us,” Boshar said. She looked at Troy. “We may have said it many times before and we will continue to say it. Thank you, Troy. Thank you so much.”

“No thanks are necessary. I wanted to be with Jess. You know that,” Troy returned.

“You placed your life on hold to be with her. That will never be forgotten,” Tah said.

“It was no sacrifice,” Troy replied.

“So what now? The Wulshuk found me. They know where I am. They will come again and others will follow,” Jess asked fearfully.

“You must find the portal and walk through it. It must be you so that the Universal energy will be good,” Tah said.

“Troy told me that if someone else goes through the portal the power will be evil,” Jess said.

“He is correct,” Tah said.

Where is this infamous portal?” Jess asked.

“We are not sure. Your map will guide you,” Tah said.

“Oh great! So until I find this portal I am at risk,” Jess said.

“Yes. But remember who you are. You can now defend yourself. There are not many who can best your abilities. Do not be afraid to use your gifts,” Boshar encouraged.

“And when you pass through that portal, no one will be able to conquer you,” Tah said.

“And at such time you and Troy will—

“Why don’t you tell Jess about her brother and sister? I’m sure she has many questions,” Troy said quickly.

Boshar was surprised by Troy’s sudden interruption of her comment. Was he hiding something else from Jess? Did Jess not know of his connection to her?

“I am curious about them. What are they like?” Jess asked eagerly.

Boshar smiled tenderly at Jess.

“I would be happy to tell you about them,” Boshar grinned.

“It’s her favorite topic,” Tah grinned.

“And perhaps you can tell me about your life on Earth,” Boshar smiled. “I only received bits and pieces through Troy. He is not a good letter writer.”

“Troy, come with me into the library. I want to show you the latest addition to my fossil collection.”

Troy and Tah left the room and Boshar went to sit beside Jess on the sofa. They talked for hours.




“You are still withholding from her,” Tah said.

It was a statement, not a question. Troy did not try to deny it.

“Yes,” Troy said truthfully.

“Is that wise seeing how she reacted when she discovered you didn’t tell her everything about the star?” Tah asked.

“She is not ready,” Troy said.

“You thought the same about the star. In hindsight, do you not wish you had explained all?” Tah asked.

“Yes. But this is different,” Troy defended.

“An omission is an omission regardless of the details of the information,” Tah said.

“I will take my chances and wait,” Troy said stubbornly.

“You must begin your quest soon. How long do you intend to wait? You must find the portal immediately,” Tah said.

“I will find the right time before we reach our destination,” Troy said.

“I hope you do and all goes as you envision. Or else—

“There will be Jess’s fury to contend with,” Troy said.

“And I’d rather deal with hell,” Tah reflected.

Troy understood that Tah’s concern was valid. But he just didn’t know how to broach the subject with Jess. She was dealing with so much. Would she be able to handle one more thing? And would she question his motives when she found out. He didn’t have those answers and it worried him tremendously.



Roz pulled the wide brim of her hat down over her face as she sat at a table in the Lox Intergalactic Bar on Topal. She did not want to be exposed at this juncture of her plans. Neither Troy nor Ashton had any idea that she was on Topal after having changed shuttles on Star Station Six. From there she traveled to the Wulshuk planet, Darp to meet with Loog. Loog was none too pleased to see her after their last conversation. But she eventually charmed him into working with her again. The chance to consume unimaginable power was too enticing for Loog to dismiss her. Roz had told Loog that she could make it easier for him to apprehend Jessica by incapacitating her. He could retrieve the map information from her and then do what he wanted with her. Loog thought that she wanted Jessica out of the way so that she could have Troy. Loog was so trivial. His brain was the size of an ant. That had been her initial plot but she now had a much bigger scheme in place; a masterpiece in the making. Roz smiled as she sipped her drink. She was about to obtain everything she had ever wanted.




Jess sat up against the pillows in bed thinking about her conversation with her new parents. She couldn’t help thinking of them in those terms because she didn’t know them. She still thought of Paul and Monica Leyman as her real parents and she supposed she always would. She supposed the meeting with Tah and Boshar had gone as well as could be expected. They had explained their reason for sending her to Earth and she couldn’t find any flaws in their decision-making. She would probably have done the same think had she been in their shoes. But if they were looking for instant bonding on her part then they were in for disappointment. She could tell from Boshar’s demeanor toward her that she wanted to establish a loving connection. But Jess was not ready for that. She didn’t know them and it would take time to nurture a close relationship. Troy came out of the bathroom and climbed into the big bed. He turned off the light and pulled her to his side.

“You were very quiet on our way home. How did the talk with Boshar go?” Troy asked softly.

“Hmm, home. I like the sound of that,” she sighed. “In this strange new world it’s good to know that I have a place to call home.”

“This is your home, Jess. For as long as you want it to be,” he responded.

“Thank you, Troy. I needed to hear those words more than you can possibly know,” she said.

He kissed her cheek.

“So tell me about your talk with Boshar,” he repeated.

“It was okay; all things considered. I have come to accept their reason for sending me away. I don’t like it but I understand it,” she said.

“They were trying to do the right thing. And I think they did so. Your life would have been very different had you stayed on Topal,” Troy said. “I don’t think you would have liked it very much.”

“But I would have known my parents and sibling,” she countered.

“And you also would have known a lot of pain, terror and uncertainty,” he replied. “I think the cons would have outweighed the pros.”

“Maybe you’re right,” she said thoughtfully. “Boshar wants to introduce my brother and sister to me. I am looking forward to that. I want to know them.”

“As I’m sure they want to know you. It should be a joyous occasion,” Troy smiled.

“Yes, it should,” she said happily.

“I want to show you Citrola tomorrow. Our city is one of the greatest cities on Topal,” he said proudly.

“I can’t wait to see it. You can take me to all of your favorite places,” she grinned. “I may even learn a few things about you.”

“You know everything about me,” he replied.

“Oh I doubt that. When I meet your family and friends, they will tell me about the real you,” she laughed. “When will I meet your family?”

“Eventually. And that will be soon enough,” he grimaced.

“It won’t be soon enough for me,” she objected. “I want to meet them.”

“I know you do. But you’ll have to wait,” he said as he pulled her down onto the mattress. “I have more important things to occupy your mind.”

He lowered his head and kissed her. Jess soon forgot all thoughts of his family as his tongue ravaged her mouth. She cupped his head then ran her fingers down his back. She loved the feel of his firm muscles on his ripped torso. It was no wonder that Roz wanted to get her hands on him, he was definitely worth having. She gloried in the fact that he was all hers and that she could experience his sexual expertise as often as she wanted. She wrapped her shapely legs about his waist and lifted her hips against his groin. He grinded against her wet haven; she could feel his engorged cock seeking access to her flaming heat. She groaned as her desire surged to new levels of anticipation. Jess wasn’t sure when he had taken her nightdress off but she cried out when his lips clamped onto her nipples. Troy was hungrily caressing her breast and knew he was coming fast. He could barely contain himself when he made love to her. She was an intoxicating aphrodisiac rushing through his blood and he couldn’t stop racing to the peak of his climax. He lifted her hips and plunged into her. Her tight cavity sent him into frenzy. He pushed in and out of her at a frantic pace until he brought both of them to an exhilarating explosion. Their union was a spectacular display of brilliant fireworks resulting in delirious exhaustion. He stayed inside of her until they each had caught their breath. Then he pulled out and held her tightly. He kissed her brow and then they slept soundly.



Boshar stood on their lanai and stared into the starry evening. She saw a shooting star and made a fervent wish.

“Did you make a wish?” Tah said as he approached her and encircled her slim waist. She leaned back against his burly chest.

“Yes. And you can probably guess what it was,” Boshar sighed wistfully.

“I can. Give it time, darling. The wounds need time to heal,” he said.

“Will they? She was so very young when we sent her away. She doesn’t remember us. She doesn’t know us. Do you believe she ever will?” Boshar asked painfully.

“In time she will come to know how much we love her. I think she believed us when we told her that we did not want to send her away. She knows we had to do so,” Tah said.

“I wonder if it was the right choice. Perhaps we could have protected her here,” Boshar considered.

“No, my love. We cannot doubt ourselves now. We made a very tough and painful decision and Jessica is alive today because of it. I doubt if she would be had the judgment been different,” Tah said.  “We just have to deal with the current consequences of it. Jessica will come around. She just needs time.”

“But do we have time? She soon will begin the venture that will lead to her destiny. What will happen when she merges with the Universe?” Boshar asked anxiously.

“I don’t know, Boshar. I can only wait and see, the same as you,” Tah said softly.

“I want my daughter back, Tah. I want her back,” Boshar said tearfully. She turned in his arms and wept.

Tah held her tightly and kissed her the top of her head and sent a prayer into the cluster of stars. The answers to their queries lay in the stars. He could only hope that the universe would answer his prayer.



Jess woke the next day eager to start her day. She was excited to see the city that Troy so loved. She bathed and dressed all before Troy wakened. She went into the kitchen and used the reproductor to produce a cup of vanilla cinnamon coffee. She determined to give Troy fifteen more minutes to sleep and then she would go in to wake him. She wandered through the house appreciating the design and décor even more. The house was a total reflection of his personality and character. It was a perfect fit for him. She loved Troy’s home and was glad that he thought of it as her home as well. As she moved toward the terrace she heard the shower water running. No need for her to wake him up. She went onto the deck and gasped at the beautiful view. The lovely trees and rolling hills were a gorgeous background for the sparkling lake that shimmered before her. The site was breathtaking. How had she missed this before? Then she realized that this was the first time that she had been out on the deck. She stood in front of the wooden railing and placed her hands on its smooth surface. She breathed in deeply of the clean air. She could smell the fresh scent of the water as she stared at the rippling waves. Jess looked down the slope and saw a path that led to the lake. She set her cup of coffee on a small round table and skipped down the steps to the ground level. She practically ran to the lake in her excitement to reach its shore. She arrived at the embankment and kicked her sandals off. The she stuck her toes into the water. It was warm and inviting. She then submerged both feet into the water and kicked it playfully. So engrossed was she in her frolic that she didn’t hear anyone approach her from behind until they were groping her arms. She screamed and spun around to stare into glittering orange pupils. She tried to pull her arms free from the aliens grasp but his hold was too strong.

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