Heart of Ice (7 page)

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Authors: Gl Corbin

BOOK: Heart of Ice
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“You are the most stubborn woman I have ever known. I won't send it back – I'll put it in this drawer. It will be there when you are ready.”

“That will be never.”




Chapter 12


“So how was your weekend with
mystery man
?” Kathy had waited for Sarah at the main gate.

“How was your
party?” Sarah tried to change the subject.

“Bloody great. Jody got hammered.”

“Oh dear. Was she okay?”

“Yeah. Eddy was looking after her. I think she was trying to forget everything.”

“I guess so.”

“Anyhow – you haven't answered my question. How was your weekend?”

“Very nice.”

“That's it? That's all I get? Come on Sarah – you know we'll find out who he is sooner or later. Why so hush hush? Is he a bit of a dog?”

“No Kathy, he isn't.” Sarah spotted Jody approaching – she had a huge smile on her face. “Have you won the lottery?”

“I've got an interview.”

“Great!” Sarah was thrilled for Jody. “Where? When?”

“At Bryant’s. This afternoon at one.”

“That's great. I'm so pleased for you.”

“Yeah – good on you.” Kathy chimed in.

“Kathy tells me you got a little tipsy at the party.”

“More than a little. I can't remember getting home. It was a good night – you missed out Sarah.”

“I've been trying to find out about her mystery man,” Kathy said. “But she's not giving anything away.”

“Leave her alone Kath.  She'll tell us when she's ready.”



The company was allowing staff to take time off for interviews. Sarah had her fingers crossed for Jody, but knew as soon as she saw her face that it hadn't gone well.

“Waste of time!” Jody threw her handbag down. Her phone shot out of it, across the floor and hit the wall with some force.

Neither Sarah nor Kathy liked to ask how it had gone. It was pretty obvious.

“I didn't get it.”

“They told you there and then?” Kathy said.

“They weren't going to, but I pushed them. They came out with the usual spiel.
So many high calibre applicants. Bla, bla fucking bla
.” She picked up her phone, and pressed a few buttons. “Great – now I need a new phone as well.”

Sarah wanted to say something to console Jody, but she was damned if she knew what.

“I'm going to the loo.” Jody put the remains of the wrecked phone on her desk. “Can I borrow your phone Sarah? I need to let Eddy know the good news.”

“Sure.” Sarah handed her phone to Jody.

“Poor sod,” Kathy said after Jody had stepped out of the office.




Sarah knew as soon as she saw Jody's face. Her blood ran cold.

Jody didn't say anything to Sarah. No words at least; her eyes said it all.

“I'm going home” She passed the phone back to Sarah, picked up her bag, and walked out.

“Jody, are you okay?” Kathy shouted after her, but she was already out of the door. “What happened there? I can't believe Eddy gave her a hard time for not getting the job.”

 “He wouldn't do that.” Sarah was almost sure she knew what had happened.


Sarah locked herself into the loo, and swiped her phone screen. Just as she had feared, there it was:


1 Message:  Sender Andrew Cross


The message hadn't been read, but the first few words were displayed:


Hi sexy, I enjoyed the...


Sarah wanted to curl up and die. She didn't even bother to read his message. Instead, she sat at her desk in silence for several minutes.

“Are you all right Sarah?” Kathy asked. “You look as bad as Jody”

“I have to go,” Sarah said, grabbing her bag.

“Bloody hell. What's going on today? What shall I say if anyone asks where you are?”

“Tell them I've gone for an interview.”


Sarah didn't manage to catch up with Jody at work, so made her way over to her house.

“Hi Eddy. Is Jody in?”

Sarah could tell by his face that Jody had told him.

“I don't think she will want to see you Sarah. Sorry.”

“Please Eddy. I have to speak to her.”

“Let her in!” Jody's voice came from the living room.


“How could you do it Sarah? Andrew Cross of all fucking people? How could you?”

“I didn't plan any of this.” Sarah sat next to Jody on the sofa.

“He is destroying all of our lives, and you're fucking him.”

The words stung, but what could Sarah say? It was true.

“How long have you been seeing him?”

“Not long.”

“Were you shagging him before he came to speak to us?” There was an anger in Jody's voice which Sarah had never heard before.

“No. It was after that.”

“Did you lie in bed together laughing at the
poor workers
he is screwing over?”

“Jody!” Sarah was hurt and shocked by her words. “You know I wouldn't do that.”

“Do I? I'm not sure I know you at all. No wonder you haven't been looking for a job – I guess you won't need one with Cross to look after you.”


“Just go Sarah. We don't have anything else to talk about.”


“Fuck off Sarah!”

“Come on.” Eddy took her arm. “I think you better go.”

As Sarah left the room, she turned back to Jody. “I'm sorry.”




His texts had become more and more desperate. After leaving Jody's house, Sarah had made her way home in a daze. Jody had been so upset, so mad. Of course she had – what else had Sarah expected? As far as Jody was concerned, Sarah had been sleeping with the enemy. She couldn't begin to imagine what kind of reaction she would get from Kathy when she found out. And find out she would. Jody might have been too shocked to say anything immediately after she'd discovered Sarah's betrayal, but sooner or later the word would spread. How was she ever going to face everyone at Milners? She couldn't – she knew she couldn't.


There were twelve texts from Andrew, the last one some three hours ago. Add to that ten missed calls. She couldn't bring herself to speak to him. What had she been thinking? It could only ever have ended badly. Sarah poured herself an Orange juice. She didn't trust herself with anything stronger; once she started, she might not stop.


The knock on the door startled her; she never had visitors at this time of night. She couldn't face Jody. Or worse still – what if it was Kathy? Sarah knew Kathy could be aggressive when she'd had a few drinks. Maybe whoever it was would leave if she stayed still and didn't make a sound.


Another knock at the door – louder this time.

“Sarah! Open the door.” It was Andrew.


He was the last person she wanted to see, but she daren't leave him on the doorstep in case someone spotted him.

“Sarah. What's going on?” He followed her inside.


“It doesn't look like nothing.” He grabbed her around the waist, and turned her to face him. She could hold back the tears no longer. Burying her head onto his shoulder, she cried uncontrollably.


“Here.” He passed her a cup of coffee. It had taken a full ten minutes for her to compose herself again. “Tell me what's happening.”

“They know.”

“Who... Oh. How?”

“It doesn't matter.”

“Maybe it's as well it's out in the open.”

“No. No it's not '
as well'
. It's anything but '
as well'

“Sorry, I just meant...”

“Jody hates me. They all hate me.”

“I'm sure that's not...”

“Don't patronise me Andrew. Of course they hate me, but not as much as I hate myself.”

“What have you done that is so wrong?”

“I fell in love with you.”




Chapter 13


“You're becoming quite the horsewoman.” Andrew helped Sarah down from her mount.
was Sarah's horse – she had bought him six months ago. She rode most mornings, weather permitting. If Andrew was at home, they would ride together.


Sarah spent most of her time on the Welsh estate. If Andrew was in the city for a few days, she might stay at his apartment. Although she'd enjoyed being in a position to do what she pleased for the last few months, she felt the time was right to go back to work. Andrew had tried to persuade her to take a position at I.C.E, but she didn't think that was a good idea. Instead, she had been in touch with a number of charities that were close to her heart, to offer her services. Andrew had somewhat reluctantly agreed the house and gardens could be used to host fundraising events.


Even now, after more than a year, Sarah was still racked with feelings of guilt over how she had let down Jody, Kathy and all of the others. It didn't matter how many times Andrew told her she had nothing to reproach herself for. She hadn't seen any of them since the day she'd followed Jody home. On that awful day, Andrew had refused to leave until she agreed to go back with him. Little had she known that would be the last time she would see Oakhampton.


“Do I have to go tonight?” Sarah hated the business dinners which Andrew was so often obliged to attend. He knew how she felt, so normally didn't insist on her accompanying him.

“Yes. Come on Sarah, we've been through this a million times. It's the annual results. All the board will be there with their partners.”

“It's always so boring.”

“Always? When was the last time I insisted you go?”

“I can't remember.” Sarah laughed.

“There you are then. My people are beginning to think you have left me already.”

“Okay. You win.” She planted a kiss on his cheek.




“I thought it was meant to be the woman who took forever to get ready.” Sarah said.

She had been ready for almost thirty minutes; she hated to be late – for anything. Andrew's '
we'll get there when we get there'
attitude drove her to distraction.

“Almost done.” His voice came from the walk-in wardrobe. It could take him ten minutes to decide which tie to wear.


“Wow. You look gorgeous,” he said.

Andrew hadn't seen the red dress Sarah had bought the previous week.

“Do you like it?” She didn't really need to ask. His expression said it all.

“Why don't we stay here, and go to bed.” He put his hand on her bottom.

“After all the time it has taken me to get ready? No chance.”

“Okay. But when we get back home, you and I are going to fuck.”

“That thought might just get me through the evening. Are you ready?”

“Yeah – let's go.”


Andrew had given the driver the night off, so was behind the wheel of the XJ6.

“Why don't you ever wear the ring?”

His question caught her off guard; he had never mentioned it since the day he'd bought it.

“I can't.”

“Why? You like it don't you? I understand why you didn't want to at the time...”

“I don't have it.”


“I gave it away.”

“What?” Andrew almost choked.

“I gave it away. You did say it was mine to do with what I liked didn't you?”

“Yes – I suppose. But...”

“I could never have worn it because it would always have reminded me of how I let down a friend.”

Suddenly, Andrew understood.

“I hope your friend appreciated it.”

“So do I, but I doubt I will ever know.”

“Will you promise me something?” He sounded earnest now.

“Depends what it is.”

“That you will let me buy you another ring, but this time that you will keep it – that you will wear it.”

“I promise.”





The letter was on the breakfast bar. Andrew was out of the country for a couple of days, so Sarah had ridden alone that morning. As soon as she noticed the postmark, her heart sank. The only way she had been able to cope with her guilt had been to put Milners and Oakhampton out of her mind.


She slit open the envelope, and pulled out the handwritten note.



Dear Sarah,


You won't believe how many times I have started to write this letter, but then ended up throwing it away. This time I was determined to finish it and post it to you. Eddy threatened to write it for me if I didn't.


Firstly, I want to say sorry for the way I treated you before you left. I was angry and worried about the future, but that is still no excuse for my reaction. You did nothing wrong – I know that.  You can't help who you fall in love with – just look at me and Eddy! After the way David treated you – you deserved to find someone who loved you. Even if that happens to be a cold hearted bastard like Andrew Cross – joking!!


The good news is that I managed to find myself a job. It isn't much, but it will keep the wolf from the door. Even better, Eddy might have a new job – we will know in a couple of weeks – keep your fingers crossed for us.


It would be nice to see you again sometime, but I'm not sure it would be a good idea for you to come back to Oakhampton – not yet anyway. Some people are still upset about what happened.


I hope you can forgive the way I treated you and that we can be friends again.


Love Jody


PS: Your 'gift' helped us to weather the difficult times until I found work – thank you. I'm sorry I didn't thank you at the time.

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