Heart of Ice (6 page)

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Authors: Gl Corbin

BOOK: Heart of Ice
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He cupped her breast, sucking and nibbling the nipple. Her whole body was tingling with an excitement she had not known with any other man, not even David. Her hands were on his buttocks, pulling him closer until she could feel his hardness press against her tummy. She could wait no longer; she wanted him inside her. She reached down and touched him. Sensing her urgency, her need, he pushed her gently back against the tiled wall. His hand slid under her leg, lifting it to give him access. Her finger nails pressed hard into his buttocks as he thrust his hard cock into her pussy. His desire for her was palpable as he fucked her with all of his strength. Sarah closed her eyes against the water which was still streaming over her face. Her moans were lost in the sound of the shower.

Her bottom slapped against the tiled wall as he approached his climax. After he came, she held him tight to her – not wanting to relinquish him. Not wanting the moment to end – ever.




“You can't be serious,” Andrew said.

“I'm deadly serious. If anyone sees you dropping me off, my life won't be worth living.”

“But this is miles from where you live.”

“I'll get a cab from here.”

“Sarah. You are being crazy. Do you intend to do this every time we see each other?”


The limousine was parked at the same service station that she had been picked up from the day before. Andrew had accompanied her on the journey home even though Sarah had told him it wasn't necessary.


“Every time?”

“I didn't mean to presume.” Andrew said. “We are going to do this again aren't we?”

Sarah, who was standing next to the car, bent down and kissed him.

“Let me at least wait with you until your cab arrives.” He started to get out.

“No. This car is attracting too much attention. I doubt they see many of these around here. I'll be fine. You get off.”

“Can I see you again next weekend?”

“Don't you business tycoons have to work twenty four seven?”

“Hey – I'm the boss. I can give myself time off. So what do you say?”

“I'm not sure. Can I let you know?”

“Of course – just as long as the answer is yes.”

“I'll send you a text.”

“We can meet in my London apartment.”

“If I bring my swimming costume, do I get to join you in the pool?”

“Better still – don't bring your costume, but join me in the pool anyway.”


As she watched the limousine disappear down the road, she couldn't remember when she last felt this happy. If only she could share her news with someone.




Chapter 10


“So who is he?” Jody shouted across the office.

Sarah's blood ran cold. Did Jody know something?


“Don't act all innocent.” Jody turned to Kathy. “Hey Kath. Do you know who Sarah's new fellow is?”

“I thought she was seeing Stewart.” Kathy was clearing out her desk drawers.

“That's what I thought, but Sarah here is a dark horse. I spoke to Stewart yesterday, and he didn't know anything about those flowers.”

Inwardly, Sarah sighed with relief. At least Jody hadn't seen her with Andrew.

“Who is he Sarah?” Kathy joined in. “You know we'll find out sooner or later.”

“No one you know.”

“So who is he?” Jody wasn't letting her off the hook.

“It isn't serious.”

“Who is he? Does he work at Milners?”

“No. I can't tell you any more. It's complicated.”

“Is he married?”

Sarah hesitated.

“Bloody hell Sarah.” Kathy loved a bit of gossip. “You're the sly one.”


“Yes!” Geoff came charging into the office, punching the air with his fist. Sarah couldn't recall ever being more pleased to see him.

“What's up with you? Have you won the lottery?” Jody looked bemused.

“Good as. I've just landed a job at Blackmoor.”


Everyone was thrilled he had found work; only a handful of others had managed it so far. Sarah was grateful he had taken the spotlight off her.




“Hi,” Stewart said.

He had caught Sarah by surprise. She rarely called in the local express supermarket, but she had run out of bread.

“Oh, hi Stewart. How are you?”

“Okay I guess. You?”

“Yeah – fine thanks.”

“Found yourself a job yet?” Stewart said.

“Not yet.”

“How long is it until Milners closes now?”

“Three weeks.”

“It doesn't seem right.”

Sarah was trying to edge her way towards the checkout without making it too obvious.

“I better be going...” She didn't want to get into this discussion.

“All those people out of work. It's wrong.”

“Yeah. Anyway I...”

“Jody tells me you're seeing someone.”

“Did she?” Thanks Jody.

Stewart appeared to be waiting for Sarah to elaborate.

“I'm sorry Stewart. I have to get back; I have visitors coming around for dinner.”

“Oh – okay. Sure. Nice to see you again.”



All of this cloak and dagger stuff was getting to Sarah. She had never been a good liar and felt guilty as hell. It didn't matter that she had nothing to reproach herself for, she still did. Back at her apartment, she knocked out a text before she could change her mind.


I can't do this. Sorry.



No sooner had she sent the text than her phone rang.


“What's happened?” Andrew sounded more concerned than angry.

“Nothing. I thought I could do this, but I can't. The women in my office know I'm seeing someone.”

“Why don't you just tell them the truth?”

“How can I? How can I tell them I'm seeing the person responsible for putting them out on the street?”

“Whoa! That's not what happened. You know that isn't true.”

“It doesn't matter what I think. If they knew I was with you...”


“It can never work.”

“Sarah – Listen to me. I want to be with you, and I think you want to be with me. Don't let this come between us. Come to London this weekend – if you still feel the same by the time you leave, we'll call it a day, and I will never contact you again.”

“I don't know.”


“Okay.” She didn't have the strength to argue any more.





“I don't know why I bother!” Jody was close to tears. “Half of them don't reply, and those that do say 'no thanks'. I can't get an interview never mind a job.

Jody's initial enthusiasm for job seeking had all but evaporated. Even her shiny new CV wasn't getting her over the first hurdle.

“I'm not even going to bother trying,” Kathy said. “The state can look after me. I reckon I've paid enough taxes – it's time I got some back.”

“We're going to lose the house.” Jody was in tears – not for the first time that week. “I wouldn't mind if it was just me and Eddy. It's the kids...”

“It will be okay.” Sarah put her arm around Jody. “It's a numbers game. If you keep sending out your CV, you'll strike lucky eventually.”

“Everyone at Milners is sending their CV to the same companies. We can't all get jobs.”

There was nothing Sarah could say to make things right. In her heart, she knew Jody was right. For most of the employees at Milners, the future looked grim. The likelihood was that most would spend months or years out of work – some might never work again.


Jody had cried herself out. She and Kathy were sharing a chocolate bar which Geoff had bought for them from the vending machine. Sarah wondered if he somehow felt guilty at having landed a job.


“Anyway – enough of all this doom and gloom. Who is coming to my party on Saturday night?” Kathy licked the chocolate from the corner of her mouth as she spoke.

“What's the party in aid of?” Geoff asked.

“It's my birthday.”

“Your birthday is in June.” Jody managed a smile.

“If the Queen can have two, why can't I? This is my official birthday. So who's coming?”

“Me and Eddy will come if we can get sitters.”

“Count me in” Geoff was never one to refuse free drinks.

“What about you Sarah?”

“Sorry. I can't.”

“Are you seeing your mystery man?” Kathy said.

Sarah nodded.

“Bring him along.”

“We're going away for the weekend.”

“It must be serious. When do we get to meet this guy?”



Chapter 11


“Why did you bring that?”

Sarah had purchased the swimming costume especially for the weekend.

“Don't you like it?” She did a twirl for him.

“I thought we were going skinny dipping.”

“Race you to the other end.” Sarah dived in. She had been a county standard swimmer in her youth, but that was a long time ago. She wasn't nearly as fit as she had been back then.

Andrew hesitated for a few seconds, admiring the lines of her body as she cut through the water. But he was competitive by nature, and not about to let her win. Two metres from the other end of the pool, they were neck and neck. Sarah kicked on, and stretched out with her hand to touch the wall.

“You lose.” Andrew laughed.

“Never. I touched first.”

“We'll call it a draw.”

“I still think I won.” She feigned a sulk.


For the next thirty minutes, they exchanged challenges. Neither of them liked to lose, so there was a certain amount of gamesmanship on both sides.


“What are you waiting for?” Andrew said after he had climbed out of the pool.

“I'm just admiring the view.” Sarah was treading water while staring at his dripping wet body.

“Come on.” He bent down and offered her a hand.

After pulling her from the pool, he took her in his arms.


“What is it about you and water?” Sarah said as he pulled the straps off her shoulder. Her hand found the bulge in his swimming trunks.

“Let's get you out of this.” Their eyes locked as he pulled her costume down.

“Can't we go to bed?”

“You're so conventional.” He laughed as he swept her into his arms, and began to carry her up the stairs.

“You'll do yourself an injury.”


Once in the bedroom, he set her down onto her feet. She watched as he peeled off his swimming trunks; his huge erection was an invitation she couldn't refuse. As she dropped down onto her knees, he ran his fingers through her hair.

“Do you like this” Her tongue slowly circled the head of his cock.

“God yes.”

“Are you sure?” She gave him her
naughty girl

“Don't stop.” His fingers wrapped tighter around her hair encouraging her to continue.

She took him into her mouth, sliding her lips slowly down the length of his shaft.

“Fuck yes!!” He said as she began to suck him faster.


“Suck my balls.”

“Say please.” Sarah teased, but was only too happy to oblige. His balls squirmed on her tongue as she slowly stroked his cock.


Guided by him, she switched her attention from his cock to his balls and back again. She could feel a slight tremble in his body, and thought he was about to come, so took his cock deep into her mouth eager to taste his load.


Instead, he lifted her onto the bed. When she tried to pull him to her, tried to kiss him, he pulled away. His mouth traced a path slowly down her body planting kisses on her breasts, tummy, and then....

His tongue parted her lips; his thumb teased her clit. Her fingers dug into the bed covers, her head pushed deep into the pillow. When he pressed his fingers into her wetness, she writhed from side to side. As he found the spot, she let out a sigh. Now his tongue teased her clit. Every sinew of her body was on edge.


Close to orgasm, she wanted his cock inside her. Taking matters in her own hands, she grabbed him by his hair, and pulled him up the bed to her. He didn't resist this time. As they kissed, she felt his erection slide inside her. It felt so good. As he began to fuck her faster, she wrapped her legs around his back. His hands were under her bottom now, and their bodies soon found a rhythm. He would feel the scratch marks on his back later, but for now he was oblivious to everything.


He wanted her doggy-style, so flipped her onto her tummy. With her head buried in the mattress, she felt his cock press even deeper than before. Her whole body was pushed back and forth as he fucked her with an urgency borne out of his approaching climax. She too was close, so very close. Her fingers found her clit – it wouldn't take much to push her over the edge. Closer, closer....

“Fuckkkkkk...” Her orgasm engulfed her only seconds before he came. His fingers dug into her buttocks as she continued to move back and forth eager to milk him dry.


When he dropped down onto his side, she put her head on his stomach and ran her fingers through his chest hair.




“What would you like to do for the rest of the day?” Andrew walked naked across the bedroom.

“Watch you.”

“We can't stay in bed all day.”

“Why not?” Sarah could think of nothing she wanted to do more.

“I thought we could go into town this afternoon, get dinner and then take in a show tonight.”

“If you insist spoilsport.” She sat up in bed, and began to caress her breasts provocatively.

“Sarah – stop with that. You will wear me out.” He began to dress.

“Humph!” Sarah pretended to sulk, but in fact liked the idea of a show. She had never been to a West End play before. “I don't have anything to wear.”

“Then we better do something about that immediately.”


They spent much of the afternoon wandering around small, exclusive boutiques which sold nothing but designer brands. This was a novel experience for Sarah who normally shopped at chain stores. In the first few shops they visited, she felt a little uncomfortable as though the assistants knew she was a fraud. It was all a bit 'Pretty Woman'. As the afternoon wore on, she became more relaxed. Andrew was a delight. Unlike David who had hated to accompany her shopping, Andrew was encouraging, attentive and above all generous. She had expected to buy a dress, shoes, and maybe a handbag, but Andrew had other ideas. He decided she should have a whole new wardrobe which she would keep at his apartment. Her objections (which had been pretty half-hearted anyway) had fell on deaf ears. Andrew had his driver shadow them, so Sarah could put the numerous bags in the car as they went along. She might have felt guilty at the amount of money he was spending; if he hadn't made it clear he was getting as much enjoyment as she was.


“All you need now is jewellery.” Andrew put the last of the bags into the car, and instructed the driver to take everything back to the apartment.

“I never wear jewellery.”

“Then it's time you started.”

Before she had a chance to raise any more objections, Andrew had dragged her into a jewellers. The shop was empty except for the two assistants – one male, one female. Business must be slow Sarah reflected.

“What about a bracelet?” Andrew was looking at the glass topped cabinets in the central display.

“Holy shit!!” Sarah looked around, embarrassed by her unintentional outburst. “Sorry.”

The male assistant gave her a polite smile.


“Have you seen the prices?” Sarah said to Andrew.

“You don't have to whisper.” He mocked “We aren't in church.”

“There's nothing under fifteen thousand pounds.” Now she knew why the shop was empty. As she explored further, she realised the jewellery she had looked at first was in fact the least expensive in the shop. Much of the stock wasn't priced - presumably on the basis that if you had to ask, you couldn't afford it.

“Do you like it?” Andrew caught her looking at a diamond ring.

“It's beautiful.”

“Try it on.”


“Why not?”

“I can't.” She started towards the door. “Let's go back to the apartment.”


“What was that all about?” Andrew asked once they were outside the shop.

“It's too much, too quickly. I know you're rich, but I'm not used to this kind of lifestyle. I'm not sure I could ever be. I shouldn't have let you buy all those clothes.” Tears were welling in her eyes.

“I don't understand. I thought you liked them.”

“I do like them. I love them, but I can't help think the money you have spent on me today would be enough for Jody and her family to live on for half a year.”

“Who is Jody?”

“She's one of the women I work with. It just isn't right...”

“Okay, okay.” He put his arm around her shoulder. “Let's go back to the apartment.”




By the time they had eaten the dinner cooked by the ever reliable Mrs Simpson, Sarah had come around and was looking forward to a night at the theatre. She felt a million dollars in the dress, and she could tell by Andrew's face that he approved. The plunging neckline showed more cleavage than she would normally have dared to reveal.

“You look beautiful.” Andrew nodded. “And very fuckable.”


“It's true. Right now, I'd rather take you to bed than to the theatre.”

“Well tough luck. You had your chance this morning when I tried to get you back into bed. Now you'll just have to wait.”

“That's me told then.”


It was late when they arrived back from the theatre. Andrew had refused to tell her which show they were going to see. If she was being honest, she might not have chosen to see 'War Horse', but she loved it. It had taken all of her willpower not to cry. Back in the apartment, Sarah was seated at the glass top dining table enjoying a Martini. Andrew had disappeared into the bedroom to change into something more comfortable. She sensed, rather than heard him come up behind her, and shuddered when he planted a kiss on her neck.


“What's that?” Sarah said staring at the small red box he had put on the table in front of her.

“Open it.” he whispered in her ear.


“I can't accept it.” She pushed the open box away.

“You're being ridiculous.”

“I told you why I can't. How did you get it anyway?”

It was the same ring she had looked at earlier.

“I sent my driver back for it.”

“Well you can just get him to take it back again. I don't want it.”

“Won't you even try it on?”

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