Heart of Europe: A History of the Roman Empire (182 page)

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Stedingen 583

Stein, Karl von (1757–1831) 663–4

‘stem-duchies’ 44, 184

Stephen (972–1038), king of Hungary from 1001 32, 205–6, 268

Stephen IV (d.817), pope from 816 313

Stephen V (d.891), pope from 885 48

Stephen VI (d.897), pope from 896 48

Stephen, Joachim (1544–1623) 116

Stetting, Bogislav count of (c.1130–87), duke of Pomerania from 1157 358–9

Strasbourg, imperial city 332, 346, 514, 548

Strasbourg Oath (842) 256

strator service: defined 25, 691; performed 47, 62, 73

Stuttgart 507, 523

Styria, duchy: and Habsburgs 123, 385, 429, 721–2, 741; nobles 368, 661; origins 715; raided 399; rulers 355, 359, 383; Slovene population 96, 260

subjects, concept of 500–501

‘subsidiarity’ 682

subsistence crises 496

Süleyman I ‘the Magnificent’ (1494–1566), Ottoman sultan from 1520 149

sumptuary laws 243–4, 261–2

Sundgau 528, 593

Sutri, synod (1046) 51

Swabia, bailiwick 390, 591

Swabia, duchy: ducal title 186, 297, 361, 384, 586, 722; economy 494; and emperor 619, 620; and Empire 305, 342, 384; governance 335, 343–4; invaded 378; law 607; nobles 196, 556, 558–9, 561, 575; origins 24, 185, 250, 257, 351; political composition 133, 186, 231, 586; rulers 186, 345, 348, 351, 352, 361, 705, 711

Swabian Civic League (1376) 575, 728

Swabian Kreis: assembly 415, 566; counts 412, 562; defence 461, 648; demise 653; influence 564; peacekeeping 634; prelates 411, 660

Swabian League (1488–1534): demise 438, 563–4; formation 437, 562, 734; and Habsburgs 437, 589; membership 562–3; organization 562–3, 566, 572, 593, 625, 738; potential 734

Swabian War (1499)
Swiss War

Sweden: and Empire 1, 163, 220, 431, 441, 479, 570, 599, 657, 744–5; German possessions 167, 220, 660; identity 258; and imperial defence 746; influence 126–7, 154, 440, 442, 458, 476, 564, 578; rulers 220, 222

Swedish–Polish War
Northern War

Swiss Confederation: associated members 594; attempts to join 411, 593–4, 738; conquests 588; divisions within 118–19, 588, 590; emergence 547, 586–8; and Empire 1, 12, 108, 118–19, 218, 231–2, 586–9, 594, 626; governance 118, 585, 589–91; and Habsburgs 231, 248, 386, 428, 556, 574, 585–9, 722, 729, 736; identity 231, 587; international contacts 582, 734; interpretations 585; law 589; members 231, 588; population 581, 590; power 200; society 586, 590–91; sovereignty 231; territory 368; towns 507, 520

Swiss War (1499) 556, 589, 736

Switzerland 9, 24, 86, 185, 227, 385, 661;
see also
Helvetic Republic; Rhetia; Swiss Confederation

symbolism: ecclesiastical 23, 91–2; feudal 225; and identity 234; imperial 32, 33, 74, 137–8, 148–9, 156, 161–2, 231, 256, 263, 267–74, 285–6, 418, 671; national 263, 265, 671–2; revolutionary 643; royal 91, 156, 158, 209–10, 270, 278;
see also
coats of arms; flags; insignia

Symmachus (d.514), pope from 498 29

synods: emperors at 32, 51, 53, 57, 58, 80; episcopal 72, 620; papal 53

Syria 22, 142, 701

Taborites 99

Tacitus, Publius Cornelius (AD 55–116) 262–3, 297


taler coin 168

Tannenberg, battle (1410) 209

Tartars 95

Tassilo III (c.741–96), duke of Bavaria 748–94 616–17

taxation: attitudes to 397–8, 400; burden 511, 542; collection 370, 400, 403–5, 434, 457, 509, 510–12, 518, 533, 541, 556, 575; development 371, 383, 495, 497, 516, 531–4, 536–7, 715; exemptions 242, 541–2, 660; methods 244, 457, 532–3, 542; protests against 573–4; purpose 326, 747; and representation 404–5, 408–9, 510, 529, 531, 533–4, 556, 576, 601; and state development 325–6, 397–8;
see also
feudal dues; imperial taxation; tribute

Teck, duchy 363

Templar Order 97, 147

Ten Parish League 588

territorialization: defined 184, 365, 692; economic impact 464; ecclesiastical 371–3, 641; factors promoting 239, 366–70, 381, 495, 595, 659; impact on Empire 11, 216–18, 422–4, 586; interpretations 353, 365–6, 373, 377; secular 373–5, 659–60, 728; social impact 510

territory, defined 253, 413

Teschen, treaty (1779) 155, 627

Teutoburg Forrest, battle (AD 9) 262, 671

Teutonic Order 97–8, 135, 209–10, 218, 661, 718

Theodoric (451–526), Ostrogoth leader from 474 21, 26, 36, 141, 674, 700

Theophanu, (c.959–91), empress 85, 87, 141, 256, 315–16, 707

Theophylact family 48, 49

Thietmar of Merseburg (975–1018) 85, 196, 237, 297, 316, 339, 346

Thirty Years War (1618–48): causes 123–5, 439–40, 742–4; conduct 166, 173, 242, 436, 440–41, 451–2, 457–8, 530, 562, 564, 578, 597–8, 632, 744–5; and attitudes to Empire 264, 279, 566, 600; impact 107, 118, 129, 151, 167, 220, 222, 410, 420, 458, 465, 466, 496, 501, 533, 544, 747; interpretations 124–5, 126;
see also
Westphalia (treaty)

Thrace 143

Three Leagues (
Drei Bünde
) 588, 589, 590

Thurgau 588

Thurgut, Franz Maria baron (1736–1818) 647

Thuringia, landgraviate: dispute over 364, 373–5, 382, 383, 386–7, 388, 428, 723; economy 490; emigration from 95; fragmentation 363, 374–5; law code 238; and monarch 384; origins 185–6, 351, 374, 700, 713; population 507; princely status 361; religion 81; rulers 306, 722; symbols 271

Thuringian Civic League (1303) 573

Thurn und Taxis, Carl Alexander von (1770–1827) 418

Thurn und Taxis family 658, 664

Tirol, county: dispute over 123, 389, 725; Estates 528, 593, 607; governance 367, 585; Habsburg rule 428, 429, 587–8, 726, 727, 734, 741; law 607, 608; Luxembourg rule 725–6; origins 187; revenue 532; revolt 592; symbols 270

tithes 82, 87, 88, 89, 242

Titian (1486–1576) 115, 299

Tivoli 50

toleration: defined 101; of Christians 99, 116–19, 128, 131, 140, 144, 151, 448, 530, 539, 577, 650, 731, 740; of Jews 100–108; of Muslims 66, 146–7; of pagans 81; politics of 111–12, 115–16, 448

Toleration Patent (1781) 131

tolls 467–9, 532, 542; exemptions from 514; rights 345, 463, 505, 611

Torriglia 226

Tortona 63, 569

torture 62, 628

Toul, bishopric 91, 198, 230, 447, 740

tournaments 242

towns: associations between 516, 517, 568–78, 720, 728–9; autonomy 282–3, 355, 397, 712, 715; Burgundian 395, 506, 508, 518, 521, 577; as communities 250–52, 514, 519, 568, 573; defences 505, 550, 568, 576, 578; design 433, 505–6; economy 393, 395, 491, 505–6, 522, 523; emancipation 192, 252, 371; ‘free’ 409, 517, 571, 578, 718; German 250, 356, 383, 506–8, 512–24, 570–78, 712, 715; governance 63, 193, 392–3, 512–22, 525, 548, 550, 568; identity 251–2, 548; Italian 33–4, 59, 250, 282–3, 341, 349, 355–6, 392–3, 395, 491, 504–8, 512–21, 528, 569–70, 586, 712, 722; jurisdiction over 53, 193, 505; and lords 53, 192, 252, 355–6, 369, 397, 491, 505–7, 512–17, 519–20, 568–9, 577, 594, 729; mediatized 409, 447; numbers 506; pawned 390, 573; population 505, 506, 523; promotion of 355, 369, 491, 505–8, 517; residence 507–8, 517, 522, 526; and territorialization 371; territory 491, 493, 518, 520, 569;
see also
burghers; imperial cities; Lombard League

trade: embargoes 468; fairs 463–4; long distance 149, 167–8, 203, 216, 391, 463–4, 491, 506, 542, 549, 570, 578; promotion of 468, 550

Tranquebar 168

transaction costs 462

translatio imperii see
imperial translation

Transylvania 95, 149, 151, 470, 597, 634, 747–8

Traungau family 359

Trebizond 142, 143

Trebur 350, 352

Treuer, Gottlieb Samuel (1683–1743) 600

Treitschke, Heinrich von (1834–96) 2

Trent, bishopric 585, 650, 838

Trent, church council (1545–63) 75, 115, 740

tribes: defined 235–6; Germanic 24, 236, 291, 699–700, 702–3; identities 235–9, 250, 253, 257; interpretations 235–6, 305; lands 44, 184–6, 195; leaders 335

tribute 79, 142, 150–51, 152, 184, 201–3, 206, 207, 738

Trier, archbishopric: electoral title 258, 306, 410, 552, 727; foundation 84, 86, 702; and Empire 199, 402; Estates 530; feuding 558; governance 623; influence 134, 320, 346, 380, 440, 552, 722; territory 386, 409; rulers 51, 725

Trier, city 332, 408–9, 505, 514, 576

Trieste 168

Trifels castle 273

Tripoli 142

Trojans 157, 237–8, 298, 430

Truce of God 619

Tübingen University 523

Tunis 142, 149

Turin 473

Turkish Aid (
): from Burgundy 436; development 150–51, 221, 405, 459; from Italy 226; level 448–51, 453–4, 456

Turkish Bells 142, 149, 288

Turkish wars 149–51, 166, 288, 394, 439, 443, 445, 450–62, 470, 541, 647, 738–9, 743, 745–50;
see also
Long Turkish War

Ottoman empire; Seljuks

Tuscany, duchy: and emperor 54, 193, 198, 224, 349, 512; and Habsburgs 226, 650; influence 735; struggle over 61, 190, 713, 715, 717, 723; territory 189, 194; towns 512, 569; and Welfs 351;
see also
Matilda of Canossa

Tuscany, region 8

Twelve Articles (1525) 592

two swords theory 28–9, 65, 110–11, 119

UK Independence Party (UKIP) 683, 684

Ulm, battle (1805) 652

Ulm, imperial city 518, 573

Ulrich (1487–1550), duke of Württemberg from 1498 557, 563

416, 419, 692


United Nations 683

United States of America: colonies 169; constitution 1, 8, 9; and Empire 1–2, 8, 417–18, 683, 685–6; universities 678

universities: closure 135, 277; foundation 70–71, 276, 391, 429, 526, 606, 726; influence 356, 380, 640; numbers 71, 276–7; staff 2, 291, 678; students 71, 223, 236–7, 270, 300, 523, 551, 596

Unterwalden, canton 231

Upper Lusatian Civic League (1346) 573

Upper Rhenish Kreis 452, 461, 564, 567

Upper Saxon Kreis 415, 462, 474, 564, 646, 657

urbanization 13, 95, 507–8, 513, 523

Urbino 194

Uri, canton 231

Urslingen, Conrad von (d.1202), duke of Spoleto from 1183 354

usage, right of 376, 488, 492–3, 498

Utraquism 99–100, 118, 597

Utrecht, bishopric 82, 112, 228, 582

Utrecht, town 515

Utrecht, treaty (1713) 230, 470, 471, 749

Vaduz 661

Vaik of Hungary

Valenciennes 514

Valhalla 671

Valla, Lorenzo (1405–57) 71

Valle di Pregola 224

Valmy, battle (1792) 645

Valois dynasty 200

Valtelline 588, 590

Valvassores’ Revolt (1035–7) 350

Vandals 20

Varangians 152

Varna, battle (1444) 142, 732

Varus, Quintilius (d. AD 9) 262

Vasa dynasty 222

Vasily III (1479–1533), Russian tsar from 1505 154

vassalage: commutation into cash 334, 383; contemporary understanding of 208, 350, 355–6, 605, 606; depositions 349, 351; dual 199, 419; and economics 462; and hereditary possession 204, 327, 330, 331, 336, 343–4, 350, 357, 363–4, 385, 388, 392, 424, 612, 716; hierarchy 334–9, 356–65, 383, 493, 525, 553, 611; lesser 347, 350, 360, 515, 520–21, 584, 585; mediate 360, 364, 368–70, 372, 376, 398–9, 400, 403, 409, 411, 426, 495, 517, 558; obligations 226, 329, 357, 360, 363, 369, 375, 404, 407, 409, 411, 455, 490, 542, 624; as patronage 213, 515, 517, 636; political significance 334–5, 340; rights 171, 329, 613, 631; rituals 225, 330–31, 481; symbols 225; territory 249

Vasvár, treaty (1664) 746

Vatican 74

Vaudemont family 796

Veleti 202–3, 207, 213–14


(1202) 65, 70, 298, 304, 717

Venice, republic: Austrian annexation 752; and Byzantium 345, 701; economy 148–9, 506, 516–17; and emperor 73, 563; and Empire 224; governance 278, 521; influence 735; and leagues 569; territory 189, 518

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