Heart of Europe: A History of the Roman Empire (181 page)

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Russia: emigration to 95, 169; and Empire 153–5, 162–3, 167, 219–20, 479–80, 481, 507, 627, 649, 657, 661; expansion 210, 578, 748, 751; and Hansa 570–71; imperial title 154, 749; and princes 154–5, 646, 648, 649, 652, 750, 752; religion 140, 152–3; society 235; soviet 678; symbols 153, 274

Rüstingen 583

Ruthard (d.1109), archbishop of Mainz from 1088 102


Sachs, Hans (1494–1579)

Sachsen-Altenburg, duchy 363

Sachsen-Coburg,duchy 363, 375, 631

Sachsen-Eisenach, duchy 363

Sachsen-Gotha, duchy 363, 375, 410, 424

Sachsen-Hildburghausen, duchy 541, 544, 628–9

Sachsen-Lauenburg, duchy 361, 382, 389

Sachsen-Meiningen, duchy 363, 427

Sachsen-Weimar, duchy 285, 363, 375, 635, 640

Sachsen-Wittenberg, duchy 375, 382, 389, 396, 727, 730

Sachsenhausen 388

(c.1230) 208, 239, 363, 607

Sacrificial Penny 103, 104, 107

Safavid dynasty 144, 149

St Adelbert

St Augustine (354–430) 28

St Bartholomew Massacre (1572) 121

St Bertin abbey 87

St Boniface (680–754), archbishop of Mainz from 752 23, 24, 25, 81, 84, 214

St Denis abbey 156–7, 234

St Gallen abbey 86

St Gallen, imperial city 588

St George’s Shield 556–7, 562, 563, 588

St Gotthard Pass 586

St Jerome (c.347–420) 38

St John, knights of 97, 99, 135, 147

St Leopold (d.1136), margrave of Austria from 1095 430

St Petersburg 274

St Simon and Judas monastery 90

St Stephen’s Purse 268, 273

St Wenceslas (907–29) 32, 82, 204

Saint-Pierre, Charles François Irenée Castel abbé de (1658–1748) 176

saints, cult of 22, 54, 81, 152, 182, 314, 548; as national patrons 7, 32, 234, 253, 257, 391, 430

Saladin (1138–93), sultan of Egypt and Syria 146

Salerno 191, 345, 710

Salian dynasty: allodial property 247, 327, 373, 709; and Burgundy 196–7, 207, 347, 709; burial 721; ‘crisis’ 350, 710; and Franks 257; governance 10, 42, 54, 180, 309, 313, 323, 332–4, 344, 346–52, 394, 605, 612–19, 709–12; and imperial church 56, 90–92, 189, 348, 349, 372, 505, 711; imperial ideal 303, 397, 619; in Italy 55–9, 188–9, 192, 198, 512, 513–14, 709; origins 57; and papacy 51, 53, 55–62, 257, 330, 711–12; relations 297, 299; symbols 269, 274; wider influence 207, 209

Salis family 590

Salisbury, John of (1120–80), bishop of Chartres 169

Salm 662

Salza, Hermann von (1165–1239), Teutonic grand master from 1210 209

Salzburg, archbishopric: annexed 649–50; foundation 84, 702; Estates 528, 593; influence 306, 351, 410, 574; jurisdiction 89, 112; rebellion in 592; size 561

San Germano, treaty (1230) 719

Saracens 64, 66, 147, 188, 191, 201, 221, 345, 378, 716, 718–19

Sardinia 145, 164, 189, 191, 192, 227, 703; and Savoy 471, 473–4, 749

Sarmatians 258

Savoy: ducal title 253; and Empire 119, 159, 194, 197, 223, 224, 226–7, 230, 649; Estates 528; expansion 588; and Germany 194, 226–7, 259, 528, 727; governance 473; grand ducal title 445, 748; imperial vicar title 318, 393, 727; origins 196; royal title 227, 230, 471, 473–4, 749

Savoy dynasty

Saxons: Christianization 45, 79, 81–2, 84–5, 212, 677, 706; Frankish conquest 27, 45, 677, 700, 702; identity 237, 239, 250, 676; law code 238–9

Saxon duchies 140, 661; origins 363, 375;
see also individual duchies

Saxony, duchy: church 82, 91–2, 186; ducal title 359, 375; emigration from 186, 214; emigration to 95; and emperor 332–3, 342–3, 345, 348, 383, 619, 709; and Empire 336; extent 185–6; Frankish conquest 81, 238; governance 335; nobles 299, 304, 346–7; peasants 489, 583; partition 358–9, 361, 380, 583, 715; revolt (1073) 348, 350–51, 514, 710; rulers 206, 343, 345, 357–9, 374, 713

Saxony, electorate: arch office 319; army 473; court 473; economy 494, 511; electoral title 307, 389, 396, 401, 407, 410, 552, 560, 724, 727, 739; emergence 186; Estates 528, 601–2, 660; finances 473; governance 276, 367, 464; and imperial title 430–31; imperial vicar title 317–18; influence 126, 130, 175, 386, 396, 415, 440, 458–9, 475, 479, 481, 552, 564, 597, 641, 722, 745; and Poland 222–3, 433, 445, 471, 473, 747–8; possessions 440, 442, 480, 660, 733; Prussian occupation 479–80; and Reformation 110, 113–14, 120, 129; religion in 110, 139, 748; revenue 532; revolt (1790) 601–2, 633, 643; royal title 57, 661, 663; rulers 426; size 472, 476; women in 244

Scandinavia 77, 82, 92, 212, 222, 237, 503, 710

Scarampi family 224

Scheldt river 167, 168

Schauenburg, county 374, 571, 838

Schauenstein family 590

Schaumburg-Lippe, principality 642, 661

Schenkendorf, Maximilian von (1783–1817) 670

Schiller, Friedrich (1759–1805) 276, 277, 498

Schimmel, Moses 628–9

Schleiden, Johannes (1506–66) 264

Schlesinger, Walter (1908–84) 676

Schleswig, duchy 212–13, 220, 497

Schleswig, town 92

Schmalkaldic League (1531): formation 114, 438, 564, 739; membership 410, 564–5, 594; organization 114–15, 345–7, 564–5, 566

Schmalkaldic War (1546–7) 115, 299, 559, 560, 564, 731

Schönborn family 133

Schönborn, Johann Philipp von (1605–73), bishop of Würzburg (1642), elector of Mainz (1647) and bishop of Worms (1663) 175

Schönbrunn palace 665

(1275) 607

Schwarzburg 375

Schwarzburg-Sondershausen 319

Schwedt 426

Schwenckfeld, Caspar (1489–1561) 110

Schwerin, bishopric 733

Schwyz, canton 231

Scotland 309, 684

seals 14, 39, 269, 343

Seckau, bishopric 112, 838

Second City War (1449–50) 575

Second Empire, French 163

Second Empire, German 671–5, 677

Second World War (1939–45) 667, 678

secularization: defined 131; of imperial church 112–13, 131–2, 135, 372, 412, 478, 642, 646, 649–51, 733; of imperial title 143; of mediate church property 76, 113, 132, 539–40, 733; of order lands 99, 210; origins 60

Sedan 155

‘self-moderation’ 447

self-interest 499–503, 531

Seljuks 142, 144, 146, 709

Sempach, battle (1386) 574, 587, 729

Serbia 140, 142, 146, 448, 470, 471, 749

serfdom: burdens 492, 592; decline 495; emancipation 512, 542, 641, 660; in Hungary 206; origins 57, 492–3; ‘second’ 496–7, 511, 69; status 512, 528

servitium regis
333–4, 691

Seven Years War (1756–63): conduct 279, 288–9, 455, 467, 479–80, 539, 632; cost 541; impact 541; outcome 160, 480, 751

Shakespeare, William (1564–1616) 224

sharecropping 491, 497

shooting clubs 550

Sicilian Vespers (1282) 67

Sicily: Angevin rule 67, 192, 720; and Austria 227; justice in 618; Muslims 145, 146–7, 191, 269, 703, 707; Norman conquest 55, 67, 95, 145, 191–2, 356, 618, 710; and papacy 55, 63, 189, 225, 713, 720; population 95, 354; royal title 63, 192, 225, 713, 714; Spanish rule 164, 479, 720, 740, 749; Staufer rule 64–7, 215, 220, 304, 353–4, 356, 618, 716–18, 720

Sickingen, Franz von (1481–1523) 553, 558

Siegfried von Westerburg (d.1297), archbishop of Cologne from 1275 373, 386

Siena 516

Sigismund (1368–1437), emperor from 1433; appearance 270; authority 199; as Bohemian king 99–100, 110, 396, 730–31; coronation 731; as crusader 100, 299, 394; death 287, 401; election 71, 396, 730; finances 400; as general vicar 394; governance 323, 396, 576; as Hungarian king 147, 211–12, 220, 394, 555, 728, 730; and imperial reform 396–7, 400–401; and Italy 189, 393; and papacy 71–2, 109; and princes 369; statue 680; symbols 270, 272, 286

193–4, 521, 570, 691

Silesia: and Bohemia 208, 391, 726; emigration to 96; and Empire 205, 358, 641; nobles 212, 661, 743; Prussian conquest 476–80, 750–51; religion 437, 743

Silvester II
Gerbert of Aurillac

simony 52, 53, 56, 60

Sitten, bishopric 531

Sixtus IV (1414–84), pope from 1471 581

slavery 79, 96, 100, 204, 240, 331, 340, 489; emancipation 205, 492

Slavic peoples: duchies 187, 213–14, 714, 715; and elections 346; and Empire 77, 83, 185, 201–14, 344, 714, 718; houses 78; languages 260; law 506; migration 95–6; origins 79, 202; political organization 202–4; population 490; raiding 8, 79, 186, 201, 488, 706; religion 78, 80, 98, 108, 187, 203; students 237; 983 uprising 83, 85, 95, 203, 205, 315, 708; 1037–9 uprising 83; 1066 uprising 92, 94, 710; written culture 260, 322

Slavonia 223

Slavonic language 140, 153

Slovenes 96; language 260

Smith, Adam (1723–90) 502–3

Smith, John (1580–1631) 150

social disciplining
police regulation

socialism 675

Societas Rhenania

society: corporate 12, 409–14, 502, 519–22, 528–9, 539–40, 547–9, 553, 560, 620–21, 636–7, 639, 650–51, 660, 662, 666, 669–71; hierarchy 223, 239, 251, 409, 489, 519–22, 636; structure 239–45, 487–9, 512;
see also

Solms-Laubach, Friedrich Ludwig count von (1769–1822) 663

Solothurn, canton 231, 588

(special path) 3, 679

Sorbs 83, 96, 203, 208; language 260

sovereignty: basis for 231; and Empire 5–6, 227, 230–31, 278–9; fragmented 171–2, 219, 685–6; indivisible 71, 171, 174, 278–9, 747; and international order 6, 170–71, 174–5, 219; national 683–4; popular 639; princely 127, 135, 174, 184, 252, 473, 653–4, 660, 673; royal 40, 157, 170, 182, 209–10, 219, 227, 230, 471; territorial 174, 216, 441–2, 455, 500, 691–2, 747

Spain: colonies 144, 164–6, 422, 438–9, 749; and Empire 1, 11, 73, 75, 123, 125, 156, 166, 225–6, 229, 308, 422, 436, 438–9, 452, 478, 578; finance 450; Habsburg acquisition 148, 165, 167, 428, 734–5; internal consolidation 95, 164; monarchy 40, 223, 274, 397, 432, 442; Muslim 100, 145, 148, 164; possessions 119, 225, 229, 442, 749; society 541; Visigothic 20, 699, 701;
see also
Habsburg dynasty, Spanish

Spanish Road 225–6

Spanish Succession, war (1701–14) 130, 158, 166, 20, 227, 230, 445, 454–5, 460, 470, 746, 748–9

Speyer, bishopric: cathedral chapter 371; and France 644; and imperial chancellery 323; possessions 132, 374, 517; protectorate over 373; rulers 286

Speyer cathedral 67, 91–2, 248

Speyer, imperial city: and bishop 505; development 506; emancipation 334, 514, 715; as imperial centre 406, 626, 721; Jewish community 101, 102, 105; and leagues 572; palace 332; Reichstags in 113–14, 120, 173

Spinola family 224

Spoleto, duchy 48, 187, 190, 194, 318, 341, 354, 701, 702

Srbik, Heinrich Ritter von (1878–1951) 675

Stade, county 583

Stadion, Friedrich Lothar von (1761–1811) 647, 648

Stadion, Johann Philipp von (1763–1824) 647

Staffelsee abbey 488

state: associations as 565; confessional 111–12; and corporate society 539–44, 669; defined 7, 171, 639, 683; impersonal 600; and individual 502–3, 540; nation 292, 646, 667–8, 678

state formation 7–8, 43, 295, 320, 348, 352, 397, 431–2, 579, 668; and economics 462; and nationalism 2, 7, 46, 183–4, 233–4, 290–92; and taxation 325–6, 397–8

States General 529, 595, 597

Staufer dynasty: allodial property 382; demise 11, 40, 66–7, 94, 190, 230, 258, 361, 372, 377–9, 493; eastern expansion 146; governance 10–11, 32–3, 42, 180, 207–8, 334–5, 354–6, 376, 380, 397, 463, 526, 582, 586, 615, 620–21, 624, 714–20; and hereditary monarchy 303–4, 359, 424, 716; and imperial church 93–4, 372, 517; imperial ideal 63, 360; interpretations 11, 353, 355, 356, 674, 676; in Italy 63–4, 190, 192–3, 220, 354–6, 358, 378, 516, 569–70, 618, 667, 714–20; origins 62, 247, 248, 351–2, 711, 712–13; and papacy 39–40, 62–7, 70, 169, 215, 257, 333, 354, 714–20; relations 164; and Rome 35; symbols 269, 273; and towns 333, 383, 505–6; and vassals 93–4, 330–31, 356–61, 390, 515, 521, 570, 606, 714–18; warfare 63, 146–7, 333–4, 376; and Welfs 64–6, 156, 192, 207, 213, 215, 352, 357–9, 374, 378, 521, 713, 716–17

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