Heart of Europe: A History of the Roman Empire (172 page)

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elections, ‘leaping’ 379–81, 721

elections, procedures 285, 296, 301–9, 380–81, 388, 725, 727

electoral agreements: of clerical princes 372, 688; of emperors 308–9, 427, 478, 664, 689, 722

electoral college (
): members 194, 199, 208, 211, 221–2, 258, 305–7, 382, 389, 409–10, 445, 470, 727, 739, 747; internal hierarchy 391, 409; origins 305–7, 721; rights 307, 727;
see also
electors; Golden Bull

Electoral Rhenish Kreis 461, 467, 564, 567

electors: arch titles 208, 222, 306–7, 365, 380; attitudes 157, 379–80, 429, 430–31, 750; collegiality 306, 308, 317, 395, 402, 407, 409, 552, 724; concessions to 308–9, 386, 288, 728; congresses 126, 288, 394–5, 416, 440; ecclesiastical 131, 306–7, 380, 409, 414; influence 126, 307–9, 386–7, 394–5, 413–14, 438, 439, 458–9, 576, 642, 651, 722–3, 741; international status 223; investiture 365; League (
) 551–3, 574, 725; new titles 227, 410, 747; and papacy 68, 194, 387, 552, 722, 727; pre-eminence 394, 409–11, 442, 552, 566, 721; prerogatives 172, 308, 439, 727; responsibilities 308, 395, 402, 405; symbols 272, 365, 407

Eleonore of Portugal (1436–67), empress 313–14

elephants 145, 146, 378

Elisabeth (1409–42), queen 401

Eltville, battle (1349) 389

Emden 122, 168, 584

emigration, right of 116, 128

émigrés 160, 643

Emma (826–76), queen 314

emperor: abdication 2, 15, 135, 163, 439, 639, 654, 656–7, 665, 674, 741, 753; burial 67, 92, 248, 274, 286–7, 301, 334, 731; candidates 67, 157–8, 201, 208, 215–16, 297–301, 424, 430, 641, 720, 721, 746; clothing 34, 269, 300, 418, 432; coronation 8, 26–7, 32, 35–6, 45, 65, 67, 70, 73, 74–5, 143, 149, 155, 164, 182, 185, 187, 213, 222, 235, 286–7, 290, 298, 309–11, 388, 703, 705, 713, 714, 717, 723, 724, 726, 739, 752; criticism of 55–6, 69, 266, 282, 618, 620; deposition 57, 71, 302, 386–7, 394–6, 401, 439–40, 552, 719, 723, 725, 729; education 300; election to 64, 67–9, 192, 215–16, 301–9, 385, 387–9, 395–6, 401, 424, 427, 428, 442–3, 477, 478; excommunicated 32, 39, 57–8, 59, 64, 65, 69, 146, 257, 287, 378, 388, 717, 718, 719, 724–5; as feudal overlord 296, 330–31, 334–7, 360, 364, 379, 383, 408, 412, 627, 656, 716; financial position 53, 87, 93, 103, 151, 216, 282, 325–7, 354, 378, 385, 386, 390, 428, 445–6, 558; international position 70, 71, 140–42, 150–63, 169–70, 174, 207, 215–16, 222, 268, 272; and Jews 100–108, 285; judicial role 297, 393, 402–3, 418, 434, 437, 444, 463, 610–37; loyalty to 44, 157, 160, 189, 196, 221, 258, 264, 285–8, 350, 569, 592; and monarchy 278–9; personal qualities 297–301; piety 30–32, 430; portraits 269–70, 271, 665; prayers for 76, 156, 285, 288; prerogatives 65, 70, 72, 75, 89, 101–3, 125, 172–4, 207, 221–2, 223, 296, 334, 344, 357, 402, 416, 427, 431, 442, 443, 445–6, 481, 627, 631–2, 724; regional influence 180–81, 205–9, 216–20, 273, 332, 341–2, 352, 354–6, 377, 383–5, 392, 401, 437–9, 444, 497, 709; symbols 33, 74, 137–8, 148–9, 156, 161–2, 231, 267–74, 418; title 33–5, 37, 61, 52–3, 73, 74–5, 141, 148, 150–54, 156–7, 159–60, 162–3, 222, 223, 270, 298, 307, 378, 665, 737, 743; as warriors 31, 34, 43, 59, 269, 297, 299–300, 315;
see also individual emperors

emperor’s halls (
) 273, 665, 671

empire: defined 3–5, 38; historiography 4, 179, 684; informal 518; ‘neo-medieval’ 684; proliferation 140–41, 154, 162–3, 169; size 4, 163, 165; universal 40–42, 143, 157, 163, 166, 169–70, 176, 222, 667;
see also individual empires

Empire: Christian character 6, 19–33, 117, 263–4, 267–70, 278, 288, 311, 430–31, 667, 675, 678; complimentary character 284, 366, 420–21, 524, 607, 682; conservative character 12–13, 230, 420, 443, 465, 537–8, 540–46, 580, 602, 608, 636–45, 654; contemporary criticism of 1–2, 30, 154, 159–60, 164, 165, 169–70, 274, 278–80, 285, 288–92, 638–40, 645; defence structure 112, 147, 150, 172–4, 199, 226, 228–9, 321–2, 341, 403–5, 438, 443, 445–62, 475, 533–4, 560, 567, 645–8, 652, 658, 684–5, 747, 751; dissolution 2, 15, 134–6, 163, 252, 545, 555, 567, 637, 639, 652–662; and Europe 1, 78, 160, 170, 174–5, 197, 216, 218–20, 230, 232, 258, 298, 422, 471–2, 485–6, 507, 651, 680–86; and European Union 2, 6, 13, 681–6; federal element 8, 127, 365–6, 423–4, 444, 538–9, 646, 662, 664, 682; feudal element 174, 224–7, 296, 334–5, 356–63; foundation 6, 26–7, 703; hierarchical character 7, 9–11, 13, 42, 43–4, 73, 116, 122, 160, 171, 181–3, 216–18, 239, 243, 252, 272, 334–7, 347, 366, 383, 394, 402, 406, 409, 413, 423–4, 426, 437, 441, 442, 459, 471, 563, 581–3, 586–9, 602, 610, 622, 685, 732; honour of 63, 360, 379–80, 611; ideal 5–6, 19, 28–33, 38–40, 111, 176, 263; identification with 233–5, 249, 252, 254, 255, 262, 277–92, 379–80, 392–3, 438, 478–9, 524, 574, 639, 646, 653, 655–7, 663–5; international status 40, 169–76, 448, 471–2, 716; interpreted as aristocracy 278–9, 441, 639; legacy 76, 655–86; monarchical element 34, 40, 45, 116, 127, 278–9, 379–80, 438–9; perceived failings 5, 233–4, 258, 279–80, 420, 469, 668; as ‘political system’ 420; polycentric character 35–6, 179–80, 257, 266, 273–4, 276, 332–4, 408, 486, 524, 641, 682, 685; reactions to demise 285, 292, 639, 650, 655–7; reorganization 1802–3 134–6, 410, 627, 649–52, 658, 685; resource mobilization 53, 87–8, 93, 103–4, 282, 325–7; size 1, 4, 77–8, 165; and social structure 11–13, 223, 239–43, 245, 254, 265, 272, 408–14, 424–7, 485–6, 493, 495, 497, 508–24, 528–9, 535–46, 549, 579–602, 608–10, 621–37, 643–5, 650–51, 654, 666, 685; as a state 284, 295–6, 420, 638–9; strengths 10, 13, 42, 107–8, 129, 266, 292, 420, 422, 452, 636; title 2–4, 19, 30, 32, 33, 34, 255, 673, 680; transpersonal character 6, 32, 45–6, 196, 285, 328, 348, 574, 709

empresses: canonized 32, 314; coronations 313–14, 705; political influence 214, 301, 313–17, 717

enfeoffment: defined 329; rituals 365, 432, 481;
see also

Engelberg, abbey 586

Engelberge (d. c.900), empress 315

Engern 186

England: church 88, 111, 121; economy 537, 578; and Empire 1, 100, 125, 142, 214–16, 285, 298, 354, 378–9, 386, 716, 717, 720; German attitude to 640–41, 670; government 259, 617; liberties 264–5; monarchy 32, 170, 216, 234, 257, 301, 309, 378–9, 395, 397, 577; Norman conquest 191, 214; towns 523; universities 276;
see also
and individual kings

Enlightenment: Catholic 134, 539–40; impact on imperial politics 133–4, 639, 640; impact on territorial governance 501–2, 539–40, 634, 660

equality 549, 579, 590, 636, 639

Erbach 663

Erchanger (d.917), duke of Swabia from 915 344

Erfurt 371, 373, 374, 578

Erlangen 508

Ernst (1554–1612), duke of Bavaria and archbishop of Cologne 133

Ernst I ‘the Pious’ (1601–75), duke of Gotha from 1640 425

Ernst II (d.1030), duke of Swabia from 1015 44, 347

Ernst August (1629–98), duke (1679) and elector (1692) of Hanover 283

Escorial palace 274

Essen, imperial abbey 317

Essen, town 105

Esslingen, imperial city 557, 563

Estates, armed 459, 687, 747

Estates, imperial
imperial Estates

Estates, social: composition 240–45, 261, 489; criticism 245; ideal 240–41, 252, 499–500, 621–2; origins 52, 239–40, 489, 622; political implications 12, 528–9, 539–40, 547–602; symbolized 272

Estates, territorial: assemblies 174, 437, 527–8, 533–4, 542–3, 583–4, 594, 601; criticism of 601, 646; and emperor 437, 473; homage 527; influence 448, 473, 533–4, 538–9, 542–3, 627; interpretations 524–5; mediate status 599; origins 525, 533, 557, 594, 732; potential 594–602; regional variations 528; representation in 423, 528–9, 593, 594–5, 601–2; role 174, 533–4, 542, 600;
see also
imperial Estates; States General

Estonia 209, 262

Ethiopia 42

ethnicity 7, 233, 260–62, 281, 290

Ettenheim 108

Europe, Council of 682

Europe, ideas of 143, 680–82

European Court of Human Rights 630

European Parliament 683, 686

European Union 6, 13, 157, 466, 662, 681–6

Eussertal monastery 273

Eutin 517

Exarchate 21, 700

exhibitions, historical 676, 679, 681, 682

Ezzonid family 318, 347, 368

Falkenstein 230

family: extinction 360, 367–8, 411; heads of 239, 247, 425, 509, 511; names 246–8; origins 246, 488–9; patrilinear 246–7, 367–8, 493; tombs 67, 92, 567;
see also
dynasticism; households; kinship; marriage

Farnese dynasty 224

fealty 330

Febronism 134, 136

federalism: defined 9; Estates based 594–602; impact on Empire 127; interpretations 9, 365–6, 538; modern 9, 679, 682; and nationalism 668; princely 136, 159, 160, 444, 538, 646, 662, 664–6;
see also
Swiss Confederation

Felix V (1383–1451), pope 1439–49 72, 730, 733

felony, defined 329, 611

Ferdinand I (1508–64), emperor from 1558; accession 74, 165, 307, 310, 435, 741; anti-Semitism 106; as Bohemian king 118, 221–2, 428, 438, 737; Declaration (1555) 116–17, 122–3, 740; and Empire 116, 434–5, 438–9, 448–50; finances 448–50; governance 558, 627, 737–8; as Hungarian king 148, 149–50, 428, 438, 448, 737–8; partitions possessions 429, 450, 741; and Reformation 113–17, 121

Ferdinand II (1578–1637), emperor from 1619; as Bohemian king 596; election 166, 424; governance 435, 439, 451, 458, 564, 632, 744–5; piety 430; relations 429; religious policies 75, 125–7, 744; support for 597

Ferdinand III (1608–57), emperor from 1637; accession 75, 126; courage 299; court 433; death 157; governance 176, 458, 599, 631; and imperial constitution 278–9, 441–2, 451, 745–6; imperial ideal 272–3; piety 430

Ferdinand IV (1633–54), king of the Romans from 1653 75, 442, 746

Ferdinand I (1793–1875), Austrian emperor 1835–48 665

Ferdinand Joseph (1768–1824), grand duke of Tuscany 1790–1801 and from 1814, elector of Salzburg 1802–6, elector and grand duke of Würzburg 1806–14 650

Ferrara 194, 569

Fesch, Joseph (1763–1839) 653

Fettmilch, Vincenz (d.1616) 106

feudal dues 227, 231, 396, 532

feudal registers 367

feudalism: abolished 644; and communes 510; defined 328–31; and Empire 44–5, 334–5, 356–63, 644; interpretations 328, 353, 676, 678;
see also
homage; imperial fiefs; investiture; lordship; vassalage

feudalization 356–66, 406, 419, 424, 493, 515, 525, 586, 718

feuding: burghers 520; causes 398, 520, 634; examples 358, 398, 558; impact 376; legal basis 613; level 398–9; peasants 399; renounced 402–3, 557, 562, 625, 632

fiefs: commercialization 369–70, 463, 492, 511; held by commoners 364; converted to allodial property 542; escheated 363–4, 374, 383, 388, 447, 561, 615; female 363; flag 330; knights’ 364, 511, 559–60, 561, 601; mediate 335, 364, 368, 375–7, 497; numbers 561; origins 44–5; wallet 364;
see also
benefices; imperial fiefs; vassalage

Finale 225–6

Finland 571

First City War (1388–9) 574–5, 729

First World War (1914–18) 660, 667, 675

Fiscal’s Office 406

Fischer, Joschka (b.1948) 682

flags 156, 210, 251, 270–71, 330, 365, 671–2

Flanders: economy 87, 462, 506; emigration from 95–6, 98; and Germany 185; rulers 199, 228; towns 506, 508, 571, 577, 580

Florence: and emperor 69, 392; governance 193, 520, 521; influence 516; population 506; territory 518

Florida 165

Foerster, Friedrich Wilhelm (1869–1966) 677

Fontenoy, battle (841) 340

Forchheim 58

Formosus (c.815–96), pope from 891 48

France: army 289, 399, 545, 645; censorship 276; ceremonial status 160; church 72, 84, 93, 112, 116, 119, 130, 161; civil wars 121, 158, 171, 173, 399, 456, 600; cultural influence 291, 550; expansion 229–30, 447, 644, 649–50, 745, 749, 752; finances 450, 468, 545; German view of 173, 175, 261, 264, 281, 289, 429, 637, 643–5, 646, 670–71, 681–3; governance 71, 184, 197, 468, 515, 534, 620, 646; conflicts with Habsburgs 73–4, 157–63399, 445, 454, 456, 458–62, 470, 477–8, 588, 645–65, 665, 734–5, 739, 742, 750, 751; cooperation with Habsburgs 154, 160, 455, 647, 746; imperial ambitions 41, 156–7, 298, 443, 746; and imperial princes 115, 129, 137, 158, 161, 175, 227, 456, 470, 477–8, 481, 534, 560, 567, 652, 746, 750, 752; influence in Empire 1, 114, 125, 127, 197–9, 215, 389, 392, 441, 442, 479, 627, 649, 651, 744; law 265, 604, 606, 659; literacy 277; monarchy 32, 40, 121, 234, 257, 274, 278, 301, 313, 318, 397, 535, 645; origins 2, 6–7, 77, 155; and papacy 60, 63, 65, 68–70, 75, 76, 145, 156–7, 161, 214, 392, 723, 724, 728; and Prussia 160, 162, 168, 474, 646, 648, 657, 752; society 503; and Swiss 589; taxation 383; as threat 415; universities 71, 236, 276

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