Heart of Europe: A History of the Roman Empire (168 page)

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. P. H. Wilson, ‘Das Heilige Römische Reich, die machtpolitisch schwache Mitte Europas – mehr Sicherheit oder ein Gefahr für den Frieden?’, in M. Lanzinner (ed.),
Sicherheit in der Vormoderne und Gegenwart
(Paderborn, 2013), pp.25–34.

. E. O. Eriksen and J. E. Fossum (eds.),
Democracy in the European Union: Integration through Deliberation?
(London, 2000); Zielonka,
Europe as Empire
, pp.165–6, 185.


Aachen, imperial city: cathedral 681; coronations at 268, 273, 301, 305, 309–10, 378, 717; as imperial centre 36, 156, 180, 340, 379, 383; and imperial insignia 45, 273, 286, 311, 673, 679; palace at 35, 36, 256, 270, 273–4, 318, 332; unrest 577

Aalen, imperial city 545

Aargau 248, 588

Aargau, treaty (1712) 590

Abbas I ‘the Great’ (1557–1628), shah of Persia from 1586 150

abbeys: foundation 86; governance 371–2, 525; identity 252; and imperial courts 635; influence 122, 337, 374; military obligations 345, 347; and monarchs 86–8, 332, 610; patronage 86–7; plundered 587; possession 372; secularization 135, 650, 651; supervision 53, 91, 376; wealth 87, 89, 129, 132, 544, 545

Abbt, Thomas (1738–66) 290

Abodrites 202–3, 212, 214, 346

Abruzzi 354

Absolutism: alleged 596; defined 501; and Empire 423, 747; enlightened 501–2, 539–40; ‘imperial’ 158, 501; in practice 531, 538–40

Acre 147

Adalbero Eppensteiner (980–1039), duke of Carinthia from c.1011 249

Adelbert (932–71), co-king of Italy 950–61 298

Adelbert (d.1072), archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen from 1043 92

Adelheid (c.931–99), empress 85, 313, 314–15

Adelheid of Savoy (d.1079) 297

administration: corruption 534; development 434–5, 511–12; financial 367, 370, 533–4, 541–4, 594; district 370; local 511–12, 519–22, 535; and written culture 54, 259–60, 320–25, 367, 404, 479, 525–6, 535–6, 541, 561, 594, 608–9, 628–9;
see also

Adolf of Nassau (c.1250–98), German king from 1292; ability 302, 387; burial 67; deposition 302, 386–7, 394–5; election 308, 386, 722; governance 723

Adolf II of Nassau (1423–75), archbishop of Mainz from 1461 625

Adrianople (Edirne) 148

Adso (c.910–92), abbot of Montier-en-Der 39

Africa 21, 143, 144, 145, 165, 167, 169, 518, 701

Ageltrude of Benevento (d.923), empress 313, 705

Agnes of Poitou (1024–77), empress 197

Agnes of Waiblingen (1072–1143) 246

agrarian depression 376, 494–5

Al-Andalus, caliphate 145

Al-Kamil Al-Malik (d.1238), sultan of Egypt 146

Al-Rashid, Harun (786–809), caliph of Baghdad 145

Albert I (1255–1308), king from 1298: burial 67; character 386; election 387; governance 70, 722–3; son 387, 724

Albert II (1397–1439), king from 1438: anti-Semitism 104; as crusader 147; election 401, 428, 731; son 733; successor 424, 732; wife 401

Albert of Stade (c.1187–c.1260) 306

Albini, Franz Joseph baron (1748–1816) 662

Albrecht III (1340–95), duke of Austria from 1365 369

Albrecht V
Albert II

Albrecht VI ‘the spendthrift’) (1418–63), archduke of Austria 401

Albrecht Achilles (1414–86), margrave of Bayreuth from 1440 373, 575

Albrecht Alcibiades (1522–57), margrave of Brandenburg-Kulmbach (Bayreuth) 1527–53 560

Albrecht von Hohenzollern (1498–1568), Teutonic grand master (1520–25), and duke of Prussia from 1525 210

Alemania 81, 185, 257;
see also

Alemanni 24, 185, 236, 238, 257, 699

Alexander ‘the Great’ (356–323
) 4, 145, 148

Alexander II (d.1073), pope from 1061 55

Alexander III (d.1181), pope from 1159 506, 569

Alexander I (1777–1825), Russian tsar from 1801 220

Alexandria 22, 699, 701

Alfred ‘the Great’ (c.848–99), king of Wessex from 871 214

Algiers 149

Alice of Champagne (1196–1246) 147

Alfonso X (1221–84), king of Castile and Leon (1252) and German king (1257) 67, 68, 164, 298, 378, 720

allodial property 327–8, 348, 351, 361, 375, 382, 542, 615, 709

Alpine passes 57, 59, 186, 189, 195, 225, 585–6, 588

Alsace: bailiwick 390; and Burgundy 200; and France 745; and Habsburgs 437, 556; and Lorraine 199; nobles 554, 561; origins 185; and Württemberg 369

Alsatian Civic League (1354) 573

Alsatian Civic League (1376) 728

Altenburg castle 355

Altheim, battle (1372) 728

Althusius, Johannes (1557–1638) 531, 600, 601

Altmark 95

Altona 105

Amadeus VIII, count (1391) and duke (1416) of Savoy
Felix V

Amalfi 191

Amalric II (c.1155–1205), king of Cyprus from 1194 and of Jerusalem from 1197 140

America: emigration to 168–9;
see also
New World; United States

American Revolution 580, 601

American Revolutionary War (1775–83) 167, 455, 481, 600–601

amcitia see

Amsterdam 167, 466, 522

Anacletus II (d.1138), pope from 1130 713

Ancona 190, 354

Andechs, counts of 360–61

Angevin dynasty 67, 68, 147, 192, 197, 211, 214, 378, 392, 719, 720, 723

Anhalt, principality 113, 120, 361–2

Anhalt, Bernhard count of (1140–1212), duke of Saxony from 1180 359

Anhalt-Dessau 640–41

Anhalt-Zerbst 155, 220

Anjou family
Angevin dynasty

Anna of Tirol (1585–1618), empress 314

Anno II (1010–75), archbishop of Cologne from 1056 92, 318, 618–19, 710

Annweiler, Markward von (d.1202), margrave of Ancona 354

Ansbach: Estates 530; influence 556; Jews 105; nobles 561, 575; origins 362; and Prussia 480–81, 645, 752; religion 113, 120, 132; revolts 634

(1938) 677

Anselm Casimir Wamboldt von Umstadt (1580–1647), elector of Mainz from 1629 264

anti-kings: candidates 297, 303, 374, 424; elected 58, 214, 302, 306, 308, 351, 374, 389, 395, 572, 711, 713, 719–20; and papacy 58, 66; support for 351, 378;
see also
elections, double

Antioch 22, 699, 701

Antonius, Gottfried (1571–1618) 278

Antwerp 167

Appenzell 588

Apostolic succession 22

Apulia 101, 703, 706, 709

Aquileia, patriarchate 189, 359

Aquitaine, kingdom 41, 196

Arabia 144, 149, 701

Arabs: conquests 22, 27, 145, 191, 701, 703; defeated 25, 702, 710; raiding 47, 82, 191, 703, 707; slave trade 79; in Spain 95; as threat 30, 77; victory over Otto III 83, 191, 708;
see also

Aragon, kingdom 67, 164, 192

Aragonese Privileges 359

arbiter, international 158, 175–6

arch offices 208, 222, 283, 306–7, 319–20, 323, 365, 380

archchancellor 134, 319–20, 324, 410, 662

archducal title 429, 727

archive: Estates 594; imperial 320, 323; judicial 658–9; papal 54

Arduin of Ivrea (955–1015), king of Italy from 1002 188, 708

Arelat, kingdom 195, 196

Arenberg, principality 412, 662

Arianism 22, 24

Aristotle (384–322
) 170

Arles 187, 196, 197, 318;
see also
Arelat, kingdom; Provence

Armaeus, Dominicus (1579–1634) 279

Armenia 95, 140, 142, 146, 701

armies: ancient Roman 31; Austrian Habsburg 76, 244, 253, 399, 433, 455–62, 481, 562, 587; Bavarian 270, 452, 473, 477; British 661; Byzantine 139, 321; Carolingian 321; Danish 582; demobilization 452, 461; French 289, 399, 454, 645; legal basis 172–4, 455–60, 475; Norman 191; organization 456–7; Ottonian 51, 321–2, 345; peasant 592–3; permanence 174, 459, 533–4, 564, 747; Prussian 237, 241; recruitment 456, 459, 475, 510–12, 518, 562; Russian 155; Sachsen-Hildburghausen 544; size of 63, 320–21, 329, 333–4, 345, 399, 445, 452, 456, 458–62, 472, 558, 592, 821; slave 79, 100, 144; Staufer 63, 146–7, 221, 333–4, 378; uniforms 253, 502, 673;
see also
imperial army

Arminius (c.17
–AD 21) 262, 671

Arnulf (850–99), emperor from 896 48, 341, 705

Arnulf ‘the Evil’ (d.937), duke of Bavaria from 907 343

Arpad dynasty 205, 207, 211

Artois 200, 228

Aschaffenburg castle 371

Asia 143

Asiatic Company 168

Askanier dynasty: electoral title 307, 375, 382, 389, 396, 724, 727; partitions 307, 382; possessions 351, 358–9, 361, 389, 727, 730; princely status 362

assemblies: attendance at 286, 338, 571; citizens’ 515; civic 571, 574, 576; ‘court’ 406; federal 590, 656, 664–5, 671; Hungarian 211, 380, 595; interpretations 338; kingless 58, 350, 352, 394, 406–7; Kreis 286, 403, 415–16, 417, 419, 420, 437, 444, 457, 459, 529, 531, 566, 594, 642, 646, 652, 741; Italian 194, 226, 305, 345–6, 355–6; Polish 211, 380, 595; and public peace 619–20; rituals 337–8; royal 58, 235, 310, 319, 323, 331–2, 337–8, 342, 345–6, 385, 406–7, 416, 418–19, 625, 731; and taxes 325, 405, 420, 731; venue 58, 310; village 528;
see also
Estates; Reichstag; republicanism

associations: cross-confessional 439; cross-status 562–7; legal basis 513, 547, 549, 551–2, 563–5, 572; political implications 499, 547–8, 554–7; rural 231, 722, 592–4; social basis 547–9; status tensions 556–7, 562, 568–9, 576–7, 579–80, 597, 624;
see also

Asti 515

Attila the Hun (c.406–53) 268

Aufseß, Hans von (1801–72) 670

Augsburg, bishopric 92

Augsburg Confession (1530) 739

Augsburg, imperial city 58, 130; assemblies at 58; as imperial centre 400, 405, 418; Reichstags at 115, 117, 218, 228, 407, 438, 814; religion 130, 577; town hall 286

Augsburg Religious Peace (1555): impact beyond Germany 118, 119, 165, 590; modification 127–8, 744; negotiation 115, 137, 407, 440, 740; preservation 120–25, 229, 741–4; terms 74, 75, 115–17, 218, 255, 577, 740–41

August (1526–86), elector of Saxony from 1553 432

Augustan threshold 4

Augustinian order 135

Augustus (63
–AD 14), Roman emperor from 27
4, 33, 34, 38, 153, 286

Augustus ‘the Strong’
Friedrich August I

Augustulus (460–c.507), Roman emperor 475–6 20, 700

Aurich 584

Austrasia 24

Austerlitz, battle (1805) 652, 753

Austria: archducal title 429, 562, 727; Babenberg rule 306, 358, 378, 427–8, 430, 713, 720; separation from Bavaria 187, 343; ceremonial status 160; denied electoral title 389; disputed possession 358, 382; ducal title 358, 361; economy 494, 497; relation to Empire 1, 180, 181, 185, 217; Estates 527–9, 555, 595; as fief 363; and Germany 664, 667, 672, 677; governance 367, 370, 401, 540, 555; Habsburg acquisition 369, 385, 388, 427, 720–23; imperial title 162–3, 219, 753; influence 386; law 428; nobles 124, 212, 368, 401; patron saint 430; potential royal status 379; princely status 361, 413; and Reichstag 413, 474; religion 120; towns 507; universities 71, 429, 672;
see also
Habsburg dynasty, Austrian; Habsburg dynasty, Spanish; Habsburg monarchy

Austria, Federal Republic 9

Austria, Inner 123, 741, 744

Austria, Lower 368, 597

Austria, Upper 597, 633

Austria-Hungary 672

Austrian Kreis: and Empire 672; established 218, 403; membership 436–7, 736

Austrian Succession, war (1740–48) 158–9, 288, 316–17, 375, 476–9, 750

Austro-Papal war (1708–9) 75–6, 470

Avars 186, 201, 203–4, 268

Aversa, county 709

Avignon 68, 69–70, 193, 197, 282, 310, 392, 723–5

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