Heart Lies & Alibis (17 page)

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Authors: Pepper Chase

BOOK: Heart Lies & Alibis
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I grabbed for the bedside light and flicked it on just as Declan held his hands up and began talking and trying to calm me down. "Reagan, babe, it's me. I'm so sorry I scared you. I thought you heard me come in the room. I called and called your phone when I got off work but there was no answer so I came over. I was really worried and I wanted to see you right away. But the house was dark and I assumed you were asleep so I didn't want to knock on the door and wake you." He looked sheepish and I knew he realized how bad he had scared me.

My heart thudded in my chest. He had scared the living hell out of me and it would take a moment to recover. "Very considerate of you. Much better plan to scare me almost to death than to knock on the door like a civilized person. How exactly did you get in here Declan?"

He gave me a lopsided grin. "I climbed the tree again. I thought I would knock on the window but I saw you had left the balcony doors unlocked so I just came in"

I pursed my lips in annoyance while still attempting to calm my thudding heart and return my breathing to normal. I hated to feel this scared. "How romantic. And you didn't think a stranger coming in my room, in the dark at" I glanced at my bedside clock, "1a.m. might cause a problem? You scared the hell out of me, you jerk. Damn."

He reached for my hand and I reluctantly let him take it. "I know and I'm so sorry my love. I guess I didn't really think the plan through all the way or I would have realized how stupid it was. I just needed to see you and make sure you were safe and I acted without thinking." He kissed the top of my hand turning his best puppy dog eyes on me to plead for forgiveness. The boy was going to be the death of me.

With a groan, I flopped back against the pillows. I felt the bed covers slide down to the top of my thighs and I didn't bother to adjust them before I flung my arms over my eyes. I was getting too old for this crazy shit.

I tensed slightly when I felt Declan's hand run along the edge of the t-shirt, his fingers leaving a warm trail across my already tingling skin. The shirt stopped at mid-thigh, leaving ample skin for him to explore. I loved how my body responded immediately to his touch. Even when I was still recovering from the near heart attack he had caused with his arrival in my bedroom, he could get me excited.

"Is this my shirt?" He murmured as his finger continued to tease my skin with the slightly rough texture of his fingers creating a tingling friction I found myself really enjoying.

Soon I was forgetting everything but the feel of his fingers on my skin and his body being near mine. My voice was barely above a whisper in the dark room. "Yes. I like that it smelled like you so I wanted to wear it. I wasn't sure I would see you tonight and I needed to have you feel close." His fingers were getting more curious now and I liked the path they were taking.

Now they were sliding, softly along my leg, working their way to my inner thigh. "Very nice and I like the way it looks on you." His voice was husky. His hand slid higher, gently easing my legs open and I heard him groan when he discovered I wasn't wearing anything beneath the shirt. "Damn, I really like how it looks on you now."

His fingers continued their path north, gently brushing my most sensitive areas. I gasped when he slid first one and then two fingers into my dampening pussy. I closed my eyes tighter, lifting my hips off the bed, and spreading my legs open further to allow him better access. With his other free hand he pushed the t-shirt further up my body, trailing his fingers along my tensed abdomen. Soon, his hand found its way back to join the other one that was already doing incredible things to my body.

My breath was ragged and my heart was racing as I felt him shift on the bed right before his fingers pulled free. His hands moved swiftly to cup my ass and I nearly came off the bed when his tongue replaced his fingers in exploring my throbbing clit. He licked and pulled, sucking gently and then with increasing pressure until I was writhing and moaning beneath him. I was out of my mind with pleasure when his tempo increased. His tongue twirled faster and I could feel the wave building inside me. The orgasm was soon filling every thought and nerve ending in my body. I dug my hands in his hair while he continued his relentless pursuit in making me come. I needed this release tonight more than ever.

He was rewarded in his efforts moments later. "Oh my god. Declan." I whimpered just before I fell over the cliff into abandon. The climax was intense, with wave after wave of pleasure crashing across my body, leaving me tingling and shaky. I heard him get off the bed and watched as he stripped his clothes off before rejoining me. Kissing him, with my own juices on his lips, was as intimately hot as anything we had shared to this moment. I moaned against his lips before he leaned back and lifted the t-shirt up and off my head before resuming our kiss. He pulled me close, the softness of my breasts pushing desperately into the hard planes of his chest and the kiss intensified to breathlessness in moments.

I was feeling beyond euphoric and knew I wanted Declan to have the same pleasure explosion tonight. I leaned back, pulling my mouth from his before I rolled him onto his back. I was draped across him for a moment and our eyes locked. I slowly slid down his body, depositing a blazing trail of kisses across his taut stomach until my chin bumped into his throbbing cock. It looked larger than usual, fully erect against his stomach, and begging to be tasted. I felt him tense and swallow a groan. His entire body was tense and radiating a sexual energy that almost sparked in the room. I had him more than ready for the next step of my plan.

I couldn't help but to giggle as I felt his body go more rigid with anticipation. I knew he was on the very edge of holding on before his release. Ooh, this was going to be fun! "Oops. I think I bumped something. I sure hope I didn't hurt it." I teased in my sexiest drawl, hearing him suck in his breath. I looked at him from where I lay between his legs and was pleased to see his eyes were closed and his breathing was labored. "Maybe I should kiss it and make it feel better." I teased again before placing my lips at the tip of cock and gently kissing it.

I felt Declan's whole body arch, his fingers digging into the sheets while a deep groan I looked back up just as his eyes rolled back in pure joy. His mouth was slightly open and his breath was more labored as he tried to maintain some form of control.

The look on his face made me smile again before I took the tip further into my mouth and heard his intake of breath. Running my tongue down the shaft I began a slow massage of his magnificent cock with my mouth and hands. It was Declan's turn to go a bit mad with pleasure. He bucked his hips slightly and I could tell he was reaching the top of the mountain but before he could go over the top I pulled my mouth free and straddled his hips. His eyes popped open in surprise at the sudden ceasing of oral pleasure but darkened with deeper desire when he saw exactly what I was about to do. Without a word, our eyes still locked on one another, I reached over and retrieved a condom from my bedside drawer. Declan watched as I slowly rolled it down his engorged and throbbing cock.

He placed his hands on either side of my hips. His voice was tense with lust when he groaned "Oh damn Reagan. You are so fucking hot. And so damn amazing. Oh man, yes baby. That feels so good." He moaned again as I slid my body down onto him, slowly taking every bit of his manhood into my slick pussy. He gripped my hips with more pressure, guiding me up and down the shaft in a quickening rhythm. My breasts were bouncing freely above his face and he lifted his head up, taking a nipple in his mouth, as we continued to move together. I was panting by now and squealed in ecstasy as he pulled on the sensitive nipple.

He pounded into me, burying his cock to the base, over and over until I thought I might lose my mind. He felt so amazing inside me and I was so lost in the moment his release nearly took me off the bed. He held my hips still and drove himself as deep as he could one last time, his head lolling back and a low moan coming from his throat as I felt him fully let go. I was only a moment behind him, our climaxes crashing together like an ocean wave against the rocks. Our bodies remained locked together in the most intense dance of passion until our release was complete. Declan lay spent against the pillow, a wave of pleasure rolling across his face. He looked as satisfied in that moment as I imagined I had ever seen him look. I smiled, my heart swelling with deepening love.

I gently slid off of him and lay down beside him on the pillow. He pulled me close to his side for a few minutes, neither of us having the need or the ability to speak. He slipped out of bed to dispose of the condom and then returned to pull me against his side again.

"That was incredible." His voice was soft, as if the energy to form words was still beyond his current state. "I have never known sex to be like this Reagan. You are unbelievable." He kissed the top of my head.

"As are you my love." I mumbled already drifting off to sleep, a smile on my face. Declan held me closer and was not far behind in letting sleep claim him too.


Someone is ringing a doorbell in my dream and they really need to be be quiet. I am so tired I just want to sleep. Go away annoying stranger. Wait. That wasn't in your dream stupid. Someone is at the house, ringing the doorbell at 6:30am in the morning, I confirmed glancing at the bedside clock. What kind of horrible person would do such a thing?

Declan was still asleep, recovering from the night before. Even young studs needed some down time after a night of great sex. I smiled looking at his wonderfully naked form in my bed. He looked so sexy right now, the sheet lay barely at his waist and almost revealing everything. I forgot all about the doorbell for a moment.

His right arm was flung back over his head and his hair was tousled just the way I liked. My body had better plans than answering the door when I heard a more intense knocking coming from downstairs. Whoever was there really wanted to make their presence known. I sighed and looked at Declan one more time. He hadn't awoken from the doorbell or the knock so I slipped out of bed as quietly as I could, hoping to come back after getting rid of whoever was the door and be able awaken him more creatively.

Reluctantly, I pulled on my robe and went downstairs. I reached the door and stopped, looking through the peephole to see who the insistent visitor was and feeling my breath catch and my heart stop when I saw who was standing there. My fingers dug into the door and I contemplated not opening it for a moment but I knew that wasn't an option.

I looked out again to confirm my fears. Detectives Davis and Perretti waited impatiently on the porch, accompanied by two uniformed officers. Oh no. What the hell were they doing at my house? My body filled with dread. A visit this early was always bad news.

After I plastered a smile on my face, I opened the door hoping to appear calm and casual. "Detectives. What brings you by so early?" I looked from one to the other anxiously.

Neither smiled back. My stomach dropped but I remained as calm as possible. Hysterics would not help my situation.

"May we come in, Mrs. McCallister?" Davis asked. Always the gentleman, his request was polite but still sounded more like an order. Something was terribly wrong.

I pulled my robe tighter around me while continuing to block their entrance. The attorney in me knew I didn't need to let them in. At least not yet. "Its a little early for an interview, don't you think Detective Davis?"

Perretti sneered before pushing past Davis and forcing me to back up as she slammed her way into my house. "We aren't here for an interview." She waved a paper in my face. "We have a warrant for your arrest, Mrs. McCallister. For the murder of your husband." She looked like she was going to break into a huge grin at any moment. I bet she had insisted to Davis she be the one to tell me that wonderful news.

Though I had worried this exact moment might eventually happen, I was too stunned to speak at first and unconsciously stepped back allowing them all to come in.

"We also have a warrant to search your house and your car. But first, you will need to get dressed so we can take you to the station for booking." She added looking me up and down. The disgusted look on her face made me feel like I was standing in front of her naked.

To make matters worse, at that precise moment Declan appeared at the top of the stairs, pulling his t-shirt over his head. The detectives glanced up at his approach and it was clear to everyone watching, he had just woken up from in my bed. I cringed as a smirk spread across Perretti's face again. She knew we'd been caught and she couldn't wait to nail my ass to the wall.

"Hello Mr. O'Shea. We didn't expect to see you here so early this morning." That was a lie. I could tell this was exactly what they expected to find.

Declan ignored the statement, his face scowling with confusion and annoyance. "Detectives. What the hell is going on? What are you doing here?" He started down the stairs but Perretti stopped his complete decent, walking over and blocking him at the bottom.

"That's far enough, Mr. O'Shea. We are here to arrest your 'friend' for the murder of her husband and we need you to stand aside." The way she said friend made me cringe again.

Declan let out a cynical laugh, "You have got to be kidding me. There has to be some mistake. Reagan did not kill her husband." He had his hands on his hips and his eyes darted about the room, finally stopping on mine. In spite of his forced bravado, he looked as scared as I felt right then.

Perretti was not interested in discussing the matter any further. "We don't joke about murder, Mr. O'Shay, and the evidence we have say differently. Please step aside. Mrs. McCallister needs to get dressed so we can take her down for booking and we have wasted enough time this morning. I would suggest if you really are her friend, you'll call a good attorney for her as soon as you can. She's going to need one."

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