Having It All (46 page)

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Authors: Jurgen von Stuka

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Having It All
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“A threesome, then,” Roth suggested.

“Yeah. That's it. That's good dream material - all three of us being disciplined at once.”

“Can you relate any of this to the dream you initially mentioned?” Roth asked.

“I suspect that as more intense scenes are played out in the house, in our real life, the violence and intensity of the dreams may increase. This is just my private opinion, Doc. I don't have any proof,” Sandy added.

“I see. That's a good observation. If I were to follow your hypothesis, I might conclude that eventually things might get too violent. How do you feel about that?”

“It's possible, but I don't think we are going that way. We do not necessarily seek greater and greater extremes. Rather, we simply look for variation and variety. My recent experience was accidental and although I know that accidents can be tragic, I don't think that we are anywhere near that at this stage,” Sandy said slowly, thinking about what she wanted to say. “Jim, my sister and her friend are smart people and not nut cases. Nor am I, despite the visits you and I have weekly.”

“Yes,” said Roth, standing up from his chair. “I think you are correct, but be careful. Make sure someone is always on the safety side of your dramas, please. Our time is up. See you next week.”

Chapter Thirty One


Meg and Sandy stared at each other across the room. Neither could speak because their gags were very effective, but they were trying to communicate by mumbling through the stuffing in their mouths. Both women were bound with nylon rope around their wrists behind their back, pulled uncomfortably up and fastened to one of the many wall rings in the room. Their elbows were also tied closely together and their knees, thighs and ankles were wound with several loops of the white rope, cinched and tied with knots well out of reach. Even though this was one of the dozen bondage situations they both described in their outlines, they were not comfortable in this position, which forced them to bend at the waist to relieve the strain on their shoulders and arms. This caused their breasts to hang out and down, away from their bodies with the excited nipples pointing more or less at the floor. The more tension Jim put on their wrist ropes, the more they had to bend over and the further their tits hung out, presenting ideal targets for whatever Jim had in mind.

In their heads, both women knew what was coming. After all, they invented the position…or at least Meg thought about it and wrote it down on the questionnaire. They were already suffering from the strict bondage, but the real unpleasantness came from what Jim jokingly referred to his loops. Offered a chance to experience the mysterious arrangement, Meg and Sandy volunteered while Remmy was spending a few days of punishment locked in the hanging body cage in the Upper Room. Jim quickly tied their hands behind their backs, gagged them and marched them into the maid's room. As soon as they were well tied and fastened to the wall, he went to the dresser and came back with what looked like combination rope and wire harnesses.

He started with Meg while Sandy looked on with increasing concern as Jim placed a pair of rubber-covered wire loops around Meg's full and hanging breasts and pulled the loops tight, squeezing the breast roots into small painful necks supporting the dangling, nipple-tipped flesh globes. Once the wire was tight and the breast bases reduced to about half their usual diameter, Jim wound the rope around Meg's body and then up over each shoulder, creating a sort of rope bra harness. Leaving lots of additional rope hanging from his work, Jim moved over to Sandy and fashioned the same confinement for her smaller, but more than adequate tits. Sandy struggled, as she always did, but of course, in the end, it made no difference and in fact it resulted in Jim tightening the wire loops more than he might have otherwise done. The two rope halters completed, Jim went back to work on Meg, wrapping rope around the wired base of each tit, squeezing the tormented tissue even more, and leaving the woman's tits looking like two shiny red pears attached to her chest. Meg's pink nipples stood out tautly from the captured rigid breast and Sandy's pair soon exhibited the same look. Both women were now whining and moaning into their gags, rubbing their legs together and trying in vain to get Jim's attention and to beg for some release from this painful and prolonged torment.

“You guys seem to be enjoying this,” Jim said without sarcasm. “I think a couple of hours should get you in the mood for some real sex later on tonight, so I'll leave you to contemplate your tits. Later,” Jim said and closed the door.

A little while later, Jim returned and without a word, went to Sandy and began to unwind the rope encircling her tits. The returning blood flow and released flesh brought waves of great pain and she thrashed in her bonds while Jim adjusted the rope and wire confinement, leaving part of the harness in place while releasing the tension so that circulation would return and the feelings that it brought could be fully experienced. Meg fidgeted slightly while Jim worked with Sandy, attaching a chromed pair of nose hooks to Sandy's nostrils and pulling the connecting twine back and tying it to the back of her gag. Then, as she whined and struggled even more, Jim put a soft cloth blindfold over her eyes and walked over to Meg.

“You sure seem to be taking this well,” he said, pulling the woman's shoulder length hair back and staring into her glowing, tearless eyes. Meg almost seemed to laugh at him, neither flinching nor moving away from the brutal work Jim had done to her tits. “Want me to loosen this up a bit?” Jim asked, still holding her head up and watching her eyes.

“Esssth. Easesss,” she mumbled through the gag, shaking her head as well.

Jim loosened the rope and wire and waited until the shocks of the release had run their course through the woman's taut body. Then he produced another set of tiny loops fashioned out of very thin nylon line and slipped the loops over each erect nipple.

“How's that strike you?” he asked, knowing that Sandy could not see what he was doing to her sister. Meg tried to nod but said nothing.

“Good,” said Jim. “I knew you were a tough bitch, so let's get it on a bit more.” He pulled the nipple lines tight, making sure that the loops were well seated at the nipple base, then let the string fall towards the floor. He retied the wire and rope bindings in slightly different positions and then put on the nose hooks as he had done with Sandy. The blindfold came next. Satisfied that he was on the right track, Jim bent down and tied the nipple lines to a single ring in the floor. The effect on Meg was interesting if nothing else. As she tried to compensate for the awful pull on her nipples, she increased the tension on her nose hooks, further distorting her nostrils. If she tried to relax the nose hooks, she increased the painful stretching of her nipples. Meanwhile, the wire and rope loop combination around her tits, now in its second episode, was taking a toll in pain and increased discomfort. Meg was now whimpering and showing both sexual agitation and some degree of physical distress.

Jim checked Sandy again and noticed tears running down her cheeks as well and decided that after ten or fifteen minutes, he'd ease up on their bonds and tit torture. As he stood watching the struggling bound women, his cell phone vibrated and he walked out of the room to take the call. When he returned, it was with a recalcitrant Remmy at the end of a short leash, arms and wrists bound behind her back, a massive, lump of soft wood jammed between her white teeth and an ace bandage wound around her head, covering her forehead and eyes. That was all she wore. A set of Jim's best heavy shackles on her ankles with a short connecting hobble completed the outfit. Remmy, after a few hours in the hanging cage, with her nipple rings and tongue pulled upwards and weights dangling from her cunt lips, still seemed full of fight. As he unhooked the thin chains from her three rings, Jim noted that Remmy seemed no worse for wear. Taking the weights from her labia only improved her already positive demeanor. Seeing that she was ready for more action, Jim thought it best to get all of his charges into one room for the night and set them up so that they wouldn't sleep much and couldn't get off on the bondage or each other.

Jim's plan was simple enough. He carefully arranged the threesome so that they were barely touching each other, chained to the ceiling hooks and floor rings with arms and legs spread wide apart and wide leather belts with multiple D rings arranged around the lower and upper edges of the belts. Instead of the conventional buckles securing the belts in exaggerated tightness around each woman's waist, these girdle-like waist compressors had thin stainless steel wires through the entire length of the belt. Each wire terminated in a swaged loop holding a heavy Master Padlock. As he set the belts up on the three women, Jim used a levered tensioner, a gadget somewhat like a miniature come-along pulling device, to pull the cable loops together and then put the locks in place. Each belt had five such cables and lock combinations and when finished, they reduced the bound waists to wasp-like proportions. The belts served as a hard point for other attachments which Jim did not display. He brought the women into the room, stretched them in spread-eagle position with only their fingers touching each other and their high-heeled feet closely chained on the floor. If one girl raised her heel and moved her leg slightly, as much as the restraint allowed, she could barely touch the girl chained next to her. This was a purposeful proximity, again founded on Meg's creative description in her outline. She wrote,
“I want to spend the night naked, closely chained to another woman who I desperately want to have, but cannot reach. I think it would be even more exciting to have a dildoe in my cunt and be able to activate it now and then to further get me hot. It might also be interesting if the other girl was in the same situation.”

So Jim once again obliged. He added three tight and confining hoods to the mix, seating a smaller ball gag inside each widely opened mouth. Then he zipped the back of the hood closed and placed an unnecessary, but psychologically effective lock on the base of the zipper where it met the wide collar around each neck. When finished, Jim stepped back and admired the threesome in the maid's room.

“Have a great night, girls,” he said before closing and locking the heavy steel and hardwood door. “Coffee and donuts at seven tomorrow, I hope you'll be there.”

The door slammed and the bolts slid into place. The three friends quivered and shook as they realized that the next eight hours were going to be something none of them had ever experienced before. Each girl wondered about the tight waist cincher she wore and secretly wished that Jim had placed something hard and active between their widely spread legs. Meg wondered why he hadn't completed the fantasy and added a dildo to the combination. Eventually, as the clock ticked slowly towards midnight in the darkened room, it came to her that the real control, the real manipulation of her physical being and her psyche came from not just her strained situation, but also from the fact that she was not being given exactly what she asked for. This classic dom/sub psychological twist further inflamed her already roaring sexual fire and she twisted and pulled at her bonds, imagining that she was tied to Remmy and having superb sex with her instead of being strung up like a puppet, unable to touch her own sex or anyone else's.

When they were released the next day, Jim changed his usual procedure and instead of unlocking all of the chains, he went to each girl and switched her restraints so that she was left standing with wrists cuffed behind her, a collar on her neck, a tightly zipped discipline hood on her head and new ankle shackles. Once he had all three freed and rebound, he hooked short chain lengths from one collar to the next and then encouraged by his whip, had them slowly walk out of the room, staggering wide-legged like drunks down the hall and then down the two flights of stairs to the basement. Behind the gags and hoods, there was grumbling and whines. Once in the basement, Jim backed them up against the damp cinderblock wall, locked each collar separately to a convenient ring, making sure they were unable to touch each other, and then left, turning out the lights as he reached the top of the stairs. The original eight hours of forcible bondage stretched into sixteen and they weren't released until late that evening.


Eventually, Meg and Remmy had to return to California. It was a sad parting, but they all agreed to meet again soon, perhaps in San Francisco. The four of them had gotten along well for the months they were together and now, for Sandy, the prospect of them no longer being around was depressing. The house was too quiet, lacking the constant erotic electricity of the two women and their always-interesting games.

A week after they left, Sandy told Jim that she was considering returning to the museum, but wanted to hear his thoughts on it before she phoned her old boss and asked for her job back. In reality, there was no question they’d take her back, but Sandy had some ideas about new exhibits that she thought might be met with shock on the part of the board.

“What did you have in mind?” Jim asked across the dinner table.

“Why not a series of bondage exhibits?” Sandy said, much too quickly for Jim to entirely grasp what she said.


“Think about it. Every society in history has had its own forms of bondage for punishment, intimidation, humiliation or whatever. You cannot turn the pages of any history book without seeing drawings or photos of people in stocks, chained in dungeons or in galley ships, or in slave markets. Think of all the graphics with witches chained to the stake, Joan of Arc in chains before her inquisitors, slaves for sale on the block, pilgrims in stocks in the public square and hundreds more, different situations. Every society has its methods and techniques, the fascination remains. People find it curiously arousing, no matter what they say. Imagine a film from any era without some sort of bondage scene in it. Now days, it's been tamed by those who want the double standard of “we won't admit it's a societal fascination” but it's still there. We could design a series of exhibits with historical references: Egyptian slaves, Greek galleys, Chinese captives, American Indian captives, pirate’s prisoners on the high seas…all that good stuff.”

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