Having It All (41 page)

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Authors: Jurgen von Stuka

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Having It All
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1st Voice:”The slave has passed out. Take her away. Chain her in the cage. We’ll resume tomorrow.”

Silence. Sandy slumps on the wall.

Jim moves to release her and lowers her to the floor. In a moment she revives, looks up at him with a vacant gaze and asks:

“Did you see it?”

“Yes,” said Jim, quietly. “It was an interesting dialog. You were being whipped by what seemed to be another woman.”



“Yes. She is the dominant Queen on that planet and she was torturing me so that I'd agree to be the Excellency's Sex Slave.”

“Sounds like a reasonable plot. Was it fun?”

“Shit, yes. I was really getting my ass and the backs of my legs flogged and she had me bent over a post. She knew all of my tender spots, that's for sure. Do I get to stay here tonight?”

“No. Too much of this, according to the experts, can be harmful. Come to bed now.”

“Okay. Will you tie and gag me, please. I need to a good night's rest.”

“Consider it done, honey. Consider it done.”

Chapter Twenty Four


Buying chain was a fascinating and rewarding enterprise that Jim enjoyed. There were so many sources and types and varieties that he soon had so much chain that he was at a loss as to where and how to store it. Much went into The Upper Room. Some ended up in the garage and a lot of it ended up attached to Sandy with various locks and shackles. Some of the extra heavy chain was ideal for keeping one sexy and hot woman pretty much in one place. At twelve pounds per foot, no one was going to get very far if there were ten or twelve feet of this chain attached to collar, cuffs and waist. Sandy liked this heavy weight on her body and often nagged Jim, when she was without her gags, to attach it to her cuffs. Jim, on the other hand, saw chain as a handy binder that had a lot of flexibility but was not as stringent as rope or leather straps, so he insisted on keeping his charges under control with a variety of materials, and chains were only one form of restraint.

He worked a few days on creating a series of increasingly stringent chain harnesses. At the “easy” end of the spectrum was the classic Serik, a simple chain set that featured normal cuffs at ankles and wrists. To this he added a moderately restrictive collar and a thick foam gag in the shape of a light bulb. The securing chain passed through the bulb and locked behind the head. It, in turn, was attached to a vertical chain that passed down along the spine, joined the elbow cuffs, then the waist chain, then the two leg bands above the knees and finally locked tight to the short length of chain between the ankles. This was one of Sandy's favorite rigs and as soon as Jim showed it to her, she demanded to be locked into it. Jim, as always, was happy to accommodate her and adjusted each span so that while there was minimum movement allowed, Sandy was not going anywhere in her new chain set. The combination of her own body weight, the collar, cuffs and chain brought her total weight up to over 150 pounds, so she wasn't going to be running in any marathons.

For the “hard” version, Jim changed the length of the vertical connection down her back so that the gag chain between her teeth pulled her head back and held it securely fastened to her collar and elbow shackles. This left Sandy staring upward toward the ceiling. After some experimentation, Jim also shortened the vertical chain, this time so that her ankles were pulled back and locked close to her waist. He locked her wrists snugly to a new length that went between her legs with the obvious, highly desirable effect as it was pulled through her ringed lower lips and connected to the front of the waist chain. So, Sandy went from a fairly permissive restriction in the original set to the highly stressful hog tie of the final arrangement. Jim varied this from time to time, but eventually just built two different sets so that he need not have to adjust the system each time Sandy needed her chain fix, as she called it.

He placed additional lengths of chain on the damp concrete walls of the basement, attached some to the overhead hooks and rings and to multiple styles and types of cuffs, clamps, collars and shackles. When the work, which took weeks to complete, was finished, Jim had, as he said at dinner one night, “enough chains and shackles to lock up an army of women”. Considering that he only had Sandy to play with, this might have seemed excessive, but for Jim it was just application of the old Boy Scout motto, “Be Prepared”. Little did he realize that he would soon have plenty of uses for much of his chain collection.

Chapter Twenty Five


When Sandy suggested inviting her sister, Meg, to visit them for the holidays, Jim initially said, “No way. I'd have to lock up most of the rooms and the garage. Besides, you are in no position to entertain, my dear. Wouldn't Meg just love to find you hanging in your room, cunt, ass, and mouth stuffed and gagged?”

“Yeah, I guess you're right. Except…” She hesitated, and then added, “Meg is, I think, I know, also a closet submissive. When we were kids, we tied each other up a lot and she always seemed to get enjoyment from it. We got involved in a lot of kid's cowboy and Indian dramas. When we were seniors, we were even in a high school play called Dark Alley, which had the two of us kidnapped by some bank robbers and kept tied up for most of the show. We had no real speaking parts except at the beginning when we were captured. After that, we just shouted into the clothes stuffed into our mouths and said nothing.”

“I didn't know you had an acting side.”

“I don't. This was Meg's idea because she needed the credits to graduate and we signed up as extras for the play.”

“Good of you to help her out.”

“Yeah. Right. Our costumes were from the school drama club's wardrobe and we wore very short skirts, fitted white shirts and knee socks that supposedly constituted a school girl's uniform. The high heels were a kind of an afterthought by the drama coach and they added a nice, sexy touch. Under that we wore just plain white bras and bikini panties. Actually, for high school, it was pretty risqué. The play ran for five nights and by the third night or so, we were both sweating and hot as we struggled with the real ropes and gags the robbers used on us.”

“That sounds cool. Did they really tie you well?” Jim asked.

“Too well. The guy doing the rope work was Boy Scout and in ROTC and really knew his knots. Because we were gagged, our objections were disregarded and he really did a job each night, roping us like prisoners. He used prop rope, which was, I think a kind of Japanese hemp twine and it worked very well. With our wrists and elbows behind our back, the gags tied into our mouths, we were very efficiently restrained. He bound our knees and ankles as well and we were put on the floor and left there to struggle and sob appropriately throughout the play. The script called for us to be tied to a heavy trunk in the store room, but since the school only had one set, we ended up on the side of the stage for almost two hours, bound and gagged, muttering now and then and being threatened by the hoods. Every once in a while, one of the characters would glance at us and make some comment and that was our cue to struggle and groan.”

“What an adventure for teenage sisters,” Jim said.

“There was more to it,” Sandy said, sitting down with her gin martini in her hand. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail and thought about the play a moment. “I've never told anyone about this, so here goes. The school drama coach was a known les. We all knew it and got along okay with her as she did her own thing in private at home and never so much as winked at any students. But the night the play closed, she somehow arranged for us to stay tied up as the curtain went down and everyone except us took their bows and headed for the dressing rooms to change and go off campus for drinks and dinner. Meg and I lay tied and gagged on the stage floor while the lights went out and everyone left. We were mostly angry, but a little scared. Then, after a half hour or so of us struggling to get free, which we didn't, Carol Jacobs, the drama teacher comes in with a flashlight, shines it on us and says, 'Aren't you guys going to the party?'“

“We yelled into the sopping wet cloths tied in our mouths and rolled around, trying to get free. We were sweating like crazy and our shirts were open and soaked, presenting two pair of slightly covered, very excited nipples and breasts to anyone who looked, and Carol looked.”

“Don't tell me she attacked you,” Jim said.

“No. She didn't really do anything. She sat down on the floor and asked us if we enjoyed being tied up. She asked it very casually, as if we were in class and she was discussing Shakespeare. Both Meg and I were shocked and realized that she had seen us each night and figured out that we were getting off on the ropes and gags on stage. It later came to both of us that a lot of other people probably figured out the same thing as they watched the show. But we didn't even know there was such a thing as B&D or S&M back then. In hindsight, I suspect that there was a bit of crotch-rubbing going on in the audience because some came back for more than one performance.”

“So, what happened?”

“She asked if we would be happier if we were tied together and said that she could arrange it if we wanted to try it. Oddly, thinking about it now, I can't imagine what was going through our heads, but we both nodded yes and she bent down, rearranged and tightened the ropes and tied us face to face. She opened our shirts, pulled down our bras and made sure that we were nipple to nipple, crotch to crotch. She retied our feet so that my right leg was tied from thigh to ankle to Meg's left leg and hers the same way. My thigh was lodged up into Meg's crotch and hers into mine. After a few seconds of this, we were both panting and Carol was obviously enjoying herself as well. She watched us carefully and gave us a safe sign, then went backstage, leaving us to writhe and struggle for about a half hour, then she came back. By then, Meg and I had both experienced a rather thrilling climax like we had never had before and we were lying there, weeping, sweating and panting from the enjoyment and the efforts.”

“My God, did you report her?” Jim asked, astonished at Sandy's candid narrative.

“Report her? Hell no. She finally untied us, made sure we were both okay and asked if we'd like to try this again sometime. We were both shaken, but said “yes” and went off to the party.”

“Wow, what an initiation,” Jim said.

“Yes. It was. So, that's why I think we should have Meg come and visit. Okay?”

“Okay. Sure. Was there anything else later on? Did you guys have a sister thing going?”

“The next Fall, while I was doing some work for our father and going to the local community college, Meg went off to the state University on a volley ball scholarship. I helped her pack and there was a lot of stuff that went into the trunk that I thought was not needed for college study…”

“Such as?”

“She had a few very skimpy rubber outfits, which were, at that time, not exactly mainstream, but partywear for some venturesome types, especially those with figures like hers.”

“She certainly had a nice shape the last time I saw her. It would be fun to add her to the program,” Jim said.”What else?”

“Bags with rope and even some handcuffs. God knows where she got them in those days, but she had a quick affair with a young local cop and I think the cuffs came from him.”

“How long do you think she'd stay, voluntarily or otherwise?” Jim asked smiling, warming to the idea of a sisterly visit for Christmas and New Years.

“In her last email she said she was no longer dating the nitwit she went with for a year or two. Not only was he fooling around behind her back, but was also into some less-than-legal activities. She seemed to imply that she was now playing around with another woman, Remmy. How about that?”

Jim laughed at the thought of adding a lesbian to their play.

“She could probably take a few weeks off,” Sandy added. “Maybe a month, because the company she works for closes down from Thanksgiving to after New Year's anyway.”

“Wow. Sounds interesting. Should we invite both of them?” Jim asked, smiling his creative smile, thinking about having three great looking women under his control.
Even better
, he thought
, if they are really into the scene and in full acceptance of the situation as it could evolve
. “Invite her to come before Thanksgiving and stay until after the first. Flights will be cheaper if she doesn't fly during the peak periods.”

“And Remmy?” Sandy asked.

“Well, you figure out how to invite her. It needs to be carefully thought out because we don't want a problem to ruin our holidays, do we? If they get here and discover you are serving voluntary slave time and they don't go for it, we'd have to throw them out on the street.”

“Ummmm,” said Sandy. “I think Sister and I need to have a heart-to-heart chat. I'll call her tonight, so you need to give me some slack time to do this. Chain me up, but no gag until afterwards, okay?”

“Sure. Sure. And see if you can get some recent photos of them as well. Play the role of the tolerant and loving sister who will accept them as they are…providing they accept us as we are, heh, heh, heh,” he added with a faux nastiness.

“I think they will surprise you,” Sandy said, turning and dragging her chains into the bathroom. As she shut the door, she looked at herself in the mirror and grinned. “Definitely,” she said, “you will be surprised.”

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