HauntingBlackie (19 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: HauntingBlackie
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“Zorus!” Blackie sounded equally shaken. “You can’t agree to
this. I refuse!”

The male didn’t even glance back at them. “You admitted to
reading council files and it was mentioned Blackie would replace Parlis on the

“I deserve it. Darius was given the highest status and now I’ll
have the same as my brother.”

“You deserve something,” Zorus agreed. “Fine, Fusion. We’ll
do this here in front of witnesses. In the past you’ve attempted to use our
biological connection to manipulate me and get your way. You are the product of
theft from my body while I was being held on Earth. They didn’t ask if I’d
donate my sperm for the experiments that created you. I wouldn’t have even
known of your existence if it weren’t for the tests we performed to discover
possible defects in breeding pacts because of our unknown genetic connections.
You will never be my daughter in a familial sense.”

Eve stopped wiggling to get free of Blackie’s hold,
realizing Zorus wasn’t agreeing to hand him over to Fusion. She calmed enough
to follow the conversation.

Zorus continued after an awkward silence. “I wish I had
reared you. You might have turned out better but it is doubtful after the
mistakes I made with my son. You have always wanted what he was given but it
didn’t make him a better individual. I know exactly how cruel and calculating
you are. I will never forget the reports I was shown six years ago when you
were allowed to interrogate a human male who was captured. It gave me
nightmares and that is difficult to do. I’ve also paid attention to the medical
reports that were filed about your two males. You’re abusive to them, yet they
can’t complain or they’d never be allowed to join another family unit. You’d be
that vindictive if they attempted to leave by stating they were unworthy of
other women.”

“That’s not true. I don’t abuse my men.” Fusion didn’t sound
sincere though. Her voice had cracked a little.

“Don’t lie to me,” Zorus demanded in an icy tone. “Steel
filed a complaint about your mental state while you were assigned to his ship
when he refused your attempts to gain his status. That is when I looked deeper
into your life. Every time one of your family unit males is on Garden, they end
up in Medical with various injuries after spending time with you. I have let it
slide, though, because of our association. No more.”

“What does that mean?” Fusion backed away from Zorus enough
that she almost bumped into a wall. She was unusually pale. “What are you

“You go too far, Fusion. I would never willingly hand
another male over to you to torment. Certainly not one I consider a friend. I’m
also going to make certain the two men in your family unit are assigned
missions that keep them far out of your reach. You are no longer permitted to
leave the planet.”

“You can’t do that!” Fusion stumbled until she bumped the

“You want me to give you what you deserve. So be it.” The
coldness in Zorus’ voice gave Eve chills. “I can’t free your males from your
family unit without their permission or yours but I do have the authority to
assign their missions. Perhaps working in maintenance on the walls that
surround our city will teach you some humility. I’ll deny any application you
put forth to join with another male. You’re also ordered to seek immediate
mental evaluation. You have one hour to present yourself to them or I’ll have
you taken there by force.”

“You are a disgrace!”

Zorus shrugged. “I’ve been called worse.”

“You owe me!”

“No.” Zorus seemed to sag a little. “None of us asked to be
created but we attempt to be the best we can become. Your continuing insistence
that a debt is owed to you for my stolen DNA is insulting to us both and
demeaning to you. Go from my sight or I’ll have you taken away by force. I will
have you arrested if you stay.”

Eve watched the woman storm out of the room without another
word. Blackie eased her down his body until her feet touched the floor. Her
claws retracted as Zorus turned to give them a grim frown.

“I apologize for the interruption.”

“That one is pure bad news, isn’t she?”

The tall cyborg flinched as he lowered his gaze to Eve. “That
is an understatement.”

“It isn’t your fault, Zorus.” Blackie kept Eve in the circle
of his arms. “She should have been glad to have a biological association but
instead she chose to use it as a means to make demands.”

“You’re really her father?” Eve liked Zorus but hated

“Of sorts. My sperm was used without my consent when I was
on Earth and she is one of the results. My son is the other. I was aware of his
existence though. I didn’t learn of Fusion until she’d already reached

Eve was aware of how evil Cameron and some of the other
project leaders could be. “I’m sorry.”

He walked around his desk. “I apologize that she attempted
to go after Blackie because he’ll be joining the council. It’s the highest
status on Garden. My son had it after he joined a family unit with Jazel. I
will assume she believed I’d agree to her scheme.” Zorus seemed eager to change
the subject. “Tell me the names you want on your invitation list for tonight
and I’ll notify them.”

“Just to be clear, I’m removed from my breeding pact,
correct?” Blackie tensed.

Zorus smiled. “Yes.”

“That was a given.” Eve growled. “I’d hurt any female who
tried to touch my mate. I’m the only one you’ll be making babies with.”

Blackie chuckled. “I only want you, gorgeous.”



Danica peered at Eve with a leery expression. “So you’re
really going through with this marriage thing, huh? Gene said there is branding
involved. They use magnetic ink to hold the shape of whatever tattoo they want
until the skin heals around it to make it permanent. They kind of burn it in.”

Eve stepped closer and put her hands on Danica’s shoulders. “We
decided not to get markings. Blackie doesn’t want my skin marred. You’re not
losing me.”

“That’s kind of sweet that he’s not asking you to do that. I’ve
been scoping out some of their designs on the married men. They aren’t too bad
but, for all I know, they could say super-lame things. It’s written in some
cyborg language that is probably difficult to learn. The script is pretty
badass. I’m glad you didn’t agree to that though. The mate thing is solid
enough without having some guy’s name on your bod too.”

“Danica, stop ignoring what I’m trying to tell you.”

She took a step back and broke the connection. “I’m a third

“You’re my sister.”

“You have a mate and he’s some big deal now that he agreed
to join the council. Gene said you were talking about having babies, for crying
out loud. Is that true?”

“We talked about starting a family but nothing is set in
stone yet. I’d like to spend a little time with Blackie before we take the risk
of adding a litter to our family.”

“Oh geez. Do you really think that’s possible? Just because
two of our line had a couple of babies at once doesn’t mean we will, right?”

“It’s certainly a good possibility. Their pregnancies were
healthy and so were the babies.”

“Look how well that turned out for them. They timed the
births right before the big cyborg escape from Earth, thinking they’d be freed
too. You might want to wait awhile to make sure it’s safe here on Garden before
you test out the theory of having one baby or more at a time. It’s much easier
to escape with only one little one attached to your hip.”


“I know. I’m being negative and you hate that. Sue me for
being paranoid.”

“Let’s talk about your fears and I’ll try to set you at

“You don’t have time for that. Your guests have arrived. You’re
in that beautiful dress and your groom is going to break down the door soon if
you don’t get your ass out there to marry him.”

“He can wait a few minutes. What is really wrong? Do you
think you’ll never see me? You and Gene were assigned to the building next
door. I bet if we have the computers make the windows totally clear, we could
play charades since we’re on the same floors. Blackie’s job is going to keep
him busy and we’ll hang out often.”

“It won’t be the same as living with you.”

“Do you want to move into one of the guestrooms?”

Danica shook her head. “No.”

“You could live here with us, if you want. Just say the

“No. I appreciate that but listening to you two have sex
doesn’t sound like fun. Besides, Gene made it damn clear we’re going to be
roommates. It was like yelling at a wall when I tried to tell him why that wasn’t
a good idea.”

“How goes that?”

Someone knocked on the door. “Eve? It’s Charlie,” the woman
married to Zorus called out. “You about ready?”

“Give us a few more minutes.” Eve frowned at Danica and
lowered her voice. “Are you okay living with Gene?”

“He’s demanding, pushy, and he walked around our apartment
in nothing but a pair of tight black shorts before we got ready to come over
here to your wedding. It was totally an obvious play to get my attention and,
boy, did he.”

Eve’s eyebrows lifted in surprise.

“He’s got a bod that doesn’t quit. I mean, hell, I could eat
off him. He looks that good.”

“You are lonely and he definitely is interested in you.”

“He doesn’t dance.”

“Ask him to learn. I’m sure he’d be willing to give it a
shot. Blackie is really trying to be more open with his emotions for me and he’s
doing everything he can to make sure I’m happy.”

“Blackie loves you.”

“Give Gene a chance to fall in love with you.”

“I don’t want a mate.”

“It’s pretty fantastic.”

Danica glanced at Eve’s dress. “You look beautiful. Let’s
get this show on the road, sister. I’m giving you away to a mate who can’t wait
to own you lock, stock and barrel, in every way possible. I have no doubt you’re
going to be happy and well taken care of.”

“I know. He’s amazing. I never thought I could be this

“Geez. It’s getting too mushy in here. Let’s go make this
official. The only thing that should be on your mind is the honeymoon. Stop
with the twenty questions and have some faith that I can find my own happiness.”

Danica stepped forward and embraced her. “I love you. Be
happy and know I will be too. That’s my gift to you. I’m setting you free from always
looking out for me. Blackie is your first now. That’s your gift to me. I no
longer have to be your second and follow all your crazy orders while you drag
us around the universe playing superhero by taking on bad guys.”

Eve laughed, hugging her back. “Okay.”

“Take my arm and please let me give you away. I’ve always
wanted to do this,” Danica teased. “You can be Blackie’s pain in the ass from
now on.”

Eve hooked her arm in Danica’s and they walked to the door.
Her sister opened it. A small group waited in the large living room. Councilmen
Zorus would officiate the wedding with his human wife at his side. Gene was
also present in his black uniform. Her focus fixed on Blackie, though, in his
uniform. He’d pulled his hair back into a ponytail and his smile broadened as
he studied her from head to foot.

“Eve,” he rasped, taking a step forward to meet them. “You
are a vision right out of my greatest dreams.”

“She’s all yours. Good luck,” Danica said and chuckled.

They unlinked arms and Eve reached out to her mate. He
clasped her hand in his and pulled her to his side and turned to face Zorus. “We
are ready.”

Zorus wore an official red robe. “We begin.”

“We begin,” both Blackie and Eve repeated.

Zorus took their linked hands with one of his. “I represent
the council today as one body,” he announced. “Blackie and Eve have been
granted permission to join in a family unit. If any here protest that decree,
step forward to challenge.”

Blackie chuckled. “Gene wouldn’t attempt to take Eve from me
and that’s why I only invited him. Proceed.”

Zorus smiled. “With blessings, the council now decrees this
union solid. There’s no need to kneel. Congratulations.” He released their

Blackie grabbed Eve’s waist and lifted her off her feet to
press his lips against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed
him back.


“That’s it?” Danica whispered. “No boring droning on forever
about the seriousness of the matrimonial union? No swearing a ton of promises
to each other?”

“No,” Gene responded in a soft tone. “We keep it simple.”

“Shocking but cool.”

Charlie clapped. “I love weddings. Who is ready to cut the
cake and dance? I even brought alcohol. Cyborgs don’t know anything about how
to throw a wedding reception the right way but I figured we’d do this Earth
style since it’s just us.”

Danica tensed. “Music? Booze?”

“Oh yeah,” Charlie vigorously nodded, heading in the
direction of the kitchen. “Trust me when I say regular cyborg wedding
receptions are boring. They eat a meal and then leave. I actually baked a cake
and had Zorus pull some strings to get us a few bottles of whiskey. I wanted
champagne but they didn’t have any.”

Zorus shrugged. “She insisted the couple needs to slice the
cake and each feed the other a slice of it. She said they need to dance and we’ll
have to join in.”

“Shit,” Danica muttered, staring at Gene in horror. “You won’t
drink or dance, right?”

He stepped closer, looking back at her in a way that made
her forget how to breathe. “I’m willing to do both with you.”

Panic set in. He was too sexy, looked way too good for any
woman to resist for long and a few drinks would leave her defenses down. Danica
forced air into her lungs. “Great,” she lied. “But I’m wearing the wrong shoes
for that. I need to pop over to our apartment to get flats.”

He glanced down at her high heels. “Just remove them.”

“No.” She inched toward the door. “I’ll be right back.”

“I’ll escort you.”

She darted a glance at Eve and Blackie, both of them still
in a lip lock, oblivious to everyone around them. “I’m allowed to walk around
without a cyborg at my side, right? No one will arrest me?”

“No. You are a member of our society and everyone is aware
of who you are. It is safe.”

“Great. Stay here and I’ll be back before you know it.” She
hooked a thumb toward the still-kissing couple. “Make sure they don’t notice I’m

She fled before he could argue and entered the lift. It
closed and she sagged against the wall, realizing by the end of the night she’d
probably end up naked with Gene if she didn’t do something drastic.

She wasn’t willing to risk bonding to a cyborg. Gene seemed
interested in a relationship but he might only want her for sex. The attraction
she fought when he was close set off every warning alarm inside her. She sensed
that he was the one who’d be her downfall, the way Blackie had been to Eve.

Danica left the lift on the ground floor and glanced around
the empty lobby as she crossed to the outside doors. The sun had gone down and
the streets were mostly clear of traffic when she paused on the sidewalk. A
vehicle pulled up to the curb as she took a few deep breaths and a female
cyborg climbed out of the driver’s seat. She passed by and entered the

“Shit,” Danica muttered, moving before she gave it much
thought. She rounded the machine and opened the door, peering at the controls.
It wasn’t coded with a handprint pad.

“It’s a sign, right?” She climbed in and touched the engine
button. It started and she grabbed the wheel as she pressed her thumb down to
activate it. It accelerated. No sirens sounded and no one pursued her as she
drove toward the edge of the city where Gene had brought her in earlier that
morning. Guards didn’t wait near the gates to demand she stop. An automated
system seemed to read a vehicle coming and the metal doors parted to allow her
to drive onward. She didn’t stop until she parked next to Gene’s ship.

was an older shuttle, a transport with more
engines than cargo space for quick transit between planets. It didn’t take her
long to walk up the extended ramp and unleash her claws to pry open the control
panel and cut the wires. It only took a few connections to bypass the lock.

Danica turned, peering back at the tall walls and well-lit
buildings of Garden. Eve would realize she had gone missing soon. She knew it
was a crappy thing to run out on her sister on her wedding night but Eve would
eventually understand. They knew each other too well.

Part of her debated returning. She might be in some trouble
for stealing a car and tampering with the shuttle but cyborgs owed them a few
slips in judgment. It was the image of Gene that suddenly surfaced that made up
her mind. The memory of his beautiful eyes tempted her to rush back to the
party and her hands itched to touch him.

“Fuck that.” She spun and strode inside the belly of the
ship. She kicked off her high heels and sealed the doors, ordering the ramp to

She jogged to the command center and grinned, seeing the
outdated operating system. It was programmed to respond to voice commands, old
enough to have safety features embedded. “Computer? Emergency override.
Imminent danger of planet imploding. Start engines. This is a life-or-death

“Affirmative,” the onboard computer responded.

The engines vibrated under her ass as Danica plopped down
onto the seat, reaching for the belts to strap in. “Plot a course to Titan. Do
you have that in your chart system?”


“Are there enough fuel cells to reach there?”


“Lift off now and take me to Titan!”

The shuttle thrusters engaged and autopilot took over as the
shuttle rose above the planet, sending it into space. A sense of sadness crept
over Danica but she pushed it back.

“The gift of freedom goes both ways, Eve,” she whispered. “Be
happy. I’m going to make a new life and have some more adventures before I
think about settling down. I’ll buy my own drinks at that bar.”

There was little doubt in her mind that Gene would want his
ship back. It amused her, pondering if he’d be angry enough to come after her. “Game
on if you dare, you poor clueless cyborg. You don’t stand a chance of tracking
the best bounty hunter in the universe.”

* * * * *

Gene was furious as he glared at Blackie. “She stole the

Eve stood in front of him with Blackie’s arms around her. “I
should have guessed Danica would pull a stunt like this.” Tears filled her eyes
but she blinked them back. “In a dress, no less. She never wears them. I should
have suspected she was up to something.”

Blackie turned her in his arms. “We’ll get her back.”

Eve hesitated. “Don’t.”

“What?” Gene responded before Blackie could. “She stole my
shuttle. She’s out there alone.”

Eve peered at him over her shoulder. “Does your shuttle have
fuel, food and an active weapons system?”


“Let her go.”

Her demand infuriated him. “No.”

“My sister obviously didn’t want to stay here. She doesn’t
trust cyborgs and all she ever wanted to do was return to Titan. She loves it
there.” Her chin lifted and her tears disappeared. “I’ll pay you for the
shuttle. Somehow, some way, I will. Just let her go.” She returned her
attention to Blackie. “Please? I want her to be happy and forcing her to come
back would make her miserable.”

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