HauntingBlackie (16 page)

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Authors: Laurann Dohner

BOOK: HauntingBlackie
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The engine grew louder as their speed increased. Krell
cursed from the front seat. “Hold on, we’re under heavy fire but the gates are
opening,” he said as two of the vehicles moved into position on both sides of
them to take the brunt of the attack.

The loud explosions hurt Blackie’s ears but he didn’t cover
them. His arms were wrapped around Eve, holding her in a balled position under
his torso. Her body seemed so fragile at that moment. Something hit the roof
and detonated. Her scream was muffled. He glanced up, saw that the exterior
hadn’t been breached. The vehicles protected them. Fury ate at him as he
considered how tragic the outcome would have been if they hadn’t gone to such
extreme measures to assure her safety.

“Parlis has lost his mind!” Zorus yelled. “Cyborgs will
witness this attack from the buildings nearest the walls.”

“I don’t think he cares as long as she dies!” Krell shouted.
“We’re clear!”

The explosions stopped and Blackie lifted his head, glad
they’d passed through the gates. The streets, normally clear of civilians at
such an early hour of the morning, quickly filled with stunned cyborgs as they
rushed outside, their sleeping attire proof they had recently woken.

He lifted up, sitting in a way that gave him a line of sight
out the damaged window but kept Eve pinned against the seat. “They believe the
city is under attack.”

Zorus straightened too, peering out his side of the vehicle.
“Most are looking up at the sky. Damn Parlis. He’ll cause a panic. They’ll
believe an enemy ship has opened fire on the city.”

“Let me up,” Eve pleaded.

“Stay there,” Blackie ordered, gently pushing on her back. “It
won’t be safe until we reach the council building.”

“Two more blocks,” Krell announced, slightly reducing the
speed of the vehicle.

Blackie twisted his head, noticing only two other vehicles
followed. “Where is the fourth?”

“It flipped,” Krell informed him. “A blast went off near the
front wheel. I’m listening to communications. The two men survived and medical
aid is being dispatched to them. Security is also broadcasting that the city
isn’t under attack.” He paused. “They stated it was a disaster drill and have
ordered everyone to return to their homes.”

“Abuse of power,” Zorus cursed. “How dare he?”

“You mean he lied?” Eve snorted. “Imagine that. Handsome, I’m
getting a kink being bent in half. Can you please ease up?”

He gentled his hold and turned her, giving her his lap to
lie across. “Better? Stay down. The glass is intact but I’m not sure it could
withstand much more abuse.”

“I know the feeling,” she muttered.

He looked down, staring into her pale features. His stomach
did odd things when he identified the fear she couldn’t hide. She was his to
protect and he didn’t feel as though he’d done a good job.

“I’m sorry.”

“For what? Turning me into a pretzel? It’s okay.”

He wasn’t sure what the term meant but her gaze held his and
she reached for his shirt, fisting it.

“I’m breathing still. Don’t look so grim, sexy.”

He clenched his teeth. She seemed unaware of the rage that
had him wondering if his body temperature had risen as much as he suspected.
The blood in his veins should have been boiling. No one attempted to kill his
mate without paying for the offense.

The vehicle came to an abrupt halt and he braced, cradling
her in his arms to prevent her body from flying forward to slam into the front
seats. He tore his focus from her to assess the front of the building. Three
guards waited, men he knew and trusted.

“Go,” Zorus ordered. “We’re behind you.”

“Clear,” one of the guards shouted, their weapons raised,
prepared to take out snipers from windows facing the front of the council

Fear wasn’t an emotion he dealt with often but he
experienced it as he shoved open the door and grabbed hold of Eve’s waist. He
nearly dragged her out of the vehicle and pulled her close, facing him to make
sure his body blocked her from the opposite building. His free arm hooked her
legs, lifting them to the side. Any weapons fire would have to tear through him
to reach her upper body. He even tucked his chin over the top of her head. He

Another security guard had been stationed inside at the
doors and pushed one open at his rapid approach. He entered the building and
glanced around as he paused, more than aware that she wasn’t safe yet. Zorus
and Krell rushed in after him. The scarred male got ahead of Blackie.

“Stay close.”

“We’re right behind you,” Zorus assured Blackie. “No one
stray from the plan.”

“I know,” Krell grumbled. “I’m the one who thought it out.
This way.”

The male turned left, throwing open the doors that led to
the council chambers. Blackie followed.

The doors slammed behind them and Blackie glanced back.
Zorus bolted them from the inside to prevent anyone from sneaking up behind
them to attack.

Eve remained oddly still in his arms but he was aware of her
breathing. He glanced down to check on her. She was taking in the details of
the room they passed through. Her fingers clutched his shirt and he was
relieved she didn’t protest being carried in such an awkward position. He
raised her higher against his chest and released her lower body in an attempt
to make her more comfortable.

She actually made walking easier when she drew her legs up
and hooked them around his waist. Her arms slid around his neck in a hug. He
blew out air hard, clearing away some of her long hair, which impeded his
vision. He needed to stay alert.

“It should be soon,” Zorus whispered. “We’re getting close.”

“What should be soon?” Eve whispered back, probably sensing
the danger.

“Just trust me,” Blackie stated. He kept one arm free to
reach for his weapon if the need arose.

“I do. I’m not fighting, am I?”

He almost smiled. Even under stress, the woman knew how to
affect him in odd ways. “Thank you.”

They made it to the last corridor that would take them to
the chambers when Krell halted. His sword flashed as he withdrew it, the scrape
of metal loud in the confined space. Blackie stopped, forcing Eve to let go,
and put her on her feet. She was a little unsteady but stood without assistance
when he shoved her behind him. He reached back, keeping her protected with his

“Stay there.”

She didn’t protest but he became annoyed when she leaned a
little to the side and peered around his arm to see what they faced. Parlis and
Jazel blocked the doors. Both of the council members held weapons.

“Drop the sword,” Parlis ordered.

Krell refused. “You’d shoot me?”

“You pose a threat.” The male cleared his throat. “We only
wish to speak to both women.”

Zorus strode forward to Krell’s side. He halted there, a
scowl on his features. “I am disappointed, my old friend.”

The weapon in Parlis’ fingers wavered. “Why?”

“You nearly killed us but failed.”

“I had nothing to do with that attack.”

Blackie didn’t believe it for a second.

Zorus barked out a harsh laugh. “You lie as well as you
succeeded in committing murder.” Zorus’ tone deepened. “You will lower your

“I want both women. Move out of the way and allow me access
to them.” Parlis craned his neck, attempting to get a look around Krell and
Zorus. “I need to speak to them.”

Blackie shoved Eve completely behind him. It was clear that
Parlis couldn’t see her with both of the cyborgs in his way. It was possible he’d
shoot her if given the chance. She wiggled but stopped when he glanced over his
shoulder with a stern look. She bit her lip, clearly angry, but gave a sharp
nod. He returned his attention to the danger.

“The solution here is compromise.” Zorus paused. “Hand Krell
both weapons and allow him to search you for more. He’ll take them and leave us
alone. I’ll permit you access if you just wish to speak to them. Pass your
weapons to Krell. The Cyborg Council will wonder why we haven’t entered their
chambers. I let them know when we reached the gates.”

Blackie was prepared to turn, grab Eve and run if Parlis
opened fire. Parlis’ features darkened. He glanced at the woman at his side and
gave her a sharp nod. “Do it.”

Blackie relaxed when Krell sheathed his sword, accepted the
weapons and patted both members down. He glanced to Zorus for orders.

“Wait outside and guard the doors at our back. Parlis wants
privacy and we’ll give it to him. I keep my word.”

Krell left, his features unyielding. Blackie kept Eve behind
him and waited while the male unlocked the doors and left the room.

“Where are the women?” Parlis glared at Blackie, then at
Zorus. “You were a decoy?”

“One of them is here. The other one isn’t on Garden.” Zorus
coldly smiled. “You will keep a five-foot distance from her at all times or
face violence from him.” He glanced at Blackie. “Step away. He wants to speak
to the woman.”

Blackie hesitated. It might be painful for Eve to be
confronted by the past but it needed to be done. There wasn’t a chance she’d be
harmed. He didn’t plan to let her out of his reach. Violence was a certainty if
Parlis or Jazel attempted anything. He moved to her side.

He watched Eve’s expression as she came face-to-face with
Parlis. When she paled, his chest tightened until breathing became difficult.
She wobbled a little on her feet and he reached for her. She waved off his
offered hand, never taking her focus from the council member.

He had a part to play and his control had never been tested
as much as it was about to be. The plan needed to work in order to ensure Eve’s
future safety.

Chapter Ten


“Freedom.” Eve recognized the cyborg. She’d met him dozens
of times on Earth when they’d plotted her missions to locate and free cyborgs.

His gaze widened. “Hellfire. I wasn’t told you were one of
the two survivors. It is good to see you again.” His cold tone didn’t sound

“You do know her. What is going on, Parlis?” Zorus stepped
forward, anger clear in his voice. “Is what I’ve been told true? They were
allies who helped our race escape from Earth? You never mentioned the canine
units or how many lives they saved.”

The other cyborg hesitated as he regarded the angry cyborg. “It
was classified information. Myself and two others were behind mission 895589.”

Blackie drew closer, his hands fisted at his sides. “You
left those women on Earth to die. They helped us but you betrayed them. You
gave your word to take them with us when we fled but you left them behind.”

Councilman Parlis glanced at Blackie before returning his
attention to Zorus. “It was a difficult decision but we made it. There was no
need to burden others with the information. The results were all that mattered.”

“You dishonor all cyborgs.” Blackie lunged, grabbing the
lapels of the red uniform the cyborg wore. “They were our allies, yet you
abandoned them. You had to have calculated their odds of survival once we were
gone. They were slaughtered by the government in retaliation for

Eve tensed, wanting to attack the son of a bitch too. She
held still though, too shaky to trust her current ability and coordination in a
fight. Her mate seemed more than ready to inflict some bodily harm on the
bastard. She’d settle for watching Freedom bleed. Blackie could do some serious

“Release him.” Zorus gripped Blackie’s shoulder. “Please.”

Blackie resisted. “They left them to die and knew it would
happen. It’s the only logical conclusion. Do the calculations yourself.”

“Release him,” Zorus firmly urged again.

Blackie shoved Parlis and stepped back, standing next to
Eve. She took his hand. He glanced at her, his rage still evident but his
fingers curled around hers. Zorus crossed his arms over his chest, focused on
his fellow council member.

“Explain the logic to me of allowing them to die after
promising to take them with us.”

“I don’t have to.”

Zorus’ dark eyebrow lifted. “We were grown in the same
cloning laboratory and served together. I have considered you a friend, Parlis.”
He paused. “I am asking you to tell me how you justified your actions of
leaving the canine units behind when we fled Earth. I expect an answer.”

He didn’t respond.

Zorus softly swore under his breath. “Who were the other two
cyborgs assigned to mission 895589?”

Parlis blinked but said nothing.

Blackie shot a heated stare at the female cyborg wearing the
red uniform. “Jazel, you were a part of it.”

Zorus glanced at Blackie. “How do you know?”

“She was there when I was freed. She forced a link with my
mind to show me information. I didn’t possess memories of our plight.”

Zorus addressed her. “Is this true? Were you part of the

“I was.” She didn’t deny it.

“Who else?”

“You don’t have to tell him anything,” Parlis snapped.

The woman spoke. “Fleet was the third member of our group.
We were the organizers of the mission.”

“What exactly was the nature of that mission?”

“To free cyborgs before Earth Government annihilated our
entire race. We overheard that we were slated for termination but escaped
together from one of the mining facilities we had been assigned to. But it wasn’t
just certain groups of cyborgs that were targeted. Earth Government came to the
same conclusion we had—they couldn’t continue to control us. We were too
dangerous for them to allow us to live. We discovered that all cyborgs were
scheduled for mass destruction, which meant the extinction of our species.”

“Don’t,” Parlis demanded.

She ignored his order. “There is no reason to classify this
information any longer. Relevant facts,” she darted a curious glance at Eve, “have
become known. You wished to speak to the canines to make them understand our
decisions and why it is important they keep their silence.” Her gaze returned
to Zorus. “Ask your questions.”

“Why weren’t other cyborgs told about canine units?”

“It could have compromised the success of the mission.
Everyone was given specific assignments to perform. In case of a breach of
information, it was more logical to keep their knowledge limited to their

“I understand that reasoning,” Zorus agreed. “One hand doesn’t
know what the other is doing in the event of being captured and forced to talk.”

“Correct. We needed the canine units to free cyborgs we didn’t
have access to. They still held some of our kind inside the research
department, which they had turned into a termination center. That’s where the
canine units were stationed.” She looked at Eve again. “You performed admirably
and rescued more units than we calculated. Good job.”

“Thanks,” Eve muttered. “Did you purposely leave us behind?”

“Yes.” The woman cyborg answered without hesitation.

“Why?” Zorus’ voice deepened with anger. “Is Eve telling the
truth? Did you promise to take her line with us when we fled?”

“Don’t answer,” Parlis hissed.

Jazel hesitated. “We made that promise but we never intended
to keep it.”

“Shut up!” Parlis took a threatening step toward her.

The female cyborg threw out a hand, hitting him mid-chest
and knocked him back. He stumbled but managed to stay on his feet.

“I will damage you if you attempt that again.” Jazel faced
Zorus. “We lied to the canine unit leader.” She addressed Eve. “I apologize. At
the time it didn’t seem wrong. The implants that controlled our emotions had
been recently shut off and we weren’t totally rational at all times. I have
since regretted that decision.”

Eve felt rage boil up inside. “They slaughtered my
littermates one by one as punishment for helping you.”

Jezel didn’t appear surprised. “Again, I apologize. Our
priority was saving cyborgs. You can see the logic in that.”

“Fuck you. There were three hundred of us and now there are
just two.” Eve inched closer to Blackie, glad he held her hand. She wanted to
kill the cyborg woman. She fought tears.

“There is no justification you could state that would excuse
leaving them behind to die,” Blackie hissed. “Eve deserves to hear the reason
behind it.”

Jazel took a deep breath. “Parlis argued they were weak, too
emotional and therefore unstable.”

“I did not!”

The cyborg woman turned toward him. “You stated they would
be a nuisance on the ships and an extra burden on our limited resources.” She
faced Blackie. “Fleet and I only agreed because it seemed rational. They weren’t
able to go days without food if necessary to help stretch our supplies, nor
were they trained to slow their breathing to minimize the drain on life
support. We had no information to calculate or even estimate the extent of our
journey in space. At that time we had no idea how long it would take to locate
a new home planet. The government never allowed us access to solar system
charts or to any information that might make it possible to escape Earth. It
seemed reasonable at the time to leave the canine units behind to give our
people a higher survivability rate.” She gazed at Eve. “We deemed your line
expendable due to those factors.”

Blackie released Eve and took a menacing step closer to the
woman. “Did you ever take into consideration that they were women when you were
doing your calculations to assure our race would survive long-term? So few of
ours were alive.”

Zorus put his body between them. “I wish to know the answer
to that as well, Jazel.”

The cyborg fixed her cool gaze on Eve. “We did. The three of
us discussed the matter at length.” She sighed, shifting her attention to
Zorus. “They wouldn’t have been an acceptable match for breeding purposes.”

“Who gave you the right to make that decision?” Blackie
released Eve and tried to lunge forward. Zorus blocked him by stepping into his
path again.

“Were canine women designed to be infertile?” Zorus sounded
calm. “Is that what you are stating, Jezel?”


“Stop playing verbal games,” Parlis hissed. “Those creatures
were able to breed and we knew they’d have extended life spans. That’s why we
couldn’t allow them to board our ships. We’re cyborgs!”

“You knew our men would welcome canine women into our
society if it were taken to a vote,” Blackie accused. “You weren’t thinking of
the good of our people but of your own bias against another race.”

Parlis threw out his hand and waved toward Eve. “It was
repugnant to even consider downgrading our superior DNA by mixing it with
theirs in our future generations. Our men would have bred with those animals if
we’d allowed it. That’s why you have to help me stop her from telling our
population about their existence. Imagine the horrific results it would have
caused. I prevented that from happening. The offspring of those pairings would
have fangs and claws, growling as if they were barbarians.”

Zorus sidestepped out of Blackie’s way. “Leave him alive
when you’re done. Enough has been said.”

Eve watched as her mate attacked the male council member. Parlis
didn’t even have time to lower his arm before the bones in it snapped as
Blackie gripped it with both hands. The sickening sound was heard over his gasp
of pain.

“She’s not a barbarian!” Blackie bellowed, swinging his prey
and throwing him into a wall. He hit with a loud thud and stayed down. “Eve is
a person.” He bent, grabbed Parlis by the front of his uniform and jerked him
to his feet. He drew back his fist and punched him in the face. “You should
have been left behind on Earth.”

“Enough!” Jazel attempted to intervene.

Blackie threw Parlis against the wall once more and watched
him crumple to the floor. He spun around. “Feel grateful you’re a woman,” he
warned. “You are guilty of committing genocide.” He turned his head to stare at
Zorus. “I demand they be stripped of their positions and arrested.”

Eve held her breath, hoping her mate wasn’t about to be the
one shackled for attacking a council member. She inched closer to him, intent
on defending him if guards rushed into the room to seize him.

Zorus crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m currently linked
with the other council members. We’re in agreement with you since they’ve been
watching this interaction via the recording devices concealed around this area.”

Parlis gasped, a horrified look on his face. “I was trying
to protect our race. What have you done?”

“I know your tactics well.” Zorus shook his head. “You had
too much to lose without attempting to stop the woman from speaking to the
other council members. This was the most logical area for you to privately
confront us if we reached the building. You would have attempted to discredit
anything the canine units had to say in front of the council but I correctly
believed you’d be honest when confronting her. Now the members have heard facts
you can’t dispute. We were once considered expendable because of human
prejudice. You’re equally as guilty of that atrocious crime by your actions.
The Cyborg Council has unanimously agreed to strip you of your rank and charges
are being filed.”

“What charges?” Parlis turned an ugly shade of gray.

“You committed murder.” Zorus paused. “You’re responsible
for the deaths of our allies. You represented our race as a whole when you made
that deal with them.”

“You can’t do that.” Jazel appeared shaken and a bit pale. “We
founded the council. Every decision made was to safeguard our race. That’s why
I was so cooperative while answering your questions. I believed you’d
understand. You should agree with what had to be done.”

“It’s over, Jazel. We only have one question left. Is what
Parlis stated true? Did you abandon the canine units due to your trepidation
that it would result in undesirable offspring?” Zorus arched an eyebrow,

“Yes,” she admitted. “It was deemed a relevant issue. It was
better to have stronger descendants with pure cyborg DNA than risk genetic

“Some of our children
flawed!” Blackie yelled. “That’s
why so many of them need medical attention after birth.”

Eve crossed the room to stand in front him. He appeared
ready to go after the female cyborg. Parlis slowly attempted to stand but his
broken arm hung uselessly at his side.

“We were incorrect.” Jazel lowered her gaze and her tone. “We
didn’t realize the extent of our own damage due to our dependency on some of
our implants. It wasn’t a foreseeable outcome at that time. I do regret my
compliance. We failed to take emotions into account. I am saddened that so many
canine units were murdered and accept partial responsibility.”

Cyborgs suddenly rushed through the doors and took charge of
the injured Parlis and surrounded Jazel. “Come with us,” one of them stated. “You’re
under arrest.”

“This isn’t over,” Parlis swore. “We did the correct thing.
It was to protect our race. Someone had to make the hard decisions. That’s all
we’re guilty of.”

“It is over.” Zorus sighed. “You made a grave error and you
will be punished for your actions. Goodbye, my old friend. I would wish you
long life but we both know your days are numbered.”

Eve watched them being removed from the room. “They’ll die?”

Blackie pulled her into the circle of his arms. “Yes. I will
volunteer to end their lives if I’m allowed.”

“They are the reason only two of your line survived, Eve.”
Zorus moved closer. “The council is aware of how adding that many women to our
population could have benefited our race as a whole. They and I are not in
agreement with Parlis that your canine genetics would have been detrimental to
our gene pool. We mourn their loss.”

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