Hart To Hart (7 page)

Read Hart To Hart Online

Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Erotica, #Medical romance, #Terrorism, #Mystery, #Romance, #Suspense

BOOK: Hart To Hart
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She smiled. “You know him well.”

“We’ve met a few times. Friend of a friend and all. I’m about to write up the release papers and I’ll note the aftercare instructions. You can go in, but don’t let him leave until after I release him.”

Even if she didn’t owe Vic for bringing this tragedy on him, she’d have stayed. She drew back the curtain and winced. Vic was sitting up, holding the arm in a sling. Blood and dirt caked the front and side of his blue shirt, and he sported a fresh bandage on his forehead.

He glanced up, smiled, and then winced. “I told Randy not to wake you. I’m sorry.”

“Vic. It’s okay. How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine.”

No, he wasn’t, but she’d learned long ago not to argue with him when he was in soldier mode. She sat in the chair that was against the wall. “Tell me what happened.”

He inhaled then started with the bright lights in the rearview mirror. “Next thing I knew, I was rolling down the hill. Couldn’t do anything to stop it.” The corner of one lip lifted. “The tree did the job, though.”

How could he act so casual about almost dying? “Could you tell what kind of car it was that rammed you or who was driving?”

“Except that it was a truck, no. By the time I suspected this ass was trying to run me off the road, it was too late.”

She stood and stepped next to the bed. If the hand closest to her hadn’t been in a sling, she would have held it. “I’m so sorry. If I hadn’t come here, this wouldn’t have happened.”

His brows pinched. “The accident had nothing to do with you.”

“You can’t know that.”

“You really think someone like Brian or Cal would fly out here and harm me? Or hire someone to do it?”

Their game would be more cerebral than physical. “Not really.”

Vic rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll be good as new in a few days, and I’ll find the culprit.”

“You trying to convince yourself? Or me?”


About an hour later, Dr. Carstead came in pushing a wheelchair. Vic was already beginning to fade—his eyes kept closing and his chin dropping.

“Sorry, I took so long,” the doctor said. “Here are the instructions. If he vomits or the pain worsens, call 911.”

That sounded ominous. “Thank you.”

They tried to help Vic into the wheelchair, but he kept batting away their hands. He probably would have insisted he walk out on his own, except he must have known the hospital rules.

When he finally sat down, she wheeled Vic to the entrance. “I’m parked just outside the door. Let me help you up.”

Because he only had one good arm, she was able to keep to his injured side and help him.

“I can walk.”

“I’m sure you can.” She wasn’t his wife anymore. If he ached or threw up, it would be his own stubborn fault.

Once they were in the car, she debated the pros and cons of taking him to the hotel versus going to his house. If she took him home, he’d just tell her to leave, so the hotel it was. Plus, it was closer. While the snow had stopped, the roads still looked slick.

Once in town, she pulled into the side lot and parked. “Come on. Let’s get you to bed.”

He smiled. “If my head wasn’t pounding, I’d take you up on your offer.”

“It was not an offer.”
. She would never live down her stupid mistake of showing him her breasts.

Though, how she was going to take care of him without remembering the past was anyone’s guess.

Chapter Six

ic didn’t need
a babysitter, but if it made El feel better to help, he’d spend the night. He totally got that she had no desire to rekindle their relationship, but a man could dream. Her showing him her tits had been some kind of drunken challenge, which he fortunately hadn’t acted on.

“Sit on the bed and let me take off your shoes,” she said in the same tone of voice she’d used on Charlotte when she was little.

“You can take off more than that if you want.” Christ. Why did he say that? Hadn’t he just recognized that they could never turn back the hands of time?

El rolled her eyes. “Be good or I’ll make you sleep in the chair.”

No she wouldn’t. He wanted to continue bantering with her, but he was having a hard time staying awake. Those stupid pills Randy made him take were kicking his butt. If El did slip into bed, it would have been nice to absorb her heat and at least imagine having her place her head on his shoulder like she used to. Most likely, he’d remember nothing until morning.

With some effort, he unhooked and unzipped his jeans while she removed his boots and socks. He then placed his feet on the floor and stood. Whoa. His head spun, forcing him to sit back down.

El pressed on his good shoulder. “Lie back down and I’ll take your pants off.”

Even if she had been willing to make love with him, he was too messed up to do anything about it. Once prone, he lifted his hips to make it easier for her to pull off his jeans. With his good hand, he held onto his briefs. He didn’t need a reveal just yet. Imagining the possibilities of the night to come, his cock stiffened half way. Thankfully, the drugs helped prevent a full erection.

“Now sit up so I can take off that nasty shirt. I don’t need blood on the sheets,” she said.

“Yes, ma’am. You’ll have to take the sling off first, but be careful.”

With care, she undid the snap at the neck, slipped off the sling, and then unbuttoned his shirt. Damn but she smelled good. She was so lovely, especially with no makeup. He always loved when she went all natural. With efficiency, she undid his shirt and peeled down the sleeve on his good arm.

“I’ll handle this side,” he said. Vic managed to get it off with little pain.

She took the bloody mess from him. “I’ll see if I can get out some of the blood.”

Before he could tell her not to bother, she disappeared into the bathroom. The water ran and he slipped under the covers and closed his eyes.

*     *     *


Vic had been in and out of wakefulness for about an hour, but he hadn’t wanted to move. His head hurt, as did his shoulder, but the rest of him seemed better. Unfortunately, when he sat up, a fierce ache stabbed his shoulder. “Son of bitch.”

El rushed over. “Can I help?”

As much as he’d liked another pain pill, he needed to get home. “I’m good. I just need to eat and then shower.”

“Let me help.” She pulled back the sheets then averted her gaze. “Oh, my.”

He chuckled. “I didn’t think I had to warn you.” His cock was rock hard from sleep. The meds had definitely worn off.

El turned back toward him. “I wasn’t thinking.”

She stepped away and let him ease to a stand. When he glanced at her, she was staring at the burns on his shoulder. “Pretty, ain’t it?”

“Oh, Vic. You’ve suffered so much.”

None more than when she’d left him. “It was for a good cause. We got the bastard who wanted to terrorize a bunch of innocent people for his cause.”

She pressed her lips together in understanding. “Food’s hot.”

It did smell good. This was one of the pluses to being at a hotel. Wearing only his briefs, he edged his way to the table and slid down onto the seat. Thankfully, his left shoulder was the one damaged instead of his right. She’d already poured his coffee so he brought the cup to his lips.

“Do you believe it was my stalker who tried to run you off the road or someone from your past wanting to harm you?” she asked as calm as could be.

“Remember, I’m a private investigator. I piss off people daily. My suspect list is long, but it was my fault. I should have been paying better attention.”

“How exactly could you have prevented him from ramming you? Does your car have rockets out its ass that you can shoot at people?”

He laughed, but quickly sobered. The movement hurt his head and his shoulder. “I wish. I should have sped up, but I was distracted.”

She shook her head. “We’re you trying to figure out who my stalker was?”

His mind never rested until he’d solve a case. “Yes.”

“See? It was my fault.”

He didn’t want to get into a blaming game. Right now, he needed to heal so he could get back on the job. They both dug into their meal. After he ate, he felt significantly better.

El cleared the plastic containers and faced him. “I need to change the bandage on your back. Dr. Carstead gave me extra pads and some ointment.”

“Can it wait until after I shower?”

“Sure. Your shirt should be dry. It’s hanging up over the shower rod.”

For a split second, it was like the good ole days. “Thanks.”

He stood and dizziness assaulted him, and then the waves of unsteadiness passed.

“Are you okay? Do you need help?”

With getting naked and washing his body or guiding him to the bathroom?
Don’t go there
. He inhaled and straightened. Surprisingly, his shoulder didn’t hurt nearly as much as it had yesterday. “If I need anything, I’ll holler.” He couldn’t help but smile.

She chuckled. “Nice try, but I’m not washing you or helping you dress. You get naked and you’re on your own.”

A thousand improper responses floated to his brain, but he exercised willpower. “Roger that.”

Once in the bathroom, he closed the door and inhaled. El might deny there was an attraction, but he could see she wished she could go back to those days, too. He’d changed a lot since then. What he wouldn’t give to show her the person he’d become.

Vic wasn’t kidding when he said he needed to shower. He stunk and had patches of dried blood on him. He ditched his briefs. Keeping his arm by his side, he turned on the water. When it warmed, he stepped in. The heated blast cut the ache in his head by half. Using his good arm, he shampooed his hair.

Damn. He couldn’t reach his back—the one part of his body that was probably smeared in dried blood. Guess rinsing would have to do.

El knocked on the bathroom door. “You okay in there?”

Why wouldn’t he be? Had he taken too long? He held up his hand. Crap. His fingers had pruned. “Be right out.”

He shut off the hot water, stepped out, and then worked to towel dry. He was able to replace the bandage on his forehead, but not the one on his back. After donning his briefs, he left the bathroom, carrying his rather clean shirt. “I’m ready, doctor, for you to change the bandage on my back.”

“Sit on the bed. While you were in there, I called Charlotte. Be prepared for a call. She kind of freaked.”

He sat down and sagged. “I wished you hadn’t done that. I don’t want her to worry.”

El glanced to the ceiling, acting as if it took effort not to yell at him. “She’s your daughter. For some unknown reason, you’re important to her. She should know if you’ve been injured, you lug.”

He held up a hand. “I get it. You’re right. It’s not just about me.”

“Thank you. Now twist around, so I can reach your back and see how tiny the cut is.”

They’d put in about ten stitches, so he prayed his injury didn’t make her squeamish. First she removed the old bandage, and because it was wet, it came off easily. When she stepped passed him toward the bathroom, he spotted the blood on the pad. Now, she’d fuss over him even more. Thank goodness they hadn’t been married when he’d been burned. If she’d seen him then, she’d have struggled to recover.

El returned with a wet towel. “You suck at washing.”

“Would you have come in and taken care of me if I’d asked?” He hadn’t flirted in a long time, and it felt good.

He expected an instant, no. Instead, she inhaled audibly. “Probably not.”

“I’ll remember that the next time.”

She sat on the bed next to him, and with a soft touch, she cleaned his back and reapplied the bandage. “There.”

Vic twisted around and there she was, her gaze on his face, looking hungry. “Thank you.”

He expected her to cast her gaze to the side and move away, but she didn’t. Instead she tugged on her bottom lip then let her gaze travel between his legs. His cock twitched at her perusal. He knew that look. It had
take me
written all over it. Vic leaned forward and let his lips part.

Kiss me
. Being together like this had stirred deep memories while at the same time formed new ones. He hadn’t let a day pass without thinking about her—what was she doing, if she was happy, and did she wonder about him? So what if she’d turned down a date a few months ago. That was before she needed him.

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