Hart To Hart (21 page)

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Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Erotica, #Medical romance, #Terrorism, #Mystery, #Romance, #Suspense

BOOK: Hart To Hart
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Vic reached out and clasped her hand. “I know you want to get your life back. I don’t blame you. You think I like knowing someone tried to harm our daughter? Twice?”

Guilt swamped her. “I know you’re doing the best you can, but I have a gallery to run.”

“I know. Give me a few more days. Please.”


He smiled and her heart did that flip-flop thing it always did when Vic exposed his soul to her. All she’d ever wanted was a connection with him—to know that she was important. Heaven only knew she’d put him first for so many years.

“Good. Let’s eat and agree not to talk about the case for the rest of the evening. It’s stressful enough.”

She blew out a breath. “I couldn’t agree more.”

All through dinner, Vic asked questions about the gallery. “It seems as if you really love your job.”

She smiled, happy he understood. “I do. I did need financial help from Hilton, but I had a vision of how it could be. We’re just beginning to get a name for ourselves.”

“I’m happy for you, El.”

“Thank you. You seem happier in Rock Hard than I’ve ever seen you.”

“I am.”

They finished their meal, and both of them pulled out their credit cards at the same time. Some things would never change. “It’s my treat, Vic. If you hadn’t known me, and I’d hired you, would you be paying?”

His lips twisted. That was enough of an answer. “Perhaps not, but I do have money saved up.” Once more, he reached out for her hand. “But you aren’t just a client. You are the woman I dream about at night.”

Ellie didn’t need this. It would rip her heart in two when she explained why she couldn’t stay. “Vic, don’t. Please.”

He let go. “No pressure. I just thought that while you’re here, we could enjoy each other.”

She laughed. “Enjoy each other?” She leaned forward, not wanting the entire restaurant to hear their conversation. “You mean have wild sex all the time? We’re already doing that.”

His grin dimpled one cheek. “I’ve never heard you complain.”

“You are hopeless.”

“Wait until we get back home, and I’ll show how hopeless I can be.”

Chapter Nineteen

n the drive
home, Ellie told herself she wasn’t going to make love with Vic again. It caused too much anxiety. Every time they were together, she fell for him more. His touch seemed to alter her insides. This had to stop. When she was finally able to go back home, the separation anxiety would be bad. Charlotte would bug her, but Ellie had to stay strong.

When they entered his house, she faced him. “Dinner was wonderful. Thank you, but I’m tired. I’m going to shower then hit the hay.”


He stepped into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Hmm. That was a bit odd. Usually, he made up some excuse as to why he needed to take off her clothes and ravish her. Perhaps he, too, had realized that no good could come of it.

In the past, he used to seek out his alone time. Maybe he was trying to figure out what came next.

Once in the bedroom, she undressed and placed her clothes back in her suitcase. If she had to stay another week, she’d need a few more things. She’d only brought one top that she wouldn’t mind getting paint on. Perhaps she could ask Sharon to take her clothes shopping during their lunch hour tomorrow.

Bolstered by that thought, Ellie grabbed her nightgown and stepped into the bathroom. If she could finish and crawl into bed before Vic came in, he might be convinced she was asleep. Truthfully, Vic wasn’t always the one who initiated the lovemaking. She was equally at fault—or should she say, equally weak.

Vic’s kisses were familiar, comforting, and quite wonderful. They reminded her of the days when love was in the air, before he joined the FBI.

Ellie let the water warm then stepped in, the heat soothing her muscles and helping relax her mind. Nothing bad could happen while she was here. Vic wouldn’t let it. She had washed her hair and was lathering her body when the bathroom door opened. She stilled. Without thinking, she covered her breasts with her soapy hands.

“Vic? What are you doing in here?”

“What do you think I’m doing? Sharing a shower. I thought you could check my back to see if it’s good.”

“You are so full of shit. A mirror can tell you that.”

He laughed. “Can’t twist that far.”

Apparently, he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Without waiting for her approval, Vic stepped in the large stall and moved next to her, sending the spray in every direction. “I’m not having sex with you,” she announced.

“Sex? Did I mention sex? You have a dirty mind.” He held up a hand. “Now, if you really want to make love, I won’t turn you down.” He winked.

He was too much. Ellie chuckled and shook her head. “Let me rinse, and then you can have the shower to yourself.” She dropped her head to finish cleaning her hair.

He wet his body and stepped back. Casually as could be, he rubbed the bar of soap over his pecs and down his abs. “You look incredible, all soapy and wet and enticing,” he said, never taking his gaze off her.

She was about to say her hips were too wide and her belly was too flabby, but then he’d want to show her how much he desired her. Hell, his cock was growing by the second. Damn man had to go and pick up his dick and rub it. If she asked exactly what he was doing, he’d say he was getting it clean.

Stepping away from the warm flow, she motioned it was his turn. “If you give me the soap, I’ll do your back.”

As he handed the bar to her, he smiled.
She rubbed his back, once more enjoying the dips and valleys between his spine and his flared lats. Vic was honed, strong, virile, but sleeping with him every time they were together made her appear weak. Who was she kidding? She was weak.

Spotting no more redness around the cut, she touched his stitches, but he didn’t flinch. “This is healing well.” The gash on his forehead didn’t even need a bandage anymore. “How’s the shoulder?”

Without turning around, he lifted it parallel to the floor then lowered it. “Good.”


He raised his left arm above his head. He didn’t groan, but she bet he was in pain. “Satisfied?”

“Turn around and do it again.” Oh, damn. That was what he wanted.

He did as she asked and then grabbed his cock with his left hand. “You just want to look at this, don’t you?”

Step out of the shower now.

“No. Are you finished? I need to rinse.”
Just as soon as I soap up again.

Vic moved out of the way and she stepped past him, but not before he grabbed her by the waist and pressed her against the wall. Water hit her leg. She wanted to tell him not to kiss her, but her lips refused to comply.

“I can’t resist you, El. I’ve never been more alive than when I’m with you. We’re good together.”

It would be a lie to say she didn’t enjoy his company. “It’s too soon.”

“Too soon? I’ve waited five years to get my life together. Now that I have, I want you back. We’re good for each other. We have fun, right?”

The words were ones she’d dreamed of hearing—back when they were married. “This madman has forced us together. This isn’t normal. If I’d moved out here, we wouldn’t be naked in a shower right now.”

“Perhaps, but I’m glad we are. Can’t you feel our passion growing?”

Yes, but she wouldn’t admit it to him. “Let’s see what happens after you get this guy, okay?”


Instead of stepping back, Vic dragged a thumb across her nipple, and it was as if he’d plugged in her virtual electric cord. Damn him. Despite the heated steam, the tip puckered. “What are you doing? I need to get out.” Didn’t that sound forceful? Hardly.

“Don’t you like it in here?” He leaned forward, dipped his head, and tugged on her nipple.

She pressed her palms against the wall in an attempt to stop the streaks of pleasure from eating away at her willpower. “We can’t…keep….doing…this.”

“Yes, we can. We’re consenting adults. There is so much darkness out there, and we deserve a little light. What can one more time hurt? Huh?”

That was the problem. If she gave in now, she might never stop. The second his hand slid between her legs and pressed on her pussy, her willpower dissolved like water on hot asphalt. Aw, fuck.

Her tiny button throbbed and she wanted more. Vic stepped back, grabbed the showerhead off the hook, and aimed it at her, one breast at a time.

“Don’t move, or I might have to arrest you for obstructing justice.”

She laughed. “What justice?”

“I deserve to enjoy that sweet pussy of yours, and if you try to stop me, I’ll have to take you in.”

He always did have a sense of humor—at least in the beginning. “I’ll try to be good, officer.”

“Good girl.” Vic lowered the spray. “Open your legs. I want to make sure you’re clean.”

He grabbed the soap and swiped it across her slit. After he set the bar down, he dragged his palm across her opening, making sure to dip his finger in her pussy over and over again.

“I think I’m clean,” she panted.

“Not yet. You keep leaking.”

“Ew. Am not. If you want to stop that from happening, don’t keep turning me on.”

He grinned. “I’m exciting you?”

“A little.” She’d had enough of his flirting and grabbed his cock.

He lifted her hand off his shaft. “Not yet.”

He turned the nozzle upward and aimed the water right up her pussy. It tickled and excited her at the same time. She shrieked and he stopped.

“Turn around and plant your hands on the wall,” Vic commanded. “I want to play with your tits.”

The angle would be better anyway. Besides, she liked it when he took her from behind. There was more friction and her climax was more intense. Ellie turned around, stuck out her butt, and wiggled her hips.

“You’re asking for it.”

“As long as I’m going to hell, I might as well enjoy the ride down.” She’d pay for this slip in resolve at some point, but Vic was right. Life was fragile and she needed all the goodness she could grab.

His palms cupped her breasts, and when he rolled her nipples between his forefinger and thumb, shards of bliss shattered her. How could his one touch undo her like that?

Am I falling in love with him again?

Ellie didn’t want the answer to be yes. Vic was a complicated man. Once the danger passed, he’d go back to his workaholic self, and she’d be forgotten. And Charlotte? Now that he’d won her back, how much time would he give her?

Pleasure was fleeting, so she needed to take it when and where she could. That would be her new mantra until she left for Virginia.

His cock slipped between her legs and Vic’s chest plastered against her back. “I need you.”

Over the roar of the water, she couldn’t be sure, but she thought his voice cracked. She prayed Vic could let her go when the time came. His slid a palm down her belly and teased open her pussy lips.

He slowly massaged her opening but didn’t give her the release she desired. Needing to urge him on, she reached between her legs and grabbed his dick. His pecs tightened on her back.

“You’re tempting fate,” he said.

“I’m trying to tempt you into giving me that big cock of yours.”

“Don’t you worry; I just want to make sure you’re ready for me.”

She was already teetering on the edge. After being together for so many years, he knew she was easy. What he might not know was that she was that way only with him.

She pumped her hand up and down and would have suggested she suck on his cock had he not pinched her nipples and short-circuited her brain. The delightful surprise made her loosen her grip enough for him to slide out of her palm.

Vic nudged her legs wider and pressed on her back so that she was level with the floor. He reached between her legs and strummed her clit.


“Just seeing if you were paying attention.”

“Damn you. Give me that cock.”


Not going to happen. She’d finally agreed to give into her desires and now he wanted to torment her? Ellie twisted around and flattened her back against the wall.

“What are you doing?” Vic looked crestfallen.

“This.” She grabbed his cock, leaned over, and drew him into her mouth.

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