Harnessed: How Language and Music Mimicked Nature and Transformed Ape to Man (23 page)

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One reason to go with the spatial-proximity interpretation of loudness, at the expense of the stompiness interpretation, is pragmatic: the theory is easier! Spatial proximity is simply distance from the listener, and so changes in loudness are due to changes in distance.
something I can wrap my theoretical head around. But I don’t know how to make predictions about how walkers vary in their stompiness. Stompers vary their stompiness when
want to, not in the way physics wants to. That is, if musical loudness is stompiness, then what exactly does this predict? It depends on the psychological dynamics of stompiness, and I don’t
that. So, as with any good theorist, spatial proximity becomes my friend, and I ignore stompiness.

But there is a second reason, this one substantive, for latching onto spatial proximity as the meaning of musical loudness. Between proximity and stompiness, proximity can better explain the large range of loudness that is possible in music. Loudness varies as the
of proximity, and so it rises dramatically as a mover nears the listener. Spatial proximity can therefore bring
swings in loudness, far greater than the loudness changes that can be obtained by stomping softly and then loudly at a constant distance from a listener. That’s why I suspect proximity is the larger driver of loudness modulations in music. And as we will see, the totality of loudness phenomena in music are consistent with proximity, and less plausible for stompiness (including the phenomenon discussed in Encore 5, that note density rises with greater loudness).

Thus, to the question “Is it nearness or stompiness that drives musical loudness modulations?” the answer, for both pragmatic and substantive reasons, is nearness, or proximity. Nearness can modulate loudness much more than stompiness can, and nearness is theoretically tractable in a way that stompiness is not. Let’s see if proximity can make sense of the behavior of loudness in music.

Slow Loudness, Fast Pitch

Have you ever wondered why our musical notation system is as it is? In particular, why does our Western music notation system indicate pitch by shifting the notes up and down on the staff, while it indicates loudness symbolically by letters (e.g.,
) along the bottom? Figure 37 shows a typical piece of music. Even if you don’t read music—and thus don’t know exactly which pitch each note is on—you can instantly interpret how the pitch varies in the melody. In this piece of music, pitch rises, wiggles, falls, falls, falls yet again, only to rise and tumble down. You can
what pitch does because the notation system creates what is roughly a plot of pitch versus time. Loudness, on the other hand, must be read off the letters along the bottom, and their meaning unpacked from your mental dictionary:
for “quiet,”
for “loud,” and so on. Why does pitch get a nice mapping onto spatial position, whereas loudness only gets a lookup table, or glossary?


Figure 37
. The usual notation, where vertical position indicates pitch, and intensities are shown along the bottom. The music is a simplification of the seventh through twelfth measures from Johann Christoph Friedrich Bach’s
Menuet and Alternativo
. It utilizes standard music notation. Standard notation is sensible because pitches vary much more quickly than loudness, so it tends not to be a problem to have to read the loudness levels along the bottom.


Music notation didn’t
to be like this. It could do the reverse: give loudness the spatial metaphor, and relegate pitch to being read along the bottom in symbols. Figure 38 shows the same excerpt we just saw in Figure 37, but now in this alternative musical notation system. Going from the lowest horizontal line upward, the lines now mean
mezzo forte
), and
). The pitches for each note of the song are now shown along the bottom. Once one sees this alternative notation system in Figure 38, it becomes obvious why it is a terrible idea. When vertical height represents loudness, vertical height tends to just stay constant for long periods of time. The first eight notes are all at one loudness level (
), and the remaining 12 are all at a second loudness level (
). Visually there are just two plateaus, severely underutilizing your visual talents for seeing spatial wiggles. In standard notation, where pitch is spatially represented, on the other hand, the notes vary vertically much more on the page. Not only does our hypothetical alternative notation underutilize the capabilities of the visuospatial code, it overutilizes the letter codes. We end up with “word salad” along the bottom. In this case, there are 15 instances where the pitch had to be written down, nearly as many as there are notes in the excerpt. In standard notation, where
is coded via letters, there were just
letters along the bottom (see Figure 37 again).


Figure 38
. A notation system in which vertical position indicates intensity, and pitches are shown along the bottom. This is the same excerpt from J.C.F. Bach as in Figure 37 but here the notation schemes for pitch and loudness have been swapped. This is
a good way to notate music because most of the note-to-note modulations are in pitch, not in loudness, which means an overabundance of pitch labels along the bottom, and little use of the vertical dimension within the horizontal bars. (To read the pitches along the bottom, “E5,” for example, is the E pitch at the fifth octave. When the octave is not labeled, it is presumed to be that of the last mentioned octave.)


The reason this alternative music notation system is so bad is, in one sense, obvious. In music, pitch typically varies quickly, often from note to note. Loudness, on the other hand, is much less variable over time. As exemplified by the excerpt in Figure 37, pitch can change at very short time scales, such as a 16
or 32
note, but intensities typically persist for
before they change. To illustrate this, consider the fictional piece of music shown in Figure 39 (using standard music notation). In this example, pitch hardly ever changes, and loudness is changing very quickly. Music is never like this, which is why the standard notation system is a good one. The standard music notation system is so useful for music because it gives the quickly varying musical quality—pitch—the spatial metaphor, and relegates to the glossary the musical quality that stays much more constant: loudness.


Figure 39
. An alternative kind of music that never happens (shown in regular notation). If music were often like this, then the alternative notation system in Figure 38
be sensible. (This fictional music was created by taking J.C.F. Bach’s piece in Figure 38, keeping the notes as in that reverse notation system, but then pretending they represent pitches, as in normal notation (“f4” means “ffff ”).


To get a more quantitative measure of how quickly pitches and loudnesses change over time, Sean Barnett measured the distribution of time spent on a pitch before changing (Figure 19, earlier), and Eric Jordan measured the distribution of time spent at a given level of loudness before changing (Figure 40 below). One can see that pitches typically switch after about half a beat to a beat, whereas intensities change after about 10 beats.


Figure 40.
Distribution of time spent at a loudness level before switching. One can see that loudness durations tend to be about 10 beats, and very often as long as 30 or more beats. This is more than an order of magnitude greater than the time scales for durations at the same pitch, which tend to be about a half a beat to a beat. These data were measured from Denes Agay’s
An Anthology of Piano Music, Vol. II: The Classical Period


While it is obvious why the standard notation system is smarter than my hypothetical “reverse” one for music, it is
obvious why music is like this in the first place. Why does music
“fast pitches” and “slow loudnesses”? If music sounds like movement, and loudness modulations are selected to sound like those due to spatial proximity, then the answer is straightforward. In order to significantly change loudness, the mover must move some distance through space. Melodic pitch, on the other hand, is about directedness toward the listener. In contrast to movement through space, which takes a relatively long time, a mover can “turn on a dime.” In a single step, a mover can turn about 45 degrees with ease (and typically does), which would translate to a fourth of the tessitura width (on average). Melodic pitch changes more quickly than loudness in music simply because human movers can change direction more quickly than they can change their proximity to the listener. That’s why music never sounds like the fictional piece of music in Figure 39, and that’s why our Western musical notation system is an efficient one. The comparative time scales of loudness and melodic pitch are what we should expect if music sounds like human movers, with loudness modulated by the spatial proximity and melodic pitch by the direction of the depicted mover.

In addition to the time scale for loudness modulations being consistent with that for changes in proximity, additional evidence for proximity as the meaning of loudness is provided in four Encore sections:

Encore 4: “Distant Beat”
I will discuss how the nearer movers are, the more of their gait sounds are audible, and how this is also found in music: louder portions of music tend to have more notes per beat. (This was also mentioned earlier in this chapter as we finished up our discussion of rhythm, because it concerns the interaction between rhythm and loudness.)

Encore 6: “Fast Tempo, Wide Pitch”
I discuss how, as expected from theory, music with a faster tempo has a wider pitch range for its melody. This Encore section also shows, however, that—as predicted—the range of
in a piece is
correlated with tempo.

Encore 7: “Newton’s First Law of Motion”
This Encore section takes up a variety of predictions related to the inertia of moving objects, on the one hand, and the asymmetry between pitch rises and pitch falls, on the other. We will predict, and data will confirm, that this asymmetry changes as a function of loudness: when music indicates (by high loudness level) that the mover is close, the probability rises of long pitch runs downward.

Encore 8: “Medium Encounters”
This Encore section concerns regularities in how movers distribute themselves in distance from a listener, and makes predictions about how frequently music makes use of various loudness levels.


In this chapter and the previous chapter, we have covered a great deal of musical ground (and we will cover still more in the Encore chapter). In Chapter Three, we presented general arguments for the music-is-movement theory, clearing three of the four hurdles for a theory of music: why we have a brain for music, why music should be emotionally moving, and why music should elicit movements in us. In this chapter, we have addressed the fourth hurdle, explaining the structural features of music. As I hope readers can see, there is a wealth of suspicious similarities between music and the sounds of people moving—42 suspicious similarities—which are summarized in the table below.



uman movers


. Drum Core

ootsteps areregularly repeating.

he beat is rgularly repeating.

. Drum Core

ootsteps arethe most fundamental auditory feature of human movement.

he beat is te most fundamental quality of music.

. Drum Core

ootsteps ten to be around one to two per second.

eats tend tobe around one to two per second.

. Drum Core

ootsteps usully are not as regular as a metronome.

eats are oftn looser than that of a metronome.

. Drum Core

eople’s foottep rates lower prior to stopping (

he number ofbeats per second lowers prior to musical endings (

. Gangly Nots

ootsteps areusually higher-energy collisions than between-the-step bangs.

n-beat notesusually have greater emphasis than off-beat notes.

. Gangly Nots

n addition t footsteps, people’s gangly limbs make sounds in between the footsteps.

n addition t notes on the beat, music has notes in between the beats.

. Gangly Nots

he between-te-steps gangly bangs are time-locked to the steps.

he between-te-beats notes are time-locked to the beat.

. Gangly Nots

he pattern o steps and between-the-steps gangly bangs is crucial to identifying the mover’s behavior.

he pattern o on-beat and off-beat notes (the rhythm) is crucial to the identity of a song.

0. Gangly Noes

uman-mover git sounds (steps and between-the-steps banging ganglies) have rings, and often pitches.

usical notesoften have pitches.

1. The Lengt of Your Gangly

eople typicaly make about zero or one between-the-step bangs.

usic typicaly has about one off-beat note per beat.

2. Backbone

ootsteps canbe highly variable in intensity, and we perceptually sense a step even when inaudible.

eats are fel even when no note occurs on a beat.

3. Backbone

t is not merly the temporal pattern of gait sounds that identifies a mover’s behavior. It matters which sounds are on the beat.

he feel of amusical rhythm does not depend solely on the temporal pattern, but on where the listener interprets the beats to be.

4. The Long nd Short of Hit (Encore)

eople are liely to make a between-the-steps gangly bang near the middle of a step cycle.

ff-beat note most commonly occur near the middle of a beat cycle.

5. The Long nd Short of Hit (Encore)

eople are moe likely to make a between-the-steps gangly bang just before a step than just after. (“Long-shorts” are more common.)

ff-beat note more commonly occur in the second half of a beat cycle (just before the beat) than in the first half (just after the beat).

6. Measure o What? (Encore)

atterns of fotstep emphases are informative as to the mover’s behavior.

ime signatur matters to the identity of music.

7. Gangly Chrds

ait sounds hve temporal patterns
pitch patterns (due to the pitches of the constituent ganglies).

usic typicaly has rhythm chords.

8. Gangly Chrds

mover’s temoral pattern of hits is matched to the pitch pattern (because the pitches are due to the constituent gangly bangs).

hords (e.g.,as played with the left hand on the piano) have the same time signature as the rhythm.

9. Gangly Chrds

ootsteps ten to have lower pitch than other gangly bangs.

or chords, te pitch played on the beat tends to be lower than that played off the beat.

0. Gangly Chrds

he pitches aong gangly bang sounds
occur simultaneously (unlike Doppler shifts, see below).

hords are ofen struck simultaneously.

1. Fancy Foowork (Encore)

hen people trn, they tend to have more complex gangly bangings.

hen melodic ontour rises or falls, the rhythm tends to be more complex.

2. Distant Bat (Encore)

eople that ae nearer have more audible gangly bangs per step.

ouder music as more notes per beat.

3. Choreograhed for You

oppler shiftpitch contours and loudness contours matter for the appropriate visual-auditory fit of a human mover.

elodic contors and loudness contours (not just rhythm) are relevant for choreographers in creating visual movements to match music.

4. Why PitchSeems Spatial

oppler pitchs change continuously over time.

elodic contor tends to change fairly continuously.

5. Only One inger Needed

mover is ony moving in one direction at any moment, and thus has only one Doppler shift for a listener.

elodies are nherently one pitch at a time.

6. Home Pitc (Encore)

or a mover a constant speed, Doppler shifts are confined to a fixed range, the highest (lowest) corresponding to heading directly toward (away from) the listener.

elodies tendto be confined to a fixed range of pitches called the tessitura.

7. Home Pitc (Encore)

eople tend t move in all directions relative to a listener, and to fairly uniformly sample from Doppler pitches within the Doppler range.

elodies tendto sample fairly uniformly across their tessitura.

8. Home Pitc (Encore)

itches at th top and bottom of the Doppler range tend to have longer duration (due to trigonometry).

elodies tendto have longer-duration notes when the pitch is at the top or bottom of the tessitura.

9. Fast Temp, Wide Pitch (Encore)

aster movershave a wider Doppler pitch range.

aster tempo usic tends to have a wider tessitura.

0. Fast Temp, Wide Pitch (Encore)

aster moversdo
have a wider range of proximity-based loudnesses.

aster tempo usic does
tend to have a wider range of loudness.

1. Human Cures

eople take aout two steps to make a right-angle turn.

usic takes aout two beats to traverse the top or bottom half of the tessitura (which corresponds to a right-angle turn).

2. Musical Ecounters

he most geneic kind of human encounter is the Hello–HowAreYou–Good-bye, involving a circling movement beginning when a mover headed away begins to turn toward the listener. The Doppler pitch contour is that of a hill, with flatter slopes at the bottom and top.

elodies in msic have a tendency to be built out of pitch hills.

3. Musical Ecounters

he generic ecounter tends to be around eight steps (two steps per right-angle turn).

he constituet pitch hills in melodies tend to be roughly eight beats long.

4. Newton’s irst Law of Music (Encore)

hanging Dopper pitches have little or no tendency to continue changing, consistent with Newton’s First Law of Motion (inertia).

hen melodic ontour varies, there is little or no tendency to continue changing.

5. Newton’s irst Law of Music (Encore)

ore subtly, oppler shifts possess “momentum” only when falling by a small amount.

ore subtly, elodic contours possess “momentum” only when falling by a small amount.

6. Newton’s irst Law of Music (Encore)

mall Dopplerpitch changes are more likely downward, and large pitch changes more likely upward.

mall melodiccontour changes are more likely downward, and large changes more likely upward.

7. Newton’s irst Law of Music (Encore)

xtended segmnts of falling Doppler pitch are more common than extended segments of rising Doppler pitch (due to passing movers).

ownward meloic runs are more common than upward melodic runs.

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